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п 0(тии
пнгпIЙЕьконl Шlt
Elementary ДllД2 пOчаткOви
lntermediate В1 середнiй



Advanced B2lC1 найви пй l';-.,

Щя книга мiстить захопливi icTopii про пригоди .]l

i#и" u
мишенятка на iм'я Лiнк, написанi нашою спiввiт-
# чизницею Оксаною Хацко для дiтей молодшого
"1l шкiльного BiKy. Маленький читач разом iз мише-
ням завiтае до зоопарку i познайомиться з кумед-
ною мавпочкою, незграбним ведмедиком, довго-
шиею жирафою, допитливим слоником та iншими
звiрятками. З ким же Лiнку буде найвеселiше?
Текст супроводкуеться системою вправ, метою
хWошsе Lfпk
яких с перевiрити розумiння змiсту прочитаного,
вiдпрацювати та закрiпити лексику й граматичнi
конструкцii, сприяти розвитку мовленневих нави-
чок i творчих здiбностей у дiтей. Вправи розробле-
но з урахуванням сучасних вимог методики викла-
дання iноземних мов.
.Що книги додаються пцсумкtlвий тест i англо-
аlнськии словник,


УДК З7З.5.0,16:В'l 1 ,1 1 1

Н авч ал ьн и й посiб овiдас
ни к в iдгt
чиннiй програмiз англiйськоi мови ,1
В. !.,Щ,овганець" канд. педаг, наук, доцент кафед-
ри iноземноi фiлолоriТ та перекладу Нацiонального
транспортного ун lверситету.


Хацко О. С.
х28 Мишеня Лiнк Mouse Link / о, С. Хацко; вправи,
слOвник О. С. Хацко, К. : Арiй, 2019.-- 48 с. -
(Читаю англiйською). -

lSBN 97в-966-498-71 1 -7. моUýЕ tlNк

Щя книга мiстить захопливi icTopii про пригоди ми-

Ghвpre] l
шенятка на iм'я Лiнк, написанi нашою спiввiтчизницею
Оксаною Хацко для дiтей молодшого шкiльного BiKy.
|\zlаленький читач разом iз мишеням завiтае до зоопар-
ку i гlознайсtмиться з кумедною r\4авпочкою, незграбним
ведмедиком, доRгошиею жирафою, допитливим слони-
ком Iа iнt_llими звiрятками. З ким же Лiнку буде найвесе- This story is about а little mouse. His паrпе
лiше? is Link. Не is а чеrу fr"tnny mouse. Не has got
Текст супрсlt]одDкуеться системою вправ, метою яких
е перевil.rиrи розумiння змiсту проч1,1таного. вiдпра- two little black eyes, two big ears, а little black
цювати ra зак1-1lпити лексику й граматичнi когtст;эукцti. поsе, fоur legs and а vеrу long tail. Не likes
сприяти l]озвитку мовленневих навичок i творчих злiб-
ностей у дiтей. Вправи розроблено з урахуванням су- to wеаr shorts with suspenders.
часних виt\4ог Nлетодики викладання iноземних мов. Link lives in а big city. And he has а dream,
До книги лодаються пiдсумковий тест iангло-украiн-
ський словник. не wants to visit azoo, Не wants to see other
УДК 373.5.О16:81
Опе morning Link takes а balloon. Не
1 ,1 1 1

lSBN 978-966_498_71 -7 @ XaLtKoО. С., текст, вправи,

jumps on it апd flies to the Zao.
словник,20'l 9
@ Видавництво "Арiй""', 20'1 9 не flies and flies.
Exercises lll. Put the missing letters.
st r tt п m ls
l. What is this? Write under the pictures.

n m S Sp _nd m_rn_ng
f _пп_ dr__m lmD

Chopter ll
Link is iп а big Zoo пеаr the first cage.
Не sees а vеrу big and grey animal. !t has
got two big ears, two long teeth (tusks), а
long nose (а trunk), а short tail and four big
ll. Read the sentences. "Hello! Му паmе is Link, I am а mouse.
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Ell, l am ап elephant."
This story is about а little
"Where аrе you frоm?" asks the mouse.
"l am frоm Africa," answers the elephant,
Не has got two little black , two big
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
,* .', ('-ji
, 'i j
,h iu

, а little black #!* , fоur "] like to eat leaves, plants and fruit,"
апswеrs the elephant.
ffi "What сап you do?" asks the mouse.
and а vеrу long
"| сап sing. Let's sing with пе, Link,"
Не lives in а big answers the elephant.
4 5

Апd Link with Ell sing а song з am from
4 like to eat and
"The little mouse Link апd t-he big
еlерhапt Ell,
The little mouse Link апd
the big еlерhапt Ell
Il. Match the transcriptions with the
Аrе the besf friends,
Аге the besf friends." ._.i-.#lai"*.,
-,,."] Ё..р;-}! -
. 1,;:=.'-Ъ'il]1. .
.ja.] j?з+fu]

I elrf(a)nt]

Jфi I
"Ell, сап you help me to get to another ;

cage?" asks the mouse.
"Oh, yes, of course, Link, Jump оп my
truпk. l will take you to another cage," says
the eIephant.
"Thank you, Ell. Glad to meet you.
Goodbye!" says the mouse,
"Nice to meet уоu too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the еlерhапt.

l. Complete the sentences.
1. Link is iп а big __ and the
2. lt has got two big *--, two
teeth (tusks), а
nose (а trunk), а short and
four big
6 7

l|l. Сirсlе and read.
Chcpre] lll
e5av еrУ bi8a n dgreya рi Фаl.
\\е9е Link sees а big yellow cat iп the second
gz ear cage. lt has got а big head with long hair,
аЬi ОО n
t hе f irs t са ge. sharp teeth and claws. lt is vеrу strong.
irопrэiП "Hello! Му name is Link. l аm а mouse.
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Leo. l am а lion."
lv. Match the numbers and colour the "Where аrе you from?" asks the mouse,
picture. "l am from Africa," answers the lion.
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
з "I like to eat meat," answers the lion.
.6з "What do you like to play?" asks the mouse.
ь4 .62
55 56
60 "Му favorite game is hide-and-seek. Let's

52. .7
play with me, Link!" asks the lion.
"Ok! lt's а vеrу interesting and fuппу game.

l like it," answers the mouse.


Liпk апd Leo play hide-and-seek

48 46 ,15
l} 'lб
44 .21

"And поw, Leo, l must see other animals,
Glad to meet you, Leo. Goodbye!" says the

ъi'\rrll- mouse.
Jб гз1 '" zo
з9 il

з4 зз "Nice to meet уоu too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the lion.
Link jumps оп the balloon and flies away.
8 9
Exerciges lll. Spell the words as fast as you сап.
l. Read and write Тrче (Т) or False (F). Yellow-y-e-1-1-o-w
Link sees the fifth cage. lnteresting - i - n - t - е - r - е - s - t - i - п - g
2. Не sees а big yellow cat
Balloon - Ь - а - l - | - о - о * n
З. lt has got а small head with short hair,
lV. Сап уоu read the sentences?
4. Link and Leo play football .li оJпi аэ!ll эН
.rlээе Ьпв эЬiгl ei эmв9 эJilочв} угп ,ilпiJ
ll. Look at the pictures апсl find the
.lBc wоllэy Bid в аээа эН
corresponding words оп the grid bellow.

Chcptel lV
мшm ,"+"ti-**

,#-;Ъф- Link flies into the third cage.

у -ffi-lfi*Ё
Не sees а vеrу tall animal, lt is yellow with
Ьrоwп spots, lt has got а vеrу, vеrу long песk,
а с l а W S

four thin long legs, а small head, two small
k I а с ь п
еаrs and а short tail.
W е с а ь6 е t r
"Hello! Му паmе is Link, l am а mouse.
f t е е t h m ь
Who аrе you?"
о п d t е ь "Hello! Му паmе is Raff . l am а giraffe."
d е r d с v а п "Where аrе you from?" asks the mouse.
W а S х k t "l аm from Africa," answers the giraffe.
ь а I о n t "What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
10 11

"l like to eat tree leaves and fruit," answers ll. Write the words.
the giraffe.
"What is уоur hobby?" asks Link.
1-п 2-е 3-с 4-k 5-g 6-i
"l like to dance very much. But mу brothers 7-r 8-а 9-f 10-d L1,-|
don't like my hobby and nobody dances with
mе. Please, Link, let's dance with me!" asks Raff .
L2-y 13-Ь L4-a 15-t 16-h
"Oh, l like to dance, too," SayS the mouse.
Link and Raff dance vеrу, vеrу f uппу. But
Link must fly away. L37L4L5L627
"Glad to meet you, Raff. Goodbye!" says
the mouse. 9 LLL2
"Nice to meet уоu too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the giraffe.
Link jumps on the balloon and flies 1"2з4
l. put the words in the correct оrdеr to ll. Act out the dialogue between the
mouse and the giraffe.
make sentences.
1. tall / Не / аvеrу/апimаl /sees.

2. to eat / апd /l/tree /like /truil / leaves

З. fly / But / away / Link / must .l._

J f
wd ,

4. yellow / spots / |t /with / is / brown. ffi

12 13
lV. Соlочr Ьу numbers. "Hello! Му паmе is Link. l am а mouse.
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Teddy. l am а Ьеаr."
"Where are you from?" asks the mouse.
"l am from the forest, " answers the Ьеаr.
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
"l like to eat meat, fish, plants, fruit, Ьеrriеs
апd honey," answers the Ьеаr. Then the bear
asks, "Link, can you help mе? l need уоur
balloon. lwant to fly uр and get а beehive. lt
is high iп the tree."
'Yes of course, Teddy. Take my balloon,"
answers the mouse"
Teddy takes Link's balloon. Не flies up and
takes honey from the beehive. The Ьеаr is
vеrу happy.
"|'m vеrу happy for you, Teddy, but l must
fly away. l must see other animals. Glad
to meet you, Teddy. Goodbye!" says the
"Nice to meet уоu too. Thank you for all.
Chopref V Goodbye, Link!" says the Ьеаr.
Link jumps оп the balloon and flies away,

Link flies into the fourth cage. Не sees а

Ьrоwп animal, lt has got two small ears and
two small eyes. lts head is big. lts neck is
short but thick. lts paws аrе big and чеrу l. Read the sentences.
strong. 1. [hi: 'si;z э Ьrаuп 'reпrmэl]
14 l5
2. [rts px,.z о: brg rend 'чеrI strэц] lll. Match the words with the pictures,

З. [rts nek |z Jэ:t Ьлt 0lk] * "]r,Ть*"

а. [Щk d5л,mрs Dп ба Ьэ'lu:п rend flalz forest
б Wq,

э'wеr] \\ l :-,

а tree
ll. Fill in the sentences with the words
from the Ьох.

fruit ':i3,
/ .''j

balloon paws jumps sees ъ #-.

а beehive
stroný hопеу meat forest _i]],'

r* -

'l. Link the fourth cage

.tд+\ € У
а fish
2. lts аrе big and чеrу

з. l am from the Ёф,

а bear
l like to eat_,
.,]:j , a] ];

4, fish, plants, ч;{#ffi#

berries апd
5. | пееd your
6. Link on the balloon and flies
16 17
"Hello! Му name is Croc. l am а crocodile. "
lv. Match the numbers and соlочr the "Where аrе you frоm?" asks the mouse.
picture. "l am from Asia," answers the crocodile.
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
ъ "l like to eat meat and fish," answers the
* crocod ile.
19ю 22
Link is sсаrеd. Сrос looks very, чеrу big
апd апgrу. Link wants to leave.
о а
"Glad to meet you, Сrос. Goodbye!" says
9 27 the mouse.
.29 "Nice to meet you too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the crocodile.
Link jumps on the balloon and flies away.
эt .32

.3 jr Exercises
l. Read the sentences.
Chcpte] Vl lthasgotbig ' - -:-_ andа tail
*' 1ф

Тhеrе is а grееп апimаl in the fifth cage. It has got two eyes and legs.
lt has got two small eyes, big teeth, short
legs and а strong tail. lt can swim well, but it
lt сап * well,

саппоt ruп and jump. but it саппоt

jT о

"Hello! Му паmе is Link. l аm а mouse. -
Who are you?" lt looks Wб,,
- О^

18 19

ll. Read and write Тrче (Т) or False (F). lV. lmagine that уоч are а teacher. You
]. "Hello! Му паmе is Link. l am а frog. Who must find and correct mistakes.
1. Link аrе vari skaret,
аrе you?" _
2. "l аm from Ukraine," апSwеrS the 2. Link sies the five kage.
сrосоd ile. З. Не sees а grееп animal.
3. "What do you like to eat?" asks the 4. lt is anhry.
mouSe. 5. Link jamps оп the ballon апd flies away.
4. "l like to eat cakes and fish," answers the 6. Сrос is veri, vеrу bih and апgri.
5. Link is чеrу scared
Chcprer Vll
lll. Try to speak with уочr friend. Look at
the picture and ask questions, Link sees the sixth cage with а small Ьrоwп
animal. lt is vеrу funny and active. lt has got
Ехаmрlе: 1. - /s fhis а mоusе? two small eyes and two small еаrs, а long tail
- Nо. and four long legs.
- What is this? "Hello! Му паmе is Link. l аm а mouse.
- This is а crocodile. Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Мо. l am а monkey."
"Where are you from?" asks the mouse.
-+ .]:],l.., "| am from the jungles," answers the
L 3 "What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
2 "| like to eat plants and different fruit,"
answers the mопkеу. Then the monkey says,
"Link, let's jump and count bananas with me,
4 5 lt is а чеrу funny game."
20 21
"Oh, great! l like уоur idea. Let's play а 4 [dзпmрl
little, " says the mouse. 5 [Ьа'lu:п]
6 ['dзлцg(э)1]
Link hasn't got а lot of time to play the
gаmе. Не must see ofher fочr cages. lll. Look at the pictures and complete the
"Glad to meet you, Мо. Goodbye!" says 2
the mouse,
"Nice to meet you too. Goodbye, Link!" ж
says the mопkеу. е з
Link jumps оп the balloon and flies away, 2

Exercises ffi t 5
l. put the verb in the correct form. 3

1. Link (fo see) the sixth cage, 4

2, Не (to fly) into it. 5

З. lt (fo have) got а lопg tail.

4. l (to Ье) frоm the jungles. lv. put the words in the correct order to
make sentences.
5. Link (to jump) оп the balloon and (to fly)
aWay. ]. animal/ sees/ а/ Не/ Ьrоwп.

lI. Read the transcriptions and write the 2, likе/ plants/ l/ differenl/ апd/ fruit/ to
words. eat.
1. ['fлпt]
2. [srпэ:l] 3. got/ long/ ltl legs/ has/ four.
З. [plo:nt]
22 2з
Chclpter Ylll Exerciges
Link flies into the seventh cage and sees а l. put the verbs in brackets iп the correct
big grеу animal. This animal looks like а dog. fo r m
lt has got two ears, two eyes, sharp teeth, 1 Link _
(fo see) the seventh cage.
four long legs and big paws. lts fur is long 2 . This animal (to look) like а dog.
and thick. 3 . lt _ (to have) got sharp teeth.
4 .lt (fo Ье) fantastic.
"Hello! Му паmе is Link. l am а mouse.
Who аrе you?"
ll. \lУhat is this? Write чпdеr the pictures.
"Hello! Му папrе is Grеу. l am а wolf ."
"Where аrе you frоm?" asks the mouse.
"l аm from the forest," answers the wolf .

"What do you like to eat?" asks the

"l like to eat meat," answers the wolf .
"What do уоu like to do, Grey?" asks the
"l like howling at the mооп. Let's try with \
mе!" answers the woIf .
"lt is fantastic. l am happy. But, l must see l
оthеr animals. l must fly. Glad to meet уоu, lll. Make the words.
Grey. Goodbye!" says the mouse.
"Nice to meet you too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the wolf.
::: ,,*' жо ,*ч ъч Ъ,lm ф
Link jumps оп the balloon and flies "Ф" "ry"" .ф #::ф;
,,, ",j1, ,, *...:j;* .r l _-,* ., ..-_l* , ,,,,..Ё.,.*,

24 25
lV. Act out the dialogue between the play, Link. l have got а big pocket. Yоu can
mouse and the wolf . climb into it. l сап саrrу you."
Link climbs iпtо the pocket.


"На, ha, ha. lt is чеrу funny. l like to spend

time with you, but sоrrу, l must fly. Glad to
о meet you, Кап. Goodbye!" says the mouse.
l/l] "Nice to meet you too, Goodbye, Link!"
says the kangaroo.
Link jumps оп the balloon апd flies away.
Сhорtс] lX
Link sees the eighth cage with ап
interesting Ьrоwп animal. lt has got а small l. Look at the pictures and find the
head, two small eyes, two ears and а black corresponding words on the grid bellow.
поsе, lt has also got four legs, but frопt legs
аrе short and smaIl and back legs аrе strong.
]t has got а чеrу long and strong tail. This ffi
animal сап hop fast. Y
"Hello! Му паmе is Link. l am а mouse.
а п с ь n d ь р о S
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Kan. l am а kangaroo." d А u ь t r а l i а
k а п 6
ь а r о о ь
"Where аrе you from?" asks the mouse. у
"l am from Australia," answers the v с z k I о р v х f
kangaroo. п l а р о с k е t с
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse. m l S v ь i k ь ь6
"l like to eat leaves and plants," answers m t m е i h t v
the kangaroo. Then the kangaroo says, "Let's I ь j g ч f m п d
26 27
lt. Fill iп the sentences with the words Тhеrе аrе eight оп а spider,
from the Ьох. And six оп а Ьее,
cIimb brown hop pocket Fоur оп an elephant,
But опlу two on mе.
eiýhth anlmal (sЕэI)

1 Link sees the cage *****

2 . Не sees а animal. l am grеу. l сап ruп.
3 . This сап fast l cannot catch а cat
4 .lhaveabig (аsпош е)
5 . You сап in it
lV. Сору the picture.

lll. Try to guess the riddles.

тhеrе аrе two brothers,


But they don't see each other
// ,l
(sa{a) /|
|/ \\

lt hears everything and says nothing.

(lea ue)
***** ChoprGf Х
l am quite аlопе between two little moons.
Link sees the ninth cage and he flies into
(эsоu е)
it. Тhеrе is а horse of а vеrу interesting and
***** beautiful соlоur. This horse has got black and

28 29
white stripes. lt has got two large еаrs, two
brown eyes, а soft nose, four legs and а tail.
"Hello! Му паmе is Link. l аm а mouse. 2 Не
\Z 4л ý\ into it
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Strip. l am а zebra."
"Where аrе you from?" asks the mouse. 3, Не sees а р
"l аm from Africa," answers the zebra.
"What do you like to eat?" asks the mouse.
"l like to eat grass, bark, leaves, buds, 4. This р has got шjllш stripes.
fruit, and roots. Link, сап you help mе? " says
the zebra.
'YeS, l can help you," answers the mouse. 5, lama ц}l

"Ok, please take а black paint and draw

ffi, Р;Н
mоrе black stripes," says the zebra. 6. 1 like to eat фffit}ffi,

Link drаws mапу black strlpes

"Wow, уоu'rе vеrу beautiful, Strip. But, it's

оfu** and
time to go. l must see other animals. Glad to
meet you. Goodbye!" says the mouse.
ll. Read and write True (Т) or False (F).
"Nice to meet you too. Goodbye, Link!"
says the zebra. 1. "l am from Ukraine," answers the zebra
Link jumps on the balloon and flies away.
2. Please take а black paint,
Exerciges з. l want to draw mоrе red stripes.

l, Read the sentences. 4 Link climbs into the pocket

1, Link sees the 9 cage

5 Link jumps on the zebra and flies away

з0 з1
lll. I_ook at the pictures, find the words Ghcpre] Xl
and сirсIе them.

W Link sees the tenth cage. lt is the last cage.

Не flies into it. There's а red animalwith а vеrу
'ffi fluffy tail. lt has got two ears, two black eyes,
а black nose, sharp teeth and four legs.

2. : djfhdjjsstripesjfkeijs
"Hello! Му паmе is Link. l аm а mouse.
Who аrе you?"
"Hello! Му паmе is Reddy. l аm а fox."
Jл "Where аrе you frorп?" asks the mouse.
'4["а }
з kdj ksjd ij iozebrajd kkdjew "l аm from the forest," answers the fox.
"What do you like to eat?" asks the
4. j kcn d kjjsdj kti m el kjcsdjcsid "l Iike to catch and eat small animals and
Ф birds, but my favorite food is mice. And you
аrе in mу cage," апSwеrs the fox.

5 dlkjkdrawkjckjfkjf
Link is afraid of Reddy. Не wапts to go
lV. Act out the dialogue between the
mouse and the zebra,
"Glad to meet you, Reddy. Goodbye!" says

"l Jйо the mouse.

The fox is the last animal in the zao.

W l
} Link jumps оп the balloon and flies
- .a
32 зз
Exercises l I. Complete the sentences.
1 Link sees the
l. What is this? 2 Не sees а _ animal with а чеrу
Example;This is а .,. tail .

з . lt has got
4 I like to and small
5. Не wants to go
L 2
lV. Look at the picture and describe it.
щт гffil

3 а,, 4 ,,,il

a :,. ,1_1Tlii;ll::''
6 7


Il. Put the missing letters.

ь ck

f_x sm_Il f_r_st п m

з4 з5
Fincll Tegl 6. what animal does Link see in the first
1 . This story is about ... а) Ап elephant.
Ь) А fox.
а) а little mouse.
с) А lion.
Ь) а big cat.
7. What is the elephant's паmе?
с) а bear. а) Bell.
2. What is the mouse's паmе? ь) lll.
а) Pink. с) Ell.
Ь) Klink. В. What does Ell like to do?
а) То dance,
с) Link.
Ь) То sing.
3. What does Link like to wеаr? с) То draw.
а) Shorts.
9. Сап Ell help Link to get to another cage?
Ь) Shorts with suspenders. а) No.
с) Suspenders. Ь) Yes.
4. What does Link want? Where is Ell from?

а) То visit а Zoo,
а) Frоm Africa.
Ь) Frоm the forest.
Ь) То eat cheese. с) Frоm Ukraine,
с) То visit the theatre. . What апimаl does Link see iп the second
5, Why does Link take а balloon? cage?
а) А Ьеаr.
а) Не flies to the Zoo оп it.
Ь) А lion.
Ь) Не plays with it,
с) А dog.
12. What is the lion's паmе? 18. What does Teddy like to eat?
а) Mio. а) Meat, fish, plants, fruit, Ьеrriеs, and
Ь) Lio. hопеу.
с) Leo. Ь) Meat, fish, and plants.
1З. Do Link and Leo play hide-and-seek? с) Berries and hопеу.
а) No. 'l9. What
does Teddy need from Link?
Ь) Yes, а) А balloon.
14. What animal does Link see in the third Ь) А ball.
с) А doll,
а) А monkey.
Ь) А giraffe.
20. What animal does Link see in the fifth
с) А mouse.
а) А goat.
]5. Has Raff got а vеrу long neck?
Ь) А dog.
а) No.
Ь) Yes.
с) А crocodile.

16. What does Raff like to do? 2-1. What does Сrос like to eat?
а) То dance. а) Meat and fish.
Ь) То swim. Ь) Berries and hопеу.
с) То jump. с) Meat.
'l7. What
animal does Link see in the fourth 22.What animal does Link see iп the sixth
cage? cage?
а) А zеЬrа. а) А lion.
Ь) А Ьеаr. Ь) А monkey.
с) А cow с) А frоg.
зв з9
2З. What do Мо and Link do together? 28. What does Link do with the pocket?
а) They play. а) Link climbs into it.

Ь) They jump. Ь) Link takes it.

с) They jumр and count Ьапапаs. с) Link sings in it.

24. What animal does Link see iп the seventh 29.What animal does Link see in the ninth
cage? cage?
а) А wolf . а) А snake,
Ь) Ап elephant. Ь) А fish.

с) А hen. с) А zebra.
25. Whatdoes Grey like to do? З0, What does Strip urant to do?
а) Howiing at the mouse, а) То draw mоrе black stripes.

Ь) Howling at the mооп. Ь) То draw а bird.

с) Howling at the sun. с) То draw mоrе white stripes.

26. What animal does Link see in the eighth 31. What animal does Link see iп the tenth
cage? cage?
а) А crocodile. а) Ап ох.

Ь) А camel. Ь) А cat.

с) А kangaroo, с) А fox.

27. What has Кап got? З2. What is Reddy's favorite food?
а) А big dress. а) Birds.
Ь) А big pocket. Ь) Grass.

с) А big TV. с) Mice.

40 41
Uocclbulcry саrrу ['kаrl] носити
claw [klэ:] кiгот,ь
climb [ktalm] J7азити
afraid [э'frеrd] переляканий
соlоur ['kлlэ] ко"гriр
active ['rektrv] активний
crocodile ['krпkэdаrI] крсlкодил
апgrу ['reцgrr] злий
another [а'ппба] iнший
dance [dо:пs]танцювати
апswеr ['с,:пsэ] вiдповiдатлt
different ['dlf(э)rэпt] рiзний, iнший
away [э'wеr] далеко, гетъ draw [drэ:] маJIювагLI
в dream [dri:nr] мрiя
back [brek] назад Е
baIloon [Ьэ'lu:п] повiтряна куля eighth [ert0] восьмий
bark [bo:k] кора elephant ['еlrfэпt] слон
Ьеаr [Ьеэ] ведмiдь F
beehivc ['bi:harv] вуJIик fantastic [fюп' tюstrk] фантастичний
Ьеrrу (_vttrlж. berries) ['berr] ягода fifth [tlf0] гl'ятий
Ьrоwп [Ьгаuп] коричневий first [fз:st] перший
bud [Ьпd] брупька fl uffу ['flлfi] гIухнасr,ий

с fly [flar] .itiтати

cage [kеtdз] клiт,ка forest ['fnrrst] лiс
42 4з
fоurth [fэ:0] четвертий J
frопt [frлпt] переднiй
jumр [d5плmр] стрибат,и
fuппу ['fлпr] смiшний, кумедний
kangaroo [.kюцgэ'ru:] кенгуру
fur [fз:] хутро
leaves [li:vz] листя
giratTe [dзl'rо:fl хrираф
lion ['lаrэп] лев
gre.v [grer] сiрий м
н meat [mi:t] м'ясо
hide-and-seek [hard юnd si:k] гра у xoBatlк}I mопkеу ['mпцkt] мавIIа
high [har] високий mооп [mu:п] мiсяць

hobby ['hobr] хобi mouse (множ. mice) [mausj миша

honey ['hлпr] мед 1{

hop [hпр] стрибати neck [nek] tшия

horse [hэ:s] KiHb ninth [narnO] дев'ятий

nobody ['пэuЬэdr] HixTo
howling ['hаulщ] вити
idea [ar'drc] iдея paw [рс:] лапа
plant [plo:nt] рослина
interesting [' rrltrrstrц] цiкавий
44 45
pocket ['pnkrt] кrlшIеня tall [tэ:l] влtсокий
R teeth (оdн. tooth) [ti:0] зуби
rооt [ru:t] KopiHb tenth [ten0] десятий

ý thick [0tk] товстий

scared [skеэd] cTpaIIlll() thin [0rn] тонкий,, худий
second ['sekand] дру1,1rii third [0з:d] третiй
seventh ['sеч(э)п() | cl,tlMtlrй together [tэ'gебэ] разом
sharp LГо:рl loc,1,1,1l l ii trunk [trпцk] хобот
short [Гэ:tl lcrllrrl t ltltl)i try [trarl спробувати
shorts |л|э:ts I IIrtlр,r,и
tusk [t,tsk] бивень
sing I sll1 | сllilзit,t,и W
sixth Isll<s()] шrостий well [well добре
soft Isrllil м'який wolf [u,ulf] вовк
spend Ispend] провести
spot fspntl пляма yellow Ilelau] жовтий
stripes [strаrр] смуга
strong [stюц] сильний
suspenders [sas'pcndэz] пiдтяхtки zebra ['zi:brэ] зебра
swim [swrm] плав€rги
tail [tetl] xBicT
46 47

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