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Еlоmопtаrу f,l/А2

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Ё -.."Jd", ", fu;lrl

Advanced B2lC1 найви иЙ

Yci дiти люблять кilзки. 'lЪllс1l lt()llll l\,l()жчll, () tllil

йомитися з ними Mol}()l() tlриl itli1,1lv llttt;ttlt Tr ;tttt ltiti
ською но лише цiкаI}о, а Й Ktllrttcttrl.
Щя книга мiсти,гl, lIlic,1,1, K()l)()l(,lll,Kll\ lril t(,lч, ,,]It,lr
та МИшеня>>, <<Трое ll()p()crl l,", ,,'|'lltlt l\l;1,1t,ll1,1rll\ h()
шеняТ)>, .,Суп iз KaMctl1()>, ('I'l)()( к() l(,ll}I I l lll()lll.,. t

<,Як лисиця сир дiли;lrt>. y'vtittll,()ltillli lt,t,r,lll l)() l|)i l\()

BaHi за складнiстю /ljIrI yrl l l i lt l |()llil l K()lll t \ t. rlil(, l tt, l lr lt t l

супроводжуютьсrl сис,l,ом()l() lllll)lllt, l\It, l()l() tlkll\ ( ll(,

ревiрити розумiн}{rl Ilp()ll1-1 l,:lll()l (). ltillll1l:ttll()llil l ll l:l
закрiпити лексику, сt,lриrl,|,и l)() lllll 1,1(ч l\l()ltll(,1lll( |lll\
навичок i творчих здiбнtlс,l,сй у ,rlilcii. l}tl1llttlll 1ltlt
роблено з урахуванням cyllilclIиx ltllM()l, мс,l,()ilик1.|
викJIадання iноземних Mol}.
Що книги додаетьсrl ан гJl()-украТl tc l,K и й c.;l ttttl t l.t к.

т r(

jlPI е Mouse
УДК 373.5.0'16:81
,1 1 1

Н авч а.п ь н и й пос iб н и к в iдп о в iдае
ч и нн i й п рограм i з ан гл iйськоi' мо ви

В. В, 3iневич, доцент кафедри германських i
романських tйов Ки[вського нацiонального rtiнгвiстиtч-
ногlэ ун верситету, кандидат ф iлологiч н их наук
i ;

С. С. Наrарна, доцент кафедри германських i

poMaHCbKt4x мов Киiвського нацiонального лiнгвiстич-
ного унiверситету, кандидат фiлологiчних наук,

лз4 Лев та мишеня The Lion and the Mouse; адапт.

К. : Арiй, 2019.-
та вправи О, В. Магдебури.
32 с.
-(Читаю англiйською).
lSBt{ 978-966-498-4з4-5.
Щя книга плiстить шiсть коротеньких казок: .Лев та
МИШеНЯ>, "-ГРОС пtэросятu, uTpoe маленьких кошенят>,
пСуп iз каменю>, uTpoe козенят i трольu i uЯклисиця сир Three Lirrle Kittens
дiлилаu. Маптованi гексти розрахованi за складнiстю
для учнiв початкових класiв. Вони супроводжуються
систеr\лою вправ, п/етою яких б перевiрити розумiння
прочитаного, вiдпрацювати та закрiпиtти лексику, спри-
яти розвитку мовленневих навичок i творчих здiбностей
Тhrее little kittens аrе in the уаrd.
удiтей. Вправи розроблено з урахуванням сучасних ви- They аrе а black опе, а white опе and а
мог методики викладання iноземних мов,
,Д,о кн и ги додаеться ан гло-украТн ськи й словн и к.
Призначена для учнiв загальноосвiтнiх i спецiалiзова-
grеу опе.
They see а little grеу mouse that
них шкiл, гiмназiй, лiцеiв, а також широкого кола читачiв,
якi вивчають англiйську мову самостiйно.

УДК З73.5,016:81 1.1 11

jumps into the bag of flour. They do it
lSBN 978-966-498-434_5 @ Магдебура О. В , адаптацlя. too! But the mouse ruпs away. Now the
вправи, словник, 201 5
@ Видавництво "Арiй,@, 20] 5 white kittens come out of that bag!
1 Match the words iп the Ьох to the
right plctures.

rт"}$iлýЁ pIpe r iw*r lqittеп Ь*х

f rmg fEsh h*g *f fý*ur

. _ z-i,
-1ш i/,:
k 1l ,
,; --;
ý ,

' "':
ж ti:)lil,
i ",.,l'j]
' -'1-\*i:'

Three white kittens go to the yard апd

see а grееп frog. lt jumps into а dark
pipe. They do it too! But the frоg jumps
away, Now the black kittens соmе out
of that pipe!
Тhrее black kittens go to the riчеr.
They see а fish. They want to catch
it апd jump into the riчеr. They can't
swilT , Now they аrе wet but сlеап. They
go hопlе happily!
4 tr

2. Complete the sentences. Тhеп
read the story again and check.
1)Three little kittens аrе iп
2)The mouse jumps into
З)Тhе frоg hides iпtо
4)The fish swims in

3. Read апd circle tlre words, Write Thrce litile pigs

them into уоur copybook.
р Sоýд
-ф Ф @ rý6 ф Тhrее little pigs live пеаr the forest.
фФ Ф
ф ф
ф' ф* Ф % They аrе а rоsу опе, а black one and
ф ффu
/ее реаф' а white опе. They are пiсе and funny,
They аrе good friends. They like playing
4. Gаrпе time. Walk around the and singing.
class and ask уоur classmates as Опе day White Pig says that cold
mапу sentences as possible. Use
winter is соmiпg. So they must build а
the words from exercise 3.
wаrm house.
- Сап you sing? Black Pig and Rosy Pig don't agree.
- YeS, l сап
They want to play а lot and build their
Сап you fly? houses quickly! That's why they аrе
No, l can't. building three houses.
6 7

1 . Look at the pictures and add the
пrissiпg letters to complete each


'21; Ф*1 ,ц,r

White Pig is making his house of W*r}*Ф* hr fa

Black Pig is гпаkiпg his house of
sticks. ЁФi;*:.,-,"1;;;я*
Rosy Pig is making his house of grass. Sc p*f* ý*g gr*ý*
Then they start singing and dancing
again. 2. Answer the questions.
1 ) How mапу pigs live пеаr the forest?
Soon Wolf comes. Не is huпgrу. Не
wants to eat little pigs. Не puffs the 2)What do they like dоiпg?
house of sticks. Не puffs the house of З) How mапу houses аrе they building?
grass. But he can't puff а brick one. 4)Whose house is the best?
Little Pigs аrе hiding in it. lt's wаrm 5) Who is hungry?
inside. Now they аrе чеrу happy! 6)Where аrе Little Pigs hiding?
8 9
З. Look at the pictures, use the words
from the Ьох and fill in the croýýword. use
the words right апd уоч сап read what
helps Little pigs to avoid huпgrу Wolf .
w*пtеr f*rest аьпtg"*аm* ршffЁrтg Ьжf;Idýязg
trзшпgrу ярrfrrэg w}tЕt* ýшrт!}тtёtr sЕпgirъg

,;i hРч.'-,.
," * .!li
ý "& ь чГ
,*, ,а., +i}"qi
о , *ll ;ffi - fid 'fi' 'ur
al о
The ý*ory of Three Oocltg
N-'-.-л_ о ч

ы.W# ffi".
l bl i'iilМr1

This is а stоrу of three Goats: Big

t:::;,t::i]:}Yф *.*,.,,

I 8 9 10__
Goat, Middle Goat and LittEe Goat"

Опе day they еге walking пеаг the
J. rivеr апd sBfl l*r:g, ýrееп gгеýs с:п the
4. othei"slcle ot the в,iчеr.
Blg Goat sауs that they can't сrсýý
the ЬridgЁ. А big "Гrоll livеs [Jпdег it" Вut

8 Little Goat sayý he caB,l do it, Не starts

9 сгсss!пЕ" Trol['s Lэig fiпgеrs аrе оп the
10 Ьridgе, Little Goat is clever апd сап
lf you do everything right, you will read the word сrсss the Ьriсlgе between them. Nоw
'friепdshiр' iп the middle of the сrоsswоrd. Guess
for it mеапiпg, he's eating grееп grass!
10 11

1 . Match the words in the Ьох to the
рi*turеs. Make 5 sепtепсеs with thBm"
s**t ЬrfrгJs* riчеr grffiss
fЁжg*rж ýз*rжg tr**ý



Middle Goat wants to eat grееп gгmss

too, Не is с|еvег too. Не tip-tot]s сlч*r 'ý

}-,, ъ


ttle Lэridge" Апd поw he's eatlng gгееп -d ь-

grаss too! '*ф ф*/
Big Goatwantsto bewith his Ьrоthеrs.
Не asks Тrоll let him crоss the briclge.
2. Match the halves of the sentences"
Troll doesn't rr,rапt it. Не gets опtо the
bridge, Big Goat is сlечеr and strong. Read them aloud"
не hits him with his horns and Тrо|l falls *} TB"*[l *аrt't ] ш}witГt hýs hgrпg" ;

into the wаtеr. ý} Littýe ffоаt : h}*wЕвтъ wеýý"

Troll can't swirn well. Goats help him

З} Не hits hirзз с} is *Ёеvеr-
to get out. Now thеу'rе friends and they
сап cross his bridge еvеrу day. 4} They *ап't : d}cross th* Ьrldgs" j

12 13
3. Gomplete the sentences with the
words frопп the Ьох in the соrrесt
fоrrп" Тhеп read the story and check
уOur апSWеrS,
шшdеr *lеv*r пяith l*жg bвg

1) They see grееп sгаýý

2} Тrоll's ___ finEers аrе оп the bridge.
3)Big Goat is апd strопg.
4) Big Goat wапts to Ье his
5)А Ьig Тr*ll lives the Ьridgе

4" ffiаrше tirme, &sk agтd аffiswgr

wlaich piece is ltllEne?
щк***tý*шs" Шgе thъg шя*rdж fr*жъ t}t* h*х-
* *,*kg * hЁж*цяýt * t*а"тъ*t*
*п *ruý*,цt * f;gж**з жm ýgе trr#ffiffiз t** Cat and Rabbit аrе good friends. Опе
ж,*t*у" жррýе ju*ý** *сэffе* **ý* day they f ind а big piece of cheese in the
forest. They like it vеrу much. They want
Ф,gr, -* D* уоu lik"e ап apple?
to cut it into two pieces. Rabbit cuts the
-- YЪs, l cjo.
cheese but опе piece is а little Ьiggеr
Dо уоu like а pizza?
- *- No, ! don't than the оthеr. Cat wants а bigger опе.
Rabbit wants it too.
14 15
Matchthe halvesof theserTtences,
тhеп read them аlоud,
l *} *mt ажd Ж*hhýt mrе ; m} *ýсь*r ***ý кВу"

2i F*к *al-*
j 1з1 l*я.нtз* ftлr t"Гl*ж. j


ý}S}T* Е* v*rу *; K**,t* fr,**п**g

4} ; *3 t"ч,-, *t?**ss"

ý} it's а sаd i *} }relp t}з*rтз

2. Look and circle the соrrесt wоrсl.

Fох waIks Ьу and says that she сап
help them. She bites а bigger piece
too much and поw the other piece is
bigger. She bites the other piece but
поw the first piece is bigger agaln. а. little d 1,у0 lf
ь, big h fox
She does at mапу times. Then she
eats uр the first piece and does it with

the second опе. She is clever and sly.

After this she ruпs away. '+

#"# .;F1
Now Cat and Rabbit have по cheese. а. cat а, the tirst
lt's а lesson to Ье сlечеr in future. Ь. rabhit h, the sе*опd
16 17
3. Find the words in the Ьох. Use
different ncils to aint them.
*at *lеvеr gо*d *[т*еs*
rжhhýt f rýешd
l l'tl а +
L с) d f
,'r ct I 5 W а j {

Cj df л L]
l I

t"l }^, к d I е
() l.\
lI ý э lf
l п
р r о I
L Ll d
ё а !
l \/
r t) t гl
r а t) ь I t I
yппе ЬЕож* ýmd the fillошsе
4. Read the text аgаiп апd mаrk the
sentences Тruе оr Fаlsе. соrrесt
the wrопg sentences. А lý*лз [s sl*л*рiпr: шпсi*r а trеg. Не
апd se*s а mошs*
1)Fох and Rabbit аге good
&"леаrs s{"}mФ п*л:*е
пеаr his гt*sе. }-Е* cai*tres h*r lзл":t thrэ
f riепds.
rт,t*э{-lýе ргсг!"lisе.g to h*ýр }iim *rпе day"
2)One day they find а cake iп the
Th* lion lаughs at h*г al:r,j ý*ts Глеr ruп
forest._ аwffу- F{е is ч*rу klnd.
3)Rabbit cuts the cheese._
4) Fох cuts the cheese too Ayourig hltnter walking in the forest

5) Friends аrе sad апd unhappy._ апd hears liori'ý rоаr. Не i:Ltts а пеt пеаг
6) Fох gives them а good lesson the riчеr.
18 19
1 . Match the words iп the Ьох to the
рiсtшrеs" Make 5 sепtепсеs with them"
tr** r*р* ýi*rt ýззфжs*
t**t}з ýз*s* h**rэt*r rз*t

-,} ъýiti-


, *!&,.

Опе Сау the iion is thirsty. goes to

the riчеr" Не doestl't see the пеt. Апd &,
it cetches him. Не can't get ошt" Не is ,|,/-
, ч-44 N '



Suddепlу he sees the mouse, She

сап help hirn. She is working lvith Г;еr
shеrр teeth, Sооп she cuts the first 2. Which is the best mоrаl of the story?
)lt's поt good to sleep uпdеr а tree.
rоре, then апоthеr and апслthеr.
Now the liotl is frее апd happy. А 2)The mouse сап help уоu.
friend iп пееd is а friепd iпdееd. 3)Ве kind апd help each оthеr.
2о 21

3. Look at the sentences. Circle and

read аlошd the sentences which аrе
true to the text-
1}The lion is sleeping оп а tree.
2)The lion is sleeping uпdеr а trее.
З)Не ýees ап ant пеаr his поsе,
4) Не sees а mouse пеаr his nose.
5)The !iоп is апgrу,
6)The lion is kind.
7)А уоuпg huпtеr рuts а пеt пеаr the
8)An оirJ mап puts а net пеаг the river,
9)The rгiФt;ýе helps the |iоп.
ýtоmе ý*плр
10)The hr-лпtеr }:elps the liоп.
Ап old mап iп чеrу old clothes Gоmеs
4, rь*ttht* sепtепсфs iп а Ё*giсаlоrdеr. to а woman's hошsе. }-le asks f*r some
lJse thепъ ffs а g:зtап tg telt the st*ry, food. Вut the wоmап is чеrу grееdу"
__ .Оriе *;ly th* li*ri ls thiгstу- She says that she has поthiпg to eat at
"_. А hL;пtеr ршts а пеt пеаr the riчеr.
__. The gчstjse сшts the first rсре. The mап says that he has а magic
_. The iýоп catches tho ff!оuýе. stone and сап cook soup. Не needs
опlу some waten А grееdу wоmап
.-_, Nоw the liоп is free апd happy.
thinks аЬоut а magic stone and Ьriпgs
_. The гfiоusе promises to help him. wаtеr.
22 23
1 . Look at the pictures апd
the rnissing wоrds. Тhеп rеаd the
sепtепсеs аlоud.
'L l,/-

* ,I,*i

".##rr. * ::**
"Ж\:-", #
'| ii
,ffi ,;
П ýl'
:'ffi .
*+ца++* ,]F

Tlie Sооп he
i}liзгl siагts cooking.
tastes soup. Не says that it's чеrу
good but it just needs some salt and
vegetables. The wоmап brings them.
She wants to eat stone soup, The mап а) Ап mап comes in а vеrу
says that it is good to have rпеаt iп soup. clothes.
The wоrпап brings it. b)l have а magic and carl
cook soup,
Now the mап can't see the stone. The
soup is ready. The wоmап brings some c)We need some
bread. They eat stone soup. The old and _
to cook soup.
mап gives а magic stone to the wоmап d)The wоmап likes to eat
fоr best cooking. vеrу much.
24 25
2. Fiпd in the text and aloud the answers
to the questions.
1 )How does the mап look like? А bridge [Ьrrdз] MicT
2)What does he ask? about [э'Ьаut] про brother ['Ьrпба] брат
З)Ноw does the wоmап look like? activity [zek'tlvrtr] build [blldl булувати
4)What does the old mап have? дiяльнiсть tlut [b,tt] але
5)What does the woman Ьriпg? add |юd] додати G
аftеr ['о:ftэ] пiсля
6) Do they eat stone soup? сап [kюпlмOжу
аgrее [э'gri:]
catch [kretЛ ловити
3. Read and circle the words. цоrcдх(уватися
all [э:l] все check Iфk]
Ll ь
aloud [э'lаud] вгоj]ос перевiрити
апd [эпd] i, та classmate ['klo: s.mert]
another [э'ппбэ] ще однокласн}tк
одлlн, iнrлий clean [kli:n] чист}Iти
4. Crossword time, Find 7 names of аrоuпd [э'rаuпd] clothes fklэuбrz] оляг
food we сап use to cook sot|p. Paint навколо
I{aBKpyI,}I, сirсlе [sз:kl] коло
the words in different eolours. Make ask [o:sk] питаги cold fkэuld] холодний
avoid [о'чэrd] уникати
5 sentenceý with them. соmе [kлm] приходити
m о е k
в complete fkэrn'pli:t]
р z а р
best [best] найкращий дOповнити
е п р о n о п
cook [kok] готувати

а Ьеtwееп [bIt'wi:n] мiжt

k а t r m k с copybook ['kopr,bclk]
о biscuit ['brskrt] lrечtlво
t m а t о S W зошит
bite [balt] кусати
i h f t с а d а Ьох [bnks] коробка, соrrесt Ikэ'rеkt]
а q о х е t виправляти
l i
S а I t а k V е Ьrеаd [bred] хлiб cross [kюs]
с а r r о t у r brick [brIk] цегла перетинати
26 27
сrу [kral] крIIчати, fuппу ['1nnr] how mапу ['hао.mапl] look Iluk_] jiивитLIся
IIjIaKal,pl кумелнltй cKi.TlbKt,r
future ['tju:ф] hungr"v ['hпцrт]
D голодllиIi magic ['iпirdзrkj
dance fdo:nsl магiчтлиi.i
& I mап [mntil люллtна.
ice сrеаlп [ars'kri:nrl .tо.повili
dаrk [do:kl теп,ttlltй gап}е [gcrrT] гра
diffеrеп t |'tl r Гrгllit'l give Iglvl лават,и lЪdOРOЗ}tВО mапу ['пlr rll] баrгаr"о
"cii:d] mаrk [rпо:k|оцiнка
рiзтlл.тй цо:аt Ig.:Lltl лttlзе;l int{eed I rп ;ttiicllo
tirt [du:l gootl I guqj] xopr_;lttitii it [itl l1tl, Bitt. Boi]a, ntaiCh [rл;.,t"il з' (]дt{а,I I;l
il*эfi li,l i,l
gr:rýý flgгtl:s] гpiriJa BObl() meaning |'пri:пrц]
в з[lriчення
grcedy ['gгi:dr] J
drvery |'гr,rll KOiKcH meat [mi:t] }гl'ясо
juice [dзu;sl cii< mcct Irnl:i i зус,l,рi,lit,гll
exercise i'r:ksэ. sarz guеýý [ur:s1 з;лtll iliiкa,
just |_d5lstl ш:,оiiно middle Imidl]
RllpaBa з.ji()I,irду l]rIt i.t ся
еуе [al1 tlко к
н mine [шаrпl NlOя, ]\4ос"
F kind fkalnd] лобрлrй моТ
half [hti; l] полсlвлtна
fall [fэ:1] па,дат,лl happily ['hreplh] t miss [mr-ч] пропускати
moral ['mпrаl]
false [Гэ:ls| нсItравда щасJIиво laugh [lo:fl спtiятltся моральни}"I
fill [fIl] заповнювати hеаr [hrэ] чут,и. lesson ['lesn] урок mоusе [rTar:sl ми[ша
fiпgеr ['Г,цgа] палець слухати let [let] дозволити muсh [шлlfi багаго
fi rst [,i:з:st] гrерrшlrli help [help] допопtагаrи letter ['lеtэ] лист must [mлst] повине}{
fiоur ['flаuа] бороrrrно hide [hard] ховати like fllark] любити. mу [maI] мiй, моя, шлос
tbod [fu:d] Тжа him flhrrn] йому подобатися
forest ['Гтrэst] лiс his [hrz] його lion ['lаrэп] лев t{
trее ffii:j вiльнiай hit [hrtl влучати в цiль live [lrv] жити need [ni:cl] треба,
friendship ['trendfip] hоmе [hэuш] додому logical ['lпdзikl] потребуватлt
лружба horn [hэ:п| рiг логiчниt:i net [nct] ciTKa, ловити
frоm [fruml з hоusе fihaoz] будинок long [Iuц] ловгий сiткою
28 29
nice [nars] гарний а sоuр [su:p] суп V
noise [ncls] галас. шум
question ['kwеsфп] stick fstlk] палицЯvegetable ['чеdзrtэЬl]
nothing ['плOrц]
питання stone [stэоп] KaMiHb :. -
нiчого, Hirrio
quickly ['kwtklt] швидко storvJ l'stnrtl
L ,
поw [nacl] зараз чеrуLчггIl_:1уп(с
R strong [strпц] слtrlьний Ж#

rabhit ['rюЬrt] кролик suddenly ['s.l,dэnh] walk [wэ:k] гуля'*

onion ["ппjапl i{ибу:rя
only ['эtlnill тiльки read fri:d] чи,гати рап,гOм Wаrm [wэ:ш] ,i.сгtлий
grdеr ['э:dаi tтаказ, ready ['rBdr] готовlлй swim [swrm] плавати want [wnr"lt] хотi.глr
rоаr [rэ:] рI]чати
rоре [rаuр] шrотузка
т well [wel] добре, гаразл
оthеr [',tёаj iншrий П'tОКРИЙ'
ошt of [aut rэv] з rоsу ['rэuzr] рожевий take [teft] брати, взятII
taste [telst] смакувати what
over ['эtrча'| над ruп [rлпl бiгати [wct] що, який
tea [ti:] чай whеrе [wгз] де, куди,
р ý tell [tel] розповiдати звiдки
paint [реlпt] salt [sэ:lt] сiль than [ёreп] нiж rvhich [wrtл якиli,
say [ser] скаjJати then [беп] тодi котрий
piece [pi:s] шп{аток second ['sekand] другий think [Oiцk] дуNrати who [hu:] хто
pick [ptk] зрI{вати, see [si:] бачити thirsty ['0з:str] спрага, why [wаl] чоплу
збирати sentence ['sentans] хот:iти пIIти with [wrб] з
picture ['р,kф] речення time [taIm'] час, раз wolf [wulfi вовк
карти}{а shаr;э [Jo:p] гострий tip-toe ['ttр,tэu] wоmап ['rчоmэп] жiнка
pipe [patp] труба side [saId] бiк, сторона НаВШПИНЬКаХ word [wз:d] слово
possible ['pnsIbl] sing [srц] спiвати too [fu:] такOж, занадто wrong [гоц]
можливо sleep [sli:p] спати truе [tru:] правда неправиJIьний
promise ['pmmrs]
sly [slar] хитрий
so [sэu] отже UY
puff [рпfj дмухати some [snm] декiлька, under [',r.ndo] пiд yard [cr:d] подвiр'я,
(пускати пари диму) трохи use [ju:s.] двiр
put [pot] покласти soon [su:п] скоро використовувати уоuпg [л.ц] rиолодий
зо 31

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