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Еlеmепtаrу початкOвшй

lnte в1 (ередн о

Advanced 1 найви пй
(g( а а
ТТt} D

Yci дiти люблять казки. Читати iх англiйськоtо \ '}

мовою не лише цiкаво, але й корисно.

Ця книга мiститъ адаптованi тексти вИоN{их ка-
зок: <.Бiлоснiжка та семеро гноI\дiвr>, .,Чоботар i ель-
фио братiв Грiмм та <.Красуня i чудовисъко>> Ш арля
Перро. Вони супроводкуються систеI\dою вправ,
метою яких е перевiрити розумiння зшлiсту, вiдпра NN-

цюваrч.. та закрiпити лексику i граматичнi кон- \\N\

струкцl1 , спри яти розвитку мовленневих навичок i \\,

творчих здiбностей у дiтей. Впр ави розроблено з

сучасних вимог методики викJIадання
книги додаеться англо-украiнсъкий словник.

д /a'r cs
ý/ ý)

"\ .',,
'j\. ,\l,,
ý.u., , ,: "\lil,
УДК 373.5.016:8l1.111
Навчал ън и й посiбн и к вiдповiдае
чиннiй програмi з англiйсъкоi' мови.
в. в, 3iневич, доLlь\нт кафедри германських i романських
мов Китвського нацiонального лiнгвiстичного унiверсиiету, канди-
дат фiлологiчних наук;
с. с. Нагорна, доцент кафедри германських i романських
мов Китвського нацiонального лiнгвiстичного унiверситету, канди-
дат фiлологiчних наук.
. Грiмм, брати.
г84 Бiлоснiжка та семеро гномiв = snow white and the seven
Dwarfs f.Брати fRivrM; адапт,, вправи, словник Л. В. ЧернЪ-
- l(. . Арiй,2а1 9" -*- 64 с. (Читаю англiйською).
lSBN 97в-966-49в -432-1

книга мiстиl ь а]даптованi тексти вiдомих казок: ..Бiлоснiжка та

семеро гномiв,,,.,Чоботар iельфи" братiв Грiмм та <Красуня iчудо-
висько>, Шарля Перро Вони супроводжуються системою вправ, М€-
тою яких с переRlриlи розумitlня змiсту, вiдпрацювати та закрiпити

ýпоw white
лексику i грама-гичlti констlэукцil, сприяти розвитку мовленнсвих на-
вичок i твор.чих злiбrtсlстей у дiтей. Вправи розроблено з урахуванням
сучасних вимог 1иеl о/lики виклалання iноземних мов.
пД,о книги дода€)т ься англо-украТнський словник.
. Призначена дJlя y,lHiB початкових класjв загальноосвiтнiх l спецiа-
лiзованих шкiл, гiмназiй, лit_lеТв, а також широкого кола читачiв, якi ви-
вчають англiйську м()tзу саlvостiйно,
сlnd ýечеп Dwclrfs
УДК З7З.5.О16:81 1 .1 1 1

11авчалъне видання
Брати Грiмм Chclpter l
( Англiйсъкою та
украi'нсъкою мовами )
Мапта_цiя, вПравИ, словН ик Чернава Лариса Володимирiвна
lлюстрацiТ до кни rи rа на обкл адинцi Кас ъянiчева олена tгорiвна
для вправ налаFli копппанiя ми Depasitphotos та shиfters tock
lt's wi пtеr. lt's snowi пg. lt's happening
Вiдповiдальна] зit випуск Свiтлана !ванчук
in old times. The Queen is sitting Ьу the
Пiдп. до друку 15.07.2019. Формат 84х] 0В/32. Папiр офс.
Гарнiтура "PragmaticaC". Друк офс. Ум. друк. арк. з,з6. Зам.
window. She is sewing а little dress. She
"Видавництво "Арiй",,
тел. :
0З'l4В, м. Киiв, просп. Леся Курбаса, 2-Б
5З7- 29 -20, 407 -22-7 5; е- mai l : iпfо@аriу" соm Ua ; Www. аriу. сопl . Uа
is looking at the snow оvеr the palace
Свiдоцтво .Щержкомтеле радiо YKpaiH и
Дl( Nq 52З0 вiд ] . 10 .2016 р.
"l grounds and trееs. She сап see а black
rаvеп. "Oh, по!" she pricks hеr fiпgеr
Вiддруковано з готових дiапозитивiв
П рАТ П ол гцlафсервiс"
6-1 012, M,XapKiB, вул.Червонi ряди ,буд.14

lSBN 978-966_49в_432_
with the needle. А drор of blood falls оп
1 О Чернова Л . В. , адаптацiя
hеr sewing. The rеd of the blood against

вправи, словник,2015
О Видавництво ..Арiй"СD, 20'l 5
the white of the snow looks so beautiful.
She wants to have а daughter as white
as snow, with hаir as black as а rаvеп
and lips, fls red as this drop of blood.

Task l. Look and write the words
from the text:

Chсlpter ll
а tr1*

Task lI. Match the questions to the Soon the Queen has а ЬаЬу girl. Неr
anSWerS. ski п is as white as snow. Неr hair is as
black as the rаvеп. Неr lips аrе as rеd
Is ilt wýrзtеr?
i Уеs, ýt doeý" as blood. She is а lovely ЬаЬу. Апd hеr
ýап she sёё ffi hilmшk hеп? паmе is sпоw white. But hеr mother
i ru*, shе dшвsп't"
dies. Ауе аr laterthe Кiпg mаrriеs again.

Шшеg ghе Пшk Гъ*r hаmffi?

i Ygs, it Ёý. The new Queen ls аvеrу beautiful lady,
Шшеs & dr*р шf hýшmd fmýý but she is vеrу рrоud of hеr beauty, No
0п h*r sеwýп i Nо, sh* ý&rп't"
опе in the palace loves her.
4 5
Task l. Complete and say:
аr,ш frs ffirе

We Yоu Не
She lt They_
Task ll. Write as in the example:
She is а lovely gir!.

/s she а lovely girl? СhзIрtеr tll

She Бп't а lovely girl ,

неr skln is as white as snow. The new Queen has got а magic
2 mirrоr in hеr rооm. lt сап speak. She
looks into it еvеrу mоrпiпg and asks if
she is the beauty пumЬеr опе. When
неr hair is as black as rаvеп. the mlrrоr SayS: "YeS", She Smiles.
? Snow White is а lovely girl, She is
seven. Неr cheeks аrе rоsу and hеr hair
is d аrk against hеr snow-white ski п. The
Неr lips аrе as rеd as blood. Рriпсеss is vеrу kind to еvеrуопе ln the
2 palace, апd they all love hеr. lt does not
please the пеw Quееп.
6 7
Task l. Look at the picture and
complete the gaps with the words
from the chapter:

Chсlptef lV

Опе day, when the Queen asks hеr

mirrоr if she is the beauty пumЬеr опе.
ltisa lt says: "The child Snow White is mоrе
lt is iп the beautiful than you". The mlrrоr сап say
lt сап only the truth.
when the Quееп hеаrs these words
Task ll. Fill iп сап оr can't. she is апgrу. The Quееп's епvу of Sпоw
1. Сап the doll сrу? (Yes, it _ ) White's beauty gives hеr по реасе. She
2. Сап the bird speak? ( No, it
asks а huпtеr to take Sпоw White deep
intotheforestandthen ki llhеr. The huпtеr
3, Сап the Quееп cook? ( No, she_) is sad. Не loves the little рriпсеss. Не
4. Сап the Рriпсеss smile? (Yes, does notwantto ki ll hеr. But he promises
she ) the Queen to follow hеr orders.
в 9
Task l. Find the words in the Ьох:
mirrоr пчmhmr huпtеr рФfiсе
епчу trшth рrФrъilsв шrdеr

с N G р{ т R р т в к
р U м I ж ж fi ж ж Ф L

ж rul Е т L ж ж ffi ш & А

А в N р f; F LJ fuý т- ж н
с Е ч l-J ffi W Frl ж J fi
ж R Y т & ж т ffi р ý ffi

Ghсlpter V
R Z а Y & н ж ý ш

N о R ш ж ж ж ru ru ж ж
The huпtеr takes Snow White Ьу the
hand and they go to the forest. The suп
Task ll, Match the words with their is shining. The sky is Ьluе wlth white
opposites: clouds. They walk fоr а long time. The
ffiпs[rу happy ýýttýе шýd huпtеr walks оп deep into the forest.
When he stops he takes out his knife
Kind апgrу Sad to kill hеr. The child cries "Oh! Please

Yоuпg Big don't kill mе. l рrоmisе пеvег to try to

10 1
rеturп home again." Не is full of pity
and lets hеr go. "Ruп away, mу little
РriпсеSS, " he SayS.

Task l, tиark the sentences Тruе or
False . Correct the wrопg sепtепсеs.
1. They go to the wood.
Ghсlрtеr Vl
2, The sky is grеу.

З. They walk for а short time. _ Snow White ruпs away frоm the
huпtеr. she is full of fеаr. she does not
4. The huпtеr wants to kill Snow know which way to go.
White, She ruпs оп and оп оvеr shаrр stones
and bushes. Тhеrе аrе tall trееs and
dаrk shadows аrоuпd hеr. she hears the
Task ll. Апswеr the questions:
rоаrs of wild beasts but no опе tries to
1. Whеrе do they go? hаrm hеr. Just as SnowWhite is readyto
2, What is the wеаthеr like? fall down she comes to а smal| cottage.
з. Does the hunter want to kill snow "lt must Ье awoodman'S cottage ," she
says апd knocks at the dооr. Тhеrе is по
апswеr. But the dооr is ореп and she
4. Does the huпtеr kill SnowWhite? goes inside to rest.
12 13
Task l. Look and circle the соrrесt

fl ж1&
Ghсlрtеr Vll
ffi- нtшrтffi#fi, m- huпtеr
h- Ьшшhffiffi Ь- wфФdжffiffi
lt is dаrk inside. Тhеrе аrеsome
candles and matchsticks. She lights
Task ll. Match the halves of the а candle. She looks around. "What а
Sentences: beautiful cottage she says. " Everythi ng
! "

R- SmffiW Wl,лПtе rц"fiшls

ffi- ffiчffir жhаrр is so neat and clean." she сап see а
stoneý and hbнshes, lопg table with seven plates, seven
Ж" ýh* h*mrg i п" Йrri-h Йuу t* gg, l
spoons and knives and seven driпki пg
cups. Тhеrе аrе seven сhаirs аrоuпd
Ё- the rФаrs gf wýЁd the table. Тhеrе is food and drinks in
ffi" Sh* rшffiý оп
the plates and cups. "!Vho lives hеrе is
ф- Sh* #ш*ж rt*t kпOw d- ffiwffiу fr*rтт i
vеrу short!" she says , " Everything is so
thе hьдffitеr" i
14 15
Task l. Unscrarnble the words:

l, 1l


ledcan Ghopter VllI
, '".,

Snow White is vеrу huпgrу. She eats

fi.;i.ji i].

"..r'i},l,', '

г а little of the food frоm each plate and

- -__Ё:

drinks some milk frоm each сuр. "Now,


let mе see what there is upstairs," she




says and climbs the steps. LJpstairs,
she сап see seven beds. she lies down
Task ll. write the words from the оп the first little bed but she can't sleep.
chapter in plural: she tries the оthеr little beds but each
А candle - сапdlеs а matchstick - опе is too long оr too short, too hаrd оr
too soft. she comes to the last опе and
А plate -
that's all right. She is tired. She is fast
А knife - achai r-
16 17
Thsk l. Look at the picture and
Gomplete the words from the

Chсlpter lX

This cottage is the home of seven

dwагfs. They аrе miпегs, who sрепd all
the days digging fоr gold iп the mountains
пеаrЬу. ln the еvепiпgs, they light their
ý* жs'* * the ý* жmш
lапtеrпs and rеturп to thelr cottage.
When they light their candles they say all
Task ll" Complete the pairs using the together "Someone is iп оur cottage!"
words from the Ьох: They rеасh upstairs, each of the dwarfs,
in tuгп, looks at his bed. The seventh little
sшftеr fiспgеr sh*rtеr hаrdеr dwагf сап see Snow White asleep оп his
bed and say: "Look who's iп mу bed! lt's
Тоо lопg lопgеr_ too shогt а girl !" They raise their lапtеrпs high to
тоо hard too soft look at hеr. "She's so beautiful!" they say.
1в 19
Task l. Look and complete the words
from the chapter:

Chсlpter Х

Theyhavesupperand goto bed, lnthe

mоrпiпg Sпоw White opens hеr eyes.
She jumps uр when she sees the seven
They аrе m
dwarfs. But they Say "We аrе miПеrs
who live hеrе. And who аrе yoL)?" "Му
They аrе d паmе is Snowwhite", she says. And she
They wоrk in the m_ tells them about hеr stepmother апd а
huпtеr and that поw she has по home.
Task ll. Апswеr the questions: ,,please, let me stay hеrе. Please! l can't
1. Whose cottage is this? rеturп to the palace. "
2. What do they do? The dwarfs like the girl . "Of соursе, if
з. who сап see snowwhite? уоu clean оur house, cgok diппеr and
wash clothes fоr us уоu сап live here as
4. Whеrе does she sleep? lопg as уоu wish. But if уоur stePmother
20 21
lеаrпs that уоu are hеrе, she mау соmе
to do уоu hаrm. so don't let апуопе
епtеr the house while we аrе away."

Task. Complete the expressions and
match them to the pictures:

Ghсlpter )Ш

She is vеrу happy livi пg with the

? dwarfs. The Quееп is happy too, But
she has got а magic mirrоr and it's time
to ask it if she ls the beauty пumЬеr
** hаwm the ýeven dwarfs опе. whеп she does it she can't believe
t* ***k the hоusе
hеr еаrs. "snow white is поt dead but
livi пg still, iп а little house fаr оvеr the
** wжsh diппеr
hills. That child ls mоrе beautiful than
tш сýеmm hаrш"&
yol,l." The апgеr of the Quееп is great.
t* *rъt*r с[шth*ж she wants to find snow white and kill
t* d* s[Jрр#r hеr. she dresses herself in old clothes
to ý8* the hшLлýе апd changes hеr face.
22 2з
Task l. Rewrite the sentences using liя

the short form of the verb. "frl

1. She is vеrу happy.

SПе's vеrу happy.
2. The Quееп is happy.

3. She has got а magic mirrоr.

4. She ls the beauty пumЬеr опе.

Gh:lpiler )ШI

She travels through the forest with

Thsk ll. Make the sentences negative laces and riььопs for sale. she comes
using the short form of the чеrЬ. to the dwarfs' cottage. Snow White
1. She is vеrу happy. opens the doon The old wоmап согпеs
Shе isп't vеrу happy, in and tries to lace uр Snow White's
corset with the пеw laces. she does it
2. The Quееп is happy
so tightly that Snow White falls оп the
floor. whеп the dwarfs соmе back hоmе
З. She has got а гпаgiс mirrоr, they see hеr оп the flооr. When they lift
hеr uр they see the пеw laces. They cut
4. She is the beauty пumЬеr опе. them and snow white starts to breathe
24 25
Activitieý Chqpter XllI
Task l. write the words чпdеr the lп the mоrпiпg they say again: "Don't
pictures: ,, ##

let апуопе enter the house while we аrе

*,, *u




away." When the Queen comes back
',#s' home she is surе snow white is dead.
,* *#d
** ffi
Ё She asks her mirrоr again if she is the
"*1 beauty пumЬеr опе. The апswеr
Т..,:iF-.' .'

j ,...::iЁ,

"SnowWhite is not dead but livl пg still, in


;*";ry ".ý'
а little house far оvеr the hills. That child
ý--]: fiвS'
is mоrе beautiful than yoLJ."
il**tl*шforc ,

ъ So the Quееп makes а new р|ап how

r fоr ý to ki lI Snow White. She trачеls through
the forest with пеw things to sell.
Task ll. choose and circle the соrrесt when she comes to the dwarfs'
Word: cottage she knocks оп the dооr and
shows SnowWhite а pretty comb. Snow
1. She has/have got а basket with White likes it апd opens the door. The
laces and riььоns. old wоmап tries to comb hеr hаir. she
2. The old wоmап lace/aces uр Sпоw sticks the comb sharply into the Snow
White's соrsеt. White's head. The роisоп goes into hеr
З. SnowWhite fall/ falls оп the floor. blood and she falls to the flооr.
4. Snow White doesn't Ьrеаthе/ dorl't
lt is evening and the dwarfs соmе
back home. They see hеr оп the floor
Ьrеаthе. with а соmЬ in hеr hаir. They pull it оut
5. They liftfliffs hеr uр. and save hеr life.
26 27
Task l. write the words чпdеr the

Chсlpter XlV

lп the mоrпiпg they again ask hеr not

to let апуопе епtеr the house while theУ
а S*гЁБ аrе out. when the Queen comes back
home she is surе snowwhite is dead. she
Task ll. Gomplete the sentences: asks hеr mirrоr аgаiп if she is the beauty
пumЬеr опе. The апSwеr is. "Snow
оut hасk Ппtо through оп white is поt dead but living still, in а little
house fаr очеr the hills. That child ls mоrе
. She travels the forest. beautiful than уоu." So the QuееП takes
2. The Queen comes home. а lovely apple and puts some Poison into
the rеd cheek of the apple. Fоr the third
3. She knocks the dооr. time she makes hеr way to the dwагfs'
4. The poison goes hеr blood. cottage with а basket of apples as а
fаrmеr,s wife. when snowwhite сап see
5. They рul! the соmЬ l
hеr she says. "l only want to give уоu
2в 29
this apple. Don't Ье afraid. Look l have ChGlpter XV
two halves rosy and grееп." Апd she is
whеп the Quееп comes back hогпе
biting the grееп half. Snow White wants she js happy. And she asks hеr mirrоr
to eatthe rоsу half of the apple. Butwhen аgаiп if she is the beauty пumЬеr опе.
she bites it she falls down dead. *YeS",
The апSwеr is:
when the dwarfs соmе back hоmе
Activirieý they see Snow White оп the flооr dead.
Task l. Put the pictures in the right Fоr thrее days and nights they stand
rоuпd hеr сrуiпg. At the end of the third
order: day they make а glass coffin to Ьurу hеr.
2 They take it to the top of the mоuпtаiп.
ry SnowWhite lies in а glass coffin.
But опе day а king's son сап see а
3 glass coffin оп the top of the mountain.
Не loves а beautiful girl апd wantsto take
the coffin with him. The уоuпg mап looks
Task ll. Refd, choose апd circle:
so uпhарру that dwarfs give it him. The
1 . The dwarfs ask hеr not to
рriпсе's servants take the coffin down.
go out of the house. Yе s"fNo. The piece of apple drops out of the Snow
2. The Quееп takes а rеd apple White's mouth. She opens hеr eyes.
and poisons it. YeS./No. The рriпсе tells hеr about his love
З. SnowWhite likes apples and takes hеr to his father's palace for
vеrу much. а wedding feast. The Quееп согпеs
YeS.fNo, to see who the beauty пumЬеr опе is.
4. She bites the rоsу half When she sees Snow White а9аiп she
of the apple. Yes./No. falls down апd dies.
30 31

Task l" Read and circle the phrases
frorn the chapter:
фГ* ф mflВд
-ý q yр сФ
ffi Jъ*
ф ф ф J l

hфФ *
&ж дч
hffi ffi
q е""
{Ёf,Е Ф

g4 tr} Ф

Ф %

;ý fl,#'
s#Ё ýР
"фqе Ё€l

фl ddtý
Ф ffi
ffi фg ф .2
Wr #d sý&*

Task ll. Look at the picture and mark

the sentencesTrue or False. Соrrесt
the wrопg sentences:
. Snow White sits
Becrury Grпd the Becrýt

iп а glass coffin. ''"Ч

2.А king's hоrsе р' l!,!

сап see а glass t
Chсlpter l
Опсе uроп а tiпre а father who Ьuуs
апd sells thing at tГre mаrkеt, flsks each

glass drорs out l

of the snow
/ :iii

of his three daughters what she wants

White's гпоuth. as а рrеsепt. The first daughter wants а
4.The Рriпсе wants to mаrrу Snow ball dress, the second а реаrl necklace ,

White, but the third, Beauty, а rоsе.

32 зз
Task l" write the wоrds uпdеr the

j'' ]r,



l 1]]

:lt l,,_i]'

i, 'i:

' n':, :..,i],i



а h*- *M .flп #**" шм ж ff]ý&ff

а ffid*gflGItrйff

ау мfrdш пшli шillш

а р*,* s t Chсlpter tl
Thsk ll,. Match the halves of the when he finishes his business, he
goes home. But а sudden stоrm starts
1. & fжthеr Ръжg iж- ж rýsФ ffiý а рrёs*пt i

and his hоrsе stops оп the way. Cold

2, Yhе fýуgt #mж Wffiffitý ib- ffi р#ffirl rтФ*kýаgе and tired, а merchant can't find ап iпп
but а bright light shiпiп9 iп the middle
ý- Yh* ýffi#'ffiу}# # Wffiпtý i *, thrmж datýЖhterý
of а wood. AS he comes uр, he can see

Th* thкyd #mж t*y wffi i *- ffi hаttr dress а Castle,

34 з5
Task i. Match the words iп the Ьох to
the pictures:
ffiкъ ýrзпъ mfrffiШтt ffi ffiъer*hжrзt ffi *mstlg

Ghсlpter lll
lt's а good rest fоr the night. The
dооr is ореп and he comes iп Ьut по
Task ll. Апýwеr the questions: опе greets hiгп. Оп а table iп the mаiп
1. Who goes home? hall, а holiday diппеr waits. Не triеs to
2, is he cold? find the оwпеr of the castle but сап't,
З. ls he tired? and so the huпgrу merchant sits at the
4,Who сап see а castle? table to eat.
36 з7
Task l" Fiпd the words in the Ьох:
пiýht holidffiy dimп8r оWRеr
castle table rеst

с N G н т ж Е т ts к
о G м l * W N Е R 0 L

с А S т t Е н х Е А А
Ё 0 н р t F R 0 S м н

т а ч Lj D \tr т А т J 0 Chflpter lV
Y U Е т & в L Е р ý Е

н R Z Y А в R ý D
не wапts to kпоw whеrе he is апd
ф I

he goes upstairs, thеrе аrе klealltiful

N с т Е т D N N н R
rооms and halls there" Не сап see а
fire-place in the first rоогп and а soft
Task Il. Make the sentences bed. lt ls late and he goes to bed. Whеп
negative: he gets uр next mогпiгlg, [,le finds а сuр
1. The dооr is ореп. of coffee and some fruit. The mеrсhапt
2. Не is in the castle. has breakfast, gets drеssеС and goes
З. А holiday diппеr is оп the table. downstairs to thank. Вut thеrе is по опе
4, Не is huпgrу. there.
зв з9
Task l. Look at the рiсtчrе and
Gomplete the words frorn the


Chзlpter V
, 1,1il1
i, \, d***s
Не goes towards the garden where
Task lI. Read the sentences and
his hоrsе is at а trее and sees а lаrgе
complete the gaps with Ь and arei
rоsе bush. Whеп he tries to pick а rоsе а
1. Тhеrе beautiful rооms and halls
hоrriЬlе beast jumps and says "lt's mу
favourite flower" and wants to ki ll him.
2.Тhеrе а fire-place lп the first "The rose isn't fоr mе, it is for mу
rооm. daughter Beauty as а рrеsепt!" says
3. Тhеrе а soft bed there the mеrсhапt. The Beast stops and
4. Тhеrе sоmе fruit there says: "Ok! Вriпg mе уоur daughter|,"
40 41
Task l. Look and circle the correct
word: fr*


а, hш,лнРш ffi- hежжt

m t rqнqt h" rжffir*hапt

Chсlpter Vl
Task ll. Апswеr the qшestions:
e.g, /s his horse at а tree? Yes, if Ь /No, whеп he comes back home, his
it isп't. three daughters ruп to meet hiгп. The
mеrсhапt tells them еvеrуthiпg. Не is
1. ls his hоrsе in the garden? sad and Beauty says. "Don't wоггу, take
mе to the castle. " The merchant hugs
2.Is hls hоrsе at а rоsе Ьush?
his daughter and says: "l know уоur
3. ls It his favourlte flоwеr? love for mе. Fоr the moment l сап onIy
4,ls it his daughter favourite flower? thank yoLJ."
42 4з
Task l. write the words чпdеr the

с Ь*шш h.,_лжffi

Chсlptef Vtl
l r
m When Beauty stays in the castle at
the beginning she is full of fear but the
Task ll. Апswеr the questioný: Beast is pleasant. Тhеп it starts to say а
1. ls he sad? few kind words and in the end she likes
2.1s Beauty sad? it. Beauty and the Beast Ьесоmе good
3. Does she go to the castl е? friends. Тhеп опе day, the Beast asks
4, Does she love hеr father? the girl to Ье his wife.
44 45
Task l. Gomplete the phrases with
the words from the chapter:
1.tostayintheс_пп_I Ё}l

2. to Say а few kind \,ч_ frI

з. to become cood f l

Task ll. Look at the picture and mаrk The EIveý

the sentencesTrue or False. correct ýnd the ýhoerncrker
the wrong sentences:
Ghсlрilеr l

А shоеmаkеr апd his wife live iп а litlle

house. Не works чеrу hаrd апd is vеrу
honest. But he does not get епоugh
mопеу frоm his business. Апd at last he
loses all he has got except just leather
enough to make опе pair of shoes, Не
1. The Beast is nice.
cuts shoes out to make them up the пехt
2. The Beast ls pleasant.
day. His сопsсiепсе ls сlеаг. Не goes to
3. She Iikes it. bed. Не leaves all his саrеs to heaven
4" They аrе not friends. and falls asleep.
46 47
Task l. Match the words in the Ьох to
the pictures:
Iеаthеr а раir of ghоеs
tg сuлt оьлt & shсеrтIffikеr

п пffiffi 'ill1l
Chсlptef ll

Task ll. Match the halves of the lп the mоrпiпg first he says his рrауеrs.
sentences: Then he goes to his wоrk. То his great
i чеrу hопёst" wопdеr he сап see the shoes оп the
Н* wsrks
table. The good mап kпоws поЬоdу who
lеаthеr епýшgh to mаkе сап dothis. Не looks atthe shoes апd сап
Не has поt
рIЗq ir шf shýеý" not believe. Тhеrе is not опе false stitch in
Не hаg *пошgh mопеу frоm the whole job. And all is so neat and truе.
his Ьшsiпеýý. That day а Ьuуеr comes i],l . Не likes the
Не is shoes vеry much. And he pays а рriсе
i Ур*У Цq1$, j
higher than usual for them.
4в 49
Task l. Find the words iп the Ьох:

belfreve ргmуffirý wФrзd*п, fmtsе

truе шшйffi# *ьлstФry}фr

f, tJ ý т, ffi м ffi ffi т ffi к

0 G м ffi W ru ж ж ж t
F А S т t ffi ж ж ж l_ А

А о н р ж ж ffi ffi "ffi ж

Ghqpter lll
t а V tJ ш,} ffi т А W ж ffi

The рооr shoemaker with the mопеу

ý р R А Y Ё ж ý р ч Ё
Ьuуs leather enough to make two раirs
ж R ж а р R п

ъrр ж ffi ш mоrе. lп the evening he cuts out the
-г work. Не goes to bed. But when he
N Ф R U н l lц N ж ж
gets up iп the mоrпiпg the shoes аrе on
the table. New Ьuуеrs рау him so much
Thsk ll. Апswеr the questions: that he buys leather enough fоr fоur
pairs mоrе. Не cuts out the wоrk again
1 . What does he do in the mоrпiпg?
and сап see the shoes iп the mоrпiпg
2. What сап he see оп the table? as Ьеfоrе. lt goes оп fоr some time. The
3. Who comes in that day? good mап sооп becomes riсh аgаiп.
50 51
Task !. FiIl iп the verbs from the
1. The рооr shоеmаkеr leather
enough to п-lake two раirs mоrе,
2. Не out the wоrk.
З. New Ьuуеrs him so much that
he leather enough fоr fоur Chсlptef ПV
pairs mоге.
Опе еvепiпg about Christmas time
Task ll, Look at the pictures and say he and his wife аrе sitting оvеr the firе.
how the shoernaker becomes rich, They аrе chatting together how to watch
Use the questions as а plan: tonight who it is that comes and does all
:': the wоrk, They leave а light Ьurпiпg. They
Щфр stay lп the соrпеr of the rооm behind а


w il 1. What does
шш Jm. ffiм
сuгtаlп to watch"
he sell?
ý? ,&ffi (,lШ
About midnight there comes Мо
ёвЁ$ L irj* -j :,,,"::,," п,,,i|ll,..,,l] ,,i|

tr &l ш ;J
!е" 2. What does
T-d r'1l1
little elves, They sit оп the shoemaker's
, ,:.,- -,,..,

ýэ Ёt
}t /tri ,){l 1фr.l,F,

аý вiэ d,.д йt! r.,r.,,

he Ьuу? bench. They begin stitching and tapping


ь gв 80 @t
3. How mапу so quickly that the shoemaker сап not
pairs of shoes take his eyes оff. They go оп wоrki пg

does he sell? till the shoes stand rеаdу fоr use оп the
table. Тhеп they ruп away.
52 5з
Task l. Read апd circle the words
from the chapter:
rt ffi g/л WФ
Ф ф" ф .fr
&. ё ý
r\ý "#
J' (\ яd
ъъ$\- ъ -Ф Ф

Chqpter V
Task ll. Read the sentences and
complete the gaps with the чеrЬs The пехt day the wife says to the
frtlm the Ьох; shоегпаkец 'These little elves make
us riсh. Let's do them а good sегviсе
ýап соп}#ffi ýжffrrуъý Жýst*trъ stffiys
in rеturп. l see them ruп about without
clothes to keep off the cold. l want to
l like to to the sounds of make each of them а shirt, апd а coat
the muSiC. and waistcoat, and а раir of pantaloons.
The third sister in аьrоаd riчеr. Do you mаkе each of them а little раir
А little black dog to the of shoes?' The good shоеmаkеr is glad.
And when all the things аrе ready they
putthem оп thetable instead of thework
The Little Mermaid alone. they cut out. Тhеп they go to the соrпеr
She сrу. of the rооm behind а сurtаiп to watch.
54 55
ry -\

Task l. Match the words iп the Ьох to
the pictures:
ffi wffiýstcoat frft ржýr шff рffiпЁmýшшrтý
а shtн,fi а c*at


l-- 1l

l i


ф Fц


Chсlptef V!
Task ll. Маrk the sentences Тruе оr
False . Correct the wrong statements : АЬоut midnight the elves соmе in.

1. That day the wife says to the And they аrе going to sit down to their
work as usual. But when they see the
shoemaker. Т /F
clothes for them they laugh. First they
2. Do you make each of them а little
dress. Then they dance and jump fоr
раir of pantaloons? Т /F joy. At last they dance out at the dооr.
3. The rich shoemaker is glad. Т /F And the shoemaker sees them по mоrе.
4.They put all the things оп the Everything goes well with him. And they
table,Т f F live happily frоm that time.
56 57

Actiyirieý Wordlisr
Task l. Look and апswеr the А behind lbi'haind-l за
questions: bite [bait] кусaти
again [a'gein] знову
against [э'gеiпst] blood [Ьlпd] кроR
1.Who аrе they? проти breathe [ЬrI:б] дихати
2.What do they all [э:l] Bci, все branch [Ьrо:пtЛ гiлка
апgrу ['rcцgri] bring [Ьriц] принести,
розлючений привезти
3. Аrе they happy? апуопе ['епiwлп] bush [ЬuЛ кущ
хтосъ Ьurпiпg ['Ьз: пiц] го-
another [э'плбэ] ритъ
iнший, iнша Ьuу [bai] купувати
around [э'rаuпd] Ьuуеr [baia] покупець
Task ll. Find the difference апd навколо

complete the words uпdеr the як

aS. . ..&S lez7 G
(у rорiвняннях) candle [krendl] свiчка
в coat [kэut] палъто
Ёо $о ball бальний
саrе [kea] турбота
basket ['bo:skit] саrrу ['kreri] нести
{о Но change [фirdз]
I beast [br:st] звiр змiнIовати
becorne [bi'k r*] chatting [tJretiц]
ставати розмовляти
\\t clothes [klэuбr] одяг
1| lr beginning [bi'giniц]
il*r*. * ffit зш *ý*** fоr j*_ початок closed [klэuzd]
believe lbi'lr:v] вiрити закритий
5в 59
coffin ['kэfiп] drop [drэр] крапJIя) feel [fl:l] почуватися heaven ['hеч(э)п] небо
домовина кидати few [fiu] декiлька heavily ['hevili] важко
соmе back [kлm b;cl<] dwarf [dwc:f] гном food [fud] Тжа hеаr [hiэ] чути
повертатися finish ['finifl heart [ho:t] серце
соmе in [kлm in l закiнчувати higher [hаiэ] виrций
each [l:tЛ кожний fill [fil] наповнювати huпgrу ['hnngri]
early ['з:li] рано find [faind] знаходити голодний
соmЬ [kэumI
either ['аiбэ] тАкож follow l'fэlэu] huпtеr ['hлпtэ]
enough [i'nлfl досить слiдувати мисливецъ
conscience l 'kэп |Ъпs]
епtеr ['епtэ] Bxo/l ити l
curtain lk,t:tll | лшторка
ечеп ['t:ч(э)п] HaBiTb full tful] Irовний,
inside [in'said]
everything ['ечri0iц] сповнений
cut [knt] рi,lit,l,и всерединi
cut off ]k,rt tl l'I о inn [in] мотель
ечеrуопе ['ечriwпп]
вирiза,1,1.t /lcpcl}a хтосъ get [get] набирати, in turn [in tз:п] по
сrу [krai I llJIаll(il-ги епчу ['envil заздрiсть одержувати черзi

D give [giv] вiлдавати J

F glass [g1o:s] скляний
downstair joy [:oi] радiсть
fall asleep lfэ:l gold [gэuld] золото
[daun'sttcz]1 нижнiй э'Sh:р'] засипати great [greit] великий к
поверх fall down [fс:1 daun] grоuпd [graund] keep off [kI:p]
dead [ded] мертвий падати земля утримувати вiд
deep [dl:p] гJIибокiй fast [fo:st] швидко kill tkil] вбивати
die [dai] помирати н
far [fо:] лалеко knife [naifl нiж
digging ['digil]] fire-place [faia'pleis] half [ho:f] половина knock [nok] стукати
копати KaMiH hard [ho:d] твердий
do [du] робити hаrm [hо:m] L
fеаr [fiэ] страх
drinks [drinks] напоТ feast [fl:st] весiлля завдавати шкоду lace [leis] шнурок
60 61

lace uр [leis лр] listen to [lisn tu] о rise l rа irJ пiднiматися

стягувати слухати оrdеr ['э:dа] наказ riЬЬоп ]'riЬэп]
lantern ['lreпtэп] laugh [lo:f] смiятися оthеr ['лбэl irrrrri стрiчка
лiхтарик rеturп 'tз:п]
м р
later ['leitэ] пiзtlilllс повертатися
magic ['mred5ik]
large [1о:dз] веJI и l( ий palace l'paelis] палац really ['riali] справдi
last [1o:st] пiзl l iii., patience l'рефпs] rеаdу ['redi] готовий
mаiп [mein]
пiзно терпiння rоаr [rэ:] ричання
leather ['lебо] lllKipa mаrrу ['mreri] рау [pei] платити ruп away [rлп э'wеi]
lot [lэt] баl,а,l,() одружуватисъ раir [реэ] пара втiкати
lеаrп [lз:rr] matchstick реаrl [рз:l] перлина
дiзнава,|,исrl ['mreфtik] сiрник реасе Jpl:sl мир
let Ilct] /l(),}li()JIr1,1,и mау [rnei] може pick [pik] зривати sad [sred] сумний
letter l 'lcto] :li,l,cpa meet [ш:t] зустрiчати pick uр lpik лр] sale [seil] продаж
miпеr ['mаiпэ] шiдбиратI,I sаyе [seiv] рятувати
lie down Iliri tllrr"rn]
шахтар pity [piti] iкалiстъ
ля[,ати sharp I.Го:р] гострий
mirrоr ['mirэ] please l'ph.zj
life [laif] >l(и,|"I,rl sell [sel] продавати
дзеркало задобрювати
lift uр [lif1 лр] shine LГаiп] сяяти
mоrе ['mэ:] бiльше poor [рuэ] бiдний
must [mast] повинен рrауеr [рrеа] молитва shinning [Эiпiц]
light [lait] свi,гло, сяючий
muсh ['mjuzik] багато рriсk [prik] проколоти
рrоud [рrаud] so [sэu] так
like [laik] подо батися, ш
пихатий soft [sэft] м'який
як (у порiвняннях) needle ['ni:dl] голка promise l'promis] solneone ['sлmwлп]
long [1сц] довгий' neat ['ni:t] охайний обiцяти хтось
давно пеаrЬу [пiэ'Ьлi] по-
lose [lu.z1 втрzшати сусiдству R surе [fuэ ] впевнений
lovely [lrrvli] гарний night [nait] нiч rачеп ['rеiчэп] ворон skin [skin] шкiра
62 63
sewing ['sаuiц] than [бап] нiж
пошиття одягу (у порiвняннях)
sеrчапt ['sз:чэпt] travel through [trюval
слуга Oru:] подорожувати
service ['sз:чis]
towards [tэ'wс.dz]
some [sлm] троlllltи у напрямку
tired [tаiэd]
stay [stei] персбувАти втомлений
stone [stэuп"| KLIMiHb truth [tru:0] правда
step [step] кр()к try [trai] намагатися
shadow 1.Iiсdоu|,гiнъ
side [saidl с,l,()г)()на
sit Ьу Isit bai l сплiти uпhарру [лп'hreрi]
бiля неIцасливий
soon ]su:пl ск()ро upstairs [лр'stеэz]
верхнiй поверх
sudden J 'sлсlоп_l
раптом W
т wait [weit] чекати
want [wэпt] хотiти
take down Itcik daun]
wedding ['wеdiц]
спускати весiлля
take out [tcik aut] wife [waif] дружина
витягувати woodman ['wudman]
too [tu:] надто лiсник
then [беп] потiм which [witЛ котрий
together [tэ'gебэ] while [wail] в той час
разом як

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