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Запорізький національний технічний університет

Mетодичні вказівки
для практичних занять з англійської мови
студентів І курсу денного відділення
гуманітарного факультету
спеціальності «Дизайн»


Методичні вказівки для практичних занять з англійської мови

для студентів І курсу денного відділення гуманітарного факультету
спеціальності «Дизайн». /Укл.: Правда Н.А., - Запоріжжя: ЗНТУ, 2010.
58 c.

Укладач: Правда Н.А., викладач.

Рецензент: Прошина Г.М., cт... викл.

каф. іноземних мов

за випycк: Н.А.Правда - викладач

на засіданні кафедри ТПП
Протокол №11 від 14.06.10 р.


Unit 1 Origins of design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Unit 2 Design in our life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Unit 3 Innovation in design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Unit 4 Invention and design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Unit 5 Eco design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Unit 6 Environmental design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Unit 7 Lighting design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Unit 8 Eco projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Unit 9 Landscape design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Unit 10 Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Unit 11 Interior design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Unit 12 Workplace design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


Active vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words:

alienation - відчуження
available - доступний, придатний
colour - колір
compete - конкурувати;
competition - суперництво, конкуренція
craftsman/artisan - ремісник, майстровий
create - створювати
decor - убрання; декор; оформлення (виставки і тому подібне);
decorate - прикрашати, декорувати
decoration - прикраса, декорування
degrade - деградувати, приходити в занепад
develop - розвивати
fade away - (поступово) зникати, згасати
furniture - меблі, обстановка
generation - покоління
glazing - глазурування, полірування
handcraft - ремесло
jewellery - ювелірні вироби
manufacture – виготовляти, виробляти
mass-production - масове (серійне, потокове) виробництво
metalwork - художня робота по металу, металообробка
nobility - благородство; велич
ornament(ation) – прикраса, прикрашання
out of date - застарілий, несучасний
overlap - співпадати, перекривати
pattern - зразок, шаблон, малюнок, узор
profit - прибуток, вигода
promotion - підтримка, просування
recapture - узяти назад, знову захопити
reflect - відображати, роздумувати
shape - форма
skill - майстерність, уміння
supersede - замінювати, зміщувати

textile - текстиль, тканина

upheaval - зрушення, переворот
withstand - протистояти

Pre-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
phenomenon designer product modern
industrialization individual aesthetic
revolution standard stylistic
3. Guess the meaning of the words in bold type and translate them into
to work - worker to produce - producer
noble - nobility design - designer
change - unchangeable to manufacture - manufacturer
expensive - inexpensive beauty - to beautify
possible - impossible to reflect - reflection
to train - trainer to discover - to rediscover
4. Form nouns using the suffixes -ment, -tion, -ion:
to move to produce to reflect to transform
to develop to celebrate to promote to construct

5. Read the text to understand the Industrial Revolution's impact on

the development of design.


Up until the Industrial Revolution objects were made by craftsmen, ei-
ther working on their own, collectively in rural cottage industries or in
Guilds or Societies in the towns. The majority worked at a low level of skill
nd design, producing simple buildings, furniture, plates, etc. This resulted
in localized designs often produced by generations of one family with no
technological or design style changes. It was as if time stood still.
There were a few craftsmen who worked for the nobility and the rich
merchants producing objects based on designs and technology taken from
other countries. They formed their own design styles, but they still could
only make a limited number of objects at a high price. These objects can
now be seen in museums.

The dates given for design style movements can only be approximate.
Nothing suddenly happens. In many cases two styles overlap, one was fad-
ing away and one coming in. The reasons why these new movements occur
are a complex mix of historical, political and social facts, but that is history.
The time between 1914 and 1950 was a period of great upheaval, loss
of life and world depression. However, new technologies still steadily im-
proved and design went through different styles (First World War 1914-
1918, Second World War 1939-1945). The history of Industrial Design re-
ally began with the start of the Industrial Revolution that took place during
the early part of the 1700's with the invention of mechanical processes of
production. Everything changed, for the first time it was possible to pro-
duce large quantities of a product cheap enough for most people to own.
The design of the product came out of the technology available at the
time. Ceramic manufacturers found it easy to mass-produce plain white
plates but still had to paint on the pattern by hand - too expensive. They de-
veloped a method of transfer printing but only blue ink would withstand the
high temperatures used during the glazing process. This is why all the
plates of the early period are blue, the most famous being the Willow Pat-
tern. As ink technology improved, so did the colour and complexity of the
Design was led by its technology and was of a very low standard with
very little thought for the user. Manufacturers spent no money on beautify-
ing their products as they had little competition and were out to make as
much money as possible. In those days designers were either architects or
artists and manufacturers felt no need to use them. In the early part of the
1800's, people began to realize that there was a problem. The architect,
Charles Cockerel said, 'The attempt to supersede the work of the mind and
the hand by mechanical process for the sake of economy will always have
the effect of degrading and ultimately ruining art.' Many years later, the
Bauhaus used technological processes as the basis of their designs. In 1833,
a Parliamentary Select Committee was set up to examine the problem of a
low standard of product design.
The morality of the country was felt to be reflected through its art. This
feeling is still held today by many academics. In 1837, a government
School of Art was set up with the aim to train designers for working with
industry but it failed. It took the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the Arts and
Crafts Movement to change things.
Notes on the Text

come out - з'являтися print - відтиснення, відбиток

beautify - прикрашати, робити the Willow Pattern - синій узор
красивим у китайському стилі (на фарфорі)

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

6. a. Match each word on the left with its definition on the right:
1. craftsman a. a person who designs (and supervises the construc-
tion of) buildings, etc.
2. design b. manner of doing anything
3. style c. drawing or outline from which smth. may be made
4. to improve d. change position, move
5. architect e. skilled workman who practises a craft
6. pattern f. ability to do smth. expertly and well
7. skill g. excellent example; smb. or smth. serving as a model
8. to transfer h. make or become better
9. morality i. (standards, principles, of) good behaviour
b. Make up sentences with each word in a.
7. Re-read the text. In pairs, discuss the statements below. Say what
you think about them and ask your partner if he/she agrees or dis-
agrees with you. Use the following phrases to help you:
Agreeing Disagreeing politely
I agree with you. Yes, but don't you think ... ?
Yes, that is what I think too. True, but I think...
You are right! I see what you mean, but...
1. Most of the craftsmen worked at a low level of skill and design up until
the Industrial Revolution.
2. There were many craftsmen who worked for the nobility and the rich
merchants producing objects based on designs and technology taken
from other countries.
3. The time between 1914 and 1950 was a period of great upheaval.
4. The history of Industrial Design really began with the start of the
Great Exhibition.
5. Manufacturers spent much money on beautifying their products as
they had great competition.

6. In 1837, a government School of Art was set up with the aim to

train designers for working with industry but it failed.
8. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the same as
• низький рівень майстерності • низький стандарт
• висока ціна • розфарбовувати узор вручну
• приблизно • переводити відтиснення, малюнок
• удосконалювати техноло-
гічну майстерність
9. Divide the text into logical parts and give each part a suitable title.
10. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents
of the text and give answers.
11. Render the following text into English using the active vocabulary
of the Unit:
Коріння дизайну сходить на початок XIX століття, епоху появи
масового машинного виробництва і розподілу праці. Історія розвитку
художнього конструювання почалася з середини XIX століття.
Виробництвом побутових речей займалися ремісники.
Застосовувалася ручна праця, знаряддя праці і технологія були
З приходом століття індустріалізації дизайнер почав створювати
прототипи виробів, які за допомогою машин виготовляли інші люди.
Функціональністю і економічністю вироблюваної продукції займалися
інженери, а дизайнери відповідали лише за її естетичний вигляд.
Призначенню виробів і простоті поводження з ними надавали таке ж
велике значення, як і їх зовнішньому вигляду. Незабаром дизайнерські
фірми почали набирати в штат креслярів, модельників, інженерів,
архітекторів і фахівців з вивчення ринку.



Active Vocabulary
Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
appear - з'являтися
behaviour - поведінка; відношення
blueprint - проект, програма; креслення
competitive – той, що конкурує, змагається;
competitor - конкурент
complete - v закінчувати, завершувати; а повний, закінчений
conventional - загальноприйнятий, традиційний, звичний
customer - покупець, клієнт, споживач
decide - вирішувати, ухвалювати рішення; decision - рішення
define - визначати, давати визначення; definition - визначення
desire - бажати, хотіти; desirable - бажаний, відповідний, що
differ - розрізняти(ся), відрізняти(ся); difference – відмінність, різниця
discover - робити відкриття, відкривати; discovery - відкриття
employ - наймати на роботу
exclude - не допускати, виключати
fulfil - виконувати
fail - терпіти невдачу, не виправдати очікувань
failure - невдача, провал
improve - покращувати
increase - v збільшувати; n збільшення
influence - v впливати; п вплив
inquiry - питання, запит, дослідження
invent - винаходити; invention - винахід
launch - починати, пускати в дію
opportunity - можливість
prefer - вважати за краще, віддавати перевагу; preference -перевага
rival - суперник, конкурент
translate - перетворювати
value - значення, користь; valuable - корисний, цінний

Word Combinations

market research - дослідження ринку

customer-focused - орієнтований на споживача
market-beating – той, що підкорює ринок

Pre-text Exercises

1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:

specific graphic discipline unique
idea surprise concept impulse
project parameter final expert
chance adequate ideally

2. Translate the following words analyzing their word-formation

model. Work with a partner and see how many words with the same
word-formation model you can add to this list:

manufacture - manufacturer compete - competitor

distribute – distributor provide - provider
sweep – sweeper invent - inventor
design – designer use – user.

Choose the correct translation of the following English words:

understandable розуміти зрозумілий розуміння

meaningful значення значний незначний
successful успішний мати успіх успіх
creative творчість створювати творчий
solution вирішувати рішення вирішуваний
competition конкурувати конкурент конкуренція
previously раніше попередній передувати
application застосовувати застосування споживаний
consumption споживати споживання вживаний
definition визначати визначення що визначає
efficiency ефективний ефективність давати ефект
4. BRAINSTORMING. Discuss the following questions:
1. What does the word 'design' mean to you?

2. Do you agree that design is only what a product looks like and nothing
more? Why/why not?
3. Do you think that design is necessary in all spheres of our life? If yes,
what spheres to your mind can design cover? If no, when can we do
without it?

5. Look at some basic design terms and try to guess their meanings by
matching them with their interpretation:

1. innovation a. ability to generate radical ideas

2. invention b. discussing the idea together
3. know-how c. an entirely new thing or practice
4. creativity d. the first appearance or use of a thing or practice
5. prototyping e. 'secret' knowledge
6. teamwork f. visualization of new concepts

6. Read the text and think of a suitable title for it. Discuss several pos-
sible variants.
Design is everywhere - and that is why looking for a definition may not
help you understand what it is. Design is everywhere. It is why you bought
the last piece of modern furniture and it is what made online banking possi-
ble. The single word 'design' encompasses an awful lot, and that is why the
understandable search for a single definition leads to long debates at least.
There are broad definitions and specific ones - both have drawbacks. Either
they are too general to be meaningful or they exclude too much.
One definition, given by designer Richard Seymour during the Design
Council's Design in Business Week 2002, is 'making things better for peo-
ple'. It emphasizes that design activity is focused first and foremost on hu-
man behaviour and quality of life, not factors like distributor preferences.
But nurses or road sweepers could say they, too, 'make things better for
Meanwhile, a definition focused on products or three-dimensional real-
izations of ideas excludes the work of graphic designers, service designers
and many other disciplines. There may be no absolute definitions of design
that will please everyone, but attempting to find one can at least help us to
define the unique set of skills that designers should have.
Design could be viewed as an activity that translates an idea into a
blueprint for something useful, whether it is a car, a building, a graphic, a

service or a process. Scientists can invent technologies, manufacturers can

make products, engineers can make them function and marketers can sell
them, but only designers can turn a concept into something that is desirable,
viable, commercially successful and adds value to people's lives.
There are many misconceptions about design. Newspapers and maga-
zines often use 'design' as a buzzword denoting style and fashion. The re-
sult is that design is restricted to the surface of things and how they look,
and that it is best employed at the end of the product development process.
But good design is not simply about the surface. Aesthetics is important,
but only as a part of a bigger picture.
Good design begins with the needs of the user. No design, no matter
how beautiful and ingenious, is good if it does not fulfil a user need. This
may sound obvious but many products and services, Wap mobile phone
services for example, failed because the people behind them did not under-
stand this.
Finding out what the customer wants is the first stage of what designers
do. The designer then builds on the results of that inquiry with a mixture of
creativity and commercial insight. Although good instinct is a part of the
designer's arsenal, there are more scientific ways of making sure the design
hits the mark. Different designers use different methods - combining mar-
ket research, user testing, prototyping and trend analysis. These methods
help decrease the risk of failure.
Designers, unlike artists, cannot simply follow their creative impulses.
They work in a commercial environment which means there is a huge num-
ber of considerations influencing the design process. Designers have to ask
themselves questions such as: Is the product they are creating really
wanted? How is it different from everything else on the market? Does it
fulfil a need? Will it cost too much to manufacture? Is it safe?
Emphasis on the customer makes design a formidable weapon for any
business. Companies have often designed their way out of failure by creat-
ing a product that serves the customer's needs better than its rivals. Design
delivered the operating-system market to Microsoft, rescued Apple Com-
puter and made Sony an electronics giant. Putting an emphasis on design
brings creativity into an organization and increases the chance of producing
market-leading, mould-breaking products. As the sophistication of the con-
sumer and global competition increases, this becomes more and more valu-
able. Innovation in the form of design is the key to success.

Notes on the Text


first and foremost - в першу чергу hit the mark - добитися своєї
three-dimensional - тривимірний мети, попасти в ціль
viable - життєздатний formidable – значний,
buzzword - модне слівце страхітливий
рrototyping - моделювання ingenious - винахідливий
mould-breaking - нешаблонний

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

7. Find in Text A words or phrases which mean the same as

• include • disadvantage • satisfy
• trying • false ideas • limited
•research • very large • rise

8. Look at the way the following words are used in Text A and then
circle the relevant part of speech:
search {par. 1) noun verb adjective
please (par. 3) noun verb adjective
graphic (par. 4) noun verb adjective
function (par. 4) noun verb adjective
turn (par. 4) noun verb adjective
lives (par. 4) noun verb adjective
sound (par. 6} noun verb adjective
9.WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents of
the text and give answers.
10. Complete these sentences with information from the text :

1.The word 'design' encompasses a great variety if things, and that's

2. Scientists can invent technologies, manufacturers can make products,
engineers can make them function and marketers can sell them, but
only designers can...
3. People often misunderstand the essence of design and as a result...
4. Good design begins with ...
5. Designers can’t simply create ideas, they should…
6. Companies have often designed their way out of failure by ...

11.Render the following text into English using the active vocabulary
of the Unit. Think of a suitable English title for the text.
Всі люди - дизайнери. Все, що ми робимо практично постійно, це
дизайн, оскільки дизайн є основою людської діяльності. Планування
будь-якої дії, направленої на кінцевий результат, є актом дизайну.
Дизайн - це написання поеми, малювання картини і створення
концерту. Але дизайн - це також і наведення ладу і чистоти на столі,
приготування яблучного пирога, вибір стратегії в баскетбольній
зустрічі, навчання дитини.
Психологічні тести показують, що творча уява властива всім
людям, але різною мірою. Розвитку творчого мислення значно
допомагають мультидисциплінарні (multidisciplinary) здібності, які
визначають кількість знань і якість пам'яті і збагачують процес
творіння. Новий «спосіб розгляду предмету» як основа дизайну може
бути значно розвинений через освоєння другої мови, оскільки сама
мовна структура дає нам можливість на досвіді стикнутися з
реальностями, кожна з яких різна залежно від мови. Привертаючи до
розгляду проблеми декілька мов, ми досягаємо глибшого розуміння
предметів і навколишнього світу. А це, у свою чергу, сприяє
виникненню альтернативних рішень і ідей.

12. Read the text on p. 10 and render it according to the following

• The title of the text is ...
• The text tells about...
• The main/central idea is ... / in brief... / to put it in a few words ...
• The aim of the article/text is to tell the reader about...
• According to the text...
• To all appearances (видно)
• Needless to say (само собою зрозуміло)...
• Inasmuch as (з причини того, що)...
• Then I'm going to add ...
• I want to point out the following facts that were new for me ...
• In conclusion I'd like to say ...
• I like ... because ... /I dislike ... because ...


Active Vocabulary
Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
activity - діяльність
approach - n підхід (до розгляду чогось); v граничити ( з ч и м о с ь ) ,
наближатися ( д о ч о г о с ь )
conscious - обізнаний, такий, що розуміє; здоровий, мислячий;
consciousness - свідомість
divergent - відмінний від, різний
exploit - використовувати, експлуатувати; exploitation - використання,
explore - досліджувати, вивчати
imagine - представляти, уявляти; imagination - уявлення, уява;
imaginative - обдарований уявою; уявний
marketable - що швидко реалізовується, швидкий (товар)
outcome - результат
pattern - шаблон, зразок, приклад
select - вибирати, відбирати
solution - рішення
tangible - відчутний, матеріальний, реальний

Word combinations

for smb.'s / smth.'s sake - заради кого, чого

frame of mind / mindset - склад розуму
add value - покращити

Pre-text Exercises
1. Translate the words in bold type analyzing their word-formation
model. Work with a partner and see how many words with the same
word formation-model you can add to this list:
relevance — relevant resistance — resistant
importance — important correspondence — correspondent
significance — significant dependence — dependent
extravagance — extravagant difference — different

2. Choose the correct translation of the following English words:

eventually кінцевий в решті решт подія
helpful корисний некорисний корисно
consciously свідомий свідомо несвідомо
significantly істотно істотний значення
tolerant терпимість терпимий нетерпимий
divergent різнийй різниця по-різному
impossible можливий можливо неможливо
impractical непрактичний практичний непрактично

3. BRAINSTORMING. Arrange the following words in three groups:

group 1 for words describing innovation, group 2 for words describing
invention, and group 3 for words which can be used to describe both:
experimenting, exploring, improving, developing, increasing, facilitating,
creative, imaginative, original, elegant, entirely new
4. a. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:
1. What is, in your opinion, the difference between innovation and design?
2. Is either of them predominant in the design process? Why/Why
3. What do you think is easier to make — a design or innovation?
Give your reasons.
b. Now read the text to see how many of your ideas are mentioned.
Think of a suitable title for the text. Discuss several possible vari-

In the context of innovation it is helpful to bear in mind three defini-
tions of the word 'design':
• A design is the tangible outcome, i.e. the end product of the design
process, for example a camera or car, etc.

• Design is a creative activity.

• Design is the process by which information is transformed into a
tangible outcome.
It seems that the third definition - design as process - is the most com-
monly used, and it is how the word is used in this article. Design is a con-
scious process. So our definition reads: 'Design is the conscious decision-
making process by which information (an idea) is transformed into an out-
come, tangible (product) or intangible (service).'
But why should we look at design specifically in the context of innova-
First of all, what does 'innovation' mean? A commonly used definition
is: 'Innovation is the commercially successful exploitation of ideas.' This
definition associates innovation with a tangible outcome. However, in to-
day's fast-changing environment this is not enough. Innovation is the art of
making new connections, and continuously challenging the status quo -
without changing things for change's sake. Hence, innovation can be de-
fined as a frame of mind.
Successful innovation is first, and most importantly, about creating
value. It does so either by improving existing goods, processes or services
(incremental innovation), or by developing goods, processes or services of
value that have not existed previously (radical innovation). However, both
kinds of innovation require you to do the following: challenge the status
quo, have an understanding of consumer needs, develop imaginative and
novel solutions.
In addition, innovation is generally associated with the following: the
willingness to take risk, accepting high levels of ambiguity and uncertainty,
original thinking, a passion to drive the idea through to conclusions, the
ability to inspire passion in others. Designers are frequently considered to:
be tolerant of ambiguity, perceive the world differently, see possibilities,
ask questions, be divergent thinkers, want to change the status quo, be
happy to take risk.
This does not mean that innovation should be left to the designers, but
clearly indicates that designers make an important contribution to the inno-
vation process. As the UK Government White Paper on Competitiveness
states: 'The effective use of design is fundamental to the creation of innova-
tive products, processes and services. Good design can significantly add
value to products, lead to growth in sales and enable both the exploitation
of new markets and the consolidation of existing ones.' However, even

though the link between the skills and abilities of designers and the skills
and abilities required for innovation seems quite obvious, many organiza-
tions still do not exploit the skills of designers in order to innovate.
Both innovation and design require cross-disciplinary co-ordination -
but universities and business schools tend to operate strictly within depart-
mental boundaries. Very few business schools have a department of inno-
vation or design, and as a consequence both disciplines are being treated
and taught in a very fragmented fashion to business people - if they are
taught at all.
Furthermore, many people think of 'product', i.e. the end result, when
talking about design and innovation. However, innovation can usefully be
viewed as being more about a certain frame of mind rather than a tangible
product or a new technology. An innovative mindset will seek to improve
and change in order to increase value of a process, a product, or a business
model. In an innovative organisation, innovation will not be the domain of
a department or small group of people, but the responsibility of everyone,
and design will be a key facilitator in the organization's culture.

Notes on the text

bear in mind –пам’ятати divergent thinker –

різносторонній мислитель White paper –
урядовий па-
i.e. = that is- тобто перовий документ
incremental innovation –оптимізуюча domain – поле, сфера
діяльніінновація ності
ambiguity – неясність, неоднозначність

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

5. Find in Text A words or phrases which mean the same as
• useful • turned into • to choose • increase
• entirely new • wish to risk • greatly
• recently • as a result • therefore
6. Find in the text two words or phrases for each word or expression
• зв'язок • кінцевий продукт • примножувати користь
• склад розуму • крім того, до того ж

7. What do the words in italics refer to?

1. It is about comparing alternatives to select the best possible solution.
2. However, in today's fast-changing environment this is not enough.
3. Most of the efforts to promote design and its contribution to innovation
are coming from the design community, rather than the business and in-
novation community.
4. Both disciplines are being treated and taught in a very fragmented fash-
ion to business people — if they are taught at all.

8.WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents of

the text and give answers. Give a short summary of the text.
9. Render the following text into English and add your own opinion of
Stark's innovative approach: do you (dis)approve of it; find it
amazing, foolish, useful, refreshing, etc.



Плідно працюючий дизайнер і архітектор, Пилип Старк

поставив перед собою мету змінити наше повсякденне життя і дати
нам можливість насолодитися красою. Старк - дизайнер-універсал.
Він створює приватні будинки і інтер'єри, проектує стільці, столи,
дивани, зубні щітки, соковижималки і ножі, розробляє дизайн
телевізорів, машин. Він наново відкрив миру, що дизайном можна
захоплюватися, а речі можуть радувати, що мистецтво існує заради
мистецтва, а краса - заради краси. На питання: «Чому ви робите речі,
які красиві, але не функціональні? За допомогою вашої
соковижималки незручно отримувати сік з фруктів» Старк відповів,
що він зробив соковижималку не для того, щоб показати, як тиснути
сік. Це прекрасний привід поговорити, наприклад, про любов. Цей
дизайнер орієнтується не тільки на сам об'єкт (як річ в собі), але і на
сприйняття цього об'єкту, провокуючи у відповідь реакцію глядача і


1. Discuss the following questions:

1. Do you ever think of inventing something new and unusual? What could
it be? Do you think you will be able to do it in your future professional
2. Is it really necessary for a designer to invent at least one thing? Why/
Why not?

2. Read the text and say what an invention is.


Invention may be defined as a process of creation during which a novel
idea becomes a novel product. (For 'product' read physical or intellectual
product, process, system, service or any combination.)
By a 'novel product' we mean one that incorporates significant and dis-
tinctive elements not known previously and not available from competing
products. The phrase 'not known previously' is crucial. The rewards from
invention come from the legally recognized right to own and exploit the 'in-
ventive step' and this is difficult or impossible if there is 'prior art' - or evi-
dence that the idea is not novel.
Prior art is a useful legal term that broadly means any evidence in any
recorded form from any period in history that an idea is already known. Its
scope is very broad: prehistoric cave drawings can count as prior art; car -
toons in children' comics can be prior art. Prior art may cover the whole in-
vention, or one or more elements of it.
Invention is also a process of risk management. Many inventions start
as a single person's unsubstantiated hunch, and pursuing that hunch often
means persuading other people to accept a level of risk similar to betting on
a rank outsider in horse racing. This does not guarantee to advance careers
or reassure investors.
Most significant inventions now appearing on the market are a marriage
of inspired thinking and elegant design. It's probably not commercially pos-
sible to do it any other way, as today's quality-conscious markets cannot
stand revolutionary but 'mad' or 'clunky' technologies.

There is also little opportunity for the really great invention. James
Dyson did not invent the vacuum cleaner and Apple did not invent the
computer. They invented improvements involving new or unconventional
uses of existing or emerging technology. What they and other innovators
did was reinvent through design. Design is therefore fundamental to inven-
tion and is the key to turning a prototype into a marketable product. It is vi-
tal to think about design from the very start, as the true value of an inven-
tion may not be noticed because of impractical or inappropriate design.
A good designer can be invaluable, particularly when dealing with man-
ufacturers, who need both detailed specifications before they can make
anything and access to someone who talks their language if problems arise.
A good designer may also be able to suggest improvements to the invention
which enhance its commercial potential and the value of the intellectual

Notes on the text

inventive step - тут винахідницький рівень

prior art - тут творча думка, що раніше існувала
unsubstantiated hunch - тут інтуїція
pursue hunch - тут слідувати за інтуїцією
bet on a rank outsider – ставити на «темну конячку»
quality-conscious market - тут ринок, орієнтований на якість
clunky - тут нетямущий

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

3. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the same as

•offer • before • increase • essential

•includes • especially • important • to promote
•combination of • appearing • from the very beginning

4. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the opposite of

• possible • conventional • practical • appropriate •valuable


5. Look at the way the following words are used in the text and then
define whether it is a noun (1), a verb (2) or an adjective (3)
rewards (par. 2), right (par. 2), means (par. 3,) cave (par. 3), start (par. 4),
start (par. 6), true (par. 6).
6. Decide whether these statements are true or false:
1. A novel product is a product not known previously and not available
from competing technologies.
2. Prior art is a term used to prove that a designed product is really novel.
3. Invention is a process of no risk management.
4. Most inventions are a combination of creativity and elegancy.
5. There are many opportunities now for great inventions.

7. Render the following text into English and add your own opinion of
Sieger's innovative approach: do you (dis)approve of it; find it amaz-
ing, foolish, useful, refreshing, etc.? Compare his approach with
Stark's (see p. 18). Which approach do you like more? Why?


Дітер Зігер - архітектор, президент Німецького клубу

дизайнерів, класик сучасного дизайну. Своє успішне і довге
професійне життя цей німецький дизайнер присвятив дизайну ванних
кімнат. Його устремління полягають виключно в тому, щоб зв'язати у
виробі між собою функціональність, оригінальність і красу. Дизайн
ради дизайну не є сферою діяльності Дітера Зігера. Для споживача
його дизайн завжди відкривається миттєво і не вимагає пояснень.
Причина в тому, що творчі ідеї Зігера адаптовані не тільки до умов
промислового виконання, але і, перш за все, до потреб споживача.
Творіння, що виникають в результаті цієї комбінації, - прості,
функціональні, але в той же час яскраві і такі, що запам'ятовуються.
Тема поєднання функціональності, оригінальності і краси обіграється
в його виробах всіма можливими способами.
7. Give a short summary of the text.

Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

affect - впливати; відбиватися, зачіпати
challenge - v оспорювати, ставити під сумнів; п випробування, складне
завдання, проблема
denote - виражати, позначати
equilibrium - рівновага
gain - отримувати, набувати
glazing - скління, вставка стекол
goal - мета, завдання
internal - внутрішній; ant. external - зовнішній
impact - дія, вплив
issue - проблема, питання
nature - природа; natural - природний
notion - поняття, уявлення
nurture - забезпечувати, постачати
tools - засоби, прийоми, методи

Word Combinations
solar gain - сонячна дія
solar panel - панель, що уловлює сонячні промені
orientation - розташування на певній стороні
thermal mass – теплоізоляція

Pre-text exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
pioneer paradigm intuitively concentrate
maximize conservation atmospheric dinosaur
myriad minimize membrane analogy
principle theory diagram climate

2. Translate the following words analyzing their word-formation

model. Work with a partner and see how many words with the same
word-formation model you can add to this list.
resolve — resolution invent — invention
contribute - contribution observe - observation
solve — solution preserve - preservation
conserve — conservation transport — transportation
3. Form nouns from the following words using the suffixes -ment,
-ance/-ence, -tion. Translate the nouns into Russian:
maintain require achieve fulfil
differ develop construct protect
equip move transform perform

4. BRAINSTORMING. From the list of 20 words below find the 12

words which relate to design:
interior tulip layout creation
malaise turnip
micro-climate harmony
balance decor
blizzard building
tornado conservation
blockade typhoon
exterior quality
harpoon principle

6. WORK IN PAIRS. Say which of the words above, in your opin-

ion, refer to environmental design. What environmental impacts on
human health can these notions be associated with?
7. Read the text and give a brief summary of it.


One of the main principles of eco-design is work with the Sun. The
contribution of the sun to a house's internal heat is called the solar gain. A
fundamental principle of solar design is that it aims to maximize the solar

gain in the winter and minimize it in the summer. To achieve this solar de-
sign combines three strategies - glazing, orientation, and thermal mass.
Controlled glazing is the vital component of environmental design.
Glass allows 90 per cent or more of the energy of the sun rays to pass
through and keeps the resulting heat. However, there are problems with
glass too. It is a very poor insulator. Double glazing is twice as good (or
half as bad) because the small air gap between the sheets of glass is a good
insulator. So the use of glass only cannot solve the problem. But still there
are two more keys to it - orientation and thermal mass.
Orientation refers to the location of a house and direction to which a
house points. Orientation is crucial for determining the amount of sun a
house receives, because the direction and height of the sun changes
throughout the year. Only surfaces facing South receive sun all year round.
For this reason, solar panels and windows that will capture solar warmth
should face South. Surfaces facing South-East or South-West receive 10
per cent less solar energy during the year than surfaces facing South. Sur-
faces facing North are in the shade all year round. For this reason solar de-
sign concentrates insulation and minimizes glazing on this side of a house.
The thermal mass of the house is a measure of its capacity to store and
regulate internal heat. The best materials for storing heat are those that are
very dense, heat up slowly, and then give out that heat gradually. Brick,
concrete and stone have a high thermal capacity and are the main contribu-
tors to the thermal mass of a house. Of course, very few people have the
opportunity to build a new eco-house and apply these principles fully.
However, there are still ways to apply the solar principles to existing
houses. Solar panels can be attached to the roof without affecting its ap-
pearance on the street side. New windows should be positioned according
to solar principles. On the North side of the house, windows should bring in
as much daylight as possible. The thermal capacity of a wall can be in-
creased by painting it a dark colour. This is standard practice in eco-build-
ings. We must also know that so called 'environmental' materials are not ac-
tually good for the environment, they are merely less damaging than non-
environmental materials.
Another important principle of an eco-building is its self-sufficiency.
The more a house can meet its own needs, the less it demands from the en-
vironment. Examples of self-sufficiency technologies include: solar space
and water heating; using waste grey water and rain water; electricity gener-
ation from windmills and solar panels; growing food in the garden. A house

that reduces its consumption is a highly efficient low-cost house. Only

when the house starts meeting its own needs it becomes a true eco-house.
Notes on the Text
pulls out – тут звертає увагу sheet of glass - лист скла
self-sufficiency - самодостатність concrete – бетон

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

8. Find in the text words and phrases which mean the same as

•the main idea • very bad • to keep

•quantity • shadow • certainly
•situated • during the year (2 expressions)

9. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the opposite of

•external • increase • decrease • quickly
•at once • many • expensive • environmental
10. Choose the best linking words and complete these sentences with
information from the text :

1. Work with the sun is one of the main principles of eco-design and / but...
2. Solar design aims to maximize the solar gain in the winter and minimize
it in the summer, that's why / because ...
3. Glass allows more than 90% of the energy of the sun rays to pass
through and keeps the resulting heat, however / although ...
4. Double glazing keeps the solar heat better because / so ...
5. Orientation is of great importance for determining the amount of sun a
house receives, that's why / because ...
6. Surfaces facing North are in the shade all year round so / although ...
7. The thermal mass of the house is a measure of its capacity to store and
regulate internal heat because / so ...
8. Not many people have the opportunity to build a new eco-house and ap-
ply the principles of eco-design fully but / and...
9. A real eco-house starts after / when ...
11. WORK IN PAIRS. Propose a scheme of structured planning for
some necessary eco-innovation. Here are some ideas for you: an

electric bulb killing bacteria, virus and mould; a bus driving on oil;
cloth absorbing smell of sweat.
1. Define an urgent problem and state the goals.
2. Determine the functions, shape and colour of your eco-product.
3. Include marketing technology: who is your product for, how much does
it cost, where it is supposed to be sold.
4. Think of an advertising campaign for it.
12. DISCUSSION. Discuss with your partner the principles of eco-

13. Render the following text into English using the active vocabulary
of the Unit:

Визначення, дане Міжнародною Асоціацією Дизайнерів

Інтер'єру (IIDA), звучить так: «професійний екодизайнер - це
фахівець, що має відповідну освіту і досвід, що склав належні іспити,
чия професійна діяльність направлена на підвищення
функціональності і якісного рівня інтер'єру». В цілях поліпшення
якості життя, підвищення її творчого потенціалу, забезпечення
здоров'я, безпеки і добробуту широкої публіки професійний
• аналізує потреби клієнта, його цілі, життєві потреби і вимоги
• інтегрує отримані дані із спеціальними знаннями про дизайн
• формулює попередні дизайнерські концепції, які повинні бути
доречними, функціональними і естетичними;
• розробляє і представляє остаточні дизайнерські рекомендації за
допомогою відповідних демонстраційних засобів;
• готує робочі ескізи і специфікації для обробних матеріалів,
планування, меблів і устаткування;
• співпрацює з професійними службами інших фахівців в
технічних областях, пов'язаних з питаннями механіки, електрики,
відповідно до вимог законодавства;
• здійснює або керує підготовкою необхідної документації як
представник клієнта;

• здійснює нагляд за виконанням дизайнерських рішень під час

реалізації і після завершення проекту.



Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

alter - змінювати, переробляти, міняти

cost - витрати
dwelling - житло, будинок, помешкання
emit - випускати, випромінювати, виділяти; emission - емісія,
випромінювання, випускання
ensure - забезпечувати, гарантувати
evaluate - оцінювати, визначати; evaluation - оцінка, оцінювання,
expose - піддавати дії; exposure - здатність піддаватися дії
extract - витягувати, отримувати екстракт; extraction - витягання,
вибірка; екстрагування
harmful - шкідливий
install - розміщати, встановлювати; installation - установка,
resource - джерело, ресурс
satisfy - задовольняти
waste - v розтрачувати, виснажувати; п зайва витрата, втрата, збиток
pest - шкідлива комаха, паразит

Word Combinations

construction materials - будівельні матеріали

chemical sensitivity - сприйнятливість до хімікатів
interior furnishings - внутрішня обробка, меблювання
raw material – сировина

Pre-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
client emission allergy toxin inert
protein pigment ochre cellulose company
ventilate gypsum ingredient
3. a. Translate the following words analyzing their word-formation
relatively particularly potentially easily
environmentally seriously legally
b. Now form adverbs from the following words using suffix -ly. Trans-
late them into Russian:
natural general constant direct
actual active successful special
4. BRAINSTORMING. Discuss the following questions:
1. What do you think designing for the environment should include? What
criteria are vital for healthy indoor design?
2. Do you believe it is possible to construct buildings absolutely safe for
humans? Why/Why not?
3. When buying materials for remodeling your house/flat do you pay atten-
tion to whether they contain toxic components or not? Why/Why not?
4. What kind of pollution do toxic materials create? Make a list of various
effects caused by carpet, electric devices, furniture and cleaning prod-
5. Do you think we should try to reduce that harm? Why/Why not?
5. Now read the text and see how many of your ideas are mentioned.


Your environment can cause allergies or aggravate chemical sensitivi-
ties. Or create a feeling of general malaise. The cause can lie in the building
systems and materials: they may be benign or they can make you sick.
When you build or remodel your home, office you can take advantage of
the latest technologies and products to protect your health and that of your
family and employees. Here are some of the building components that you
can use to create a healthy environment.

Ventilation systems: Standard ventilation systems blow mould- or

dust-laden air into your home. Healthy systems ventilate the building while
filtering out harmful particles.
Insulation: Conventional insulation materials give off toxic chemi-
cals. The art materials conserve energy without the toxic side effects.
Interior paint: Regular paint creates indoor pollution. Healthy paint
products enliven your walls and ceilings and still allow you to breathe eas-
Carpet and padding: Conventional materials contain formaldehyde.
But healthy carpeting and padding soften your floors and ensure that you
are breathing clean air.
Interior furnishings: Often produce toxic gases. There are many
products available that provide comfort and style, while creating a healthy
indoor environment.
Windows and doors: Provide light and beauty without creating in-
door air pollution.
Electrical systems: Create electro-magnetic fields. Healthy systems
reduce your exposure to electro-magnetic fields. They make your life eas-
Interior cleaning products: Do not have to make you sick. With
natural products your home or office can sparkle and still be healthy.
Pest control: You do not have to expose your family and employees
or the environment to harmful toxins. You can get rid of pests using non-
toxic products.
Notes on the Text
malaise- нездужання art material - тут нові спеціальні
benign - безпечний padding - тут підлогове покриття

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

6. Find in the text words and phrases which mean the same as
• increase • sickness • common
• cleaning • save • shine
• bring life to • harmless • repair
7. Which words or phrases were used in the text to describe
1. people who are given work 3. usual, common material (2 words)

2. dirty air 4. dangerous chemical

8. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents
and give answers to make a summary of the text.

Active Vocabulary
Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:
bounce -відображати; syn. reflect
daylighting - природне освітлення
efficacy - ефективність
glare – сліпуче, яскраве, різке світло
illuminate - освітлювати; illumination, illuminance-освітлення,
luminous - світловий; освітлений
tenet - принцип
Word Combinations

artificial illuminance - штучне освітлення

cooling mode - режим охолоджування
daylight harvesting - використання денного світла
illuminance distribution - розподіл освітлення
lighting output - інтенсивність освітлення

Рге-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
aspect visual facade zone
geometry neutral mechanical period
component lamp

3. In each line find two words with the same root. Translate them
into Ukrainian:
furnish furnishing furnace fur further
determine detest detention detergent determination
invert innovate inner invitation inversely
excess except excited excessive excellent

produce prodigy profess productivity procure

emit emission emerge eminent emotion
satisfy saturate satisfaction satirical satin
supply supper supplemental support supposal
Read the text below and translate the words in bold type formed from
the words in the box. Analyze their word-formation model. Translate
the text.

basis - основа distribute - розподіляти

charge- заряд excite - надихати, стимулювати
emit - випускати fundamental - основний
history- історія main - головний, основний

Historically, light sources have been divided into two types - incandes-
cent and luminescent. Fundamentally the cause of light emission is the
same, i.e., electronic transitions from higher to lower energy states. The
mode of electron excitement is different, however, as well as the spectral
distribution of radiation. Incandescent solid substances basically emit a
continuous spectrum, while gaseous discharges radiate mainly in discrete
spectral lines, however there is some overlapping. Incandescent rare earth
elements can emit lines, whereas high pressure discharge produces a con-
tinuous spectrum.

4. BRAINSTORMING. Arrange the following words in two groups.

Put those words that can be used to describe light in one group, the
rest in another:
sustainable passive solar visual optimal
luminous sufficient pleasant artificial neutral
subsequent bright available fluorescent appropriate

5. WORK IN PAIRS. Discuss the following questions:

1. Why do you think light is an important part of eco - design?
2. In what way can effective light problem solution be beneficial to people?

6. Now read the text and see how many of your ideas are mentioned


Daylighting, the use of sunlight to illuminate building interiors, is con -

sistent with one of the key tenets of sustainable design: make optimal use
of the resources already present before creating artificial means of lighting.
Daylight harvesting involves using naturally available sunlight to off-set ar-
tificial lighting use and its associated energy consumption and cooling
loads. Properly designed daylighting provides benefits in three broad cate-
gories: energy, productivity and the environment.
The association of daylighting with reduced cooling loads may seem
counter-intuitive at first, for the common use of direct sunlight is passive
solar heating. However, filtered sunlight is a cooler lighting source than ar-
tificial lighting, having over twice the luminous efficacy of fluorescent
Studies have shown a range of productivity and performance benefits
associated with daylighting and the provision of views, including increased
speed, improved mental function and memory recall; improved learning,
reduced absenteeism, and increased sales. Increasing knowledge of day-
lighting's benefits to productivity and satisfaction should also lead to higher
lease rates for daylight facilities.
Daylighting and the resulting reduction in energy required for artificial
lighting and cooling, reduces the adverse environmental impacts associated
with power generation. In Georgia, where over half of the electricity is gen-
erated in coal-fired power plants, reduced demand for electricity translates
directly to cleaner air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. With cooling
of thermoelectric power plants accounting for over half of the water use in
Georgia, reduced demand for electricity also translates directly to reduced
water use.
Given the array of energy, productivity and environmental benefits
provided by daylighting, a sustainable design strategy suits to commercial
projects particularly well. Daylighting must be considered early in design,
as its successful integration may significantly impact the building's form.
Although this process involves a full range of modern tools and technolo-
gies, it allows nature to once again inform and shape our structures.
Whether evolution or revolution, it is a welcome change. Successful day-
lighting must provide sufficient light and uniform illumination while pre-
venting unwanted solar gains. Subsequent steps include the integration of
artificial lighting and lighting controls to facilitate daylight harvesting, and
the selection of appropriate furnishings and finishes. The first step in effec-

tive daylighting is the design and optimization of the building section and
Notes on the Text
offset- тут звести нанівець, мінімізувати
lease rate - оплата оренди
counter-intuitive -тут що суперечить здоровому глузду
provision of ideas - виробництво ідей
reduced absenteeism - скорочення ухилень від роботи
the array of - маса, множина
suit to - відповідати, задовольняти вимоги
greenhouse gas emissions - емісія газів, що створюють парниковий

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

7. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the same as
man-made, need, lets, mental activity, more than, desirable, thermal
power station, undesirable.

8. Here are some dictionary translations of words from the text. Each
word has more than one translation. Choose the translation that fits
each of the words in the text best. Do you know what the abbrevia-
tions in the translation part of the exercise mean?
1. key (par.1) n 1. ключ 2. розгадка 3. клавіша; v 1. замикати на ключ 2.
настроювати музичні інструменти; а 1. головний, основний 2. ключо-
2. present (par. 1) п 1. теперішній час 2. подарунок; v 1. дарувати 2.
представляти, рекомендувати; а 1. присутній 2. справжній, сучасний.
3. direct (par. 2) а 1. прямий 2. безпосередній; adv 1. прямо, відразу
2.безпосередньо; v 1. направляти, наводити 2. керувати
4. recall (par. 3) п 1. відкликання, відгук 2. спогад, пам'ять 3. відміна;
v 1. відкликати 2. згадувати.
5. translate (par. 4) v 1. переводити 2. переміщати 3. пояснювати
4. перетворювати 5. транслювати.
6. impact (par. 5) п 1. удар, поштовх 2. вплив, дія; v 1. щільно
стискати, ущільнювати 2. ударяти(ся) 3. надавати дію, впливати.

9. Answer the following questions:

1. What is daylighting?
2.What does daylight harvesting involve?
3.What benefits does properly designed daylighting provide?
4. Is filtered sunlight a cooler or a warmer lighting source than artifi-
cial lighting?
5.Does daylighting influence productivity? In what way?
6. Should daylighting be considered early in design process? Why
7.What is the first step in effective daylighting?
10. Complete these sentences with information from the text:
1. Daylighting, one of the key tenets of sustainable design, means
making optimal use of...
2.A range of productivity and performance benefits associated with day-
lighting includes...
3. Daylighting results in ... and ...
4. Successful daylighting must provide ...
5. Daylighting design process includes ...

11. Divide the text into logical parts and give each part a suitable title.
12. Translate the text into English using the words and expressions
from the box.

throughout human history natural forces

chape a keen awareness have an impact on
proliferation central heating air conditioning
cease be over interior walls

Впродовж більшої частини історії людства сили природи

безпосередньо впливали на форму наших будов. Глибоке розуміння
природного освітлення і його цільове використання завжди робили
значний вплив на дизайн будівель. Але з розвитком і
розповсюдженням таких технологій, як недороге штучне освітлення,
центральне опалювання і системи кондиціонування повітря, вплив сил
природи на архітектурний дизайн ослабів. На щастя, даний період

підійшов до кінця. Використання природного освітлення і, як

наслідок, ретельне планування розташування внутрішніх стін вже
дозволило оцінити вигоди світлового дизайну.



Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

cabinet - шафка (кухонна або для ванної кімнати)
faucet - водопровідний кран
fixtures - сантехніка
dehumidification - осушення, видалення вологи
option - думка, вибір
smart - розумний; красивий; хитромудрий; модний
desiccant - що сушить, осушує

Word Combinations
cutting-edge technologies - новітні технології
thoughtful design - ретельно продуманий дизайн
high-performance - високоефективний

Pre-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
stylish commercial initiative acoustics
toilet control innovative specialist
ultra industry section
incarnation phase type
2. Say which part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, adverb) the follow-
ing words belong to and translate them into Russian:
• to act, act, action, active, activity, actual, actually, react, reaction, reac-
tive, interact, interaction

• to apply, application, applicable, appliance

• to add, addition, additional, additive
• to depend, dependence, dependent, independent, independence
• to consider, consideration, considerable, considerably
• real, to realize, realization, really
• to vary, various, variety, variation, variable
3. Form adjectives and adverbs from the following nouns using the
suffixes -al,-ally, -ful, -fully, -ous, -ously, -less, -lessly, -ive, -ively.
Translate them into Russian.
success glamour impression tradition use
environment wonder commerce emotion care

1. BRAINSTORMING. Look at these professional terms and try to

guess their meanings by matching them with the proper explana-
tion. Then translate them into Russian and memorize:
1. green building techniques a. smart use of sun rays
2. smart selection of resourіes b. systems supplying water
3. solar design c. air drying system
4. waste management d. eco-friendly construction
5. desiccant dehumidification methods
system e. thoughtful choice of materials
6. water delivery systems f. recycling of wastes
7. faucet g. lights which use less energy
8. reduced wattage lights h. water tap

5. WORK IN PAIRS. Discuss the following questions:

1. Would you like to live or to work in an eco-building? Why/Why not?
2. How do you think it is really possible to construct completely
'green' buildings? Think of some ideas for and against it.

6. Answer the following question: What 'green' building techniques can

you think of?
7. Now read Text A and see how many of your ideas are mentioned.
Text A


In order to meet the needs of expanding eco-policies, while providing

a dynamic, high-performance commercial demonstration building, South-
face Energy Institute commissioned Lord, Aeck & Sargent Architecture to
design the new Eco Office. The Eco Office will showcase commercial
green building techniques including energy efficiency and solar design, ef-
ficient water use/reuse, smart selection of materials/resources, environ-
mentally friendly construction practices, extensive daylighting, and ap-
propriate waste management. Southface expects the new office to transform
the market for commercial green building.
The Eco Office will include cutting-edge technologies, such as com-
bined heat and power generation and a desiccant dehumidification system,
but the overriding goal of the project was the creation of a facility that
demonstrates the benefits of optimized, integrated design. The Eco Office
will illustrate the significant energy efficiency benefits achievable through
the thoughtful design, selection and assembly of a conventional kit of
building parts (i.e., windows, walls, lighting, etc.), rather than focusing on
expensive, add-on technologies.

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

8. Choose the best explanation according to the context (see Text A):
1.showcase (par. 1) means 3. extensive (par. 1) means
a. be a. vast
b. include b. optimal
c. demonstrate c. appropriate
2.practices (par. 1) means 4. overriding (par. 2) means
a. materials a. sustainable
b. methods b. effective
c. studies c. main
9. Find in Text A words or phrases which mean the same as:
• satisfy • clever • suitable • advantages
• set • show • additional
10. Complete these sentences with information from Text A:
1. In order to meet the needs of expanding eco-policies...

2. The Eco Office will showcase ...

3. The new office is expected to transform ...
4. The Eco Office will include cutting-edge technologies such as ...
5. The significant energy efficiency benefits in the Eco Office are achieved
11. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents
of Text A and give answers.

12. Read Text В and give a brief summary of it.

Text B


Anyone connected to the building industry knows of the shift to envi-
ronmentally friendly construction practices. But until recently, the majority
of products have focused on the building envelope, interiors and furnish-
ings. The pickings were slim when it came to outfitting kitchens and baths.
No more! Now, manufacturers of faucets, fixtures, appliances, water
delivery systems, ventilation, lighting, cabinets and flooring have un-
leashed a wave of products that are both stylish and resource-conscious.
Designers are taking up the challenge by presenting clients with more
'green' options. Similar to the introduction of large entryways, third bath-
rooms and flat screen TVs, higher-end clients - both residential and com-
mercial - often are among the first and most responsive to green initiatives.
True, some of today's green products require a premium price and may
have a longer payback. But in the near future there will appear the types of
designs of even more eye-appealing and cost-efficient options. And there is
plenty of good news right now. Today's refrigerators require just 20 percent
of the energy needed to run those of 30 years ago. Water-conserving toilets
and other fixtures slash water use by more than 50 percent. On-demand or
instantaneous water heaters save substantial energy and water. Daylighting
controls and reduced-wattage lights can brighten kitchens and baths for a
fraction of former costs.

Notes on the Text

pickings - вигода, прибуток payback - період окупності

residential and commercial тут при- slash - різко скорочувати

ватні та юридичні особи fraction - частка, крупиця

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

13. Match these words and expressions with their meanings. Then try
to memorize them:
1. building envelope а. привабливий
2. outfitting kitchens b. особливо важливі клієнти
3. resource-conscious с. рентабельний
4. higher-end clients d. що має попит
5. premium price е. будівельний пакет
6. eye-appealing f. устаткування кухонь
7. cost-efficient g. висока ціна
8. on-demand h. ресурсозберігаючі
19. WORK IN PAIRS. Decide whether these statements are true or
1.Any specialist connected to the building industry knows of the shift to
environmentally friendly construction practices.
2. 'Green' products for outfitting kitchens and baths have not appeared yet.
3. A great variety of stylish and resource-conscious materials and products
for kitchens and baths are manufactured nowadays.
4. Today's green products are cheap and beneficial.
5. In the near future there will appear more eye-appealing and cost-effi-
cient options.
6. There is plenty of good news in this sphere of design.
7. Modern refrigerators require just 10 percent of the energy needed to run
those of 30 years ago.
8. Water-conserving toilets and other fixtures reduce water use by 80 per-
9. Daylighting controls and reduced-wattage lights can illuminate rooms at
less cost.

14. Complete these sentences with information from Text B. Put them
in the right order:
1. At present manufacturers of faucets, fixtures, appliances, water de-
livery systems, ventilation, lighting, cabinets and flooring have ...

2. Although some of today's green products are expensive and may

have a longer payback...
3. Everyone connected to the building industry knows of...
4. Modern refrigerators...
5. But until recently...
6. Designers are taking up the challenge by ...
7. Water-conserving toilets and other fixtures ...
8. Water heaters, daylighting controls and reduced-wattage lights...
9. 'Green' options for kitchens and baths are now often among ...

15. Render the following text into English using the active vocabulary
of the Unit and words and word combinations from Ex. 4, 13.


На думку архітекторів-екологів, забруднення атмосфери, шум

від руху транспорту, так званий «парниковий ефект» і інші
несприятливі чинники міського життя впливають на самопочуття
людей, їх настрій, працездатність. Як захиститися від шкідливих
наслідків урбанізації? Оточити будинок садом, а сад - скляною
оболонкою(cover), вважають автори проекту «екологічного» офісної
будівлі, яку передбачається побудувати в Берліні в найближчому
майбутньому. Планування та функціональне використання приміщень
будівлі нерозривно пов'язані з інженерно-технічними аспектами
проекту. Основними задачами були визнані забезпечення оптимальної
теплоізоляції будівлі, створення системи природної вентиляції і
кондиціонування, використання так званої первинної енергії і
застосування дощових вод для потреб будівлі.
Як показали попередні розрахунки, витрати на утримання і
експлуатацію будівлі за рахунок зменшення кількості інженерного
устаткування і використання нетрадиційних рішень вентиляції,
кондиціонування і опалювання будуть на 25-30% нижче, ніж витрати
на обслуговування звичайної офісної будівлі такого ж масштабу.


Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words and word combinаtions:

аdaptability -адаптування, пристосованість

adaptable - відповідний, придатний
adjust - встановлювати
background - задній план, фон
balance - рівновага; syn. equilibrium
blend - змішувати, зливати, об'єднувати
dominate - переважати, домінувати, підноситися
dull - тьмяний, матовий; ant. glossy - блискучий, гладкий
dwarf - підкреслювати маленькі розміри
enhance - збільшувати, підсилювати
fit – підходити, відповідати
foliage - листя, крона дерева
height - висота
horticulture – садівництво, horticulturist - учений-садівник
patio - внутрішній дворик
scale - масштаб, співвідношення, розмір
shade - тінь
soil - грунт
straight - прямій; ant. curved - вигнутий, кривий
texture - якість, текстура
tint - відтінок
unity - єдність
yield - приносити, давати (плоди, урожай, дохід)

Word Combinations
unit of landscape - елемент пейзажу
Pre-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
line distance perspective scheme

object rhythm character theme

manipulate monotony symmetrical colossal
fountain identical variation circulation
drainage minimum maximum
2.Translate the words in bold type analyzing their word-formation
model. Work with a partner and see how many words with the same
word-formation model you can add to this list:
force - forceful, forceless rest - restful, restless
grace - graceful, graceless beauty - beautiful
colour - colourful, colourless skill - skillful
3. Form adjectives from the following nouns using the suffixes -ful, -
less. Then form adverbs from these adjectives.
care harm thought
motion help success
pain faith end
4. Use some of the words (both adjectives and adverbs) from Ex. 2, 3
above to complete the text below. More than one variant is possible
in some cases.
The living area must be_____organized to avoid wasted space._____
consideration is given to the house design, land form and house orientation
as they relate to space organization.
Private areas are usually a part of the living area. A private area may be
for reading and meditation or it could be an area for small group conversa-
tion, so this area should be______ and ____. Space and equipment for
children's play are required in many landscapes and therefore it must also
be ______.
Sometimes to add more_elements_______designers use a water fea-
ture such as a swimming pool, spa, or a simple reflection pool. Because
moving water creates a secure, relaxed feeling in a private area and is often
overlooked for this use.
Each unit in this area should be a part of the whole and contribute to
the overall pattern so that a living area is_____,______and_______.

5. BRAINSTORMING. a. Which 10 words from the list below would

you associate with landscape design?
fountain proportion form space
cabinet waste size colour
plant harmony line balance
location illumination building
b. Now work in pairs and discuss why these notions are important
for landscape design. Give your reasons.
6. Read the text and find out what are the main principles of landscape


Colour, line, form, texture and scale are tools which are used in com-
binations to adjust design principles. Design principles include unity, bal-
ance, proportion, rhythm, repetition and simplicity. All these principles in-
teract to yield the intended design.
Unity is obtained by the effective use of components in a design to ex-
press a main idea through consistent style. Unity is emphasized by consis-
tency of character between units in the landscape. Use of elements to ex-
press a specific theme within units creates harmony. Unity can be
achieved by using mass planting and repetition. Unity means that all
parts of the composition or landscape go together, they fit. A natural feeling
evolves when each activity area belongs to and blends with the entire land-
scape. Everything selected for a landscape must complement the central
scheme and must, above all, serve some functional purpose.
Balance in design refers to the equilibrium or equality of visual at-
traction. Symmetrical balance is achieved when one side of the design is a
mirror image of the other side. There is a distinct dividing line between the
two sides. Equal lines, forms, textures or colours are on each side of a sym-
metrical design. Asymmetrical balance uses different forms, colours and
textures to obtain balance of visual attraction. These opposing compositions
on either side of the central axis create equal attraction. For example, mass
may be opposed by colour or linear dimension by height. The landscape de-
signer must skillfully manipulate the design elements to create asymmetri-
cal balance. The central axis must be predetermined and then developed by
the elements of art and other principles of design discussed in this article.
Proportion refers to the size of parts of the design in relation to each
other and to the design as a whole. One large towering oak may compli-

ment an office building but would probably dwarf a single storey residence.
A three-foot pool would be lost in a large open lawn but would fit beauti-
fully into a small private area. And of course, a colossal fountain would
dominate a private garden but could enhance a large city plaza. Proportion
in landscape design usually relates to people and their activities. The de-
sired size relationships of components in a design should pose little prob-
lem for the designer who considers this principle routinely in systematic
thought processes.
Rhythm is achieved when the elements of a design create a feeling of
motion which leads the viewer's eye through or even beyond the designed
area. Tools like colour schemes, line and form can be repeated to attain
rhythm in landscape design. Rhythm reduces confusion in the design.
Repetition refers to the repeated use of features like plants with iden-
tical shape, line, form, texture and/or colour. Too much repetition creates
monotony but when used effectively can lead to rhythm or emphasis. Unity
can be achieved better by no other means than repetition.
Simplicity goes hand-in-hand with repetition and can be achieved by
elimination of unnecessary detail. Too much variety or detail creates confu-
sion of perception. Simplicity is the reduction of a design to its simplest,
functional form, which avoids unnecessary cost and maintenance.

Notes on the Text

intended design - задуманий дизайн confusion - безлад, плутанина
pose - являти собою

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

7. Find in Text В words and phrases which mean the opposite of
• exclude • disbalance • complexity • tiny
• artificial • symmetrical • multi-storey
• necessary • disharmony • ineffective

8. Match these words and expressions with their meanings. Then try
to memorize them.
1. consistent style а. рука в руку
2. mass planting b. проектований простір

3. visual attraction с. узгоджений стиль

4. towering oak d. численні рослини
5. designed area е. зорове тяжіння
6. hand-in hand f. дуб, що здіймається, височіє над

10. Match the beginnings and endings:

1.Balance in design refers a)the repeated use of features like plants with
to… identical shape, line, form, texture
2. Rhythm is achieved, b) the equilibrium or equality of visual
when… attraction.
3. Repetition means... c)all parts of the composition or landscape
4. Unity means that… go together and fit…
5. Colour, line, form, texture
d) adjust design principles.
and scale are tools used e) reduction of a design to its simplest,
in combination to… functional form
6. Proportion refers to ... f) the size of parts of the design in relation
7.Simplicity can be achieved to each other and to the design as a whole.
by... g) the elements of a design create a feeling
of motion.
10. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents
of the text and give answers.
11. Divide the text into logical parts and give each part a suitable title.



Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

benefit -n перевага, користь, благо, прибуток; v приносити/здобувати
вигоду, користь, прибуток
current - нинішній, сучасний
ergonomics - ергономіка; ergonomist - ергономіст, фахівець з
fit - п відповідність; v відповідати
include- включати, охоплювати, містити
government - уряд

interact - взаємодіяти;
interaction - взаємодія
option - вибір
perceive -розуміти, розрізняти
physiology - фізиологія
priority - пріоритет, перевага
psychology - психологія
reduce - скорочувати, зменшувати
tacit - той, що мається на увазі, мовчазний
trend - напрям, тенденція
virtually - фактично, по суті
Word combinations

brand image - фірмовий стиль

common sense - здоровий глузд, практичний розум
human sciences - науки про людину
manual handling - ручне управління
sensory acuity - гострота органів сприйняття
working posture - поза, положення тіла під час роботи
workplace layout - розташування робочого місця
Pre-text Exercises
1. Read the following international words and guess their meanings:
analyze analysis multidisciplinary
tendency method positive
traditional identify automation
2.Translate the following words analyzing their word-formation model.
Work with a partner and see how many words with the same word-
formation model you can add to this list.
govern — government move — movement
manage — management require — requirement
improve — improvement develop — development
3. Form nouns from the following verbs using the suffix -ment. Tran-
late them into Russian:
achieve replace employ
attach establish enjoy

equip measure
4. BRAINSTORMING. Discuss the following questions:
1. Have you ever heard the term 'ergonomics'? If yes, in what context was it
2. What does ergonomics deal with, in your opinion?
3. Why can it be of considerable importance for design process?
5. Look at the following terms used to define ergonomics and guess
their meanings:
human engineering, individual design, analytical techniques, user-friendly,
physical and psychological user characteristics, user-centered design.

6. Try to give your own definition of ergonomics using the sentence-

frame below and the words and word combinations from Ex. 5 above.
You are free to make some changes:
Ergonomics is a scientific approach also called ....... which uses... to
find out... and apply ... in ... or...
7. Read the text to see how many of your ideas are mentioned.


Ergonomics is also known as human engineering, human factors en-
gineering, user-centered design, inclusive design. Ergonomics is about en-
suring a good fit between people, the things they do, the objects they use
and the environments in which they work, travel and play.
Ignoring ergonomics may lead to designs which do not fit the physical,
psychological or sociological needs of the users, leading to ineffective, in-
efficient or unsafe designs, which are unlikely to be commercially success-
ful. The human sciences of psychology, anatomy and physiology provide
information about the abilities and limitations of people, and the wide dif-
ferences that exist between individuals. People vary in many ways: body
size and shape, strength, mobility, sensory acuity, cognition, experience,
training, culture, emotions, etc. Good designers and ergonomists are trained
to consider the people who will use the products, systems and environments
they design, but they also have many other factors to consider.
In recent years, crowded and competitive markets, raised consumer ex-
pectations, and new legislation have lead to a more rigorous application of
ergonomics. Fundamental themes of ergonomics, such as 'user-centered de-
sign', 'user-friendly', 'inclusive design' and 'usability' have become buzz-

words within the design industry. Ergonomics methods can be applied at

the earliest stages of the design process, defining user needs and identifying
opportunities for innovation.
Some design consultancies employ qualified ergonomists and many
other design groups work closely with specialist ergonomics consultancies.
Large manufacturers, such as Ford, Philips and Nokia employ ergonomists
to work alongside their in-house design teams. Most design projects in-
volve multidisciplinary teams, including designers, engineers, marketing
researchers, brand managers and, increasingly, ergonomists.
Ergonomics is a broad subject area and is applied in many areas of in-
dustry, commerce and government. It can be considered under three broad
Physical ergonomics: Concerned with human anatomical, anthropo-
metric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they relate to
physical activity. The relevant topics include controls and displays, work-
ing postures, manual handling, repetitive movements, workplace layout,
safety and health, lighting, and the thermal and acoustic environment.
Psychological ergonomics: Concerned with mental processes, such as
perception, cognition, memory, reasoning and emotion, as they affect inter-
actions among people and with products, systems and environments. The
relevant topics include mental workload, cognition, decisionmaking, skilled
performance, human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress,
training, cultural differences, attitudes, pleasure and motivation.
Organizational ergonomics: Concerned with the optimization of so-
ciotechnical systems, including their organizational structures, policies, and
processes. The relevant topics include communication, staff resource man-
agement, work design, design of working times, teamwork, participatory
design, community ergonomics, co-operative work, new work models, or-
ganizational culture, virtual organizations and quality management.

Notes on the Text

inclusive design – дизайн, що враховує всі потреби користувача (вік, стать,
фізичні вади та ін)
rigorous - неухильний
Text and Vocabulary Exercises
8. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the same as

• providing • differ • make possible • fields

• increased • is used • popular terms
• repeating • encompass • though
9. Find in the text words or phrases which mean the opposite of
• effective • efficient • safe • likely
• disabilities • similarities • less • the latest
10. Match these words and expressions with their meanings. Then try
to memorize them.
1.usability а.температурне і звукове середовище
2. controls and displays b. кваліфікована робота
3. thermal and acoustic envi- с. оптимізація співпраці
ron ment d. кадровий менеджмент
4. skilled performance е. придатність
5. staff resource management f. кадрова ергономіка
6. participatory design g. системи управління і візуаль-
7. community ergonomics ного відображення інформацiї

11. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents

of the text and give answers.
12. Divide the text into logical parts and think of a suitable title for
each part.
13. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions:
1.Do you think ergonomics will become a basis of any workplace, any
process or service? Why / Why not?
2. How much time will it take people to realize its importance?
3. Consider the situation in our country: are ergonomics criteria of work
process popular with employees and employers? Why / Why not? Give
your reasons.



Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words:

accessible - доступний, зручний
accessory - приналежність; допоміжне, додаткове обладнання
accommodate - пристосовувати
clear-sighted - проникливий
consultancy - консультування
costly - дорогий, цінний
encourage - сприяти
dimension - п розміри, величина; v дотримуватись потрібних розмірів
entertainment - розвага
hire - наймати
leisure - дозвілля, вільний час
leverage - важіль, двигун; засіб для досягнення мети
lifestyle - стиль життя
profound - глибокий, грунтовний
retail - роздрібний продаж
retreat - відходити, відступати, поступатись

Рге-text Exercises
1. Make nouns from the following verbs by adding -ment, -tion to the
end and making necessary changes in spelling.
to treat to place to create
to develop to corporate to combine
to entertain to manipulate

2. Analyze the word-formation model and guess the meanings of the

to treat - to retreat to estimate - underestimated care- careful - careless
usual - unusual environment - environmental to create – creativity
safe - safety romantic - unromantic function - functionality
profession - professional
3. BRAINSTORMING. What do you think the function of interior de-
sign is? Give your reasons.
4. Read the text to understand what Interior Design is.


Interior design is the total creative solution for a programmed interior.

It encompasses the conceptual planning, and the aesthetic and technical so-
lutions applied to achieve the desired result. Interior design enhances the
function and quality of interior spaces for the purpose of improving the
quality of life, increasing productivity, and protecting the health and safety
of its inhabitants.
Nowadays, people are more aware of their surroundings and many
homeowners take an interest in making their home comfortable. A home
that functions well is designed to accommodate the daily activities of each
family member to help reduce the stress in our busy lives. In addition, a
home filled with colours and objects that we cherish has a profound affect
on our ability to relax and enjoy our time at home.
An appealing interior increases the market value of your home and
makes hiring a designer a good investment. Not only can a designer save
you time but he or she can also prevent costly mistakes. Today, designers
are accessible to everyone - not just the wealthy. Designers can be hired for
anything; from something as simple as choosing wall colours to more com-
plex major renovations and both can have a huge positive impact on a
The interior designer distinguishes from an interior decorator: a deco-
rator is concerned with surface decorations, such as paint, fabric, furnish-
ings, etc., an interior designer is professionally trained, through education,
experience, and licensing examination, to create spaces for living and
working that are more than just attractive. The designer takes account of
the space itself — its dimensions and construction, and how it will be used
(for work, leisure, entertainment). Additionally, the designer considers
practical aspects, such as specific lifestyle factors, acoustics, ergonomics,
lighting design, and health and safety considerations.
Designers are also aware of products and services on the market and
are in a good position to suggest creative affordable solutions to a person's
needs. The most important matter of concern when designing or planning
interior design for the homes is to build an environment that caters to the
individuals living there. Creating a space that is accommodating to each
person's lifestyles is the general principle of interior design.

In addition to a mastery of the principles of interior design, and a com-

prehensive understanding of materials, construction, furniture, fixtures,
lighting design, and window and wall treatments, interior designers have a
clear-sighted focus on the art of customer service - the goal, never out of
view, is to leverage creativity, knowledge, and experience to ensure that the
clients get what they want.
Notes on the Text
surrounding- середовище, оточення cherish - плекати, тримати в пам'яті

5. Find in the text phrases which mean the same as

• творче рішення • якість внутрішнього простору
• економити час • захист здоров’я і безпека
• декорація поверхні • всебічне розуміння матеріалів
• створювати простір для життя та праці

6. a. Match each word on the left with its definition on the right:
1. positive a. having power to create
2. to relax b. get pleasure from
3. creative c. practical and constructive
4. to enjoy d. cause or allow to become less tight
5. to build e. propose, put forward for consideration
6. to suggest f. put parts together to form a whole

b. Compose sentences with each word in a.

7. Re-read the text . In pairs, discuss the statements below. Say what
you think about them and ask your partner if he/she agrees or dis-
agrees with you.
1. Interior design is the total creative solution for a programmed interior.
2. Nowadays, people are less aware of their surroundings.
3. A home that functions well is designed to accommodate the daily activi-
ties of each family member to help reduce the stress in our busy lives.
4. An appealing interior decreases the market value of your home and
makes hiring a designer a good investment.
5. Today, designers are accessible to everyone.

6. The designer does not consider practical considerations, such as specific

lifestyle factors, acoustics, ergonomics lighting design, and health and
safety considerations.
7. Designers are not aware of products and services on the market and are
in a good position to suggest creative affordable solutions to a person's
8. Creating a space that is accommodating to each person's lifestyle is the
general principle of interior design.

8. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents of

the text and give answers.
9. Give a short summary of the text.

Active Vocabulary

Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

amenities - необхідні умови для комфорту
flexible - гнучкий, рухомий
laptop - ноутбук
property - властивість; власність
recognition - визнання, схвалення; усвідомлення
recognize - дізнаватися, визнавати, усвідомлювати
shortcoming - недолік, вада
support - v підтримувати; п підтримка

Word Combinations

drop-in working - робоче місце

fixed real estate - постійне робоче місце
flexible and fluid work patterns - гнучка, вільна модель робочого
spatial layout - просторове розташування

Pre-text Exercises
1. Which of these words are similar in Ukraіnian? Can you translate
them? Look through the Unit and find five more such words. Check
that the meaning is the same:
premium intellectual anthropological demonstrate
potential process material machine
catalyst specification mobile campaign
conflict gallery balcony

2. Translate the following words analyzing their word-formation

model. Work with a partner and see how many words with the same
word-formation model you can add to this list:
widespread shareholder breakdown teamwork
shortcoming wheelchair basketball

3. BRAINSTORMING. Work in pairs and answer the following ques-

1. What areas do you think workplace design may cover?
2. Why can it be of practical importance for both employees and em-
3. Now read the text and see how many of your ideas are mentioned.
Then think of another title for it. Discuss several possible variants.

Workplace design is also known as innovative workplaces. As a con-
cept, the 'innovative workplace' responds to a growing recognition within
employing companies that the physical working environment can have a
profound effect on an organization's culture and on the individual's perfor-
Successive anthropological studies have demonstrated a proven con-
nection between habitat and human behaviour. Today, there is widespread
acceptance that the traditional habitat for white-collar work - the modern
office - has significant shortcomings in terms of planning, layout, facilities
and aesthetics. These shortcomings prevent organizations and individuals
from working to their full potential in terms of innovating effectively.

Designing offices to release innovation potential within the organiza-

tion links the application of a number of design processes directly to the re-
alization of organizational goals. These processes include space-planning,
interior, architectural, furniture and lighting design.
Designing innovative workplaces is not about creating visually 'wacky',
attention-grabbing environments. It is about closely tailoring the physical
environment to the requirements of developing new knowledge within the
So what are the key issues at the heart of this concept? Inside any or-
ganization, it is important to ask searching questions about the current of-
fice environment - and look at how physical and spatial improvements and
the provision of different equipment might support innovation practices.
Office design has many different, interrelated elements, including spa-
tial layout, lighting, furniture specification, material finishes, technology
services and catering provision. Within this framework, a number of con-
flicting agendas must be addressed to achieve a more holistic balance if
workplace design is to act as a catalyst for a more agile and responsive
work culture. It is important to recognize these conflicts at the outset. There
are five in particular.
First, designing innovative workplaces must reconcile the needs of the
organization with those of the individual. Traditionally, office managers
have been in charge, and employees have had little say over their environ-
ment. But does this bring out the best in people?
Second, innovative workplaces must balance the need for fixed real es-
tate against the reality of increasingly flexible and fluid work patterns. In
the mix of office-based, mobile and home working, how can innovation be
Third, innovative workplaces must combine workspace with public or
social space. How much of the office space should be private, privileged (a
club) or public and therefore open to all-comers?
The fourth conflict to resolve is architecture versus design. How much
of the workplace investment should go into the bricks and mortar of the
building shell, and how much into less permanent interior settings and flex-
ible leases? Finally, organizations need to look at the image of their Work-
place. Does it suggest an automaton (reflecting famous architect Mies van
der Rohe's belief that an office is 'a machine for working in') or can it ex-
press more human values? All of these conflicts resonate in the practice of
designing innovative workplaces.

Notes on the Text

knowledge-driven –керована знанням
tailor - пристосовувати
have one's say - висловлюватися
be in charge - завідувати, керувати
the bricks and mortar of the building shell - цегла і будівельний
розчин для корпусу будівлі

Text and Vocabulary Exercises

5. Find in Text A words or phrases which mean the same as

• to reward • disadvantage • interconnected
• anxiety • at the beginning • contradictory questions
• to think • to react • main problems

6. Match these words and expressions with their Russian equivalents.

Then try to memorize them.
1. fresh thinking а. по відношенню до, кажучи мовою
2. material finishes b. виявляти, знаходити
3. holistic balance с. претензійний, той, що привертає
4. bring out d. щонайповніша рівновага
5. wacky, attention grabbing e. обробні матеріали
6. in terms of f. оригінальні ідеї

1. WORK IN PAIRS. Think of some questions to review the contents

of the text and give answers.
2. Give a short summary of the text.
8. Render the following text into English:

Мобільна робоча станція - гімн ефективності і ергономіці.

Компактна, з висувними рівнями, секціями і поличками. Оптимальне
рішення для всіх, у кого є велика потреба в окремому домашньому
кабінеті, але немає можливості облаштувати його за повною
програмою. Більше не буде проблем з чутливим устаткуванням, яке по
тих або інших причинах необхідно часто рухати з місця на місце.
Столик на колесах дозволяє пересувати блоки комп'ютера навіть у
включеному стані і уникнути при цьому механічних пошкоджень.
Мобільні робочі місця легко утримувати в належному стані. Пил
- сильний канцероген - з скляної або полірованої поверхні можна
просто змахнути вологою ганчіркою. Від правильної організації
робочого місця залежить і настрій, і якість роботи. Для початку
зручно встановіть монітор. Верхній край екрана - на рівні очей або
трохи нижче. Якщо працюєте з документами, листи краще
розташувати якомога ближче до екрану, щоб уникнути зайвих рухів
головою. Ідеальне освітлення робочого місця досягається таким
чином: столик підкочується до вікна або розгортається під
правильним кутом до люстри. Щоб на екрані не було відблисків (light
spots), у багатьох робочих місць передбачені спеціальні «козирки»
(peaks). Для бездротових пристроїв, наприклад, ноутбука або
кишенькового комп'ютера підійде крісло з широким «крилом»-
підставкою (peak-stand).

10. DISCUSSION. Work in pairs and discuss your workplaces. Are

they mobile, comfortable and functional? What can you do to make
them more tailored to your needs? Here are some ideas for you: use
mobile furniture, hang some visuals above it, put necessary litera-
ture behind or near it, etc.

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