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Il) Discuss both sides ay la dang cau hai thi? hai chiing ta sé hay gap trong bai Task 2. Dang nay sé thong, C6 kiéu cau héi “Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion” & cudi dé. Luu y la nhiéu truong hyp dé bai cing a5 thé khng yéu cau chting ta dua ray kién ca nhan cia minh, ma don gidn chi bat chiing ta thao lun vé hai huréng thoi. Thy ra néu dé bai yeu cau nhu vay thi chting ta cling chi cn bé di mét s6 cau thé hign quan, diém ca nhan. Hay néi cach khach diéu nay chi lam bai viét cua ching ta khac vé hinh thite cdn néi dung sé khéng c6 gi thay di Hay doc mét sé vi dy duéi day dé thay diéu khac bi 1. Some people believe that schoolchildren should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. 2. Some people believe that teachers should be responsible for teaching students to Judge cight and wrong and to behave well. Some say that teachers should only teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 3. Itisnot uncommon that children are required to obey the rule of their parents and teachers. Some people are worried that too much control over children will not prepare them well for their adult life. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. 4, Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of playing sports and participating in physical exercise. 5. Discuss the arguments for and against raising pets. Trong céc vi dy nay céc ban thay vi dy 4va 5 mac di yu cBu thdo lugn c& hai huéng, inhung khong cé yéu cu ching ta dua ra y kién cé nhan. Tuy nhién chung ta sé thurdng gap dang céu hai 1,2,3 hon. Vi vay du6i day 1a mét vi du v8 céch trinh bay khi céc ban gép hoi céu hai nay. Example 1 ‘Some people believe that schoolchildren should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion. Mot sé nguii tin rang hoc sinh khéng nén dugc giao bai tép v8 nha boi gido vién, trong thi dé nhiing ngudi khdc cho ring bai tap v8 nha déng mét vai trd quan trong di vér vide gido duc tré em, Théo luan c& hai quan diém trén va dura y kién cla ban. schooled (e (plural: schoolehildren) hoe sink play aa important role in (doing) sth = have an important role to playin (doing) sth: ng voit quan trong trong - homework (u) homework assignment, homework exercise: bai tip ve nha 1) Phan mé bai (The introduction) C6 hai cach dé chiing ta trinh bay khi gap cu hdi nay. Thir nhdt mot diéu chdc chan dd la bai viet phai viét v8 hai huéng khac nhau. Thi hai céc ban phai xéc dinh hai y kién ‘trai chigu nhau nay a kién cia ai. ‘Trong trig hgp cé hai kién nay déu la cila cc ban thi chinh la cach ching ta da thao lugn 6 muc B. Ser yn ee ee a) Body paragraph 1 (Your opinion -> One side) CC eA Me Re ee Seo Sse enon) Tuy nhién cdn mét cach khac dé 1a ching ta van thao luan vé hai huéng nhung ching, ta chi déng y v6i mot huréng. Huréng cén Iai la quan diém cua nhiing nguoi kha. Liic nay bé cuc cla chting ta sé tré thanh: - The introduction (Some people argue that S + V. However, | disagree RT SCE eee) See EM a ee Ly See WPA eu ee) eee Cece Te) Nhu vay chting ta sé thdy thy vao céch ching ta lva chon thi céch sip xép th6ng tin & phn Introduction va méi doan than bal sé c6 m@t chit khac biét, dl khdc bit l8 khéng qué lén, Nhu da néi chiing ta da biét viét theo céch thet nht, vay nén bay giéychiing ta sé thir trinh bay theo céch thi hal. ‘Dau tién mét phan introduction ciing sé van bao gém ba phan: Background information => Peope’s opinion => Your opinion (Céc ban hy hinh dung than bai sé 18 hai hwéng khac nhau trong dé mét hudng la cia nhitng ngurei khdc, cbn lai la cila ching ta. Thi chang khac nao cach viét mét phn introduction cia dang dau tién, Hay quan sat Iai cach viét mé bai cho dang dau tién (give an opinion, argue one side) cchiing ta sé thay né hoan toan tyong ty’: [Bockground information] In recent years, dangerous sports have become increasingly prevalent in both the developing and developed world, especially among the younger generation. [People’s opinion] tt is argued that such high-risk pursuits as parachuting and rock climbing, which result in a great number of fatalities every year, should be prohibited. [Your opinion] However, | completely disagree with this viewsoint and and here are my reasons. ‘Bay khéng phai [a tring hop ngau nhién boi vi dang thir nhat chiing ta ciing chon mot hung va cé tinh chén phan People’s opinions vao introduction dé dé trién khai hon. Nhung trong dang cau hoi nay Iutu ly mét diéu la hay dé hai phan People’s opinion va Your opinion trai ngurgc nhau vi cau hdi yéu cau chiing ta thao luan hai huéng khac nha. [Bockground information] Today there are plenty of opposing opinions about whether schoolchildren should be given homework by their teachers. [People’s opinion] Many people argue that assignments given to complete at home do not make a significant contribution to the effectiveness of education. [Your opinion] However, | disagree with this point of view and my reasons are as follows. Ngiy nay c6 nhi8u quan diém tréi chigu v8 viéc hoc sinh c6 nén dutge giao bai t8p v8 nha boi gido vién hay khéng. NhiBu ngudi cho r&ng bal tép duc giao

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