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PART 2: CAUSES/CONSEQUENCES/SOLUTIONS ay [a dang cau hoi vé “nguyén nhan’, “hu qua” hodc la dai hoi ban can dura ra “giai phap". Cau héi cé thé chia mét, hai hoc ca bay nay. Vidy: 1. The dangers of smoking are well-known, yet many people continue with this habit. What are the causes of this? How can we reduce smoking in society? 2. Obesity (being extremely overweight) is a growing problem in society. What are the causes and effects of this, and make suggestions to deal with this problem. Trong dé bai thet nhat “Wrat are the causes of this?” chinh la hoi v8 nguyén nhan, va “How can we reduce smoking in society?” la yéu cau ban dua ra giai phap. Trong dé bai thi hai “What are the causes and effects of this?" chinh la hoi vé nguyén nhan va tac dng, trong khi dé “make suggestions to deal with this problem” la yéu cau ban dura ra gidiphap. Ngoai ra can lu ¥ 18 ngoai nhiing cau hai trén, déi khi d& bai ding chita mét cau hoi yéu cau chting ta tim ra: “difficulties/differences/factors/changes/qualities (...)" Vidy: 1. Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 2. More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city? 3. Many people are optimistic about the 21* century and expect scientists to make positive changes to the world. What changes would you like tc see in the new century? 4, We can get knowledge from news, but some people think we cannot trust Journalists. What qualities do you think a successful journalist should have? 5. The advance of science and technology has a significant impact on people, but the role of artists is also important, such as musicians, painters and writers. What can the arts tell us about life that science cannot? 6. What are the differences between traditional food and fast food? 7. Itis generally believed that education is of vital importance to individual development and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? Mot sé tir 8 bai hay ding 48 hdi cacy trén: Nguyén nhan: reason, cause, contributing factor, driver, driving force, source, or Tac déng/hau qua: effect, consequence, implication, result, repercussion Cee ete ene ee oC ems eee ee ae cr Bic diém chung cisa nhieng cu hdi & dang nay dé la chiing ta don gidn sé tra loi tryc tiép nhiing cau héi dé baidva ra, Example 1 Obesity (being extremely overweight) is a growing problem in society. What are the causes and effects of this, and make suggestions to deal with this problem. Béo phi (sy thira can qua mite) dang ngay cang tr6 thanh mot van d® cia xa hoi. ‘Dau la nguyén nhan va tac dng cla nd, hay dua ra mét vai goi ¥ dé giai quyét van dé nay. + obesity (u) béo phi growing (a) increasing: ngiy cing + overweight (adj) fat: thir cér 2) Phin mé bai (th introduction) ‘861 véi dang nay phisn mé bai sé khng viét gidng céc phiin trvéc vi dé bai Khng hdl Vkién ctia ching ta. Tuy nhién chting ta van cBn viét mét cau "Background information”. 8 viét nhanh chiing ta hay dya vao a8 bal. Vi dy céu cho bei a’ bai: “obesity (being extremely overweight) is a growing problem in society” CChuing ta chi cn vit ai mot céu véi y nghia twong ty dé néu ra van B® chiing ta sé thio ludn: [Background information} It is well acknowledged that obesity has gradually| become a threat to people’s health at any age, especially in the developed world. Ngay nay béo phi dang dan tré thanh méi de doa tdi strc knde con ngusi & bat ky d@ tudi nao, dic bigt la & céc nue phat trién. = threat (c) nguy co'de doa ‘Sau khi viét xong cau dau déi voi dang nay chiing ta thutong ludn cd thé thém mot ‘cau muc dich (the purpose) cita bai viét. CChiing ta 06 thé bat du cau nay bang: Here | will -Itis certainly necessary to Vo -Itis clearly important to Vo -Itis worthwhile to Vo -Itis reasonable to Vo ‘Sau dé ty vo cBu hdi cla d& bai, néu dé bai hoi ve “cause/effect” ching ta 6 thé viét tiép nhur sau: => Here | will discuss the causes and effects of being extremely overweight. Hoac: => It is important to discuss the causes and effects of being extremely overweight. Néu hi thém ve y “solution” chuing ta c6 thé viét tiép cau trén, str dung: => Here | will discuss the causes, effects of being extremely overweight as well {as providing suggestions to deal with/address/tackle this problem. Hoac: => It is important to discuss the causes and effects of being extremely ‘overweight as well as providing suggestions to deal with/address/tackle problem. Bang tom tat: Ses ee te an ah) The See ue Tue a) Pee Cue ieeeid + provide suggestions (or methods) to addre: this probler ete Ts COE CO eee ee ee) rong trurong hop nay a bai hei ve cd ba ¥ cause/etfect/solution nén chiing ta ¢6 thé viét mét phn introduction nhu sau: [The purpose] itis certainly important to discuss the causes, effects of being, extremely overweight as well as providing suggestions to deal with this problem. Nhu vay chting ta cé m@t cau noi vé myc dich cia bai viét chita day du nhing yéu cau cla d bai. Va chiing ta c6 mgt phan introduction day dé nhu sau: It is well acknowledged that obesity has gradually become a threat to human health at any age, especially in the developed world. Therefore, It is certainly Important to discuss the causes, effects of being extremely overweight as well ‘as providing suggestions to deal with this problem. Ngoai ra con rat nhi8u céch 4& chiing ta viét céu myc dich vi dy nhur Scene aC nee eu acd Ree onus It is the goal of this essay to outline the potential causes of this problem and Brace ee eee eas Seca is to evaluate the forces behind this trend and its Corners Seu ne Ree sca The potential effects of such a trend will be discussed in detail below, followed by suggested solutior Ce eee oe Coen} 2) Phiin than bai (the body paragraph) Phiin nay chaing ta don gién cling thung ding mdi doan dé tr lai theo thirty cla cdc yéu cu. oan 1 chiing ta 66 thé vit v8 cause, doan body 2 sé vB effect. Cach t6 chize mét oan than bai cling van nbu binh thydng gdm 4 phan: Topic sentence -> Supporting sentence(s) -> Example/More explanation > Concluding thought. ‘Théng thung 8 bai sé chi hdi hai trong ba phn “cause - effect - solution”. Viée nay s@ gitip chiing ta d8 trinh bay hai doan than bai nhu binh thug hon. Tuy nhién trong trutng hgp nay dé cdc ban cé su hinh dung ve céch viét cho ting dang rd hon nén dé bai bao gém c& ba phn. ‘Théng thung gitta mdi doan than bai véi nhau sé khOng cé céc quan hé tuong ding hoc tuong phan nhu cécdang trude nén chiing ta cling khéng c&n ding céc tir ndi nhu “however, on the other hand..". Tuy vao céu héi céu topic clia mdi doan than bai ching ta cé thé bat du bang: Cree tea a Ten Cr cea The main (hoc principal/major/primary) effect of N/V_ING is N (hoc that $+ V) CIS ne a ena Cec oe ae ea) Seen eC CE ee) Oe Se Ce eee) Sea cee kay eee eMC se nea Cane D) Luu y diém dc biét cla dang nay dé la cdc tir d8 cap dén “causes” “effects” hay “solutions”... hung la s6nhiBu. Vi vy doan cia ching ta c6 thé duva ra mot hoc nhigu hon mét nguyén nhén, téc déng... chinh trong mot doan. ‘rong truéng hop doan than bail chiing ta cé nhiéu hon m@t ¥chinh, Nhu’ da huéng dn & cdc phn truéc ching ta c6 thé ding cdc ti sau dé bat du V thit hai eg eee) CCC a DMRS RUC ) Pe ieee) PC Ron en Ie a a Ca Moreover, v) Hay quan sat doan than bai hoan chinh duréi day: [Topic sentence] One of the principal factors responsible for causing a normal weight person to be obese Is an unbalanced diet. [Supporting sentence(s)] In simpler terms, the excessive consumption of food products which are high in calories will inevitably lead to the state of being overweight. [More explanation] Due to its convenience, various types of fast food, however, are currently popular with numerous people, although these foodstuffs in fact provide very little nutrition and contain large amounts of unhealthy fats. [concluding thought] As a consequence, it is not surprising that such an| unscientific eating habit renders many extremely overweight. [Topic sentence] Undoubtedly, obesity can trigger many health-related issues| involving both physical and psychological ailments. {Supporting sentence(s) 1] + [Example 1] Studies have shown that itis the origin of various complications | such as diabetes, which leads to millions of fatalities per year all over the world. [Supporting sertence(s) 2] Furthermore, the possession of an oversize shape could lead an ordinary person to undergo an inferiority complex or| even deep depression. [Example 2] For example, female pupils at an impressionable age are likely to feel excluded and some might even have the intention of committing suicide if they are repeatedly teased by wicked classmates because of their sizeable and bulky physique. All these facts! demostrate the detrimrntal effect of being overweight on people’s welfare [Topic sentence] The best solution to this issue might be to incorporate lessons regarding scientific and reasonable eating in the school curriculum. [Supporting sentence(s)] Educational institutes are where young puplls| dedicate their early years to acquiring what will have an immense impact on their behaviour and living habits later on. [Example] For example, through the provision of nutritiona ly balanced lunches, schools can he'p susceptible young schoolchildren gradualy develop good eating routines after returning home. [Concluding thought] 4s a result, they may become more selective when It comes to the intake of high-calorie foodstuffs. ‘Yu té chinh lam cho mot nui cé cn nang binh thuong tr nén béo phi la mét ché d@ an thiéu cén bang. Viéc tiéu thy qua nhieu cac chy pham co ham. lugng calorie cao trong mét thai gian dai sé tat yéu dan dén sy thita can. Tuy nhién nhiéu loai thitc én nhanh hign nay dang dugc wa chudng béi rat nhieu nguroi bai vi sy tién Igi cua n6, mac di thyfc té nhimng thyrc pham nay cung cap rat it chat dinh dung va chifa lugng lén chat béo. Vi vay khOng ngac nhién la thoi quen an udng thiéu [anh manh nay lam cho nhiéu ngudi tro nén béo phi. Béo phi co thé gay ra nhiéu van dé lién quan dén sitc khde bao gom ca cac can bénh vé thé chat va tém I. N6 la ngudn géc cia rat nhiéu nhiing bién chéing nguy hiém khac vi dy nhu bénh tiéu duéng, can bénh din dén cai chét cla hang trigu naudi méi 1am trén khép thé gigi. Ngoai ra vic sé hiru m@t than hinh qua khé c6 thé lam cho m@t nguei minh thudng tréi qua cim gide ty ti mac cam hay thm chil trim cam. Vi dy nhur hge sinh né trong a6 tudt dé bi tac dng c6 thé cdm thay bj ogi tri va mot sé tham chi cé y dinh ty tir néu lién tuc bj tréu choc béi ban ciing I6p vi than qua c& cla minh. Tat ca nhiing thyc t8 nay ching minh téc d6ng gay hal cla béo phi déi v6i sy’ khde manh va hanh phiic cla moi ngvdi. calorie. Bién phdp tt nhat 06 thé la dura céc bal hoc lién quan dn vige an uéng mot céch khoa hoc va hop lj vao trong chuong trinh giang day cla nha truéng. Trung hoc la noi tré em danh nhiing nm du divi ciia minh dé hoc nhiing thir c6 nh hurdng rt lin dn céc hanh vi va thél quen sinh hoat cla chiing sau nay. Théng qua vigc cung cép nhiing bia trufa can bang vB dinh duéng, trugng hoc c6 thé gidp hoc sinh tir tiy phat trién nhiing thé! quen &n uéng lanh manh sau khi tré v8 nha va 8 chon lon hon khi &n nhiing thyte phi giau «unbalanced (adj) thi edn béng + obese (ad) béo phi + excessive (ad) immoderate:thdi qué, qué d6 ~ consumption (u) sy tiéu thy + feodstuf(c) food product: the phiim «be high in something: «6 ham rong cb gi dé “calorie (c) don v nding lvong = inevitably (adv) unavoidably: at yéu, khiing thé tinh Khdi. numerous = many nutrition (uy) nutriment, nutrient, nourishment: chit dinh ding = render (t) cause: lam cho - health-related (ad) ién quan én ste Kade + disease c) sickness, illness, ailment: Béah = source (c) origin: ngudn g6c + complication (¢)(y hoe) biénchimg dangerous (adj) hazardous: nguy hiém - diabetes (u) bénh téu diving + [ead to (¥) result in: din dn oversize (ad) qué ho = inferiority complex (q) mac ci tyti 3) Phiin két ludn (The conclusion) ‘depression (u) tram edim ‘elated to/relating to/connected with/linked to/with/ossociated with (+n: lién quan dén ‘about = regarding = concerning = as to (pre) vB tigi dé impressionable = susceptible (od) dé bj téc ing commit suicide: tir wicked fod) xéu sizable (aj) to, lin bulky (aj cng kénh tease = mock (t tréu choc physique = shape =figure (c) wéc déng include (sth in sth ) Incorporate: bao gbm curriculum (¢) chug tinh hoe school = educationel centre = learning institute (e)truing hoc, co sé io duc early years (n) nhimng nm du doi + nutritionally balanced (adj) cén bing ve mat inh ding = selective (adj) chon loc © phian két bai chting ta cling viét mot cach don gin va tom lai cac ¥ chinh a dé cap sit dung ngon ngtt khac dimét chat nh vi dy dui day: In conclusion, while obesity can result in severe health effects, raising people’s awareness ofa healthy diet can be an effective measure to tackle it. Két lugn, mc du bénh béo phi cé thé din dn nhing tac é6ng nghiém trong cho stic khée, vige nang cao nhén thiic cla mol nguéi vé tim quan trong clia mét ché 66 &n udng cé thé 1a m6t céch higu qu’ dé gial quyét van a nay. health effect (c) nh huting lin ste khde awareness (y) ahr thirc Essay hoan chinh: It is well acknowledged that obesity has gradually become a threat to human health at any age, especielly in the developed world. Therefore, It is certainly important to discuss the causes, effects of being extremely overweight as well as providing suggestions to deal with this problem. One of the principal factors responsible for causing a normal weight person to be obese is an unbalanced diet. In simpler terms, the excessive consumption of food products which are high in calories will Inevitably lead to the state of being overweight. Due to its convenience, various types of fast food, however, are currently popular with numerous people, although these foodstuffs in fact provide very little nutrition and contain large amounts of Unhealthy fats. As a consequence, itis not surprising that such an unscientific eating habit renders many extremely overweight. Undoubtedly, obesity can trigger many health-related issues involving both physical and psychological ailments. Studies have shown that itis the origin of various complications such as diabetes, which leads to millions of fatalities per: year all over the world. Furthermore, the possession of an oversize shape could lead an ordinary pe’son to undergo an inferiority complex or even deep, depression. For example, female pupils at an impressionable age are likely to. feel excluded and some might even have the intention of committing suicide if they are repeatedly teased by wicked classmates because of their sizeable and bulky physique. The best solution to this issue might be to incorporate lessons regarding scientific and reasonable eating in the school curriculum. Educational institutes are where young pupils dedicate their early years to acquiring what will have an immense impact on their behaviour and living habits later on, For| example, through the provision of nutritionally balanced lunches, schools can help susceptible young schoolchildren gradually develop good eating routines after returning home anc be more selective when it comes to the intake of high-calorie foodstutts. In conclusion, while obesity can result in severe health effects, raising people’s awareness of a healthy diet can be an effective measure to tackle it, (343 words) Example 2 More and more people are migrating to cities in search of a better life, but city life can be extremely difficult. Explain some of the difficulties of living in a city. How can governments make urban life better for everyone. Ngay cang c6 nhiéu nguéidi chuyén dén cdc thanh phé dé tim kiém mot cue sng t6t hon, nhung cugc s6ng 6 thanh phé c6 thé cy ky khé kh. Hay gidi thich mét vai kh khan khi séng 6 mét thanh phd. Bang cach nao chinh phi 6 thé lam cho cudc sng 6 thanh thj t6t hon cho tat ci moi nguai? + migrate i) relocate: dtr, acu, chuyéa - Insearch of sth = in quest for= ty to find sth: - urban (ad) thu thénh th) ‘im e6g} eee ‘Ngay nay nhiéu ngués cé Khuynh huéng di cu dn céc thanh pphé l6n, noi ma vigc kiém sng d& dang hon nhiGu so véi ving. niéng thon. Peer] ey ‘Muc dich clia bai luan nay 18 4 dura ra nhiing bat Ioi cite viée sng & mét thanh phé én cting nhu dé ra g3i phdp dé cdc nha am chinh séch c6 thé lam cho nhitng khu ve thanh thi trér nén ing séng cho tat c& moi nguét. are Perce Tent sentence(s) 1 rr COLuane rei? PaeO ry eee end Road Perry erent sentence(s) Nhimg ngui sOng 6 cc khu vyc thanh th) thong phai déi mat véi nhieu khé khan khac nhau. Bat Ie” chinh ciia cudc sng & thanh thi d6 la chi phi sinh hoat luén cao hon dang ké cdc ving néng thon, hing ngudi di cu ma khéng du gid v8 tai chinh thuéng pha dung phn Ién Iuong hang hang cho nha &, di chuyén, thc pham, dién, nuréc va rat nhiéu chi phi at vat kha, Ngoai sy dt dd, rét nhiéu thanh phd 1én c6 méi trong khéng khi 6 nhiém, cdi chil yéu bi gay ra D8 xe 6 va cdc khu céng nghiép. Vi dy, nhting théng ké gn day cho thdy cti s6 6 nhiém khong, knié rét nhiGu thanh phd déng dn nhu Bic Kinh (Trung Qué), Jakarta (Indonesia), Hanoi (Vietnam) dang vuot rat xa so véinguéngan toan. Chinh vivay, y dinh anh di cude séng yén binh érnéng thon cho m@t cue sng hdi hd va nhén np & cdc khu vue thank thi nén duge cén nhdc hét site edn than. ‘BE nang cao chat lung cudc dng & thanh phd, tdi cho rang bign php ma chinh phii c6 thé thyc hign d6 la duza ra nhting chinh sach g6p phan thiic day sy phat trién nn kinh té tinh. Bang cach nay, m@t s6 long dang ké dn curva doanh nghiép & thanh phé sé chuyén vé cac tinh lan can véi gid ca phat changhon va it nhiing van dé v8 x8 hoi hon. Cy thé hon, nha nurét c6 thé dua ra céc géi vién troy v8 tal eo chinh, gidm thué cho céc doanh nghiép dau tu v8 céc vung nnéng thén, dé khéng nhimg tao ra nhigu viéc lam hon cho gui dan ma Iuong hang thang cla dan ov & day cling tang theo. Nha vao sv’ phat trién cén bing nay, mat 46 dan cur & cdc khu vc thanh thi sé thép hon ré rét va nhés vay tat c& cdc vn 48 rnhu 6 nhiém khéng khi, tc nghén giao théng va khong dui nha 658 ti nén ft nghiém trong hon. fea Rig Mac dit nhiing ngudi sing & thanh thi phai déi mat kha nhibu van 8 & hién ‘ai, t6i tin rang vé lau dai nhitng bign phap trén c6 thé lam thay déi bo mat ca cic d6 thi lén. MODEL ESSAY ‘Today many people have a predisposition to migrate to metropolises where earning 2 livelihood is far more effortless than in the countryside. The objective of this essay is to analyse some difficulties of city life as well as providing suggestions for policy ‘makers to make urban areas worth living for everyone. City dwellers generally have to be confronted with varous issues. The main drawback of urban life is that the cost of living is always significantly higher than in rural areas, Migrants who are not in good financial shape must often expend almost all their monthly wages on accommodation, transport, food products, public utilities and many other petty expenses. In addition to expensiveness, plenty of large cities have a contaminated air environment, mainly resulting from motorised vehicles and industrial estates. For example, recent statistics have shown that the air pollution index in densely populated cities such as Beijing (China), Jakarta (Indonesia), and Hanoi (Vietnam) is way above the safety threshold. Thus, the intention to exchange the peaceful life in the countryside for a new hustling and bustling one in metropolises should be given careful consideration. In order to ameliorate the quality of city life, | claim that the measure governments could take is to implement policies which give a boost to the provincial economic growth. By doing so, a substantial number of city inhabitants will relocate to adjacent provinces with more affordable prices and fewer social maladies. More specifically, the state could provide financial aid packages, or lower taxes for enterprises which make investments in country areas so that not only would more ‘employment be generated but residents’ average monthly remuneration here would also experience increases. It is thanks to this balanced development that population density in urban districts will be markedly lower, and so such issues as pollution, traffic congestion, housing shortages can all become less grievous. ‘Although city dwellers have to face quite a few problems at present, | believe that in the long term the above measures can put a new face on metropolises. (339 words) VOCABULARY - metropolis) (ple: metropolises)thanh phé lan ear livelihood (phrase) make a living, scrape a living, make ends meet: kiém sng = policy maker (c) ngui lam chinh sch + urban (ad) thude thanh thi + rural (adj) thug nding than + cost of livin (n) chi phisinh host - significantly (ads) considerably, substantially: ding ké migrant (c) ngu di cur be in good financial shape: du ld v8 tai chinh expend = spend (t) ding, chiiéu “housing (u) accommodation: hd in, cha & = transport (u) di chuyén = food product (c) foodstuff: the phim public utility () dich vu dién, nude, ga, petty expense (c) ch phi lit vat = polluted (adj) contaminated: 6 nhiém be caused by = result from: gay ra ber, dn tr = industrial zone/estate(c)khu cOng nehiép statisti (c 36 thdng ké Index (@) chi s8 populous (ad) densely populated: tap trung ding din safety threshold (c)ngung an todn Intention to do sth) (c)dinh fam gi 66 exchange/trade sthfor sth: inh di cdi gi cho cig hustling and bustlrg (al) hdi ha va nh nhip - glve careful thought/consideration to sth: ein thanks to (pre) nhirvao ahi can thin cai gi dé population density () mat d6 din cur ee ‘markedly (adv) noticeably: r8rét + ameliorate (t) improve: cai thn (c8igixéu) housing shortage (¢) su thiéu nha & traffic congestion (u su tic nghn giao théng. clinebenrer (3) Maroduese: dn i, serious (ad) severe, grievous: nghiém trong = foster 1) promote: khuyén ich, thic day ~ specifically (adv) cu thé financial aid package (c) a6 vién tro tai chin ‘business (c) enterprise: doanh nghiép work (u} employment: céng viée create (t) generate:t90 ra salary = wage (c) remuneration, compensation: Izang, thi lao «inhabitant () resident: cur din = provincial fad) thud tinh = province (c) tinh - nearby = adjacent (ad bén canh, lan cn + social malady = socal issue (| vin dx hi + affordable = inexpensive (ad)}ré, pha ching - balanced (ad)) cin bing Example 3 The dangers of smoking are well known, yet many people continue with this habi ‘What are the causes of this? How can we reduce smoking in society? Nhiing nguy hiém cia vic hit thudc dug biét dén rng rai, tuy nhién nhiéu nguei van tiép tyc vai thoi quennay. ‘Bau la nguyén nhan cho digu nay? Bang cach nao chung ta c thudc trong xa hoi? é gidm vigc hat The introduction Tat c& nhiing gol thude du mang nhiing cinh béo vé tac dong

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