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PART 3: MIXED QUESTIONS Dang mix la dang vita hdl v8 ¥ kin cé nhan, vira hoi mét cu v8 cause/effect/solution. 3 hal dang nay chting ta du 48 phan tich céch viétercéc phn truée. Example: 1, Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older? 2. These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it s a positive or negative development? 3. As most people spend a major part of adult life at the place of work, job satisfaction is an important part of individual well-being. What are the factors that contribute to job satisfaction? Are all the expectations for job satisfaction realistic? 4, Some people think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to new buildings. Do you agree or disagree? Why some people claim that they are important? ‘rong cdc cau Fai trén céc ban sé thdy mot diém chung la ching vira chita mot céu hoi v8 y kign cé nan va mét cau hél thudc dang catse/consequence/solution. Bay gl hay quan sét vi dy dudi day: Example 1 ‘Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older? Mit s6 cha me mua cho con cai ho bat ctr cai gi chiing ai, va cho phép chiing lam. bat cit cai gi chiing muén. Bay cé phai la mét cach tét dé nudi daycon _khOng? Dau la nhting hau qua ma cach nudt day con nay gay ra cho nhiing dtta tré khi chting, ‘rung thanh? + ask fr: i, xin - raise t) rear, bring up, nurture: nuéi nding - parenting () upbringing, rising: su rus day 41) Phin me bai (The introduction) Nhin vao cau hdl chinh ta sé thdy chuing bao gdm hei phiin khéc nhau. Phin thir nhdt Ia 7s this a good way to raise children?” chinh la cu hoi thude dang hl kin c& nnhan cia nguét viét va duoc ty do chon hung tré lol. Tuy nhién déi véi da s6 ngut hoc IELTS khOng phai ld ban xi” chiing ta chi nén chon m6t huréng dé than bai chi c6 mt doan néi v8 y kién. Nu phai viét chal doan tran bai cho phn y kién nay va m@t doan cho phn sau, da sé cdc ban s® khdng thé vidt kip trong chi 40 phat. Cau héi tiép theo bat dau la “what consequences” chinh la thuéc dang. cause/effect/solution vira méi xét & phan truéc (hay coi lai cau “the purpose” cla dang nay & phan true) Nhu da théo lun & cdc phiin truéc, cau hoi dau tién ching ta cé thé trinh bay phn mé bai bao gom: Background information People’s opinior Your opinion ‘rong khi dé dang cause/effect/solution ching ta ob thé trinh bay phn mé bai nhur sau: Background information => The purpose Nhu vay g6p lai thi théng thurdng phn mé bai cite dang may chiing ta o6 thé trinh bay nhur sau: Background information => People’s opinion => Your opinion + The purpose Cac ban c6 thé viét theo céc céch khac tuy nhién dviét theo céch nao ching ta cling nén bao gdm Your opinion va The purpose 4é tr loi cho yéu cBu cia d® bai. Vidy: Its true that nowadays people nave opposing ideas about whether parents should satisfy all their children’s requirements or not. coer eet | Bing 13 ngay nay moi ngudi cé quan diém trai ngvoc nhau v8 vide cha me cé nén dép ting t&t ca nhiing ddi hd cla con cai hay khong. -meet t) satisfy, fulfil: Bp ting demand (e} requirement: di héi Some individuals take the view that itis a good style of parenting. eres COUN) Mot 6 cé nhan gitr quan diém rang day la mot céch nudi day con tét. - style/way of parenting = parenting style/way (c)céch nud doy con [Your opinion] | completely disagree with this point of view and [The purpose] itis necessary to analyse the negative effects of such a short-sighted mentality. SMe + Tuy nhién tél hoan toan khéng dng y véti quan diém nay, va MUTT viec phan tich nhiing téc dng tiéu cc cla céch nghi thién cin nay [a digu Sn thiét. - shortsighted (ad) thién cn - mentality = way of thinking (c)céch aght Full Pipe tetinyl 'tis true that nowadays people rave opposing ideas about whether parents should satisfy all their children’s requirements (oF not. Some individuals hold the viewpoint that itis a good style of parenting. | completely disagree with this point of view and it is necessary to analyse the negative effects of such a short-sighted mentality. 2) Phin than bai (the body) ‘06i véi phlin than bai chaing ta s® danh m@t doan dé viét v8 y kién cla minh, ‘Bi véi doan than bai cdn Iai ching ta twang ty sé 14 loi yu cBu this hai cla d® bal gidng nhu phan truée. © day chting ta sé thay 18 hai doan than bai khéng cé nhizng méi quan hé tuong dng va tuong phan. Hai phn nay sé thuéng téch réi nhau [Topic sentence] The main reason to oppose overindulgence is that it will negatively affect children’s personality. [Supporting sentence(s)} Being overly indulged generally turn initially well-behaved children into those having difficulty in developing self-regulation. In simpler term, whenever these youngsters become excessively demanding but are turned down, they have a predisposition towards misconduct, or even show disrespect to their own parents. [Example] For example, many surveys have shown that such children are more likely to become black sheep in class, have low academic| performance, drink alcoholic beverages, and get into a struggle. [Concluding thought] This shows that itis not advisable to spoil children by fulfilling all their demands, [Topic sentence] Turning to possible repercussions, permissive parents’ children are inclined to become adults who merely show consideration for themselves and belittle the needs and emotions of others. [Supporting sentence(s)] Such a personality trait is a huge barrier to integration into later working environments which invariably require individuals to adapt themselves to their organizational cultures. [More explanation] These self-fish adults will hardly ever sacrifice themselves for collective benefits, and often just demand others’ assistance but never be willing to do the reverse. [Concluding thought] Consequently, there are not many people who can endure such a bad temperament and the majority will choose to distance themselves from this self-centered person. Ly do chinh tdi cho rng cha me khéng nén nurg chiéu con céi cla ho dé Ia syv nuéng chiéu qué mitc sé téc d6ng rat tiéu cyc lén tinh céch cla con cai he. urge nudng chiéu qué mite thur’ng lam cho nhiing dita tré ngoan ngodn Ic! «au gap kho khan trong vigc phat trign kha nang kiém soat ban than. Bat ctf khi nao nhiing dita tré nay ddi héi qué mite nhurng bi tir chéi, ching s8 c6 khuynh hung cur xir khéng ding mirc, tham chi thiéu tn trong chinh cha me cla ching. Vi dy nhur nhiéu cue khdo sat da chi ra ring nhting dita tré nhur vay c6 nnhi€u kha ning tré thanh nhiing thanh phan cé bigt & l6p, c6 két qua hoc tp thap, ung regu bia va danh nhau hon. Biéu nay cho thay rang lam hu con cai bang viéc tha man tat cé yu cBu cla ching la tniéu khon ngoan, Hau qua d6 [a con cdi cla nhiing nhitng bac cha me d& dai cé khuynh huéng tre thanh nhiing ngurdi chi quan tam dén ban than va xem nhe nhu cu cting| nhu c&m xic cla nhiing ngudi khéc. Bac diém tinh céch nay 18 mét rdo can rét ln déi véi vige hoa nhap vao méi tru’ng lam vige sau nay, noi luén adi hdi bét ‘at cé nhan nao cing phai thay déi ban than dé tr nén phi hgp voi van héa cilia t6 chite. Nhiing nau ich ky nay sé hiém kni hi sinh c& nhn minh cho Igi ich tép thé va thong chi doi hoi sy gitip d& cia ngudi khdc nhung thubng kh6ng bao gi sn long lam diéu nguigc lai. Két qua, khéng c6 nhiéu ngudi cd thé chiu dyng duge tinh céch xu nhur vay va da s6 s& chon xa lénh nhéing cé nnhan ty’ cho minh fa trung tam nay. VOCABULARY - Indulge (t) overirdulge: nuéng chiéw - overly adv) too, excessively: qui mike - overindulgence (1) sy nuéng chiéu qué mie - demanding (ad) i hai «intially (ad) originally, atthe beginning: lic refuse t) turn down: tir ch iu ‘misconduct = bad behaviour (u) misbehaviour: - obedient (ad) well-behaved: ngoan ngodn, carxirkténg ding myc biét nghe I, cw xi ding mye disrespect (s/u) su thiéu tén trong - self-control = sel regulation (u) kh ning kiém black she2p(n) thank phiin cd bigt soét bin thin ‘academic performance (4) learning outcome: ‘thanh tch hoc top - alcoholic beverage c) thite wang 6 cbn - get into a fight/2ruggle (ahr) dénh nhou = permissive (adj) enient: d8 da, khoan ung be inclined to dosth: cé khuynh hung + show consideration for: quan tim, chy 6n ngurb hdc = belittle () undervalue: col thuring, xem nhe + character tratt = personality trait (c) dd aiéim tinh cach a barrier to: métrio cin di véi = requir (sb to do sth (t) demand: dt héi + organiational culture (e) vin héa t6 chic + sacrifice (t) hy sinb = collective benefit (clo ich tp thé be willing to do sth: sBn ling lam gi the reverse =the opposite = the converse: dibu nga ai endure (t} bear, tolerate: chu dung tempe:(n) temperament, disposition: tinh khi, tam tint keep away from sb = distance oneself from st: xa linh, git? khoding céich véi aid + integration {into} (u) sv hoa nhip 3) The conclusion ‘BGI voi két lun ching ta co thé don gidn khang dina lai y kign cé nhan ciia minh. In conclusion, although many people consider indulgence a workable parenting method, | believe that strict upbringing is of vital importance because it helps kids develop self-regulation and respect for others. Tém Iai, mac di: nhiéu ngusi xem sy’ nudng chiéu la mét phyong phap nudi day con higu qua, tdi tin rang viéc nudi day nghiém khac la rat quan trong vi 16 giip tré em phat trién kha nang ty’ chi va sy't6n trong ngudi khac. + strict = rigid (ad nghiém kh Essay hoan chinh: It is true that nowadays people have opposing ideas about whether parents should satisfy all their children’s requirements or not. Some individuals hold the viewpoint that it is a good style of parenting. | completely disagree with this point of view and it is necessary to analyse the negative effects of such a short-sighted mentality. [One main reason to oppose overindulgence Is that it will negatively affect! children’s personality. Being overly indulged generally turns initially well-behaved children into those having difficulty in developing self-regulation. In simpler term, whenever these youngsters become excessively demanding but are tuned down, they have a predisposition towards misconduct, or even show disrespect to their own parents. For ‘example, many surveys have shown that such children are more likely to become black sheep in class, have low academic performance, drink alcoholic’ beverages, and get into a struggle. This shows that it is not advisable to spoil children by fulfilling all their demands. Turning to possible repercussions, permissive parents’ children are inclined to become adults who merely show consideration for themselves and belittle the needs and emotions of others. Such a personality trait is a huge barrier to integration into later working environments which invariably require individuals to adapt themselves to their organizational cultures. These selfish adults will hardly ever sacrifice themselves for collective benefits, and often! just demand others’ assistance but never be willing to do the reverse. Consequently, there are not many people who can endure such a bad temperament and the majority will choose to distance themselves from this| self-centered person. In conclusion, although many people consider indulgence a workable parenting method, | believe that strict upbringing is really necessary because it helps kids develop self-regulation and respect for others. (292 words) Example 2 These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children whi mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it isa positive or negative development? Ngay nay nhiBu ngui ching & nha va cham séc con céi trong ki vo dia ngoai lam vig ‘Bau [a nguyén nhan cla khuynh hurdng nay? Ban ngh day 18 khuynh huéng tich cure hay tiéu eye? Phan tich a8: ‘BB bai dua ra mt cau thyc trang hién nay (gidng céu background information cua chting ta). (Cau hai th nhit 18 hdl v8 “reason” thude dang cause/effect/solution. Cau hai this haihdi v8 ‘negative” hay “positive” Ia hbi v8 y kién cla ching ta. Nhu vay day chinh Ia dang hén hop. preter ting la dan ng ngay céng dim nhan vai trd cla nhiing neudi 1ngi tro trong khi nhiBu phy nt? hon bao giey hét dang la nhiing try c6t trong gia dinh. Creer} acu oe et Gt s8 nguriti cha rng day la mt khuynh huréng tich cyte ‘Toi khong dng ¥ v6i quan diém nay, va viéc thao Iuan nhitng I do dang sau khuynh hung nay la diéu can thiét. Coa Pad Body paragraph 1 Topie Ly do chinh a6 1a mét s6 nguds chidng khong cé ali nang lye 48 PA e-NIN chu cép cho cd gla dinh vi mic lwong hang théng clia ho thp hon nhiéu so véi ngubi vg. GS -a| Trong cudc s6ng hn nhan, cac cp ver chong sé phai doi mat EO) voi chi tiéu cho chi phi sinh hoat, tiéu diing cé nhan, hoc phi cilia con cai va rat nhiéu nhting chi phi khac. rr Gan n&ng tién bac thuréng lam cho cé hai bén di dén quyét CIC eum dinh ngudi phy nit sé ganh vac tréch nhiém kiém tién nudi Ong gia dinh néu nghe cia c6 ay kiém ra nhieu tién hon. Teer) Trong x’ hoi ngay nay noi ma cahai gidi déu cé quyén va co” co hoi nhu nhau, diéu nay ngay carg phd bién va duge xa hoi chap nhan. Peery Topie Tuy nhién, tél cho ring nhiing ngudi chéng nén tao ra phn BAe) Ion thu nhdp ca gia dinh hay t6i thiéu chia sé tréch nhlém ndy véi ban dai cia ho. EM cia ag) D/8u nay I bol vi théng thudng dan Ong khde manh v8 thé BETO) chat hon phu nif va sy nghiép cla ho khong bi gldn doan bai qua trinh mang thai va sinh con. Sau khi trl qua hal qué trinh néy, ste khée cite ngu6i phu ni thutong suy glim dang ké va cin rét nhigu thdi gian aé hoi Foe trials phuc vé trang thai binh thuéng. Trong thai gian nay, bi dat u6i qué nhigu dp lye céng viée cé thé dn dén nhiing hau qu nghiém trong cho site khée thé chat va tinh thin cia ngudi ve. Co elgg Vi vay ngudi ching ludn phi 18 ché dya t8i chinh va tinh thn co cho ca gia dinh trong bat cit hoan eénh nao. ‘Tom lai, mac di nhiéu nguti xem sy binh dang gid Ia ly do cla khuynh hudng| nhiing ngu‘éi dan éng lam ngi tra, tdi van tin rang sy’ thay di vai trd nay la khong hop WV. MODEL ESSAY It is true that more men than ever are undertaking the role of homemakers while women become the breadwinners in their families. Some people hold the view that itis @ positive tendency. | do not agree with this point of view, and it is necessary to discuss the driving force behind such a trend. The major reason is that some husbands are incasable of in part providing for the family because their monthly remuneration is far lower than that of the female counterparts, in married life, couples are generally confronted with expenditure on personal consumption, children’s tuition fees and many other petty expenses. Financial burdens often make both parties reach z decision that wives will shoulder responsibility for generating income to support the family if her occupation is more lucrative. In today’s society where both genders share the same rights and opportunities, this is becoming increasingly prevalent and socially acceptable. However, | claim that it is a negative development since husbands should generate most of their family’s earnings, or at least share this arduous duty with their spouse. This is because normally men are physically stronger than women and their career is not interruptec by pregnancy and delivery. Many studies have pointed out that after experiencing these two processes, women’s health tends to deteriorates substantially and needs years to recover to the normal state. During this time, being. put under too much work pressure can lead to severe implications for female partners’ physical and mental health. Therefore, husbands always have to give ancial and moral support to the entire family under any circumstances. In conclusion, while many people regard gender equality as a justification for the trend towards househusbands, | stil believe that ths switch of roles is ungrounded (299 words) VOCABULARY undertake (t) take on: dim nhigm = homemaker (c) gui n6i tro house husband (<) nguei dan éng néi tro housewife c) ngvéi phy nd nd tr = breadwinner (c) ry bt « be unable to do sth = be incapable of doing sth -khdng thé, khng c6 khé rng lam gh + support (t) provide for: chu céip + face (t) be faced ith, be confronted with: 461 mt v6i edi gh «married ife (u)ca6e séng han nh + expenditure (u) (on) spending: sychi tiéu = personal/private consumption (u) tiéu ding cé hin = tuition fee c) hoc phi = financial burden(c) génb nding tién bac reach a decision = come to a decision: didén mot quyét inh ~ shoulder/assume the responsibilty for (doing) sth: nh wdc tréch nhiém gi money-making = lucrative (ad ra tién sex (c) gender: gigi Increasingly (adv) nad céng common (ad)) prevalent, commonplace: phé bin socially acceptable (ad)) dvge x0 hi chép han = create(t) generate: tao ra = income (u) earnings: thu nhép - burdersome (adj) onerous, arduous: ning né, khé nhor + spouse ve, ching be physically strong: kde manh v8 thé chat interrut(t) am gién doon chilabith (u) delivery: qué trinh sinh nds + experience (t) undergo: tréi qua deteriorate () become worse: suy gm + considerably (adi) significantly, substantial ing ké recover = return i) hei phuc + physical and mental health (u) sic khde thé chit va tinh thin Example 3 - wife (l female partner, female counterpart: w = give franciol and moral support to: I ehd da {Gi chink va tinh thin cho under any circumstances: dui bat cu hodn cénh oto + gender equality () binh dng gi ‘As most people spend a major part of adult life at the place of work, job satisfact What are the factors that cont for job satisfaction realistic? ‘an important part of individual well-being. ute to job satisfaction? Are all the expectat Vi da sé moi nguési danh phan [én thai gian truréng thanh cia minh & noi lam vigc, sy hai long voi céng vig la mét phn quan trong déi véi sy hanh phuic cd nha ‘Bau la nhiing ly do déng gép vao sy hai long céng v éc? Cé phai tat ca nhiing mong, dgi dé tr nén hai lang voi cong viéc déu thytc te? haitong well-being (u) su khde manh hanh phic satisfaction (u) contentment, gratification: sir + expectation (sie mong dt = realistic (ad c6 that, thre t& Ngay nay sy hai long d6i v6i cong viéc déng mét vai tro rat quan trong di voi vige gitt chan nhan vién trong m@t cong, Information [7 DST eeE Cay Mot so naudi cho ring nhiét mong doi déi vei sy’ hai long Bing vie la khéng thyc té. (tyCuiuioiea| Toi hoan toan dong y voi quan diém nay, va vig thao Ivan SUC) Tigger cN) nhing yeu té déng gép vao sy hai long vai cdng vigc la did can thiét. Preece aa Gt yéu t6 quyét dinh sy hai long ctia nhan vign véi moi ESIC) trong lam viée ca minh dé la ahi Igi ma ho nhan duge mi thang. ‘Buing l& Ru nhur khéng c6 al hal long véi mot mite dal ngo EP iu) thép khi lam viéc trong mot mdi trurémg thoai mi. Tét cB Meare (0 | ngudi lam céng du phai can nhc xem ho c6 thé kiém durge bao nhiéu mét théng 4é trang trdi nhiéu loai chi phi kha hau. Bén canh d6, su’ cng nhan cling la mét yéu t6 quan trong. oe trong viéc gitip gil’ chan nhén vin gidi. Khi cng high thes FUT eAm gian va céng site cho mt t6 che nao dé, gan nhu tat c8 nhan vin du muén dutgc thuéng va thang chic. Cee Higu va dip ting nhiing nhu cSunay sé chéc chan gidp nhiing. Cie ngutbi chi gidm duge sy khéng nai long va nghi viée cla nhan vien. Body paragraph 2 aca Tuy nhién téi tin r&ng khéng phai tét c& mong di cho sy hai Pay) long cong viee déu hop Wy. V6i sy’ canh tranh ngay cing khéc liét trén th trudng, t&t c& cong ty dang cé gang tim céc bién phép 4é ct giém chi phi hoat déng va bd di nhiing vi tri chéng c&n thiét, dc biét trong nnhting giai doan khting hodng kinh té hodc bat én x8 hoi. erat PaO) More Khéng may la nhieu nguoi chi hign nay coi ngan sach cho CU CUE GMa lvong nhan vién va khuyén khich vat chat la mét trong nhitng chi phi c6 thé bi cét giam. OTT Vi vay khOng thé dam bao tat cd nhiing neudi thé hign tot thought Bu duige thuréng va thang chite. Tom lai, mic di c6 kind nhiu yéu t6 nh hubng dén mite 46 hai long cia nhan| vién véi not lm vige clla ho, nhiéng mong doi nay che chin khéng luén dugc ap ting bis céc ngubi chi. MODEL ESSAY Nowadays job satisfaction plays a prominent role in retaining employees in an organisation. Some people argue that many of the expectations for satisfaction at the workplace are non-realistic. | totally agree with this point of view, and it is necessary to discuss the factors that make a contribution to employees’ feeling of contentment on the job. One element deciding staff satisfaction with their working environment is compensation that they receive per month. Needless to say, almost no one is satisfied with low remuneration when working in comfortable working conditions. Admittedly, all workers have to consider how much income they can generate monthly in order to cover many different expenses. In addition, recognition is another significant factor that helps retain competent employees. It seems obvious that when dedicating their time and effort to an organisation, most staff members aspire to be rewarded or promoted. Understanding and fulfilling these demands will certainly boost employee morale and simultaneously enable employers to reduce staff dissatisfaction and turnover. However, 1 believe that not all the expectations for job satisfaction are well-grounded. With increasingly fierce competition on the market, all companies are making an endeavour to seek out methods of cutting operating costs and eliminate non-essential positions, particularly during periods of economic recession cr social unrest, Unfortunately, many employers today regard the budget for staff salaries and material incentives as expenses which could possibly be reduced. As a result, there is no guarantee that all good performers are always rewarded and given promotion. In conclusion, although there are quite a few determinants of how content employees are with their workplace, these appetites are certainly not invariably fulfilled by employers. (274 words) VOCABULARY «retain (t) git, girchién -non-realistc = unrealistic (aj) khéng thy té = satisfaction = contentment (u) sy hal ling + alssatisfaction ()sirkhing hal Fong - decide (1) determine: quyét dinh + determinant () yeu t6 quyét dink - work environment = working environment (c) méi truéng lam vigc - wage = salary (remuneration: lvong, 4a ng compensation (a salary and bonus: rong thuéng + recognition (y) srcéng nhén competent (a) 3161 - devote/dedicate th to (doing) sth: ng hin cél gi cho vige 3} 46 + promote (t) thang chite + reward (t) turing employee morale (u) nhué kh, tinh thin eda hain vién = staff turnover (u) 8) nghivige + increasingly fierce competition (u) si canh tranh ngay cing thie it remove (1) elimirate: b - budget (c/u) ngén séch material incentive (c) khuyén khich vat chat + be given promotion = get promotion: dirt théng chite appetite (c) mong musi, khao kh Example 4 ‘Some people think that old buil buildings. Do you agree or disagree? Why some people claim that they are important? fings should be knocked down and give way to new M6t s6 ngutdi cho rng nhting tda nha ctl nén bj kéc dé va bi thay thé bing nhiing toa nha méi. Ban c6 dng ¥ hay khéng? Tai sao nhiéu ngudsi cho rang nhiing tda nha ci quan trong? - knock down (phrasal verb) pull down, demolish: kéo 46, inh a6 - give way to sth = be replaced by: bi thay thé bang céi gi dé ocean) Moi ngudi thuéng cé quan diém khéc nhau vé viéc nhiing tda nha lau dé cé nén bj kéo dé hay khéng. Cee} Cuenca fo ea Perreererry aCaid Ee Tent sentence(s) od Pcencny fen ard Riots Perera aa Ee Teeny sentence(s) thay thé bai nhling tba nha mai v8 an toan hon. Téi hoan toan dng y véi quan diém nay, tuy nhién viée thao lugn nhiing ly do tai sao nhiéu naudi kéu ggi cho sy’ bao ton chung ciing c&n thiét. Fy Tai cho ring hau hét nhiing toa nha duge xy dung rét lau trutdc day c6 thé de doa dén ax dan séng & ben trong hose gan dé. Nhding tba nha nay rét dB bj tac déng bdi diéu kién thai tiét ‘xtc doan nur m@t con bao In hoc mot tran dong dat nhé Khi tinh cér sup 46, chting c6 thé gay ra nhiing thiét hai ding tiéc v8 naudi va tai san. Bén canh dé rat nhiéu toa nha cé c6 rat it gia tri kinh té va ‘thutdmg vo chi bai vi cur dan khong thé sng dug & d6. Vi dy nnhu 06 rat it ngudi sn sang td tién dé sOng trong mot toa nha chung cu bj nghiéng va op ep. Tir g6c nhin kinh té day! thyec sy 18 mét su lang phi tai nguyén, déc biét néu toa nha 46 nm trong trung tém thanh ahd. Chinh vi vay t6i tin rang da s6 chuing nén bi thay thé bdi céc_ ‘toa nha kién c6 va c6 gia tri kinh té hon. Ly do tai sao mot s6 ngudi cho rang nhiing tda nha ci nén duge bdo tn [a vi nhiing giétrilich sir va van héa cila ching. Nhigu tda nha ci da tn tai qua nhiing gial doan lich str khéc nhau cé thé la m@t biéu tugng cla mét thanh phd hoac mét quéc gia. rc Ho tin rang vig danh dé nhi¢ng céng trinh kién tric nhu vay EY TUE TeAIN sé e’y thiét hal cho di sn vn héa dia phyong va trong nhieu ‘rung hp lay di mét ngudn thu nhap tir du lich, COTE) Chinh vi vay, nhiing cd nhan nay thuréng phan déi sy pha huy| ir trén dién réng nhting toa nha lau di nay va kau gol sy’ bdo tn ching. Tom lai, mac duu mot s6 ngudi c6 quan diém rang ching ta cn git gin ning, tba nha duge xay dung bai thé hé truéc, tdi tin 1a nhiing toa nha xudng cp phai bj danh dé néu ching gan khu dan cu. MODEL ESSAY People usually have different ideas about whether age-old buildings should be demolished or not. Some hold the view that these dilapidated buildings have to be replaced by new and safer ones. | totally agree with this point of view, and itis also necessary to discuss the reasons why many appeal for the maintenance of such buildings. | believe that most buildings which were constructed ages ago could pose a threat to residents living inside or nearby. These buildings are highly vulnerable to extreme weather conditions such as a hurricane or minor earthquake. In other words, they can trigger regrettable loss of life and property when abruptly collapsing. In addition, numerous ancient buildings are of little economic value and often derelict due to being uninhabitable to dwellers. For example, very few people are willing to pay money to lve ina tilted and rickety apartment block. From an economic perspective, itis actually a waste of resources, especially if that building Is located in a city center. ‘As a consequence, it is my view that most of them should be superseded by more fortified and economically valuable ones. The reason why some people think ancient buildings should be preserved is due to their cultural and historical values. This argument emphasizes that some historic buildings which have existed throughout different periods of history might be symbolic of a city or country. It is argued that demolition of such architectural works will inflict damage on local cultural heritage and in many cases deprive locals of a substantial source of tourist income. Therefore, these individuals usually oppose widespread destruction and call for the preservation of these age-old buildings. In conclusion, although there is a perception thet we have to preserve buildings constructed by previous generations, | believe that overly run-down ones have to be pulled down for safety if they are situated near residential areas. (312 words) VOCABULARY age-old = ancient (adj) lu di, 6 «run-down = dilagidated (ad) xuéng cép ~ call for = appeal for: kéu go! post a threat to:de doa dén be wulnerable/prone to sth: dé bi téc déng/t6n thurong bat cai gi a6 + abrupt suddenly (aay) bat thinh inh -collopse (c) sup 66 + regrettable (ad) dng tiée = loss of life and property: thigt hai v8 ngwét va ti sén - extreme weather condition (c)hién tung thoi {i6t cue doan - derelict (adj) unused, deserted, unfrequented: vé chi, bd hoang + tilted (ad) sloping: nghiéng «rickety (ad) op €0 ~ uninhabitable (aj) khéng s6ng avo - fortified (ad) strongly built: kién cB preserve (t) git gin, gi, duy tr) + preservation (u) si-gid gi, duy ti + symbolic (adj) mang tinh biéu twong + demoltion (u) se dinh a6 ‘architectural work (c)céng tri kn tric - inflict damage on = cause damage to = damage sth: gay thigt hai cho culturl heritage (u) di sin vin héa - take sth eway from sb = deprive sb of sth: ly a, twbcdi = tourstincome (u) thu nhép tir du lich + destruction (u) su ph iy + widespread (adj) tren dién réng - previous generation (c) thé hé truce + safety up swan ton situate = locate (t) dt vj ti & = residertial area (c) Khu dén cur Example 5 In many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our dividual freedom. Why these people have such an opinion? Do the ber ‘outweigh the drawbacks? its of increased security G nhigu thanh phé viée str dung video cameras & nhiéng noi céng cng dang gia ting 6 gidmm 161 phar, nhung mét s6 ngudi tin rang nhing bién phép nay han ché sy ty do cd nhan ctia chiing ta. Tal sao nhting ngudi nay nghi nhu vay? NhOing Io ich cia vige tng cu’ng an ninh c6 én hon nhingbat gi hay khéng? ocean) Vigc sir dung camera gidm sét dé ran de ti pham dang tr nén ngay cang phé bién & nhiéu thanh phd I6n trén thé gid’. Cer! Pc aeacal Ot s6 nguii cho rang diéu nay xam pham sy riéng tu cla moi neue. oe Cor Tuy nhién tdi tin rang nhiing lot ich cla viée tang cutng an ninh bing video cameras vutot xa nhiing nhuge diém, va vie phan tich lj do tal sao m6t s6 nguesi phan di camera an ninh 1a digu can thiét. Preece aca Ly do chinh nhigu ngudsi khéng ling hd viée Idp dat dai tra Pay =| cameras gidm sat & nhizng noi cng céng 1a boi vi ho khong quen véi viéc bi gidm sat 24/24 b6' nhiing thiét bi naj BAI voi mbt 56 ngudi, sy glém sat nay 18 khéng cBn thiét v8 BI arr iy thur’ng lam cho ho c&m thdy khdng thoai mai. Ho cho r&ng su Pere O in) ty do cé nhan cla minh bij xm pham di cho ho khéng phai 18 nhGing déi tuong tinh nghi. Con Vi dy, khi ho dang di trén dung, & cac tram xe bus hoac dang bén canh ngudi yéu, cam gide bi theo doi thutng lam ho ngugng ngung va thinh thoang titc toi. Chinh vi vay, nhiéu ngudi cho rang viéc giém sat nguoi khdc| (ecg bang camera la khong nén, va sy riéng tu la mét trong nhitng curs quyén quan trong nhat can durgc tén trong trong thé gidi van minh, Peecnnie) Tuy nhién, ca nhan téi tin rang camera gidm sat mang lai nhieu Igiich hon cho cud séng cua con ngui so véi nhitng han ché cchting tao ra. aciard Pore) Gidim s&t rong rai & cdc Khu vue cOng cong sé gdp phan ratlan ET a ag) trong vig glam ty Ié tol pham. Ki biét r&ng moi hanh dong PaO) cla minh dang bi gidm sat, mol ngudi sé khéng c6 ¥ dinh dinh liu dn céc hanh vi vi pham phép luat. Vi dy, nhing ngurt Iai xe sé c6 nhiBu kha nang tuan thi 1ugt le giao théng hon vi dy nhur khéng chay qué tc dc gidi han, khéng vurgt dén dé khi nhgn thiic duge sv’ vi pham giao thong lia minh s& bi ghi lai bot video camera, ons ene EEN) Chinh vi vay, viéc Ifp d&t vide camera trén dién réng la cin thought thiét, dc biét la & nhing thanh phé 1én not cé nhigu cu dan, ngutbi lao dng va khdch du lich. ‘Tém Iai, mc di viée siz dung hé théng camera gidm sat s& chéc chén phn nao xam pham su ty do cé nhan, toi cho rng diéu nay la cin thiét va chi mang lai Igf ich cho x8 hi. MODEL ESSAY The use of surveillance cameras to deter criminals is becoming increasingly prevalent in many large cities all over the world. Some people take the position that it intrudes on human privacy. However, | believe that the advantages of reinforcing, security by means of video cameras overshadow the drawbacks, and itis necessary to analyse the reasons behind some people’s opposition to these observation devices. The principal reason against the mass installation of monitoring equipment is that some people are not accustomed to being monitored all the time by these devices. For some individuals, this surveillance is non-essential and often causes them to be uncomfortable. These people claim that their individual freedom is invaded although they are not suspects. For example, when they are walking down the street, at bus stations or hanging out with their loved ones, the feeling of being observed tends to make them become embarrassed and sometimes irritated. As a result, itis believed that installing video surveillance is inadvisable and privacy is one of the most important rights which must be respected in this civilised world. However, | personally believe that security cameras bring more benefits to human life than disadvantages they create. Widespread observation in public areas would make a contrib tion to the reduction of crime rates. In plain terms, knowing that all their movements are under surveillance, people would not have the intention to ‘engage in unlawful conduct. For instance, drivers will be more likely to conform with traffic rules such as not exceeding the speed limit or not driving through a red light when being conscious of the fact that their traffic offences will be recorded. Therefore, the arge-scale installation of video cameras is erucial, especially in metropolises with a large number of inhabitants, workers and tourists. According to the above analysis, although the utilisation of security camera systems will certainly in part invade individual freedom, | hod the view that itis still of vital importance to society. (328 words) VOCABULARY + surveillance camera = security camera = suspect) 88 tuemg tinh nghi ‘observation device (c} camera giém sat deter (t) rin de + eriminal (c)6i phar - bus stop = bus station c) trom xe bus = loved ene c) nguti ban yéu thuong = violate (t) invade intrude on: xém phar + privacy (u) su réng tr = reinforce = strengthen (t) tang cuéng + installation (u) slip dt = mass (adj) hang oat, doi tra + be familiar with doing) th = be accustomed to (doing) sth: quen vdt cdi gi/lem gi “all the time (adv, always, continually: un én, ie nd eng observe (t) monitor: theo dai gdm sét - surveillance (u) cbservation: sy giden séit + non-essential (adj) khSng trong yéu, Khéng cn ‘hit ~embarcassed (ad) shy: nguomg, King ting + initated (aq) annoyed: céu, tt t6i inadvisable (od) unwise: hing nn, Khog hpi respec: (tt6n trong lise fad) van minh + widespread (adj) réng ri = contritute to (doing) sth = make a contribution 0 (doing) sth: déng gép vio reducton (c/u) decrease, drop, fall giém movement (c) hinh dng = drive trough a red ight = jump a red light: be involved in = be engaged in = engage in woot den a6 ‘ham gia vio, dinh i dn be awore of = be conscious of: nhén thie duge + unlawful (ad) lego}, legitimate: phom php -record(t) ghi lai + conduct (u) behaviour: hah vi - widely (adv) extensively, on a large scale: trén + conform with = comply with: tuén thi ign réng a = metropols() thank phd tin = toffe rule = offic regulation (e)uét@ giao inhabitant = resident = dweller) urn théng = visitor = traveller = tourist (ckhéch du lch exceed t) wrot qué + speed limit (git han te d6 us = utilisation (u) sy'sir dung

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