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A. About International Dai Competition

The International Dai Competition is a Festival of Language Month activities
organized by the Student Association of the Department of Islamic Education,
Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang. This competition is held with the aim of
providing space for young preachers in the "international" realm.

B. Registration Flow
1. Participants fill out the Google registration form online via the following link :
2. Participants transfer the registration HTM of Rp 45,000 or US$ 3 through BCA Bank
Account 3530772241 a.n Annisa Aulia Nasyithah.
3. Participants confirm the payment to the contact person.
4. The committee invites participants to join the competition group via the link provided
at the end section once filling out the Google Form.
5. For further information about the competition, please contact the Contact Person.
6. Follow the Instagram account @hmjpaiuinwalisongo & Subscribe the Youtube
account of HMJ PAI UIN Walisongo.

C. Technical Guidelines
1. Criteria for participants
a) Individual participants, intended for general students.
b) Age 19-25 years.
c) Participants' status is proven with KTM (Student Card) /KTP (Identity Card).
d) The quota of participants is 30 people.
e) Participants who have registered may not be represented.
f) One agency or organization may send more than one representative.
2. Rules and Regulation
a) Speeches must not contain elements of SARA (ethnics, religions, races, specified
organizations), controversy and pornography, and plagiarism is strictly
b) Participants are not allowed to see the text when delivering their speech.
c) Participants are only allowed to submit 1 work.
d) Participants are willing to attend the Technical meeting.
e) Participants who do not participate in the Technical meeting are deemed to have
agreed to the terms of the competition.
f) The decision of the jury cannot be contested.
g) The work has never been submitted to any competition and has never been
published on any social media.
h) The submitted work becomes the right of the committee.

3. Technical Implementation
a) Speeches are delivered in English.
b) Participants deliver one of the following themes:
1) Islamic moderation.
2) Islam Rahmatan lil alamin.
c) Participants take part in the TM (Technical Meeting) via zoom according to the
specified date and time.
d) Participants write speeches in the template file provided by the committee. After
that, participants send the script file via email .
e) During the competition, participants must use the virtual background provided by
the committee.
f) When giving a speech, participants must be in a standing position (full body).
g) Winners will be announced directly on the zoom meeting after all participants have
delivered the speeches.
4. Technical Assessment of Works
a) Subject matter (40%)
1) Novelty
2) Relevance to the theme
3) Word selection
4) Creativity and solutions provided
b) Appearance (30%)
1) Conformity of theme with content
2) Style
3) Communicative
c) Vocals (20%)
1) Intonation
2) Fluency
d) Adab (10%)
1) Attitude
2) Clothes

5. Competition Timeline
a) Registration : 24 October - 9 November 2022
b) Technical meeting : 10 November 2022
c) Final and Announcement : 15 November 2022

6. Gifts
a. 1st Place : Coaching Money + e-Sertifikat
b. 2nd Place : Coaching Money + e-Sertifikat
c. 3rd Place : Coaching Money + e-Sertifikat
*All participants get an e-certificate

7. Contact Person
Any question related to the technical competition can be asked to:
Helmi ( +62859148227755)
Zanuba (+6288224235171)

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