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Dress Code Policy


Department Human Resources

Document Title Dress Code POLICY

Document Number TQ-08-2018


All TechQuest staff members are expected to wear clothing that are appropriate for their
job and work site.
Dressing, grooming and personal cleanliness standards contribute to the morale of all
employees and affect the business image we present to clients.

During business hours employees are expected to present a professional, business-like

appearance and to dress according to the requirements of their positions. Employees who
appear for work inappropriately dressed will be sent home and directed to return to work in
proper attire. Under such circumstance’s employees will not be compensated for their time
away from work.

Team leads are responsible for ensuring appearance is appropriate. Team Leads will
consider extent of contact with the public, physical requirements of each job and hours of
work when interpreting this Policy. The guidelines established for appearance and dress
cannot be all inclusive. Consequently, when a decision regarding the appropriateness of
work attire is needed, management will decide.

TechQuest is a professional organization that interfaces with clients from various industries.
As such, employees shall make reasonable efforts to project a professional public image.
The following standards of dress code are established to provide direction for employees in
order to maintain the professionalism that TechQuest advocates.

General Guidelines
• Hair (including sideburns, beards) should be clean, combed and neatly trimmed.
• Make-up, fragrances and accessories should be worn in moderation.
• Fit and length of clothing should look professional and be appropriate for the
physical requirements of the employee’s position.
• Appropriate undergarments should be worn at all times.
• Dresses, skirts, split skirts of appropriate length may be worn
• Denim (dark blue/black jeans) of professional fabrication may be worn on Friday’s
with corporate shirt or Company T-Shirt
• Shoes should be appropriate for the job, in good condition and polished.
• Sleeveless dresses and blouses may be worn if they look professional. When in
doubt, Supervisors and Managers will determine if the sleeveless article is
appropriate for work.
• Business casual attire may be worn on Fridays only
• Native clothing’s are only permitted on Fridays but they must appear professional
and worn in a professional manner

Examples of unprofessional attire include but are not limited to:

1. Clothing with a printed message, slogan, political messages, picture or art
depicting drugs, alcohol, smoking, sex, weapons, violence, or that is obscene or
disrespectful; 2. Dresses or blouses that are backless, strapless, or have spaghetti
straps unless such garments are covered by another article of clothing (e.g.
3. Tank or muscle tops unless such garments are covered by another article of clothing
(e.g., jacket);
4. Sheer or mesh clothing that exposes undergarments or midriffs;
5. Overpowering fragrances;
6. Excessive visible body piercing;
7. Offensive tattoos;
8. Camouflage apparel
9. Miniskirts;
10. Athletic or tennis shoes;
11. Flip-flops.
12. Exposing attire
Exposed skin at mid-drift when standing, bending, sitting or stretching

Employees shall not wear clothing that is unsafe. Shoes should be selected for safety and
comfort and be otherwise appropriate for a work setting. Accessories such as rings,
necklaces, bracelets and earrings shall not present a potential safety hazard.

Casual attire
Employees may wear “casual” attire on Fridays of each week, except during the specified
periods when casual days will be suspended or when they have a meeting with client’s
“Casual” attire does not mean that employees may look sloppy or unprofessional. All
employees shall look professional at all times.

“Casual” does not apply when meeting with clients or other agencies, as well as when
making presentations.

Examples of unacceptable casual attire include, but are not limited to:
1. Shirts with inappropriate depictions;
2. Tank tops, muscle shirts, and crop tops;
3. Shorts above the knee;
4. Flip-flops and thong sandals (flat, backless, made of rubber or leather, plain or
embellished with beads, etc., consisting of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by an
Shaped strap, like a thin thong that passes between the first (big) and second toes
and around either side of the foot).

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