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Coaching Journal

Lauren Hagood
Entry #1:
For my coaching sessions I am coaching a teacher on my team. She is in her
2 year at our school. At first, she was hesitant about coaching. I first started to
build a relationship with her based on trust and partnership. In Jim Knight’s The
Impact Cycle, dialogical coaching is where I am beginning. She has some
knowledge about technology integration but wants to enhance and engage all of
her learners. My hope is to video this teacher, so she is able to see how her
students are using technology during their daily centers and to see their
engagement. I plan on sitting down with her and having her fill out the rating
sheet for her video and then going over the results. My hope for the end of this
coaching session is that her students are using technology for enhancement and
to create their own original works of learning.

Entry #2:
I believe that our second coaching session went very well! This session was
the “Identify” part of Jim Knight’s The Impact Cycle. Before this coaching session, I
videoed Ms. L’s class during her ELA center time. We both watched the video
separately and took notes. During the video, we noticed that students were
engaged during the mini lesson, but then lost engagement during independent
center time. Students were not using technology during centers. Ms. L graded her
lesson at a 5 – 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. I used the PEERS Goal
checklist when creating a goal. The goal for our coaching session is to increase
student engagement by using technology in centers. During our conversation, we
discussed the 10 Identify questions from The Impact Cycle.

Entry #3:
The 3rd coaching session focused on the Learn portion of Jim Knight’s,
Impact Cycle. During this session we reviewed our goals and made a plan to move
forward. To prepare for this session, I created a checklist using the strategy from
Jim Knight’s, The Impact Cycle¸ in chapter 4. Checklists are important to keep
coaches and the person they are coaching on track to reach the goal. I asked Ms. L
to look over the checklist to get her opinion on if she wants to add or change
something. Instead of modeling with her class, Ms. L wanted me to model for her
and then watch her teach it in her classroom. I realized in this coaching session
that it is important to always give the person you are coaching a choice rather
than saying we will do this. This is important because they should always be
comfortable and have the final say in everything. Overall, I believe that this
coaching session went very well. I look forward to videoing her class after

Entry #4:
In between our coaching sessions, I modeled a lesson for Ms. L. Then, when
she was implementing this lesson, I went in and videoed her class. After, we both
sat down separately and watched the video while taking notes. We both
concluded that the students were more engaged during independent center time.
They were creating original works of learning by using technology – BookCreator
and Canva. Students were also using technology like Epic and Nearpod. Ms. L now
ranks her lesson at a 9. She said it is a 9 because she was not as confident as she
wanted to be. Ms. L said that she learned a lot about implementing technology
and how to teach students to effectively use technology.

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