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Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________


1. Responsible (a) Có trách nhiệm
2. Responsibility (n) Tinh thần trách nhiệm
3. Irresponsible (a) Vô trách nhiệm
4. Irresponsibility (n) Sự vô trách nhiệm
5. dependent (a) = reliant (a) phụ thuộc
6. Independent (a) = self-reliant (a) tự lực
7. Reliable (a) = dependable (a) Đáng tin cậy, có thể trông cậy được
8. Assign (v) Phân công, giao nhiệm vụ
9. Assignment (n) Bài tập
10. Solve (v) = resolve (v) = address (v) = tackle (v) Giải quyết
11. Determine (v) = identify (v) Xác định
12. Determined (a) Quyết tâm
13. Self-reliant (a) = independent (a) tự lập
14. Surprised (a) = shocked (a) = astonished (a) Ngạc nhiên
15. Pleased (a) = satisfied (a) = contented (a) Hài lòng
Well-informed (a) = knowledgeable (a) Có hiểu biết rộng
16. Informed (a) >< uninformed (a) Có hiểu biết >< dốt/ không biết
Ill-informed (a) Thiếu hiểu biết
Confident (a) Tự tin
# confidential (a) Bí mật
Decisive (a) Quyết đoán, mang tính chất quyết định, quan trọng
>< indecisive (a) >< thiếu quyết đoán (người), chưa rõ ràng (kết quả)
Certain (a) = sure (a) Chắc chắn
Certain (a) = particular (a) Cụ thể
20. Motivate (v) = encourage (v) = stimulate (v) Động viên, khích lệ
21. Motivated (a) Có động lực
22. Current (a) = present (A) Hiện tại
23. Time-management skill Kĩ năng quản lý thời gian
24. Manage (v) Quản lý
Cố gắng, vật lộn với 1 vấn đề
25. Struggle (v) (n)
Sự cố gắng, cuộc chiến đấu
26. Meet deadlines Kịp hạn chót, hạn nộp bài
27. Self-esteem (n) Lòng tự trọng
28. Sibling (n) Anh chị em ruột
29. Wisely (adv) => wisdom (n) 1 cách khôn ngoan => trí khôn
30. Approach (v) đến gần, tiếp cận
31. Organize (v) Tổ chức
32. Schedule (n) lịch trình, thời gian biểu
Prioritize (v) Ưu tiên, sắp xếp theo thứ tự ưu tiên
Priority (n) = precedence (n) Sự ưu tiên
Prior (a) = previous (a) = precedent (a) Trước
34. Routine (n) Thói quen
35. Motivated (a) Có động lực
36. Hygiene (n) Vệ sinh
37. Fulfill (v)
fulfil your dream/ambition/potential đạt được
fulfil a duty/an obligation/a promise thực hiện, hoàn thành
fulfil sb làm ai đó hạnh phúc
fulfilled (a) = happy and satisfied hài lòng, hạnh phúc

Nguyen Ha 1
Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________
fulfilling (a) = satisfying = pleasing = rewarding khiến cho ai cảm thấy hài lòng/ hữu ích/ hữu dụng
= gratifying
38. Overcome (v) = get over = encounter Vượt qua
39. Tuition fee Học phí
40. Enrol (v) Đăng ký
Lack (v) + sb/st Thiếu
Lack (n) OF sb/st Sự thiếu hụt người/ cái gì
Effective (a) Hiệu quả
Efficient (a) Có năng suất
Rural (a) Thuộc về nông thôn
>< urban (a) Thuộc về thành thị


rely ON = depend ON = be dependent ON sb
1. phụ thuộc vào ai
count ON = bank ON
2. >< be independent OF sb tự do, độc lập khỏi ai
influence/ impact/ affect (v) + sb/st
3. ảnh hưởng lên ai/ cái gì
= have influence/ impact/ effect (n) + ON sb/st
4. be responsible FOR st/ Ving chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì
5. be surprised/ shocked/ astonished AT/ BY Ngạc nhiên bởi
6. be well-informed ABOUT st Có nhiều hiểu biết về vấn đề gì
7. remind sb ABOUT st Nhắc nhở ai về vấn đề gì
8. Remind sb OF sb/st Gợi cho ai nhớ về ai/ cái gì
Assign sb (to do) st
9. Giao cho ai nhiệm vụ gì
Assign st to sb
10. be pleased/ satisfied/ contented WITH Hài lòng với ai
11. give UP từ bỏ
12. believe IN sb Tin tưởng ai
13. solution/ answer TO problems/ questions Giải pháp/ câu trả lời cho vấn đề/ câu hỏi
14. be certain ABOUT st Chắc chắn về vấn đề gì
15. Stop/ prevent/ discourage sb FROM st/ Ving Ngăn cản
16. spend + time/ money + ON st dành thời gian vào việc gì
17. take care OF = look AFTER chăm sóc
18. strive FOR st Cố gắng, nỗ lực vì điều gì
19. figure OUT = find OUT Tìm ra
20. AT a loss Bối rối
21. fit IN Hòa nhập với môi trường
22. be capable OF Có khả năng làm gì
23. By oneself = on one’s own 1 mình, tự mình làm
24. Gain confidence IN sb Tự tin
Take/ have priority OVER
25. = take precedence OVER Có được sự ưu tiên hơn
= be given priority/ precedence
Struggle (v) (n) FOR/ AGAINST
26. Cố gắng, vật lộn với 1 vấn đề, đấu tranh vì/ chống lại
= fight (v) (n) FOR/ AGAINST
27. Cope WITH = face WITH = deal WITH Đối mặt với
28. Get around Đi lại
Get along/ on WITH
29. Có mối quan hệ tốt với ai
= be ON good terms WITH
30. Look AFTER = take care OF Chăm sóc
31. # take AFTER = resemble = look like Giống
32. Look forward TO Ving = expect to V Mong đợi, mong chờ
33. Hear FROM Nhận được hồi âm từ ai

Nguyen Ha 2
Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________
34. Enquire ABOUT = ask about Hỏi về
35. Have difficulty IN = have trouble IN Gặp khó khăn
36. Show respect TO/ FOR Thể hiện sự tôn trọng đối với ai
Make a decision on/ about st
37. Quyết định
Make up one’s mind

UNIT 3 (PART 1 + 2 + 3)
I. Circle A, B, C, D to choose the best answer.
1. In order to have a great essay, you should look for useful information from ________ sources.
A. well-informed B. reliable C. determined D, motivated
2. My cousin is a very ________ person because he has a lot of knowledge about current topics and particular
A. determined B. decisive C. well-informed
3. She is the most ________ woman in the world I have ever known. When she makes a firm decision to do
something, she will never give up or let someone prevent her.
A. determined B. independent C. accurate D, decisive
4. Being ________ is a vital skill for people who want to take more control of their lives and reach their goal on their
A. independent B. decisive C. reliable
5. The teacher ________ a different task to each student at the beginning of the term.
A. assigned B. admired C. reminded
6. Nam never needs to be reminded _________ assignments and other schoolwork
A, of B, about C, to D, for
7. Many teenagers ________ heavily on their parents, so they cannot live independently.
A. admire B. rely C. decide
8. While most of us gave up, he spent the whole night on it and solved it _______ the end
A, in B, at C, on D, during
9. Hoang Minh doesn’t ____________ on other people for help and isn’t influenced by other people’s opinions
A, determine B, rely C, decide D, inform
10.Nam is a very ___________________ boy. Nobody can stop him from achieving his goals.
A, responsible B, confident C, independent D, determined
11.My uncle is respected for being __________________ about what is going on around the world.
A, passionate B, worried C, well-informed D, reliable
12.The new comer can be trusted to do the job well. He’s a very ________________ person.
A, decisive B, self-reliant C, responsible D, reliable
13.Lan is always admired by her __________________
A, decide B, decision C, decisive D, decisiveness
14.We need a ____________ leader who can make important decisions quickly.
A, confident B, independent C, self-reliant D, decisive
15.If you want to be financially _______________, try to find a good job that pays well.
A, dependent B, independent C, responsible D, well-informed
16.You can’t be _____________ on your parents all your life.
A, depend B, dependent C, rely D, independent
17.You can act more _____________ if you can use your time wisely.
A, responsible B, responsibly C, decisive D, independent
18.Since I was a little child, I’ve always been encouraged to voice my opinions
A, motivated B, punished C, fulfilled D, expressed
19.If you want to voice your opinion, raise your hand, please.
A, sing B, decide C, express D, fulfill
20.Vietnamese parents want to protect their children and provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood
A, rural B, rich C, expensive D, independent
21.I have to fulfill all his responsibilities, and I will be _______________ if I failed
A, rewarded B, punished C, punishment D, encouraged
22.She always feels certain about her own ability to do things. She is really ___________________
A, self-reliant B, independent C, confident D, responsible

Nguyen Ha 3
Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________
23.Being independent is being able to __________ yourself and not having to rely on anyone else
A, trust B, take care of C, manage D, prioritise
24.Good time-management skills help you to build your confidence and __________
A, self-esteem B, schedule C, priority D, routines
25.You need a lot of skills to stop ______________ your parents and older siblings.
A, depending on B, coping with C, rely on D, depressing
26.Being independent is what people strive __________
A, in B, with C, for D, of
27.Lacking coping with loneliness skills, you may ____________ the wrong decision
A, take B, get C, make D, put
28.Getting around __________ your own is one of the most important skills
A, by B, on C, with D, in
29.Having interpersonal communication helps you communicate effectively and get along well _________ others
A, on B, with C, in D, for
30.Mary always strives for perfection in everything she does
A, respects B, apologises C, is responsible D, tries
31.If you cannot cope with loneliness, you may feel depressed
A, at a loss B, surprised C, disappointed D, upset
32.For American culture, a parent's most important task is to teach their children ______.
A. to have own bedroom B. to live independently C. to eat alone D. to join charity
33.Teens should have the ability to __________ loneliness.
A. deal B. cope with C. set up D. look after
34.I’ll win the race. I'm determined.
A. I'm determined winning the race B. I’m determined to win the race
C. To win the race is determined D. The race is determined to win
35.Don’t try to make him change his mind. It's not easy.
A. It's easily to make him change his mind. B. To make him change his mind is easy .
C. It's not easy to make him change his mind. D. Making him change his mind is not easily
36.The courses try to get young people to applying new skills in order to live
A, sure B. confident C. excited D. interesting
37.When teens learn how to use their time............................, they not only get more tasks accomplished, but they
also feel good about themselves and their abilities
A. wise B. wisely C. in wisdom D. Of wisdom
38.With a “To Do” list, you are less ………….. to forget to do tasks.
a. like b. alike c. likely d. likely than
39.Independent learners become …………. adults who have faith in their abilities to succeed achieve and overcome
A, Confident b. over-confident c. confidential d. reluctant
40.Parents and teachers play a ………role in helping children become independent.
A, Final b. quick c. deciding d. decisive
II. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition
1. I don’t want to rely _____________ others.
2. The monitor in my class always completes her tasks __________ time and never needs always to be reminded
______________ assignments and schoolwork.
3. My group is working ________________ a project about how to be independent.
4. While others gave up, I spent most of my time ________ the project and finished it _________ the end.
5. My close friend always tried to find solutions/ answer __________ problems.
6. My dad read newspaper every day, so he is well-informed _____________ what’s happening around the world.
7. My mom said she believed ___________ me and wanted me to live independently.
8. You must believe in your abilities and have confidence ________ yourself
9. My friend doesn’t need to be reminded ____________ her duties
10.Interpersonal communication is very important as you can get along well ______ others around you.
11.Problem solving may help you gain confidence _______ your ability to make good decisions.
12.You can make the wrong decisions ____________ your life if you do not consider everything carefully.

Nguyen Ha 4
Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________
13.I am the only child, so my parents tend to be overprotective ___________ me.
14.Suffering ___________ stress can make you feel worried and be sleepless
15.She has difficulty ___________ communicating with people around.
16.I look forward __________ hearing ____________ you.
17.American parents always show respect ____________ their children.
18.It's time for you to stop relying _______ your parents.
19.She strives _____________ a balance between studies and relationships.
20.Aptitude and motivation contribute enormously ________ the success of learning a language.
21.Yoga and meditation help to improve the ability to cope ________ stress and anxiety.
22.He must have suffered ________ the flu for a long time.

Dạng 1: S + (v) liên kết + (a) + to V
- To V trong dạng này được dùng để đưa ra lí do cho tính từ phía trước
Eg: He is lucky to have a date with the most beautiful girl in the class
 “To have a date with the most beautiful girl in the class” là lý do tại sao nói anh ta may mắn “lucky”

Dạng 2: It + (v) liên kết + (a) + (for sb) + to V

- To V trong dạng này được dùng để bình luận, đánh giá về 1 sự việc
Eg: It is difficult to have a date with the most beautiful girl in the class.
 “To have a date with the most beautiful girl in the class” là chủ ngữ thực trong câu này, it chỉ là chủ ngữ giả.
 Cấu trúc trên được dùng để đánh giá việc hẹn hò với bạn xinh nhất trong lớp là một việc rất khó (difficult)


- To V có thể được sử dụng sau danh từ trừu tượng để nói đến hành động mà danh từ đó liên quan đến.
Eg 2: Your dream to have a date with Anna will come true.
Eg 2: You should find a way to make friends with Anna

Dạng 3: Biến đổi cấu trúc của tính từ hoặc động từ trong 1 câu thành cấu trúc danh từ + to V
Nhận dạng: Đề bài chỉ cho 1 câu (1 mệnh đề)
Cách làm: Biến đổi cấu trúc trong câu đã cho thành cấu trúc có danh từ + To V
1. Try to V = attempt to V = strive for Ving: cố gắng làm gì Make an attempt to V = make an effort to V
2. have/ has to V: phải làm gì There is a need to V
don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t have to V: không phải làm gì There is no need to V
3. Be able to V = can V: có thể làm gì Have the ability to V
4. Know how to V: biết cách để làm việc gì Know the way to V
5. Decide to V: quyết định làm gì Make a decision to V
6. Be allowed/ permitted to V: được phép làm gì Get permission to V
Be + not + allowed/ permitted to V: không được phép Don’t/ doesn’t/ didn’t get permission to V

Eg: She was able to persuade her parents (ability)

 She had the ability to persuade her parents (Cách làm: Biến đổi cấu trúc be able to V => have the ability to V)

Dạng 4: Nối 2 câu/ 2 mệnh đề thành 1 câu sử dụng to V sau danh từ

Nhận dạng: Đề bài cho 2 câu (phân tách bằng dấu .) hoặc 1 câu có 2 mệnh đề
Cách làm: Biến đổi 1 câu hoặc 1 mệnh đề có cùng nghĩa với danh từ thành danh từ + to V, sau đó nối với câu
còn lại (có 1 số từ cần biến đổi sao cho phù hợp với các thành phần của câu mới)
1. S+ know that + S + V S + know about + N + to V
2. S + V + because + S + V S + V + because of + N + to V
3. S + V. S + V TTSH + N + to V … + V
4. …

Nguyen Ha 5
Name: ___________________________ Class: ____________
III. Rewrite the following sentences as long as the meaning is unchanged
1. All of us were reconciled after not talking to each other for so long. It sounds good.
It _____________________________________________________
2. We will overcome this current situation. It is likely.
 It ____________________________________________________
3. The teacher saw students’ dyed hair. She looked so surprised.
The teacher ___________________________________________________
4. The couple has a self-reliant son. They are really pleased
The couple _____________________________________________________
5. All of us want to visit the Citadel. It’s interesting.
It’s ___________________________________________________________
6. Don't expect that everybody will understand you. It's unreasonable.
It’s ___________________________________________________________
7. You are so lucky because you have a close friend like him
You _____________________________________________________
8. The students heard that they got a big presents from their parents. They were excited.
 The students ___________________________________________________
9. The students were very glad because they got good grades in the exam.
 The students ___________________________________________________
10. I was disappointed when I was cheated by my girlfriend.
 I ___________________________________________________
11. The little girl was afraid when she was left at home alone
 The little girl ___________________________________________________
12. She was amazed since she was asked to have a date with him
 She _____________________________________________________
13. Her parents are very proud that they have an independent daughter
 Her _____________________________________________________
14. Parents are really anxious about how to help their children win a place at university. That is normal. (anxiety)
 ____________________________________________________
15. Children always strive for becoming energetic. (attempt/ effort)
 ____________________________________________________
16. That he decided to ask her out surprised us (decision)
 __________________________________________________________________
17. We didn’t know that he wanted to be an actor in the future. (ambition)
 __________________________________________________________________
18. He determined to follow his dream to study abroad. That made his mom happy (determination)
 __________________________________________________________________
19. Lan is loved by people because she is willing to lend an ear to others (willingness)
 __________________________________________________________________
20. It’s amazing that you can make decisions quickly (ability)
Your _____________________________________________________
21. The man wants to become a successful singer. That seems big (ambition)
The man __________________________________________________
22. My dad forced me to break up with Anna. That is unreasonable (request)
My dad ___________________________________________________
23. You have to make a firm decision. (need)
There ____________________________________________________
24. Teenagers are able to finish something on their own. It helps them become more independent (ability)
Teenagers’ _______________________________________________

Nguyen Ha 6

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