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IN Level: 11
Teacher: LAILANI B. VIDUYA Quarter 1– MODULE # 2 Track &
Week/Session WEEK NO. 3 Sections: STEM 11-
A,B,C, and D
Date: September 6, 2022 Semester: First
TOPIC: Models of Communication
LEARNING Differentiate the various models of communication. (EN11/12OC-Ia-3)
LEARNING RESOURCES: La Union Division Self-Learning Module in OC 2-Models of
Communication, PowerPoint Presentation, Chalkboard, Printed Worksheets
and learning materials
Let’s Write!”
Ask students to write the word communication on the board or newsprint
and ask them to give examples of ways they communicate. List their
responses, adding others from the list below, as appropriate:
Talking face to face
Talking on the phone
Writing an e-mail
Creating a video
Participating in an online activity
Instant messaging or chat
Telling a story
Giving a speech
Sending non-verbal signals with posture or gestures
Making a face
Writing a poem
Singing a song

Questions for Processing:

Have students the following questions:
Let them answer the following questions:
1.) How did you find the activity?
2.) Which among the ideas shared is essential for you?
3.) What have you realized from the activity?

Ask someone to explain the point of communication. Lead them to articulate

that communicating means sending a message from one person to others.

Display diagrams illustrating the different models of communication.
Ask the students to explain the elements in the models:

1.) The sender creates and transmits the message.

2.) The receiver is the person (or group) who receives and responds
to the message.
3.) The message includes both the sender's information and also the
receiver’s interpretation of the message.
4.) Feedback is the way the receiver acknowledges the message and
transmits information about the message received and also how the sender
interprets that acknowledgment.

Teacher gives additional information about the differences of the models of


Ask students to read the example of communication between two friends

Erick and Jay Arr are talking. Erick says, “I don't think I want to go to the
Acquaintance Party tonight. Greg is going to be there. I think I'll just stay
home and watch television.”

Ask the class the following questions:

1.) Who is the sender?
2.) Who is the receiver?
3.) What message is Erick sending to Jay Arr?

Lead the students that the message is not just what a person says, but also
the meaning of that message. Meaning takes more than one form. That is, it
can be the meaning(s) as intended by the sender and the meaning(s) as
interpreted by the receiver. Sometimes, the sender may have more than one
meaning and/or the receiver may understand more than one meaning. Also,
remind them that the point that feedback is the way the receiver lets the
sender know she or he got a message and the way the sender finds out if the
receiver correctly understood the message.

Ask students to do the following activities:

1.) Ask students to review the scenario between Erick and Jay Arr. Ask the
group what Jay Arr could say to Erick to clarify the message received (give
Erick feedback). Several possibilities include:
a.) Jay Arr can ask a question: “Erick, are you saying you don't like Greg
b.) Jay Arr can tell Erick he doesn't understand: “l guess I don't really
understand why you don't want to go. I thought you liked William.”
c.) Jay Arr can repeat the message he thinks Erick sent:
“Erick, it sounds like you are worried about seeing Greg at the party.”

Point out that any one of these responses opens the door for Erick to
communicate again with Jay Arr and give additional information. Without
feedback from Jay Arr, Erick will not know if Jay Arr misunderstood and
Jay Arr may never know what Erick meant. If Jay Arr asks no questions,
Erick may not tell his friend what she is really feeling.

Tell the group that poor communication can result from any breakdown in
the communication models:
a.The sender fails to send a clear message.
b.The receiver does not listen carefully and fails to get the correct message.
c.The receiver fails to clarify the message by giving feedback to the sender.
d.The sender does not acknowledge and/or respond to the feedback.

APPLICATION Push your Pen!

To conclude the activity, ask students to form groups of five to answer the
questions below. Ask them to write their answers on Cartolina/Manila
Paper. Ask each group to present their answers to their classmates.
1.) What do you think about the communication model?
2.) Have you ever had difficulty sending a message? What happened?
Why is it sometimes difficult to say what we really mean?
3.) Have you ever tried to communicate and been misunderstood? What
happened? What could you have done differently?
4.) What happen when communication breaks down between you and your

(Answers may include, but are not limited to: the sender may get angry or
frustrated when the message is not interpreted correctly; the receiver may
get hurt feelings if he/she thinks the sender has sent a negative message; a
job may be done incorrectly because the receiver did not understand the
message; a relationship may end because two people have not been able to
communicate clearly.)

Lead them the importance of models of communication to real life situations

especially in friendship.
Let them read a Bible Verse which signifies the real essence of good and
harmonious relationship in friendship.

Ask the class: “Knowing the varied models of communication, how do you
value the words and message of your friends sincerely? How will your
respect others sentiments and identities? Justify your answer.”

Emphasize that poor communication causes problems in friendship

relationships and in other similar situations. Tell the group that the next few
activities will help them learn and practice some of the rudiments of good

ASSESSMENT Ask students to perform any of the following differentiated activities

signifying the various models of communication in line with valuing
friendship sincerely:
A. Drawing a diagram illustrating conversation of two friends on how to
help one another
B. Creating script for a play showing vacation plan conversation of two or
more friends.
C. Making a telephone conversation script signifying two friends giving
advice to one another.
D. Constructing lyrics of a song with a conversation for each stanza of two
friends about love.
Remind them that they are expected to perform and present the said outputs
next meeting.
Lead them that they will be graded using the given criteria:

A. Ask students to visit some places with crowded people. Have them
ASSIGNMENT record how the people talk one another to see various models of

B. Bring appropriate costumes and props for the presentation of the outputs


No. of Learners within

mastery level:
No. of Learners needing
A reflection for the teacher:
On the teaching learning

Prepared by: Checked by:


SubjectTeacher MT-II/Academic Track Coordinator

Noted by:

OIC- Office of the Principal

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