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The Four Fundamental Forces Of Physics Explained - YouTube

School-level Science
1. Physics: measurement, force, velocity & acceleration, simple machine, pressure,
work, energy & power, heat, light, sound, magnetism, electricity
2. Chemistry: matter, mixture, metal & non-metal, acid, base & salt, chemical
reaction, some useful chemicals, hydrocarbon & its compounds
3. Biology: living beings, cell & tissue, life process |
4. Geology: structure of the earth, weather & climate
5. Astronomy: earth and universe
6. Environment Science: environment & it’s balance, environmental degradation &
conservation, environment & sustainable development
Earth Science
four fundamental forces of nature

physics: the branch of science that studies the physical world, including objects
as small as subatomic particles and as large as galaxies. It studies the nature of
matter and energy and how they interact. Physicists are inquisitive people who
want to know the causes of what they see. How does the moon move? Why does
the moon move? Why do the stars shine? Why do your hands get warm when
you rub them together? Physicists, like all scientists, hope to find explanations
that describe more than one phenomenon and offer a better understanding of
how the universe works.

Physics is more than calculating the momentum of billiard balls hitting each other
or the friction acting on a speeding car’s tires. Physics includes the study of
practically every form of matter and how it interacts with other matter and with
energy in various forms. The image shows one of several large parabolic
antennas that NASA physicists used for years to communicate with ships and
devices completing solar system exploration missions.

Definition of Physics
What is physics? Physics is the branch of science that studies the physical world,
including objects as small as subatomic particles and as large as galaxies. It
studies the nature of matter and energy and how they interact. Physicists are
inquisitive people who want to know the causes of what they see. How does the
moon move? Why does the moon move? Why do the stars shine? Why do your
hands get warm when you rub them together? Physicists, like all scientists, hope
to find explanations that describe more than one phenomenon and offer a better
understanding of how the universe works.

Common Misconceptions
People commonly believe that physics is all about solving word problems and
memorizing equations. While it is true that many physics classes focus on the
equations, it is important to remember that the purpose of physics is less about
the problems and more about using equations, laws, and theories to understand
the world we live in.

Physics is the branch of science that studies matter and energy and how they

Nuclear forces (aka nuclear interactions)

1. the force that holds the nucleus together
2. the force that acts between the protons and neutrons of atoms.
3. forces that act between two or more nucleons.
4. the force that binds protons and neutrons (together called nucleons) into the
atomic nuclei.
5. a short-range force and causes the stability of the nucleus.
6. In fact, , they are
7. Also known as the strong forces, as they are 10 million times stronger than the
chemical binding forces.
8. the force that binds the protons and neutrons in a nucleus together.
9. this force can exist between protons and protons, neutrons and protons or
neutrons and neutrons.
10. The charge of protons, which is +1e, tends to push them away from each other
with a strong electric field repulsive force, following Coulomb’s law. But nuclear
force is strong enough to keep them together and to overcome that resistance at
short range.

11. one of the four fundamental forces of nature, the others being gravitational and
electromagnetic forces.

natural: 92
artificial: 26
total = 118
element: hydrogen, oxygen, copper, gold
compound: water, salt, oil

परमाणु (atom): रासायनिक प्रतिक्रियामा भाग लिन सक्ने तत्वको सबैभन्दा सानो कण। एउटै तत्वको परमाणुहरु समान किसिमको हु

 the smallest particle of an element which can take part in a chemical reaction.
 Atoms of the same element are identical in all respects. But the atoms of different elements are
 cannot be further broken into simpler matters with chemical reaction.
 an atom is made up of three different types of particles called sub-atomic
particles, namely: proton, neutron and electron.
 Proton and neutron reside in the center of an atom called nucleus.
 The electrons are found around the nucleus revolving round the
nucleus. The circular path through which the electrons revolve round
a. a positively charged particle, located at the center of the atom, i.e., nucleus.
b. mass of one proton is nearly equal to that of one hydrogen atom. Thus, the mass
of proton is expressed in atomic mass unit (amu).

a. an electrically neutral or chargeless particle located in the nucleus of the atom.
b. mass of one neutron is nearly equal to the mass of one proton.
c. Therefore, the mass of neutron is expressed in atomic mass unit (amu). Except
hydrogen, all elements contain neutrons.

a. a negatively charged particle, which revolves round the nucleus in a fixed
(circular) path called an orbit or shell.
b. mass of an electron is negligible compared to the mass of a proton and neutron,
which (mass of an electron) is nearly 1/1837 parts of the mass of hydrogen atom.
c. Therefore, the mass of an electron is 1/1837 amu.

Molecules: the smallest

particle which has same characteristics as in an element or a
compound. A molecule of an element is formed by the combination of two or more
similar atoms.

chemical reaction: chemical change

Chemical Reaction
1. Combination reaction: 2 or more reactants combine to form a single product. (
Sodium + Chloride — Sodium Chloride (2Na+CL2 — 2NaCL)
Nitrogen + Hydrogen — Amonia (N2+3H2 — 2NH3)

2. Decomposition reaction: a single compound or reactant undergoes decomposition

to give twor or more product.
Calcium Carbonate — Calcium Oxide + Carbon Dioxide (CaCO3 — CaO+CO2)
3. Deplacement reaction: an atom or group of atoms in a molicaule is replaced by
another atom or group of atoms.

The four types of invisible pressure consisting of strong and weak nuclear, electromagnetic
and gravitational forces that are produced naturally and studied by physics. In the business
world, the term natural forces might appear in a legal contract to refer to influences beyond
human control that no one can be considered legally accountable for.

Looma History Timeline – Chinese Dynasties
Looma History Timeline – Nepalese Dynasties
Looma History Timeline – Scientific Revolution
Looma History Timeline – Nepalese Modern History
Looma History Timeline – Nepalese Kings
Looma History Timeline – Nepalese Prime Ministers
Looma History Timeline – World War II
Looma History Timeline – Mt. Everest

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math
simulations (

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