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1: There was once a time in my life, when everything 2: YOU KNEW THE TRUTH!

seemed okay. I thought I could make everything right.

4: You didn’t tell us!
Things are going my way.
3: You only make disciples, huh?
2: You are my sister
5: How could you do this!
3: My student.
6: You were a Christian?
4: My friend.
1: What have I done?
5: I worked with you all the time!
2: I thought you were a Christian! Sometimes you even
6 & 7: You were nice whenever we saw you.
went to church. But you never try to bring me! It’s not
1: See? My life was fine. like what I have heard

2: I couldn’t have asked for a better sister. You were 3: I couldn’t stand the thought of church. I thought
strong when I was the weakest. You’ve protected me Christian arguments were weak. I didn’t know that that
but ofcourse… some things stays a secret was true, that something textbooks don’t teach.

3: You’re a good student, quiet and respect of what I 7: So your gospel, it was true? Jesus really was the
thought. We share the same opinions or atleast that’s savior? I thought Mohammad was a great prophet? Is
what I thought. Jesus greater?

6: You sit me with class and we always seem to agree. 1: Well yes, Jesus is the Lord! You didn’t pray the
You said, it was okay to believe what I believe. sinner’s prayer?

5: There is that one day at work, when you took the 7: NO! I was a Muslim and you didn’t share.
time to listen to the news that I was pregnant. You
5: You’re telling me, you were a Christian?
supported my decision.
1: Yeah
4: Remember when we were little and we play tag all
the time? I was your best friend and you were mine? 5: So you were just having fun? When you said my
Huh mine, and things were, uh, they were fine, weren’t decision was okay to abort my son!
1: Wait! Don’t blame this on me! I am not the problem
1: As far as I can see. here.
4: I have just one question, why didn’t you witness to 3: Then explain why all of this happened.
4: I think it’s very clear.
1: What?
6: You’re supposed to tell us! That’s not hard at all!
1: You don’t understand!
5: Why didn’t you care?
3: What? That Christians don’t respond to the call?
2: If the truth you had could save us,
2: You were my sister, you could have shared this on
7: Then why you wouldn’t share? blood and die for me. I guess you don’t find them
important like the blood of family.
1: I didn’t know what to say
7: So I was a muslim, you could’ve talked to me. Was it
4: Oh, really?
that scary to tell me the truth?
1: I just known you for so long, I didn’t think you’d want
1: I figured that someone else might do it.
to listen.
6: That person was supposed to be you!
4: Well guess what? YOU WERE WRONG.
3: People like you were the reason why I left, those who
served holy in speech, Christians should witness! Even I
know that! Why don’t you practice what you preach!?

5: I thought Christians didn’t believe in murder?

1: They don’t

5: Then why would you agree? You were supposed to

this life in you! Yet you wanted to kill the one in me!

4: I was you’re best friend! You still have nothing to say?

1: I’m sorry it wasn’t that easy!

4: WHY? Because I was gay?!

1: Don’t get me wrong. I know, I could have changed

this. But I didn’t want to accept the truth. I don’t want
to have to dedicate my life, I just wanted to be like all of

2: Is that why you became a christian? So you might not

have to burn in hell? Well, your little disguise didn’t
work. Truth is more than some story to tell.

5 & 6: Why didn’t you witness to me?

3,5,6,7: Why didn’t you care?!

ALL EXCEPT 1: If the truth you have could save us, THEN

1: I didn’t know it would end up like this!

3: Actually you did!

1: I’m sorry!

5: Cut it out!

7: You could’ve changed the way they lived.

1: I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I wish I could go back… and start

over somehow. I should’ve shared the truth.

4: Yeah, you should have.

1: I’m sorry!


1: There was once a time in my life, when everything

seemed to be okay. But I didn’t accept the gospel, that’s
why I’m in hell as well. My life didn’t show Christ, I was
fake. I didn’t witness worth living out.

ALL: So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor

cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Just one question.

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