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Name : Pradita Lina Dewi Afifah

Student’s Number : 1810302022

Class : Essay Writing 1

Pandemic and Education

Covid-19 is the disease caused by the Corona virus which was first discovered in Wuhan,
China at the end of 2019. The spread of Covid-19 is very fast, causing a pandemic that affects
various sectors of human life, one of which is the education sector. In this case, educators
must be alert in dealing with all the impacts that exist because the teaching and learning
activities are carried out in online learning. The teachers must prepare various strategies so
that the teaching and learning activities run smoothly and effectively. Many articles have
been written about the impact of Covid-19 in the field of education such as in articles entitled
“Covid-19 Pandemic and Online Learning: The Challenges and Opportunities” by Olasile
Babatunde Adedoyin & Emrah Soykan, and “Teaching and Teacher Education in The Time
of COVID-19” by Jeanne Allen , Leonie Rowan & Parlo Singh. According to those two
articles for teacher in dealing with the Covid-19 in education sector, so which one is have
better information and more useful?
First of all, both of the articles have similar topic that is talking about the impact of Covid-19
in teaching and learning activities. The content of article one and article sama-sama berbicara
langkah atau tips yang digunakan oleh the educators untuk dealing with the pandemic. In
addition, pendidikan yang mereka bahas juga lebih fokus kepada jenjang pendidikan tinggi
tingkat universitas. Selain itu, kedua artikel tersebut menggunakan metode penelitian yang
sama yaitu menggunakan metode review of the literature.
Meskipun memiliki banyak kesamaan, sebenarnya kedua artikel itu juga memiliki beberapa
perbedaan. Perbedaan pertama yaitu tentang cakupan konten yang termuat di dalam
artikel. Artikel pertama memiliki bahasan yang cukup luas sedangkan pada artikel kedua
mereka membahas hal yang lebih spesifik. Second, dilihat dari cara penulisan artikel, artikel
satu memiliki struktur penulisan yang lebih complex dibandingkan dengan artikel 2. Di
artikel pertama terdalat abstrak, introduction, literature review, discussion and conclusion,
disclosure statement, notes on contribution, and references. While in article two there are
discussion and references.
The next is about the main focussed topic of the articles. Article one focussed on the
teaching in pandemic era especially in Australia. Meskipun artikel dua juga membahas
tentang teaching in pandemi era, akan tetapi artikel dua lebih fokus kepada beberapa
challenge yang dihadapi oleh para educators dalam teaching and learning activities during
the pandemic. Last is about the publisher. Article one publihed in Interactive Learning
Environments, while artilce two pubslised in Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education.

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