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Zagađenje je dodavanje u okoliš bilo kakve tvari; krutina, plin ili

tekućina, ili bilo kakve energije brzinom bržom nego što se ta tvar može
Zagađenje zraka prati ljudsku civilizaciju od početka, prva zagađenja su počela
prvim požarima koje je uzrokovao čovjek prije više stotina tisuća godina.
Zagađenje zraka nastaje pretjeranim izgaranjem fosilnih goriva čime se ispušta
mnogo opasnih plinova u atmosferu poput CO2 ili SO2, a ako se takvi plinovi
pomiješaju sa kišom nastaju kisele kiše. Kisele kiše oštećuju korijen i lišće
stabla. Dovodi do potpunog izumiranja ekosustava. Također zbog takvih
plinova dolazi do globalnog zagrijavanja što može uzrokovati masovno
izumiranje biljaka i životinja.
Zagađenje vode je jedan od najvećih problema ljudske civilizacije jer čak 1.1
milijarda ljudi nema pristup pitkoj vodi, a 2.4 milijarde ljudi nema odgovarajuće
sanitarne uvjete. Voda postaje zagađena otrovnim tvarima koje se bacaju u
potoke, rijeke i ostale vodene tokove, pretjeranim bacanjem plastike u oceane
nastaju otoci plastike. Otoci plastike su ogromne nakupine smeća koje plutaju
oceanima, najveća takva nakupina smeća se nalazi u Tihom oceanu i u njoj
pluta preko 79 tisuća tona plastike, a površina mu je dvostruko veća od
Zagađenje bukom i umjetnom svjetlošću jako otežava život divljih životinja.
Naprimjer na Arktiku buka koja je nastala bušenjem nafte i zemnog plina je
toliko jaka da životinje poput kitova, beluga i ostalih morskih životinja imaju
poteškoća s hranjenjem i razmnožavanjem. Svjetlosno zagađenje također
utječe na morske kornjače koje kada se izlegnu misle da idu prema Mjesecu, a
ustvari idu prema autocesti gdje će najvjerojatnije poginuti.
Zagađenje pesticidima i umjetnim gnojivom se povećalo 26 puta tijekom
posljednjih 50 godina, a uzrok tome je povećanje globalne proizvodnje usjeva.
No zbog toliko pesticida i gnojiva je došlo ozbiljnih posljedica na okoliš.
Naprimjer razne otrovne kemikalije nastale od pesticida i gnojiva odlazi u
zemlju gdje dolazi do podzemnih voda koje se kasnije ulijevaju u druge rijeke,
jezera, mora i oceane. Te kemikalije mogu uzrokovati pretjeran rast algi koje
troše kisik koji je potreban ostalim vodenim bićima.
Pollution. Pollution is the release to the environment of any substance; solid,
gas or liquid, or any energy at a rate faster than that substance can be
Air pollution has been a part of the human civilization from the beginning, the
first pollution began with the first fires caused by man hundreds of thousands
of years ago. Air pollution is caused by combustion of fossil fuels, which
releases many dangerous gases into the atmosphere, such as CO2 or SO2, and
if such gases are mixed with rain, acid rain occurs. Acid rain damages the root
and leaves of the tree. It leads to the complete extinction of the ecosystem.
Because of that there is a global warming which can cause mass extinction of
plants and animals.
Water pollution is one of the biggest problems of human civilization because as
many as 1.1 billion people don't have access to drinking water, and 2.4 billion
people don't have standard sanitation. Water becomes polluted with toxic
substances that are thrown into rivers and oceans. Excessive throwing of
plastic into the oceans creates islands of plastic. Plastic islands are huge piles of
garbage floating in the oceans, the largest such pile of garbage is located in the
Pacific Ocean and floats over 79 thousand tons of plastic, and its area is twice
as large as France.
Pollution by noise and artificial light greatly complicates the lives of wild
animals. In the Arctic, for example, the noise generated by drilling for oil and
natural gas is so strong that animals such as whales, belugas and other sea
animals have difficulty feeding and reproducing. Example of light pollution can
be seen on how it effects sea turtles. When they hatch they are heading
towards the moon but because of the highway lights they are actually heading
towards streets where they die.
Pollution by pesticides has increased 26 times over the last 50 years. The
reason for this is the increase in global crop production. But so many pesticides
have had serious consequences for the environment. For example, various
toxic chemicals created from pesticides go into the ground where groundwater
occurs which later flows into other rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. These
chemicals can cause overgrowth of algae that consume the oxygen needed by
other sea animals to live.

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