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Nel Mark D. Ramos November 27, 2022


Module 7 - Lesson 2
Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

Task: Make a collage on the causes of the three spinal abnormalities. (20 points)

These three spinal abnormalities can be caused several factors such as genetics,
accidents, improper postures, back injuries and spinal infection which is also have
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in common with cerebral palsy. Some spinal abnormality are being diagnosed after
birth or birth defects.

Assessment Tasks

1. Give the three divisions of the axial skeleton and describe each. (10 points)
• Skull - The skull is also divided into two. The cranium surrounds and
protects the delicate brain tissue. Then facial bones form an open to the
front cradle for the eyes, allowing the facial muscles to express numerous
emotions through smiles and frowns.
• Vertebral column (Spine) - The vertebral column, or spine, extends from
the skull to the pelvis, where it transmits body weight to the lower limbs
and serves as the axial support of the body.
• Thoracic cage (Rib cage) - The bony thorax is also called as the thoracic cage
because it forms a protective cage of slender bones and cartilage around the
organs of the thoracic cavity (heart, lungs, and major blood vessels).

2. Differentiate the two sets of bones in the skull through their respective parts.
(10 points)
Facial bones
Cranium •Paired inferior nasal conchae
•Nasal bone
•Frontal bone
•Parietal bone
•Palatine bone
•Occipital bone
•Lacrimal bone
•Temporal bone
•Zygomatic bone
•Ethmoid bone
•Sphenoid bone

3. Explain in general how the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae differ from
one another. (15 points)
The major distinction of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is their anatomical
regions. The location of the cervical vertebrae are found in the neck, thoracic
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vertebrae in the thorax or chest region and lastly, lumbar vertebrae located in the
lower back. Our spine are made up of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic
vertebrae and five lumbar vertebrae all together.

4. Describe the thoracic cage. (5 points)

Thoracic cage also called as the rib cage make up the bony thorax serve as
protective cage of slender bones and cartilage around the organs of thoracic
cavity including heart, lungs and other major blood vessels.

5. Point out the bones that compose the appendicular skeleton. (15 points)
The appendicular skeleton are composed of the bones of shoulder girdle (clavicle
and scapula), bones of upper limb (arm, forearm, and hand), pelvic girdle (hipbone
and sacrum) and bones of the lower leg (thigh, leg and foot).

Congratulations! You just finished Module 7- Lesson 2! Should you have any
questions or queries regarding this lesson, please do not hesitate to reach out to
your instructor.

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