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8 o8127 DSM t v e s lime.

Publishd in 195 b APA (after e wossd kay
The need (ame aom he fatcd nevican psqhiats Was
he hastic stade, o class:Picadn in e bnited
Cmbasdassed be
sqs#ens Wese in a (o0ss diAlernt serdors e hk
mental heall Aold.
ApA decided do 0erome i s Situakie b eaking a classita
h a t eld be dccepdable to allmembess its O»jaiaal ien and
Had could Unifq the diagho stic derns e Hs sychiatrists
The esll was Bne DsM, deder venamed he Dsm-| because
was ehe eret
orst edifien tn a Sesies e subsdantiue evisions o
is maua
Dsm1 had a hierasthicad systen in which e initial nodei
he hiedddthy kas olifostnbiating Osganic bæin syhdoaes tooon
Funtdiend disordors
The Funtdioval disordars wese Pundres subdivided into psehotic
versus neco odic vevses harandos disordaoss

Q3 0f Which had Pose descoipd s

.Centained 08 Cadegooies

.hwas pablished in la68 (16 eas o n Dsm-1)

.Mang new dbgnosis Were ddlded ih he Dsm-

Caegpdies e
Anriely di'sovdo7s »depressive disovdeos, Persanalidy disomle$
adb.lesconte were Jazge
(PO). and. discoders Chikohood f
Subses ef diaghosis.
Cne ntevesting Change aSsociated with he Dsm-T (Onarhed
Hhe misteWahe peus Categ ovies (NOS)
tategoaies oopante do Oudpatient mendal heall
The eve

ePonts. 18D were

.The Dsm- had la3 diaghostic Qategooies which
dle Pined Usig shnd vovse Poesehtat)ans
Uclvable cliagnasdic doo!
Considezed as an
.Dsm- as
difperet Rust Practi Jiem
Ico-s has trying do coeade au indesnatieal Sysdan hat (old be
Osed asound he hordd aud hente had diaguostic Code humbers
associated otth each Categoo
These ode umbevs, wriHen in a decinal Formal, wee consbad,
as hamed iu Posdcular largu
Tegazoess how a Coeq a

-0ge There were -vo majo types e miscelanegus gdegoaies

n LCO8
The i st were caleg or Codeuames o d evaked in 8

Dsm ll as published in la80 and isted 865diaga0stiC
TIvapi dl Came tuto Wide

each Palieut was epec ted o e diagucsed alJora s sepode

D Descoip.tive Prrsenta n he pabiont.

Dh dezlgivg Perscnalilq and lor intellecdusl disod

ssoiated medil disoakr a s s rdevan So e Pdieut's
Psq chiotric Pre Sentatren
Pschosocial sdvessovs in he paient's euvhonme
Paliens s kighesd devel adapsive tancdieg ih the Past-yea
iPubdiskirg the Dsm as Pat aPabadigm shi¥L in
Pschiclrg and the metal heal tield iu geueval
Prir he
Pio Dsn - Pshiabry was dominatd ba Rsgchoan
algkeally t2aistd Psojehiabrists who shunned hhe idoas
koa eplin .
OsM i- R
Because e veseavth n
dagnostic eTitesia Wl bea
Wheu Dsm i-R as
bing Cresed. he #ocus e Centoversg
shi tHed to FeminiSn
s a a Tesull ahe Covdroversey, le Osm - -R added
he appen dix to its clasificaliens Called Pao Posd
diaguostic cadegories ve edivg her sdudg
onfaihed in he appendix Were hree ateozies:
Late lkeal phase
desphoric disodder (he new
hame for
Preme h $zul_sqhdrom)
disic Po (to bal ante
Sa ma sockisdic PD)
Selt- de eadig Po Che new nane 4or maSochistic
D s m iv app eaed in laH

Insesalt (are fal likrraßare ivieuws associaded j

ha uoioLLs diaghasic Caegories
Dsm 1V7 do 383 Categories s which dol diaghste
Cad'eoaies were doined bsivg diaguoSdic crideria.
versiens dh incdusion
chage o0m PstUiUSCideaion
Amayas clavge
to almasd hal oa

e a Glinid sighi Picà Me.

he calegories
-This eqyelioed 5mptems Cause clinicall signiPicaut
distross 6 mpairmod in social, occupdienal,
was Oogahi 3ed ido a-Rve -Pa» aial Systm

Axis I:
Azis TD

Osm-5 - as published in 9o13 but ids developmevd Posress
bega ih lq9.
to watelh how e nanuol
The Ltezhel allewed he world

as buil4 do mako (Cmneuts and suggesl&

allowed Pesple
APA's websio m e in kistos
he manval or he irst
T Cont ains tota a SHIdiaquo sdic
iu itncdude:.
The major (hanges
is removea
The Multiaxial sgsbon, e oiaguosis
Roman numberig sqsdem is opopped
Man Coideria ey da diaghbsis have been allerd
F eFew Cadegoetes of diaguosis have beon Complefel zeom0v0d
onios lables e mental disovders ith stigma allached
have beeh Poamed .
EHords hawe beeu made to keep Caidedia Similesa hih
nernatoval CIassi #iraf:on s Oiseases
The co is Ae boain child (ICO)
owoald Heallh Oogahiaad iien
as ed ouf e/Thfennal :Mad ist of Causes Death,
adepted eed-t by he I *

ICO osos glstal Commnicakieu amng hoallh Protess tonals Case

J builds trem an intervokicnally odezived fowndalien So Hat
eath Countoy nh modi t it p #s Unigue needs.
t ' s Pupose isto
Mphitor healh, ep ide mics 1Hhveaks Pubic
Ass ess healtl cdisense buzdon
ldediy valnesable /al visk Populatiens.
De fine obligakiens et WHO membersto Poovide healh case
access to heir Populafie
fren quidolines foa care 4 Standards Poz c4ice
Fatidtake e search into me ePPective oeatimest's

held in Baitain to erhibit *Hei

1851 reat Eachibiten
demain and Powe
lhere iudusdrial
advantemeds hem
T h e #ivst its tand
he wovld were erhibited.
heeds and anomalie s
Led o He buderstandivg ab cut
he World.
Peeple aytound
stadis.kical Ceuterentco (te s)i
do tins.P Ternationa COnsidebed or indernatid
deak a tepic Considevod
cause5 e
Bruss es
COmpatiSE Dubill 1878
ever yeads

1s1, shil
hold bienhial nedings
Succeeded bq ef ideshaki
a l classifiadiem
1893 19 issued
Ist edit iou
JadezhahioualList e Causes Deah.
Aaiabte iu Cgish Freneh 4vmn spani'sk langoue
B y18eq:
fo ICD rom ulsel
U . s (om iHo d
Sertieu cLapte Structure
neuod develspmendal Disozdor
B SchiBophaenia sp erdzm and
C Bibpola and 7e0ated Disovobr
O De Poessiue Disorda
Acidq Oisodess

M: Sleep -haka
N Secual pystucJtens

PGendea D9s9horia Disoddeas

&DisTuptive, lmpulse-¬eutoal and cendunt
Addtcktve Oisotdrs,
RSubstan Ce Re Jafed and

S NeuoCoqutive Disodrs
U Pe7senalily Oisoadors

V Pava phil'c Oisorders

her Meubal Disoske3s
X Medi calion - lhdured DisovdesS

y V and 2 to des
CO H Cra q,
((1930-1a33) 4ant

|ICO -6 1q4s
CIqug- 1957) {st JHo
Tutesnati onal class:¥icok:on adopted and vehamed
Causes e olaas. Ih ni0s, and
Morbidit dodde d do mortalid
ICD-7 45s (la58 -

ICO-8 6s (1a6s l178
LCO-1q75 (Ia1q-1aqu)
CO-lo lqqd (taqs- Pzesent

Mendalebauierd Di SoBdess -clapter s

Oisosdas5 due to kus
Fol-Foq Mentrl
FLO - F19
FeO- Fa9

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