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Colorado Department of Education

The Colorado Teacher Quality Standards Crosswalk to Colorado Teacher Cadet Curriculum – 11 th Edition

Quality Standard I: Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they Children’s Book/ Self Concept
teach. Article/ Module Assessments/
Report Cards (end of trimester
Element A: Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards; their MAP testing
district’s organized plan of instruction; and the individual needs of their students. scores(sheets/goals)/CMAS testing
(April 5/6/7/12/13/14)
Element B: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of student literacy development in trading, writing, Children’s Literature on Self
speaking and listening. Esteem/ Field Experience Week
1(days 19/22) and Week 4(11/11)/
Field(10-14)/ Field(1/18)-weekly
reading assessments, Module 5
Reading Assessment(1/27)/
Module 6 Assessment (2/24)/
Module 7 Weekly Assessments
(03/29)/ 1 minute reads (4/19)
Element C: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of mathematics and understand how to promote student MAP scores(graph/future goals)/
development in numbers and operations, algebra, geometry and measurement and data analysis and Field (10-14 w Skylee)/ Check
probability. math hw(1/27)/ Math hw
corrections with Shad (2/1)
Element D: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, tools of inquiry, Classroom Observations/
appropriate evidence=based instructional practices and specialized character of the disciplines being Vocabulary Words (2/1)/
taught. Vocabulary (2/10), Conferences
Document Outline Notes (2/14),
Sub plans (03/07)
Element E: Teachers develop lessons that reflect the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines. Field Experience: Planning in the
workroom (11/3) (11/16)/ Review
and extra practice on Author's
Purpose (2/1)/ Vocabulary Words
(2/15)/ Science packets:
genes/inheritance (4/9)

Created 7-24-17
Element F: Teachers make instruction and content relevant to students and take actions to connect Field Experience: Critical
students’ background and contextual knowledge with new information being taught. Thinking Workbook Pages/ Field
Week 2: Halloween Parade:
Introducing Costume/ Field (10-14
MyBook stories)/ Field (1/24)/
Vocab connections (2/10)/
Inheritance/genes Science learning
packets (4/9-4/12)/ Reading Cards
Quality Standard II: Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a Realizing My Powers Essay/
diverse population of students. Scavenger Hunt/ Mindset/ Phony
vs. Own Earn Esteem/Children's
Literature and Self Esteem/
MASLOW'S note catchers/ Field
Experience/ Diverse Artifact
Paper/ Certification of
Employment/ Evolution of
Education/ No Masks + With
Masks (2/14)/ Field (03/29)

Element A: Teachers foster a predictable learning environment in the classroom in which each student MASLOW'S Hierarchy,
has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers. Conferences
Element B: Teachers demonstrate a commitment to and respect for diversity, while working toward All About Me/ Quilt Squares/ Pot
common goals as a community and as a country. Fillers/Scavenger Hunt/ Special
Education Assessment/ Children &
Racism/ No Mask Mandate (2/14),
Cmas testing days
Element C: Teachers engage students as individuals with unique interests and strengths. Multiple Intelligences Note
Catcher/ Preferred Processing/
Analytical and Global Learners/
Field(10-14)/ Circle Time(1/23) /
PenPal letters/ Community Circle
(3/29) (4/04)/ Talent show
assembly (4/21)/ Take your child
to wokr day (4/28)
Element D: Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of all students, including those with special Special Education Note Catcher/
needs across a range of ability levels. Teacher, Teach Me/ Special
Created 7-24-17
Education Assessment/ Barriers to
Learning Note Catcher/ Barriers to
Learning Reflections/ Extra time
and activities for students to get
extra assistance/ special ed groups
pulled during reading time (4/4)
Element E: Teachers provide proactive, clear and constructive feedback to families about student Field Experience(friday folders)/
progress and work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students. Field Experience (map testing
chart on 12/7)/ Field(1/18)
showing progress and scores of
reading assessments, Conferences
(2/15)/ Report Cards (03/04)/ send
friday folders back if papers are
still in there
Element F: Teachers create a learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior, Field Experience (11/9 and 11/16)/
efficient use of time and appropriate intervention strategies. Conflict Manager Meeting (12/7)/
Behavior Sheets/Clip Ups→ good
behavior(2/1)/ Behavior/Reward
(2/10)(2/15), Sub Plans (03/07)/
Pink behavior sheet and apology
note (4/12)
Quality Standard III: Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that Enrichment- 3-Creeks Evaluations
facilitates learning for their students. and Observations/ Field
Experience Week 3(Workroom
Planning)(11/30)/ Review Module
Assessment (1/27), Sub Plans
Element A: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of current developmental science, the ways in which Packets: genes and inhertance
learning takes place and the appropriate levels of intellectual, social and emotional development of their
Element B: Teachers plan and consistently deliver instruction that draws on results of students’ Observations and Inference
assessments, is aligned to academic standards and advances students’ level of content knowledge and Evaluation Sheets(5)/Field
skills. Experience (Week 1)(11/29)/ Field
(2/1) (2/10)
Element C: Teachers demonstrate a rich knowledge of current research on effective instructional Set goals for student testing
practices to meet the developmental and academic needs of their students.

Created 7-24-17
Element D: Teachers thoughtfully integrate and utilize appropriate available technology in their Chromebook→ individual to do
instruction to maximize student learning. reading activities (interactive)/
Daily access to chromebooks/
Element E: Teachers establish and communicate high expectations for all students and plan instruction Field Experience(12/7)/ Field
that helps students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. (1/18)
Element F: Teachers provide students with opportunities to work in teams and develop leadership Reading groups/ Partner/pair
qualities. reading/ W.I.N. time and finish
story after reading lesson is taught.
Element G: Teachers communicate effectively, making learning objectives clear and providing Learning objectives/posters on
appropriate methods of language. whiteboard and walls in
classroom(field)/ Reviewing
vocabulary and the part of speech,
Sub Plans (03/07)
Element H: Teachers use appropriate methods to assess what each student has learned, including formal Unit assessments/ colorado MAP
and informal assessments, and use results to plan further instruction. tests
Quality Standard IV: Teachers reflect on their practice Field Experience(11/30)/
Certification of Employment/
Evolution of Education/
Conferences/ Report Cards/ Math
unit scores→ new math groups/
CMAS testing (duration, length,

Element A: Teachers demonstrate that they analyze student learning, development and growth and apply Evaluation Sheets: 3-Creeks K-8/
what they learn to improve their practice. Barriers to Learning Notectachers
and Evaluations/ Math unit test
Element B: Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals. Professionalism/Ethics
Element C: Teachers are able to respond to a complex, dynamic environment. Field Experience
Quality Standard V: Teachers demonstrate leadership. Field Experience / Certification of
Employment/ Evolution of
Element A: Teachers demonstrate leadership in their schools. Conflict Manager Meeting(field)/
Conflict Manager Meeting

Created 7-24-17
Element B: Teachers contribute knowledge and skills to educational practices and the teaching Observations in a Lower
profession. Elementary Classroom/ Field
Experience (2/15)
Element C: Teachers advocate for schools and students, partnering with students, families and Family Student Partnership Lesson
communities as appropriate. Planning/ Write letters for Make A
Wish (2/10)/ Conferences Notes/
Math scores- data and past work
ethic (03/08)
Quality Standard VI: Teachers take responsibility for student academic growth. Field Experience (11/30)/
Field(1/18), Conferences (2/15)/
Module Scores: retakes/ Adding
comments to Report Cards
Element A: Teachers demonstrate high levels of student learning, growth and academic achievement. Observation Sheets/ Module
Assessment Scores and Progress
Evaluations/ Difference between
1st and 2nd Trimester on Report
Element B: Teachers demonstrate high levels of student academic growth in the skills necessary for TC Diverse Learners Artifact
postsecondary and workforce readiness, including democratic and civic participation. Teachers Essay
demonstrate their ability to utilize multiple data sources and evidence to evaluate their practice, and
make adjustments where needed to continually improve attainment of student academic growth.

Created 7-24-17

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