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I/ Các cụm động từ với “Take” thường gặp

Cụm động từ Nghĩa

1. Take away Mang đi
2. Take advantage of Tận dụng, lợi dụng
3. Take back Rút lại (lời nói)
4. Take to Có thói quen làm gì đó
5. Take after Trông giống
6. Take down Ghi chú
Cất cánh
7. Take off Cởi quần áo
Đạt được tiến độ lớn
8. Take place Thay thế, thay đổi
9. Take out on Đổ lỗi ai đó về việc gì
Bắt đầu sở thích, thói quen
10. Take up Chiếm thời gian, không gian
Tham gia chơi ( thể thao)
11. Take up with Giao du với
12. Take through Giải thích mọi thứ
Năm quyền / kiểm soát
13. Take over

A - Complete the correct verb. Pay attention to the tense of the verb

1. The secretary began to _____________ the message

2. He _____________ wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning more noticeable
3. We _____________ the engine _____________ to see what the problem was
4. These files _____________ a lot of disk space
5. He looks looks like his mother, he _____________ her
6. I was a bit worried when an official came and _____________ my passport _____________.
7. The plane _____________ at 8.30
8. He _____________ the position supervisor last month

B- Write the phrasal verbs in the box under the correct definitions

Take on: tuyển

Take to Take out on Take in Take through
dụng / thuê
Take after Take over Take up Take for: xem xét
1. Consider, view : __________________
2. Understand, learn : __________________
3. Start doing a new activity : __________________
4. Gain control of st : __________________
5. Resemble a parent; similar to : __________________
6. Begin to like sb or st : __________________
7. Blame sb for : __________________
8. Explain everything : __________________
9. Employ or hire : __________________
II/ Các cụm động từ với “Get” thường gặp

Cụm động từ Định nghĩa

1. Get across : giải thích rõ ràng
: trốn chạy / thoát khỏi
2. Get away : nghỉ mát

: hòa thuận
3. Get along ( with S.O)
: xoay sở
4. Get down to : bắt tay vào làm việc gì
: thức dậy
5. Get up
: đứng lên
6. Get over : hồi phục, vượt qua
: vượt qua
7. Get through
: gọi, liên lạc
: xuống xe, máy bay
8. Get off
: rời khỏi
: lộ ra (tin tức)
9. Get out
: đi ra ngoài
: to continue doing something, especially work bắt
10. Get on (with) đầu hoặc tiếp tục làm gì
- lên xe / tàu
: vào trong (xe/ nhà)
11. Get in
: đến nơi
12. Get together : gặp mặt / họp
13. Get behind : tụt lại phía sau
Get behind with : trả chậm tiền trả góp cái gì đó
14. Get around Xoay xở / giải quyết được

15, Get by to manage to live or do a particular thing using the

money, knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have sống
được, làm được gì đó

A - Choose the correct particle to complete these sentences.

1. Why don’t you get your homework _________________ with so you can enjoy the rest of the evening?
A. around B. over C. by D. away
2. As soon as Sue and I met, we knew we were going to get _________________ well.
A. round B. at C. on D. up
3. I’m going to have to get _________________ to filling in my tax form soon.
A. round B. over C. away D. behind
4. I hope you’ll be able to get _________________ from work at a reasonable time tonight
A. away B. behind C. at D. over
5. Your mother couldn’t get _________________ the cost of restaurants in London
A. up B. round C. by D. over
6. My mother couldn’t get ______________ the cost of restaurants in London.
A. around B. over C. by D. away
7. Why does Rita always get__________with arriving late? It doesn’t seem fair.
A. around B. over C. by D. away
8. Shall we get…………………………. this evening? – Sure, that would be nice.
A. around B. together C. by D. away
9. How do you get__________ on a student grant? – I manage somehow, though it isn’t easy.
A. around B. over C. by D. away
10. I wasn’t organized enough so I really get______________ in the game.
A. away B. behind C. at D. over
11. I'm trying to get a team _____________ for Saturday.
A. together B. behind C. at D. over
12 It's time to get ______________or you will be late for school.
A. away B. behind C. at D. up
13. They usuaslly get________________ the bus here and take a taxi home.
A. off B. up C. at D. over
14. He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll get _____________ it.
A. away B. behind C. at D. over
15. There was a car parked on the pavement and we couldn't get _________.
A. around B. over C. by D. away
16. How does she get _____________ on such a small salary?
A. around B. over C. by D. away
17. I got _______________ in class because I spent too much time on the Internet.
A. away B. behind C. at D. over
18. We walked to the next beach to get ______________from the crowds.
A. away B. behind C. at D. over
19. It may take time, but he'll get _________________.
A. around B. over C. by D. away
20. I don't really get _____________ my sister's husband. We often argue about a lot of things.
A. away B. behind C. at D. along with

B. Replace the word in bold by the proper phrasal verb.

get over get away with get rid of : thoát khỏi/ từ bỏ get on
get at: chế nhạo/ công
get up get on (along) with get off
kích / đạt tới

1. I usually wake up at 6 a.m

2. I know you will overcome all your troubles
3. My boss is always criticizing me! It’s so annoying!
4. Exercise is the best way to fight stress
5. - Excuse me. How can I get to the city center from here? - You should catch bus #4
6. Will he really avoid punishment for his fraud?
7. Mary and I are best friends. We always understand each other
8. Smoking kills you. You must quit this bad habit
9. Rise and shine! You will be late for school!
10. Ben should find the way to forget about Sue
11. The train leaves at 17:15

III. Các cụm động từ với “Look” thường gặp

Cụm động từ Định nghĩa

1. Look after : chăm sóc
2. Look ahead : tiên liệu, tính toán chuyện gì có thể xảy ra
3. Look at : nghĩ về, đắn đo, tìm hiểu, học hỏi thứ gì
4. Look away : hướng cái nhìn ra chỗ khác hoặc khỏi ai đó
5. Look back (on) : nhớ về quá khứ
6. Look down on : khinh thường ai đó
7. Look for : tìm kiếm
8. Look forward to : mong đợi làm gì
9. Look in : thăm một người hoặc một địa điểm trong thời gian ngắn
10. Look on : nhìn ai đó hoặc cái gì theo một cách cụ thể hoặc nghĩ về họ theo 1 cách nào đó.
11. Look out : hãy cẩn thận
12. Look up to : tôn trọng, ngưỡng mộ
13. Look round : nhìn xung quanh xem cái gì sau bạn
14. Look through : đọc nhanh và tóm tắt
15. Look to : mong đợi, hy vọng, tin cậy ai đó hoặc cái gì đó
16. Look up : tìm kiếm thông tin trong một quyển sách, trên bản đồ hay thời gian biểu

A: Complete the sentences with “after, ahead, back, for, forward to, in, on, out, around, through, to, up”

1. If you don’t know any words, look them __________ in a dictionary

2. Can you look __________ my cat when I’m away?
3. I woke up earlier than usual to look __________ my notes
4. Look __________! I’ve just mopped the floor and it’s wet
5. They’ll have to look __________ a few tears before they make a decision.
6. When we had a bump last week many passer-by stopped to look __________.
7. When my grandma looks __________ she can see how happy she was in her childhood.
8. Jane and she looked __________ and smiled at me when I called her.
9. My daughter is looking __________ leaving school
10. Henry has found the keys he was looking __________ all morning
11. We looked __________ our friends for support but we were disappointed
12. Yesterday afternoon I looked __________ on my grandpa on my way from work
13. The audience looked __________ delighted as the actors performed
14. I look __________ my neighbor’s kids to earn some money
15. Jeff looked __________ the magazine and put it back.
16. Our parents are looking __________ seeing us again this summer.
17. If I were you I wouldn’t look __________ your boyfriend for help
18. Looking __________ on it, I’m sure we chose the right option
19. We just looked __________ to say hello
20. If Tom doesn’t look __________, he’ll get fired soon

IV. Phrasal verb with GO – Cụm động từ của GO

Phrasal Verb Meaning

Go after theo đuổi (mục tiêu)

Go along Tiếp tục một hoạt động

Đồng ý; Chấp nhận; ủng hộ một ý

Go along (with)

Go away Đi khỏi

Go back Quay lại

Go by đi qua

Go down Giảm

Go down with  Mắc bệnh, bị bệnh

Go for Cố gắng đạt được

Go in Đi vào

Go into (+noun) Đâm vào

Go into (+ noun) Tham gia

Go in for Có sở thích

Go off Nổ tung

Go off Đổ chuông / tạo ra tiếng ồn lớn

Go off Ngừng hoạt động

Go off Không còn ăn/uống tốt

Go off Không còn thích thú

Go on Tiếp tục

Go out Đi ra ngoài

Go out with Hẹn hò

Go over Kiểm tra , xem xét kĩ lữỡng

Go up Tăng, đi lên
Go through Trải qua

Go through Kiểm tra

Go through with Kiên trì, bền bỉ

Go with Phù hợp

Go without Kiêng, nhịn

Đủ chia cho mọi người một hay vài

Go round

Go under Chìm
A: Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition
1. Emma went ____________her dreams and now she is an actress.

2. He added funny details to the story as he went ____________________

3. Alex tends to go _____________ anything his wife says.

4. We decided to go ____________ for a few days.

5. Children go______________to school after the holidays.

6. Put up your hand or the bus will go_________ without stopping.

7 -Time goes _____________ so quickly!

8. The price of property has gone ____________a bit lately.

9. Our youngest boy has gone _____________ chickenpox..

10. Jack trained hard and decided to go ______________the gold medal.

11. There’s a hotel. Let’s go _______________and book a room.

12. Go _______________the bakery and see if they sell croissants.

13. Tom decided to go _____________ the army when he left school.

14. Anne really doesn’t go ________________sports.

15. A bomb went ______________in a crowded restaurant.

16. The alarm clock was set to go __________________at 6 am.

17. The heating has gone ______________.  It’s freezing in here!

18. The milk has gone ______________. Don’t drink it.

19. My grandmother has gone _________________ doing crosswords.

20. Sorry for interrupting. Please go _____________________

21. He goes ____________ drinking most evenings

22. Is Julie going _______________ Tom?

23. Please go______________________your answers before handing in your paper.

24. The price of petrol is expected to go ______________________

25. Pete went ________________ a lot of pain after the accident.

26. You should go __________________ the contract before signing it.

27. Bill and Amy finally went ___________________the divorce.

28. That jacket doesn’t go _______________ the skirt.

29. Tony had to go _________________________lunch to finish the report.

30. There aren’t enough chairs to go ____________________.

31. The boat was too heavy and went _______________________________.

V. Các cụm động từ với “Come” thường gặp

Cụm động từ Nghĩa

1. Come about : xảy ra, diễn ra
2. Come across st : tình cờ bắt gặp
3. Come apart : chia thành nhiều phần
4. Come back : trở lại
5. Come along : đi đến nơi nào đó
: để có được một cái gì đó, sử dụng nỗ lực hay một cách
6. Come by st
tình cờ
: sự rơi, vỡ, một chuyển động đi xuống nền đất, trần nhà
7. Come down
của một vật nào đó
8. Come down in the world : nói về ai đó mất/ suy giảm vị thế trong xã hội
9. Come down with st : ốm, ngã bệnh
10. Come into st : thừa kế một cái gì đó
: diễn ra thành công theo kế hoạch
11. Come off
: bong ra, rời ra
12. Come out : được công bố, công khai, tiết lộ
13. Come round : thăm nhà ai đó
14. Come up : xảy ra, xuất hiện
15. Come against st : đụng phải, va phải
16. Come up to st : đến một nơi cụ thể, một thời đại hoặc một thời kì
17. Come up with st : nghĩ ra, đưa ra một ý tưởng

A : Fill in the gaps with a special phrasal verb

1. Scientists can’t explain how such an incredible variety of languages came ………….

2. Ever since he came …………. from holiday in Spain, he’s been eating only pizzas

3. With nuclear reactors like the one in Chernobyl, serious problems are sure to come …………

4. His new album will come ………… next month

5. The question of closing the factory down came ………… at the last meeting

6. I don’t really know what to do in this situation. Perhaps you’ll come ………… some interesting idea

7. Come ………… And we’ll talk it over

8. She came ………… Serious difficulties while she was doing research for the local government

9. They had a serious car accident last night. Jane hasn’t come ………… yet.
10. His recent film didn’t come ………… my expectations.

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