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La Maquina Síncona funcionant com a generador (Alternador)

Estator: induït (primari)

Alternador de turbina de vapor D<<L. Maquines ràpides
N=3000 - 1500 rpm

Alternadors de turbines hidrauliques D>>L

Maquines lentes n=750 – 150 rpm

Rotor cilíndric n=1500 – 3000 rpm Rotor de pols Debanat amortidor

Debanat amortidor (Damper winding): Principalment pel funcionament com a
Functions of Damper Windings:
1) Damper windings helps the synchronous motor to start on its own (self starting
machine) by providing starting torque
2) When there is change in load, excitation or change in other conditions of the
systems rotor of the synchronous motor will oscillate to and fro about an
equilibrium position. At times these oscillations becomes more violent and
resulting in loss of synchronism of the motor and comes to halt

Eix directe d Eix transversal q

p=1 p=2

2·p=8 pols

Sistemes d’excitació
Apareix força electromotriu en una bobina sempre que aquesta estigui sotmesa
a camps magnètics variables en el temps.

dΦ Φˆ − (−Φˆ ) ˆ
=N⋅  = 4·N ⋅ Φ
e = −N ⋅ ∆Φ ˆ Vmitjos 
E =N⋅ = 4· N ⋅ f ⋅ Φ  
dt ∆t T /2 T

CA sinusoidal 

2 2  π
Valor mig: E = ⋅ Eˆ = ⋅ 2 ⋅ E  Valor eficaç: E = ˆ
·4· N ⋅ f ⋅ Φ Veficaços 
π π  2 2
Valor maxim: Eˆ = 2 ⋅ E 

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