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Aggressive Behaviour

What is it?
- Standing up for your personal rights and expressing thoughts, feelings and
beliefs in a way that is inappropriate
- Violating the rights of the other person
- People often feel threatened or scared by an encounter with an aggressive
- An aggressive person maintains superiority by putting others down
- When threatened, an aggressive person attacks, aiming at the vulnerability of
the other person

What are you communicating?

This is what I think, what I want and what I feel. What matters to you is not important
to me

To dominate and win

- Intruding into others’ personal space
- Staring and glaring
- Sarcastic and condescending comments and tone
- Threatening body gestures, such as finger pointing or clenched fists
- Threats such as “You’d better watch out or…” (Using the word “you” often)
- Sexist/racist/homophobic/xenophobic remarks

Secondary Gains
- Others do your bidding
- Most things tend to go your own way and you enjoy feeling in control of
shaping your life
- You are likely to obtain the material need and objects you wish for
- You feel less vulnerable when faced with struggle, hostility and competition

The Price You Pay

- Aggressive behaviour can create enemies
- This can create fear and tension, making life more difficult for you
- It can become difficult to relax as it takes a lot of time and mental energy to
control what others do all the time
- Relationships tend to be based on negative emotions and are likely to be
- Your behaviour may frighten other people making it difficult to form
meaningful relationships

[Type text]

August 2015

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