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Papacioc Rares-Ioan 19th November, 2021


Many people believe that having siblings is a great thing and can’t imagine a life without
them. However, others think being an only child has more advantages than having brothers and
It comes with no surprise that parents will have more time to spend with you if you are an
only child, because they won’t have to spend it with anybody else. However, it can backfire,
because your parents may become a little overprotective, which will make you avoid some
necessary experiences to be a normal adult.
Like the parents’ attention, responsibilities will be divided between siblings in a family
with more children. Being the only child means that you can’t share your duties with anyone,
which may make you count on yourself more in the future.
The biggest advantage of them all with having siblings is the fact that your social skills
evolve from a very young age. As an only child you don’t learn to share or have a great
conversation until late in life.
Overall, I think that having siblings is better. Having more attention is better, but it
doesn’t compensate on other ends.

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