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1. Create a list of at least 10 types of relationships that are important to maintain.

These can be
familial relationships (Grandmother, cousin, etc.) or other types of relationships (teammate,
pastor, etc.).

School relationship
Family relationship
Coach relationship
Friend relationship
Teammates relationship
Grandmother relationship
Tutor relationship
Pastor relationship
Tech relationship
Liberian relationship

2. Draw a web of relationships with you at the center. The web should include at least one
person for each of the 10 types of relationships listed earlier. If their is a connection between
two people other than yourself, make sure to show that connection.

pastor Tutor

frien school

SAMUEL Liberia


coach Grandmother
The black line are other connection other than me.

3. Connect the web with different types of lines to indicate whether you feel the relationship is
in a healthy, unhealthy, or neutral state. Create a key to indicate which types of lines mean

Healthy are blue lines

Neutral states are red lines

Healthy Neutral state

Tutor Pastor

School Friend

Liberian Tech




4. Write one paragraph describing one relationship within the web. Is the relationship on solid
ground or is it strained? Is there anything you can do to grow or strengthen the connection?

The family relationship: my family relationship Is on solid ground because my family shares its
thoughts and emotions, which may take time to develop. the closer the relationships, the greater
the respect for one another. It can build and maintain strong family connections.

5. Write one final paragraph on the importance of horizontal relationships. How does having
healthy relationships help us live out the Christian faith? What types of relationships does
God desire for people to have?

Horizontal relationships are defined and maintained by equality in both standing and obligation. It Helps
you transcend and look beyond yourself and those around you. It helps you look for guidance from that
very source that originally connects us all.  a healthy relationship depicts a real love that is patient, does
not envy or boast; it is not resentful but rejoices at the truth.

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