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Heat transfer in an air cooled finned carbon steel

pipe with condensig saturated steam inside

1.- U-factor of finned pipe 6.- U factors

Heat transfer in an air cooled finned carbon steel Equations for U factors
pipe with condensig saturated steam inside, for
fins of a rectangular profile type 7.- Schneider example
Results obtained by means of the functions: Fin efficiency calculation from exa
Heat flow "q" Calculation in the spreadsheet and
Fin efficiency hF function. (See Note 1)
Global heat transfer coefficient "UoF"
8.- Incropera example
2.- Heat flow Heat flow of bare pipe and finned p
Heat flow in an air cooled finned carbon steel U factor of bare pipe and finned pi
pipe with condensig saturated steam inside. Solutions using efficiency obtained
Heat flow calculation in the spreadsheet and figure and from a VBA function.
using a VBA function

3.- Inside cond. coeff. Ref.1

Convection coefficient for steam condensing inside Scan of Incropera example
a pipe. Calculation in the spreadsheet and using
a VBA function. Ref. 5
Scan of Schneider example
4.- Combined ext. Conv.
Natural and forced exterior pipe convection Ref.
coefficient . Calculation in the spreadsheet and References
using the function
Conductivity data
5.- Fin efficiency
Efficiency of circular fins with rectangular section.
Calculation in the spreadsheet and using a VBA Note1. Bessel functions are used a
function. (See Note 1) Analysis Tools - VBA. must be inst
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

- U factors
quations for U factors

- Schneider example
n efficiency calculation from example 4-4 [5]
alculation in the spreadsheet and using a VBA
nction. (See Note 1)

- Incropera example
eat flow of bare pipe and finned pipe
factor of bare pipe and finned pipe.
olutions using efficiency obtained from a
gure and from a VBA function.

can of Incropera example

can of Schneider example

onductivity data

ote1. Bessel functions are used and therefore the

nalysis Tools - VBA. must be installed and activated.
Heat transfer in an air cooled finned carbon steel
pipe with condensig saturated steam inside, for Input values for the functions
fins of a rectangular profile type LFmm =
sFmm =
NFpm =
Data dn =
Fin length Lf = 15 mm LPmm =
Fin thickness sf = 1 mm te =
Number of fins per meter Nfpm = 276 fin / m Vms =
PabsBar =
Pipe nominal diameter dn = 0.75 in
Pipe schedule sch = 10 - 1.- q=
Pipe length Lp = 0.5 m 2.- hF =
3.- UoF =
Ambient temperature te = 50
Air velocity v= 8.3 m/s
4.- Using the matrix output
Interior fluid Fluid: Saturated steam q=
Pressure P= 6.9 bar abs. hF =
UoF =

1.- Heat_Flow_LFmm_sFmm_NFpm_dn_SCH_LPmm_te_Vms_PabsBar(LFmm, sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPmm

2.- Fin_Efficiency_LFmm_sFmm_NFpm_dn_SCH_LPmm_te_Vms_PabsBar(LFmm, sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPm

3.- U_Factor_UoF_LFmm_sFmm_NFpm_dn_SCH_LPmm_te_Vms_PabsBar(LFmm, sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LP

4.- Matrix_q_eta_UoF_LFmm_sFmm_NFpm_dn_SCH_LPmm_te_Vms_PabsBar(LFmm, sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH

g= 9.81 m/s²
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

put values for the functions

15 mm text
1 mm
276 fin/m sf
0.75 in
10 -
500 mm
50 °C dep
8.33 m/s ti = tsat
6.9 bar dip
#VALUE! W sp
#VALUE! W / (m²*K)
tse tb
sing the matrix output
#VALUE! W / (m²*K)
Finned pipe

m, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPmm, te, Vms, PabsBar) q= #VALUE! W

Fmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPmm, te, Vms, PabsBar) hF = #VALUE! -

sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPmm, te, Vms, PabsBar) UoF = #VALUE! W / (m²*K)

m, sFmm, NFpm, dn, SCH, LPmm, te, Vms, PabsBar) q= #VALUE! W

hF = #VALUE! -
UoF = #VALUE! W / (m²*K)
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014
Heat transfer in an air cooled finned carbon steel Pipe length
pipe with condensig saturated steam inside Lp =

Data Steam temperature

Fin profile type Type: rectangular tsat =
Fin length Lf = 15 mm tsat =
Fin thickness sf = 1 mm
Number of fins per meter Nfpm = 275.6 fin / m Outside pipe surface area
Ao =
Pipe Material Mat. = Carbon steel dop =
Pipe nominal diameter dn = 0.75 in Lp =
Pipe schedule sch = 10 - Ao =
Pipe length Lp = 0.5 m
Inside pipe surface area
Ambient temperature te = 50 Ai =
Air velocity v= 8.3 m/s dip =
Lp =
Interior fluid Fluid: Saturated steam Ai =
Pressure P= 6.9 bar abs.
Interior convection
Carbon steel pipe dimensions hi =InteriorConvectionSaturatedVapor_PabsBar_diPmm_D

Pipe outside diameter PabsBar =

dop = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dext_dn diPmm =
dop = #VALUE! mm DtK =
dop = #VALUE! m hi =
rop = #VALUE! m
Pipe interior diameter Interior temperature
dip = Pipe_Imp_CS_Dint_dn_sch ti =
dip = #VALUE! mm tsat =
dip = #VALUE! m ti =
rip = #VALUE! m
Pipe thickness Press button to obtain Dq = 0
sp = Pipe_Imp_CS_Thickness_dn_sch qass - qcalc = ### W
#VALUE! mm
sp = #VALUE! m
Assumed temperature differece between Exterior convection
500 m fluid an inside pipe surface (1). he = Combined_Convection_...
Dt = 6.70 K Mat = Carbon steel
team temperature dn = 0.75
H2O_SaturationTemp_p Interior pipe surface temperature Vkmh = 30
#VALUE! °C tsi = tsat - Dt tse = #VALUE!
tsat = #VALUE! °C te = 50
utside pipe surface area Dt = 6.70 K he = #VALUE!
p * dop * Lp tsi = #VALUE! °C
#VALUE! m Global heat transfer coefficient
0.5 m Carbon steel thermal conductivity [7] Uo,F = Uoext_doPmm_sPmm_...
#VALUE! m² k= 54 - 0.0333 * tsi doPmm = #VALUE!
tsi = #VALUE! °C sPmm = #VALUE!
side pipe surface area k= #VALUE! W/(m*K) LPmm = 500
p * dip * Lp kPWmk = #VALUE!
#VALUE! m Heat flow rate with assumed temperature LFmm = 15.0
0.5 m Eq. (1) sFmm = 1.0
#VALUE! m²
q= Ai⋅hi⋅( t i −t si ) kFWmK = #VALUE!
qass = Ai * hi * (ti - tsi) NFpm = 275.6
terior convection Ai = #VALUE! m² hoWm2K = #VALUE!
=InteriorConvectionSaturatedVapor_PabsBar_diPmm_DtK hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) hiWm2L = #VALUE!
6.9 bar abs ti = #VALUE! °C Uo,F = #VALUE!
#VALUE! mm tsi = #VALUE! °C
6.705 K qass = #VALUE! W Temperature difference
#VALUE! W/(m²*K) Dt = ti - text
Exterior pipe surface temperature ti = #VALUE!
terior temperature tse = tsi - q * Ln(roP/riP) / ( 2 * p * kP* LP ) text = 50
tsat tsi = #VALUE! °C Dt = #VALUE!
#VALUE! °c q= #VALUE! Q
#VALUE! °C roP = #VALUE! m Heat transfered
riP = #VALUE! m qcalc = Ao Uof * Dt
kP = #VALUE! W/(m*K) Ao = #VALUE!
Lp = 0.5 m Uo,F = #VALUE!
tse= #VALUE! °C Dt = #VALUE!
qcalc = #VALUE!
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

ombined_Convection_... q= Function Heat_Flow_...

LFmm = 15 mm
in sFmm = 1 mm
km(h NFpm = 276 fin/m
°C dn = 0.75 in
°C SCH = 10 -
W/(m²*K) LPmm = 500 mm
te = 50 °C
nsfer coefficient Vms = 8.33 m/s
oext_doPmm_sPmm_... PabsBar = 6.9 bar
mm q= #VALUE! W

°C Note 1.
°C This temperature difference will be adjusted
K with the macro "DeltaQzero" to accomplish
with the requirement that the difference
Dq = qass - qcalc achieves a value near enough
to zero.
m² The existing value in the cell of magenta color,
W/m²*K can be left with the result of the last calculation
K or a new value can be entered.
Condensation inside horizontal tubes

Chato obtained the following expresion for condensation

of refrigerants at low vapor velocities inside horizontal
tubes [4], Eq. (9-29), page 498.

Chato [ 4 ] , page 498

Relationship for condensation on horizontal
tubes at low vapor velocities

h=0 .555⋅
[ ρ L⋅( ρ L− ρ v )⋅k 3L⋅h fg
μ L⋅d i, t⋅( t g −t w ) ](14 )
Eq . ( 9−29 )

restricted to Microsoft Editor de

ecuaciones 3.0
Rev = < 35 000 Eq . (9−30 )

h = 0.555 * ( ( g * rL * (rL- rv) * kL^3* hfg ) / ( mL * dit * (tg - tw) ) )^(1/4)

Valid for vapor Reynolds number

d⋅G v
Rev = < 35 000 Eq. (9−30)

Saturated liquid
P= 6.89685 bar abs.
t= #VALUE! °C
vL = #VALUE! m³/kg
rL = #VALUE! kg/m³
mL = #VALUE! Pa s
nL = #VALUE! m²/s
PrL = #VALUE! -
kL = #VALUE! W/m*K
cjc. 09.07.2014

Using the finction Interi

Saturated vapor hi =
P= 6.89685 bar abs. E31 PabsBar =
t= #VALUE! °C diPmm =
vv = #VALUE! m³/kg DtK =
rv = #VALUE! kg/m³ hi =
hfg = h v - hL
hv = #VALUE! kJ/kg
hL = #VALUE! kJ/kg
hfg = #VALUE! kJ/kg

Interior tube diameter

dip = #VALUE! m
Inside fluid temperatur
tg = #VALUE! °C
Temperature difference between fluid and inside surface
Dt = 6.70 K

Inside wall surface temperature

tw = tg - Dt
tg = #VALUE! °C
Dt = 6.70 K
tw = #VALUE! °C

h = 0.555 * ( ( g * rL * (rL- rv) * kL^3* hfg ) / ( mL * dip * (tg - tw) ) )^(1/4)

rL = #VALUE! kg/m³
rv = #VALUE! kg/m³
kL = #VALUE! W/m*K
hfg = #VALUE! J/kg
mL = #VALUE! Pa s
di,p = #VALUE! m
tg = #VALUE! °C
tw = #VALUE! °C
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)
Using the finction InteriorConvectionSatueated Vapor…

InteriorConvectionSaturatedVapor_PabsBar_diPmm_DtK(PabsBar, diPmm, DtK)

6.89685 bar abs
#VALUE! mm
6.705 K
#VALUE! W/(m²*K)
Combined convection on a horizontal
pipe exposed to an air flow
[6], Eq. (9.41), Chapter 9, page 487

- Array (Nu, he, Ra)

- Nusselt
- Convection coefficient

Select diameter and shedule or nominal pressure, according selected material

Pipe Material Mat = Carbon steel

Carbon steel

Pipe nominal diameter dn = 0.75 in

Air velocity v= 30 km/h
Exterior pipe surface temperature tse = #VALUE! °C
Ambient temperature tamb = 50 °C
Combined convection
Array function
1 Nucombined = #VALUE! -
he_Combined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K)

Single functions
2 Nucombined = #VALUE! -
3 he_Combined = #VALUE! W/(m²*K) 5

1 Combined_Convection_array_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)

2 Combined_Convection_Nusselt_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
3 Combined_Convection_Coefficient_horizontal_tube_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb(Mat, dn, Vkmh, ts, te)
4 Natural_convection_array_horizontal_tube_in_still_air_Material_dn_tsurf_tamb
5 Forced_convection_array_tube_in_air_Material_dn_Vkmh_tsurf_tamb

Functions used: Module: c_Outside_Combined_Conv

Rows with pipe data. Do not delete

Carbon steel
Size SCH/PN Size SCH
1/2 5 1/2 5
3/4 10 3/4 10
1 20 1 20
1 1/2 30 1 1/2 30
2 40 2 40
3 60 3 60
4 80 4 80
5 100 5 100
6 120 6 120
8 140 8 140
10 160 10 160
12 STD 12 STD
14 XS 14 XS
16 XXS 16 XXS
18 0 18
20 0 20
22 0 22
24 0 24
26 0 26
28 0 28
30 0 30
32 0 32
34 0 34
36 0 36
38 0 38
40 0 40
42 0 42
44 0 44
46 0 46
48 0 48
0 0
0 0
Auxiliary variables Combined natural and forced convection
Exterior diameter 3.- Combined natural and forced convection
de = #VALUE! mm NuCombined = Abs( (NuNat)^n ± (NuForc)^n )^(1/n)
de = #VALUE! mm with n≈ 3÷ 4
Film temperature (The Nusselt-value is not very sensible to the n-vale
tfilm = (tamb + ts) / 2
tamb = 50 °C Combined natural and forced convection
t s= #VALUE! °C
tfilm = #VALUE! °C Nusselt number
Thermal conductivity From [5]
k= #VALUE! W/(m*K) NuCombined = Abs(( NuNat)^n ± (NuForc)^n )^(1/n)
NuNat = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Natural convection NuForc = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Nusselt, convection coefficient and Re. Let
For function used, see Function 4 n= 4
Nu= #VALUE! - and consider the case where both effects shall
hi = #VALUE! W/(m²*k) be added: (+) signus
Ra = #VALUE! - NuCombined = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)

Convection coefficient
Forced convection he_Conv = NuCombined * k / d
Nusselt , convection coefficient and Re. NuCombined = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
For function used, see Function 5 k= #VALUE! W / (m*K)
Nu= #VALUE! - d= #VALUE! m
he = #VALUE! W/(m²*k) he_Conv = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Re = #VALUE! - Combined convection
Eq. (9-41), [6], page 487
Nu combined =( Nunforced +Nunnatural ) n
With the exponent "n" with a value in the
range of 3 and 4. Used value, n = 4

Stainless steel HDPE 100 Material

dn Sch Dn [mm] PN [bar] 1 Rabs [mm]
1/8 5S 16 4 Carbon steel 0.1
1/4 10S 20 6 Stainless steel 0.01
3/8 40S 25 8 HDPE PE100 0.007
1/2 80S 32 10
3/4 40 12.5
1 50 16 Heating or cooling of flow
1 1/4 63 20 1 HorC
1 1/2 75 H 0.4
2 90 C 0.3
2 1/2 110
3 125 Annex B
3 1/2 140 'Nusselt number
4 160
5 180 'Inside convection for fully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes
6 200 'Following relation is recommended by Dittus and Boelter.[2] Eq. 6-
8 225 'This relation may gives errors as large a 25%
10 250
12 280 NuD = 0.023 * Re ^ 0.8 * Pr ^ n
14 315
16 355 'Petukov equation. This relation may gives errors less than a 10%

18 400 NuP = ((f / 8) * (Re) * Pr) / (1.07 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1

20 450
22 500 Petukov equation for smooth tubes
24 560 [1], Eq. (4.42), page 270, or [5] Eq. (8-65), page 441
30 630
710 'Gnielinski (1976)- A modification of Petukov equation.
800 'The accuracy of this equation at lower Reynolds numbers
900 is improved, in relation to Petukov equation [5], page 441, Eq. (8-70
1200 NuG = ((f / 8) * (Re - 1000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 /
1400 Thefriction factor will be calculated using Colebrook equation
1600 instead of Petukov formula [5] Eq. (8-65) for smooth tubes.
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

ed convection
ed convection
(NuForc)^n )^(1/n)

ensible to the n-vale


(NuForc)^n )^(1/n)

th effects shall


[7], #7.5
ully developed turbulent flow in smooth pipes.
commended by Dittus and Boelter.[2] Eq. 6-4, on page 274
s errors as large a 25%

relation may gives errors less than a 10%

r) / (1.07 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))

0, or [5] Eq. (8-65), page 441

odification of Petukov equation.

quation at lower Reynolds numbers
to Petukov equation [5], page 441, Eq. (8-70)

000) * Pr) / (1 + 12.7 * (f / 8) ^ 0.5 * (Pr ^ (2 / 3)-1))

e calculated using Colebrook equation
mula [5] Eq. (8-65) for smooth tubes.
hcomb = ( hforc^4+hnat^4 )^(1/4)
hforc = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
hnat= #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
hcomb = #VALUE! W/(m2*K)
Efficiency of circular fins with rectangular section

Fin interior diameter ri = 13.0 mm L
Fin length L= 15 mm
Fin thickness s= 1.00 mm
Fin mat. conductivity k= 238.64 W/m*K
Exterior convection h= 36.69 W/m²*K

Efficiency hf : 96.48 %

Unit changes
ri = 0.013 m 2d
L= 0.015 m
s= 0.001 m

Corrected fin length Efficiency according Schneid
Help variables Lc = L+d hf =
re = ri + L Lc = 0.01550 m eA =
re = 0.028 m A= 2 * d * Lc x=
d= s/2 A= 0.0000155 m² rec =
d= 0.0005 m x= Lc^(3/2) * (h/(k*A))^0.5 ri =
x= 0.192 eA =
Corrected exterior fin radious
rec = re + d
rec = 0.029 m eB = I1(Ra*x ) K1(Rb*x ) -
I0(Rb*x ) K1(Ra*x ) +
Ra = (2)^0.5 / (1 - ri / rec)
Ra = 2.60 where I are the modified Bessel functions of first class and zero order Be
and of first order Bessell(x,1),
Rb = ( ri / rec) *Ra and F are the modified Bessel functions of second class, of zero order B
Rb = 1.186 and of first order BesselK(x,1).
Evaluation of the Besel functions

Ra*x = 2.600 0.192

re Rb*x = 1.186 0.192
Ra*x = 2.600 0.192
L Rb*x = 1.186 0.192
Rb*x = 1.186 0.192
Ra*x = 2.600 0.192
Rb*x = 1.186 0.192
Ra*x = 2.600 0.192

eB = 0.3 4.1
1.013 1.66

eB = 1.0687 -
1.6790 +

eB = 0.8785 = 0.4186

ficiency according Schneider, [5] Eq. (4.36) eB = 0.4186

eA * eB and with
( (2)^(1/2) / x ) / (1 + rec/ri ) eA = 2.3050
0.192 the fin efficiency is
0.029 m hf = eA * eB
0.0130 m hf = 0.9648
2.305 hf = 96.5 %

Using the function

I1(Rb*x ) K1(Ra*x ) hf = Efficiency_rImm_Lmm_smm_kWmK_hWm2K(RI
I1(Ra*x ) K0(Rb*x ) Fin interior diameter rImm =
Fin length Lmm =
rst class and zero order Bessell(x,0) Fin thickness Smm =
Fin mat. conductivity kWmK =
cond class, of zero order BesselK(x,0) Exterior convection hWm2K =
hf =
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

= 0.50 I1(Ra*x )= 0.26
= 0.23 I1(Rb*x )= 0.11
= 0.50 I1(Ra*x )= 0.26
= 0.23 I0(Rb*x )= 1.013

= 0.23 K1(Rb*x) = 4.15

= 0.50 K1(Ra*x) = 1.66
= 0.23 Ko(Rb*x) = 1.63
= 0.50 K1(Ra*x) = 1.657

- 0.11 1.66
+ 0.26 1.63

0.1901 0.88
0.4197 2.10


mm_smm_kWmK_hWm2K(RImm, Lmm, Smm, kWmK, HWm2K)

13.0 mm
15.0 mm
1.0 mm
238.6 W/m*K
36.7 W/m²*K
Heat flow from fluid to ambient

Heat flow from fluid to ambient q

t se −t e= Eq .
h o⋅A o
Heat flow from fluid to inside surface
q = h i⋅A i⋅( t i −t si ) Eq. (1)
Addin g equations ( 1a )

Heat flow from pipe inside surface 1 1
t i−t e=q⋅ +
to exterior surface hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅

2⋅π⋅k⋅ L ro
q= ⋅( t si−t se ) Eq. (2) ln
t i−t e

1 1 1
Heat flow from foutside surface + +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L ho
to ambient

( )
q = h o⋅A o⋅( t se −t e ) Eq . (3 ) ro
From equations (1 ) to (3) and with
q 1
t i−t si = Eq . (1 a) U=

( )
hi⋅A i ro
q ln
t si −t se= Eq . (2 a ) 1 1ri
2⋅π⋅k⋅ L + +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o

() r
ln o
ri q=U⋅( t i −t e ) Eq

U factor of a hollow cylinder


( )
1 ri 1
+ +
h⋅A 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h ⋅A

( )
1 ri 1
+ +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o

q=U⋅( t i −t o )

U factor referred to the inside surface area

U i=
1 ri
( )
ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅
hi k ri r o ho

q=U i⋅A i⋅( t i −t o ) U factor of a finned tube

outside area
U factor referred to the outside surface area Uo ,f =
1 ro ro
⋅ + ⋅l
1 hi⋅¿ r i k i
U o=
1 r0
( )
r ro
1 Ap Af
⋅ +ln ⋅ o+ Φf =
hi r i ri k h o

q=U o⋅A o⋅( t i−t o ) q=U o , f⋅A

Fourier law for stady-state witout heat generation

applied to a hollow cylinder

Fourier law applied to a hollow cylinder q

⋅( ln ( r o )−ln/ r i ) ) =
dt k⋅2⋅π⋅ L
q r =-k⋅Ar⋅ q r
dr ⋅ln ( o )=( t o −t i )
k⋅2⋅π⋅ L ri
A r =2⋅π⋅r⋅ L 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L⋅( t o −t i )
dt q=

q r =-k⋅2⋅π⋅r⋅ L⋅ r
ln o
dr ri
Boundary conditions 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
r r q
dr ⋅ln ( o )=( t o −t i )
k⋅2⋅π⋅ L ri
A r =2⋅π⋅r⋅ L 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L⋅( t o −t i )
dt q=

q r =-k⋅2⋅π⋅r⋅ L⋅ r
ln o
dr ri
Boundary conditions 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
q= ⋅( t o −t i )
t=t i at r = r i
t=t o at r = r o ri
( t −t )
i: inside Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0 q= o i

o:outside ln o
q dr dt
⋅ =- 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
k⋅2⋅π⋅ L r dr whith the thermal resistan
r t

( )
o o
q dr r
∫ k⋅2⋅π⋅ L r =−∫ dt
⋅ ln o
ri ti Rth =
2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
q ro to ( t −t )
⋅ln(r)|r =t|t q= o i
k⋅2⋅π⋅ L i i R th

Convection boundary conditions Overall heat transfer coefficient U of a

q conv =h⋅A⋅( t w −t ∞ ) hollow cylinder with convection boundaries
q conv : convection heat flow [ W ] t −t
q= i o
h: convection coefficient [ W/( m2 *K )] Rtot
t w : wall surface temperature [|C ° ] where Rtot is the total resistance
t ∞ : ambient temperature [|C ° ] Rtot =R conv_i + R cond +R conv_o
( t w −t ∞ ) and
q conv = 1
1 Rconv_i =
h⋅A hi⋅A i
where the convection resistance is
Rconv =
h⋅A Rcond =
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
Microsoft Editor de 1
( t w −t ∞ ) ecuaciones 3.0 Rconv_o =
q conv = ho⋅A o
Rconv =
h⋅A Rcond =
2⋅π⋅k⋅ L
Microsoft Editor de 1
( t w −t ∞ ) ecuaciones 3.0 Rconv_o =
q conv = ho⋅A o
1 ri 1
Rtot = + +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o

The heat flow is

q=U⋅( t i −t o ) Ai
_____________________________ U=

( )
U factor referred to the inside surface ro
[ ]
⋅A i⋅( t i−t o ) 1 A
+ i ⋅
hi 2⋅π⋅L k
Ai 1

A o ho
and with

U Microsoft Editor de Ai
U i= U=

( )
ecuaciones 3.0
q=U i⋅A i⋅( t i −t o ) ln
1 A ri ri Ai 1
______________________________ + i ⋅ + ⋅
Similarly h i 2⋅π⋅L r i k A o ho
U factor referred to the outside surface
[ ]
⋅A o⋅( t i −t o )

( )
and with 1 Ai ri ro ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅
h i 2⋅π⋅L⋅r i k ri r o ho
U o=
q=Uo⋅A o⋅( t i −t o )

1 Ai r i
+ ⋅ ⋅ln
h i Ai k
ri 1
+ ⋅
ro h o( )
( )
1 U=
1 ri
( )
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o ro ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅
hi k ri ro ho

( )
1 Ai ri Ai 1
+ ⋅ + ⋅

( )
1 U=
1 ri
( )
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o ro ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅
hi k ri ro ho

( )
1 Ai ri Ai 1
+ ⋅ + ⋅ Microsoft Editor de
hi⋅A i Ai 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L A i ho⋅A o
ecuaciones 3.0

[ ]

1 1 Ai
+ ⋅
( )
A 1
+ i⋅
A i hi 1 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L 1 ho⋅A o

The heat flow is 1

q=U⋅( t i −t o )
( )
_____________________________ 1 1 A0 ri r 1
⋅ ⋅ + ⋅o+
A o hi Ai 2⋅π⋅r o⋅ L k h o⋅A o
U factor referred to the outside surface
Ao [ ]
⋅A o⋅( t i −t o )

( )
and with ln
1 1 A0 ri ro 1
⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ +
Microsoft Editor de A o hi A i A o k h o⋅A o
U ecuaciones 3.0
U o=
Ao 1
q=Uo⋅A o⋅( t i −t o )
1 r0
⋅ ⋅ + ln
A o hi r i
ro ro 1
⋅ +
( )
r i k ho ]
1 Ao
U= U=

ri ( )
1 r0
⋅ + ln
hi r i ( )
ro ro 1
⋅ +
r i k ho
+ +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o U
U o= Microsoft Editor de
Ao ecuaciones 3.0
1 U o=

( )
1 r0
( )
r ro ro 1
⋅ + ln ⋅ +
ln o hi r i r i k ho
A0 1 r 1ri
⋅ + ⋅o+ and
A o hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L r o ho⋅A o q=U o⋅A o⋅( t i−t o )
= Eq . (3 a )
h o⋅A o Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

g equations ( 1a ) to (3a )

[ ]
1 1 1
q⋅ + +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o


1 1
+ +
i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L ho⋅A o

( )
Eq . (4 )

( )
ri 1
Ai 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o

i −t e ) Eq(5)
dr L

factor of a finned tube referred to the U factor of a bare tube referred to the
utside area outside area
Uo ,f = ¿ 1
1 ro ro
( ) U o= ¿
ro 1

( )
⋅ + ⋅ln +
hi⋅¿ r i k i ri ho⋅Φ f 1 ro ro r 1
⋅ + ⋅ln o +
Ap Af hi⋅¿ r i k i r i ho
Φf = + ⋅η f
Ao Ao

q=U o , f⋅A o⋅Δt

⋅( ln ( r o )−ln/ r i ) ) =( t o −t i ) ( t o −t i )

( )
ro ro
⋅ln ( )=( t o −t i ) ln
ri ri
⋅ L⋅( t o −t i ) 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L

⋅ln ( )=( t o −t i )
⋅ L⋅( t o −t i )

⋅( t o −t i )


e thermal resistance

⋅k⋅ L

ficient U of a and with

vection boundaries 1 1
U= U=

( )
R tot ro
1 ln
1 ri 1
( )
sistance ln + +
1 ri 1 hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o
onv_o + +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o
Δt q=U⋅( t i −t o )
Microsoft Editor de t i−t o
ecuaciones 3.0 q=

( )
1 ri 1
+ +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L ho⋅A o

and the U factor is


( )
1 ri 1
+ +
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L ho⋅A o

and the U factor is

R tot
o⋅A o U=

ln o
ri ( )
hi⋅A i 2⋅π⋅k⋅ L h o⋅A o

q=U⋅( t i −t o )

The heat flow is 1

q=U⋅( t i −t o ) U i=
1 ri
( )
ri 1
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0 + ⋅ln + ⋅
hi k ri r o ho
1 ri
ro ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅ q=U i⋅A i⋅( t i −t o )
hi k r i r o ho

U factor referred to the inside surface

U i=
U i=
1 ri
ro ri 1
+ ⋅ln + ⋅
hi k ri r o ho
q=U i⋅A i⋅( t i −t o )
U o=

( )
r 1
⋅o+ 1 r0 ro
ro 1
k h o⋅A o ⋅ +ln ⋅ +
hi r i ri k h o

q=U o⋅A o⋅( t i−t o )

h o⋅A o

ho ]

soft Editor de
uaciones 3.0
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

1 of 6

2 of 6

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0
Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

Microsoft Editor de
ecuaciones 3.0

erred to the
U o= ¿
1 ro r o
( )
ro 1
⋅ + ⋅ln +
hi⋅¿ r i k i r i ho

ro 1
r i ho

Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

3 of 6
4 of 6

) +
⋅L h o⋅A o
5 of 6
6 of 6
Efficiency of circular fins with rectangular section
Schneider application [5]

Efficiency of a fin using the efficiency function

Checking the function with an application from [5]

SI system. (Analysis tools must be enabled)

Example 4-4, page 84

A pipe with interior radius "ri" , has a thermal conductivity

"k" and has rectangular profile fins "Lf" long and "sf" thick.
Calculate the efficiency of the fins , if the material is the
same as that of the pipe and external convection
coefficient is estimated as "h".

k= 25.96 W/(m*K)
Lf = 6.35 mm
sf = 2*dsf = 1.59 mm
h= 567.8 W/(m²*K)
ri = 12.7 mm

Using ther function Spreadsheet calculation, next page

hf = Efficiency_.. hf =
rImm = 12.7 mm
Lmm = 6.4 mm
Smm = 1.6 mm
kWmK = 26.0 W/m*K
hWm2K = 567.8 W/m²*K
hf = #VALUE!

Circular fins. Schneider application [5]

rec =
A pipe OD 1 ", has a thermal conductivity of 15 Btu / hr * Ft * ° F rec =
and has rectangular profile fins 1/4" long and 1/16 "thick.
Calculate the efficiency of the fins , if the material is the same as Ra =
of the pipe and external convection coefficient is estimated Ra =
at 100 Btu / ft ² * ° F
Rb =
Data Rb =
k= 15.00 Btu/hr*Ft*°F
w= 0.25 in w= 0.021 wc =
t= 0.06 in t= 0.005 ft w=
h= 100.0 Btu/hr*ft²*°F d=
ri = 0.5 in ri = 0.042
ft wc =

re = ri + w A=
re = 0.063 ft A=

Calculated result x=
e= 64.9 % x=

In Figure 4-10 The efficiency is given by [Schneider,

x= 0.84 - e=
rec / ri = 1.5625 - eA =
one obtains eA =
e= 65.0 %
eB =

Parameter definition Table A-5 gives the modified Bessel f

N= ( h / (k*d) )^0.5 (4.2) and zero and first order (I0,
with Table A-6 gives the modified Bessel
h= 100 Btu/hr*ft²*°F and zero and first order (K0
k= 15 Btu/hr°F
d= t/2 I1(Ra*x )=I1(
d= 0.0026 ft I1(Rb*x )=I1(
Thus I1(Ra*x )=I0(
N= 50.60 I0(Rb*x )=I0(

I0, I
Funciones de Bessel modificadas de primera clase, de orden 0 y 1

u Io(u) I1(u) u Io(u) I1(u)

0.0 1.0000 - 1.0 1.2661 0.5652
0.1 1.0025 0.0501 1.1 1.3262 0.6375
0.2 1.0100 0.1005 1.2 1.3937 0.7147
0.3 1.3
0.4 1.4
0.5 1.5
0.6 1.6
0.7 1.7
0.8 1.8
0.9 1.9

u Io(u) I1(u) u Io(u) I1(u)

3.0 4.881 3.953 4.0 11.3 9.76
3.1 5.294 4.326 4.1
3.2 5.747 4.734 4.2
3.3 6.243 5.181 4.3
3.4 6.785 5.67 4.4
3.5 4.5
3.6 4.6
3.7 4.7
3.8 4.8
3.9 10.369 8.913 4.9 24.91 22.2

u Io(u) I1(u)
u= 3.29 3.2 5.747 4.734
3.3 6.243 5.181
3.29 6.213 5.154
u Io(u) I1(u)
u= 2.11 2.1 2.446 1.746
2.2 2.629 1.914
2.11 2.461 1.760

K0, K1
Funciones de Bessel modificadas de segunda clase, de orden 0 y 1

u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u) u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u)

0.0 ºº ºº 1.0 0.268 0.383
0.1 1.5450 6.2700 1.1
0.2 1.1160 3.0400 1.2
0.3 0.8740 1.9460 1.3
0.4 1.4
0.5 1.5
0.6 1.6
0.7 1.7
0.8 1.8
0.9 0.3100 0.4560 1.9 0.082 0.102

u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u)

u= 3.29 3.2 0.018 0.02
3.3 0.016 0.018
3.29 0.016 0.018
u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u)
u= 2.11 2.1 0.064 0.078
2.2 0.057 0.069
2.11 0.063 0.077

Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

Page 1 of 2

Example 4-4, page 84

re dext=
kpipe =

re Fins
Circular fins with rectangular
Lf =
sf =
kf =

Outside convection coefficien

ho =

Schneider result
hf =

preadsheet calculation, next page

64.90 % Btu/hr*Ft*°F

re + d K1(Rb*x )=K1( 2.514

0.0651 ft K1(Ra*x )=K1( 3.928
K0(Rb*x )=K1( 2.514
(2)^0.5 / (1 - ri / rec) K1(Ra*x )=K1( 3.928

( ri / rec) *Ra K1(Rb*x )=K1( 2.11

2.514 K1(Ra*x )=K1( 3.29
K0(Rb*x )=K1( 2.11
w+d= K1(Ra*x )=K1( 3.29
0.020833333 "
0.002604167 ft eB = 5.154
0.0234375 ft 5.154

2*d*wc eB = 0.62641587
0.00012207 ft² 0.51423749

wc^(3/2) * (h/(k*A))^0.5 eB = 0.57626188

0.84 - 0.58437691

he efficiency is given by [Schneider, equation 4.36] eB = 0.9861

e= eA * eB
eA * eB e= 0.6490
( (2)^(1/2) / x ) / (1 + rec/ri ) e= 64.9

I1(Ra*x ) K1(Rb*x ) - I1(Rb*x ) K1(Ra*x ) In Figure 4-10

I0(Rb*x ) K1(Ra*x ) + I0(Rb*x ) K1(Ra*x ) with
x= 0.84
able A-5 gives the modified Bessel functions of the first kind rec / ri = 1.5625
nd zero and first order (I0, (I0, I1) one obtains
able A-6 gives the modified Bessel functions of the second kind e= 65.0
nd zero and first order (K0 (K0 y K1)
3.928 0.84 ) = I1( 3.29 )= 5.154
2.514 0.84 ) = I1( 2.11 )= 1.760
3.928 0.84 ) = I0( 3.29 )= 5.154
2.514 0.84 ) = I0( 2.11 )= 2.461

Tabla A-5, Schneider

u Io(u) I1(u)
2.0 2.28 1.591
2.1 2.446 1.746
2.2 2.629 1.914
2.3 2.83 2.098

5.0 27.24 24.34
5.9 61.38 55.9

Tabla A-6, Schneider

u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u) u 2/p ko(u) 2/p k1(u)

2.0 0.072 0.089 3.0 0.022 0.026
2.1 0.064 0.078 3.1 0.02 0.023
2.2 0.057 0.069 3.2 0.018 0.02
2.3 0.05 0.06 3.3 0.016 0.018
2.4 0.045 0.053 3.4
2.5 3.5
2.6 3.6
2.7 3.7
2.8 3.8
2.9 0.025 0.029 3.9 0.008 0.009
xample 4-4, page 84

1 in dext= 25.4 mm
15 Btu/(hr ft* ºF ) rImm = dext / 2
rImm = 12.7 mm

ircular fins with rectangular section

1/4 in Lf = 6.35 mm
1/16 in sf = 1.59 mm
15 Btu/(hr ft* ºF ) kf = 25.96 W/(m*K)

utside convection coefficient

100 Btu/(hr ft² * ºF ) ho = 567.8 W/(m²*K)

chneider result
64.8 %

1.73073 W/(m*K)
5.67826 W/(m²*K)

Page 2 of 2

0.839 ) = K1( 2.11 )= 0.077

0.839 ) = K1( 3.29 )= 0.018
0.839 ) = K0( 2.11 )= 0.063
0.839 ) = K1( 3.29 )= 0.018
= 0.122
= 0.029
= 0.100
= 0.029

0.122 - 1.760 0.029

0.100 + 2.461 0.029

- 0.05015399
+ 0.07013942


U factor of a finned pipe Pipe dimensions
Example 3.8 5 [1] rop=
Pipe wall thickness
Data sp =
sp =
Pipe Pipe interior radius
Pipe material Matp = AL 2024-T rip =
Pipe outside diameter dop = 50 mm rip =
Pipe wall thickness sp = 6 mm rip =
Pipe length Lp = 150 mm Pipe length
Lp =
Fins Lp =
Fin material Matf = AL 2024-T
Fin section type Sectionf = rectangular Corrected outside radious
Fin length Lf = 20.0 mm rof_c =
Fin thickness sf = 6.0 mm rof =
Fin thermal conductivity k= 186.00 W/(m*K) sf =
Number of fins Nf = 5 - rof_c =
rof_c =
Outside convection coeff. ho = 50 W/m²*K
Corrected fin length
Base temperature Tb = 500 K Lf_c =
Outside temperature Tinf = 300 K Lf =
sf =
Lf_c =
Lf_c =
Number of fins per meter Nfpm = 33 fins / m

Heat flows

Heat flow throug the primary area Heat flow through a finn
qpr = h * Apr * (Tb - Tinf) q1f = hf * qmax
h= 50 W/(m²*K) hf = 0.95 -
Apr = 0.019 m² qmax = 105.49 W
Tb = 500 K q1f = 100.2 w
Tinf = 300 K
qpr = 188.5 W Heat flow throgh all finns
qf = q1f * N
Surface area of one fin, both sides q1f = 100.2 W
Af_1 = (p * (rof_c^2 - rif^2)) * 2 N= 5 -
rof_c = 0.048 m qf = 501.1 W
rif = 0.025 m
Af_1 = 0.0105 m² Total heat flow
q= qpr + qf
Total fin area of a pipe qpr = 188.5 W
Af = (Nfpm * Lp) * Af_1 qf = 501.10 W
Nfpm = 33.3 fins/m q= 690 W
Lp = 0.15 m
Af_1 = 0.0105 m² Heat flow through a pipe
Af = 0.053 without fins (bare pipe)
qbare = h * Ao * (Tb - Tinf)
h= 50 W / (m²*k)
Maximum heat flow from both sides Ao = 0.0236 m²
and top of a fin Tb = 500 K
qmax = h * 2 p*(r2c^2 - ri^2 )*(Tb - Tinf) Tinf = 300 K
h= 50 W / (m²*k) qbare = 236 W
r2c = 0.048 m
rif = 0.025 m These Incropera calculations and
Tb = 500 K results can be viwed in the scanned
Tinf = 300 K example on sheet "Ref. 1 Incropera"
qmax = 105.49 W

U factor of a finned pipe Pipe dimensions

Solution using the "Efficiency function" rop=
Pipe wall thickness
Pipe finned U-factor referred to the exterior pipe surface. sp =
Pipe and fin materials are aluminium 2024-T sp =
Incropera example [5] Pipe interior radius
rip =
Data rip =
rip =
Pipe Pipe length
Pipe material Matp = AL 2024-T Lp =
Pipe outside diameter dop = 50 mm Lp =
Pipe wall thickness sp = 6 mm
Pipe length Lp = 150 mm Corrected outside radious
rof_c =
Fins rof =
Fin material Matf = AL 2024-T sf =
Fin section type Sectionf = rectangular rof_c =
Fin length Lf = 20 mm rof_c =
Fin thickness sf = 6 mm
Fin thermal conductivity k= 186 W/(m*K) Corrected fin length
Number of fins Nf = 5 - Lf_c =
Lf =
Outside convection coeff. ho = 50 W/m²*K sf =
0 Lf_c =
Base temperature Tb = 500 K Lf_c =
Outside temperature Tinf = 300 K

Number of fins per meter Nfpm = 33 fins / m

Heat flow through a finn Using the Global transfer coefficients

q1f = hf * qmax
hf = #VALUE! - Since Incropera consideres the system starting
qmax = 105.49 W with the pipe outside surface Tb, and the U-factor
q1f = #VALUE! w is defined between the inside fluid temperature
and the outside temperature, the inside convection
Heat flow throgh all finns and pipe conduction resistances must be forced
qf = q1f * N to have near zero values. Thus, large values of the
q1f = #VALUE! W interior convection and pipe conductivity need to
N= 5 - be used.
qf = #VALUE! W Let
Inside convection coeff.
Total heat flow hi = 1.0E+06 W/m²*K
q= qpr + qf Pipe thermal conductivity
qpr = 188.5 W kp = 1.0E+04 W/(m*K)
qf = #VALUE! W
q= #VALUE! W

Heat flow through a pipe

without fins (bare pipe)
qbare = h * Ao * (Tb - Tinf)
h= 50 W / (m²*k)
Ao = 0.0236 m²
Tb = 500 K
Tinf = 300 K
qbare = 236 W
Pipe dimensions Fin dimensions Total fin area of a pipe
25 mm Fin interior radious Af =
0.025 m rif = rot Nfpm =
Pipe wall thickness rot = 25 m Lp =
6.0 mm rif = 25 mm Af_1 =
0.006 m rif = 0.025 m Af =
Pipe interior radius Fin outside radious
rop - sp rof = rif + Lf Estimation of efficiency using Fig.
19.0 mm rif = 25 m Ap_value
0.019 m Lf = 20.0 m Ap =
rof = 45.0 mm Lp_c =
150 mm rof = 0.045 m Lp_c =
0.15 m Ap =
Outside pipe surface area
Corrected outside radious Ao = 2 * p * rop * Lp Abscise parameter
rof + sf/2 rop = 0.025 m AbsPar = (Lf_c)^(3/2) * ( h/(k * Ap) )^(1
45 mm Lp = 0.15 m Lf_c =
6.0 mm Ao = 0.0236 m² h=
48.0 mm k=
0.048 m Primary area Ap =
Pipe exterior surface no covered by fins ABsPar =
Corrected fin length Apr = 2 * p * rop * ( Lp - Nf * sf)
Lf + sf/2 rop = 0.025 m Ratio r2c / r1
20.0 mm Lp = 0.15 m r2c / r1 =
6.0 mm Nf = 5.0 - r2c =
23 mm sf = 0.006 m r1 =
0.023 m Apr = 0.019 m²/ tubo r2c / r1 =

Surface area of one fin, both sides

Af_1 = (p * (rof_c^2 - rif^2)) * 2
rof_c = 0.04800 m
rif = 0.02500 m
Af_1 = 0.0105 m²

Using the Global transfer coefficients

Finned pipe U-factor, referred to
Since Incropera consideres the system starting exterior surface
with the pipe outside surface Tb, and the U-factor 1/Uo,f = (1/hi) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) *
is defined between the inside fluid temperature ... Ln(ro/ri)+ +1 / ( Ff*ho)
and the outside temperature, the inside convection hi = 1.0E+08
and pipe conduction resistances must be forced rop = 0.02500
to have near zero values. Thus, large values of the rip = 0.01900
interior convection and pipe conductivity need to kp = 1.0E+04
be used. Ff= 2.93
Let ho = 50.0
Inside convection coeff. 1 /Uo,f = 0.006834
hi = 1.0E+06 W/m²*K Uo,f = 146.32
Pipe thermal conductivity
kp = 1.0E+04 W/(m*K) Heat flow through the finned pipe
q= Uo,f * Ao * (ti - te)
Uo,f = 146.32
Ao = 0.0236
Tb = 500
Tinf = 300
q= 690

Pipe dimensions Fin dimensions Total fin area of a pipe

25 mm Fin interior radious Af =
0.025 m rif = rot Nfpm =
Pipe wall thickness rot = 25 m Lp =
6.0 mm rif = 25 mm Af_1 =
0.006 m rif = 0.025 m Af =
Pipe interior radius Fin outside radious
rop - sp rof = rif + Lf Using ther function
19.0 mm rif = 25 m hf =
0.019 m Lf = 20.0 m riFmm =
rof = 45.0 mm LFmm =
150 mm rof = 0.045 m sFmm =
0.15 m kWmK =
Outside pipe surface area hoWm2K =
Corrected outside radious Ao = 2 * p * rop * Lp hf =
rof + sf/2 rop = 0.025 m
45 mm Lp = 0.15 m Fin factor Ff
6.0 mm Ao = 0.0236 m² Ff=
48.0 mm Apr =
0.048 m Primary area Ao =
Pipe exterior surface no covered by fins Af =
Corrected fin length Apr = 2 * p * rop * ( Lp - Nf * sf) hf =
Lf + sf/2 rop = 0.025 m Ff=
20.0 mm Lp = 0.15 m
6.0 mm Nf = 5.0 -
23 mm sf = 0.006 m
0.023 m Apr = 0.019 m²/ tubo

Surface area of one fin, both sides

Af_1 = (p * (rof_c^2 - rif^2)) * 2
rof_c = 0.04800 m
rif = 0.02500 m
Af_1 = 0.0105 m²

Finned pipe U-factor, referred to Bare tube U-factor, referred to

es the system starting exterior surface the exterior surface
ace Tb, and the U-factor 1/Uo,f = (1/hi) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) * 1/Uo = (1/hi) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) *
ide fluid temperature ... Ln(ro/ri)+ +1 / ( Ff*ho) ... Ln(ro/ri)+ 1 / (ho)
ure, the inside convection hi = 1.0E+08 W/(m²*K) hi = 1000000
tances must be forced rop = 0.02500 m rop= 0.0250
Thus, large values of the rip = 0.01900 m rip = 0.0190
pe conductivity need to kp = 1.0E+04 W / (m*K) kp = 10000.0
Ff= #VALUE! - ho = 50
ho = 50.0 W/(m²*K) 1/Uo = 0.0200
1 /Uo,f = #VALUE! Uo = 50.0
Uo,f = #VALUE! W/m²*K

Heat flow through the finned pipe Heat flow through bare pipe
q= Uo,f * Ao * (ti - te) q= Uo * Ao * (ti - te)
Uo,f = #VALUE! W/m²*K Uo,f = 49.99
Ao = 0.0236 m² Ao = 0.0236
Tb = 500 K Tb = 500
Tinf = 300 K Tinf = 300
q= #VALUE! W q= 236
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

otal fin area of a pipe Efficiency

(Nfpm * Lp) * Af_1 From Fig. 3.19
33.3 fins/m with
0.15 m ABsPar = 0.15
0.0105 m² and
0.053 r2c / r1 = 1.92
From Incropera Fig. 3.19,
stimation of efficiency using Fig. 3.19 hf = 0.95 -

Lf_c * sf Fin factor Ff

0.023 m Ff= (Apr/Ao) +( Af /Ao)* hf
0.006 m Apr = 0.019 m²
1.38E-04 m² Ao = 0.024 m²
Af = 0.053 m²
bscise parameter hf = 0.950
bsPar = (Lf_c)^(3/2) * ( h/(k * Ap) )^(1/2) Ff= 2.93 -
0.023 m
50 W/m²*K
186.00 W/(m*K)
1.4E-04 m²

48.0 mm
25.0 mm
1.92 -

U-factor, referred to Bare tube U-factor, referred to

the exterior surface
) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) * 1/Uo = (1/hi) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) *
Ln(ro/ri)+ +1 / ( Ff*ho) ... Ln(ro/ri)+ 1 / (ho)
W/(m²*K) hi = 1000000 W/m²*K
m rop= 0.0250 m
m rip = 0.0190 m
W / (m*K) kp = 10000.0 W/(m*K)
- ho = 50 W/m²*K
W/(m²*K) 1/Uo = 0.0200
Uo = 50.0 W

ough the finned pipe Heat flow through bare pipe

o,f * Ao * (ti - te) q= Uo * Ao * (ti - te)
W/m²*K Uo,f = 49.99 W/m²*K
m² Ao = 0.0236 m²
K Tb = 500 K
K Tinf = 300 K
W q= 236 W

otal fin area of a pipe Heat flows

(Nfpm * Lp) * Af_1
33.3 fins/m Heat flow throug the primary area
0.15 m qpr = h * Apr * (Tb - Tinf)
0.0105 m² h= 50 W/(m²*K)
0.053 Apr = 0.019 m²
Tb = 500 K
sing ther function Tinf = 300 K
Efficiency_.. qpr = 188.5 W
25.00 mm
20.0 mm Surface area of one fin, both sides
6.0 mm Af_1 = (p * (rof_c^2 - rif^2)) * 2
186.0 W/m*K rof_c = 0.048 m
50.0 W/m²*K rif = 0.025 m
#VALUE! Af_1 = 0.0105 m²

n factor Ff Total fin area of a pipe

(Apr/Ao) +( Af /Ao)* hf Af = (Nfpm * Lp) * Af_1
0.019 m² Nfpm = 33.3 fins/m
0.024 m² Lp = 0.15 m
0.053 m² Af_1 = 0.0105 m²
#VALUE! Af = 0.053

Maximum heat flow from both sides

and top of a fin
qmax = h * 2 p*(r2c^2 - ri^2 )*(Tb - Tinf)
h= 50 W / (m²*k)
r2c = 0.048 m
rif = 0.025 m
Tb = 500 K
Tinf = 300 K
qmax = 105.49 W

-factor, referred to Using the Uo,F function

Uo,F = Uoext_doPmm_sPmm_...
i) * (ro/ri) + ( ro / kp) * doPmm = 50 mm
Ln(ro/ri)+ 1 / (ho) sPmm = 6.00 mm
W/m²*K LPmm = 150 mm
m kPWmk = 1.0E+04 W/(m*K)
m LFmm = 20.0 mm
W/(m*K) sFmm = 6.0 mm
W/m²*K kFWmK = 1.9E+02 W/(m*K)
NFpm = 33 fin/m
W hoWm2K = 50 W/(m²*K)
hiWm2L = 1.0E+06 W/(m²*K)
Uo,F = #VALUE! W/m²*K
hrough bare pipe
o * Ao * (ti - te) Heat flow through finned pipe
W/m²*K q= Uo,f * Ao * (ti - te)
m² Uo,f = #VALUE! W/m²*K
K Ao = 0.0236 m²
K Tb = 500 K
W Tinf = 300 K
q= #VALUE! W

Incropera result is 690 W due to the value

of the efficiency of 0.95 used.
The function Uo,F uses the value 0.979,
obtained using the "Efficiency finction".
[1], pages 108 - 110
Carbon steel

One Stop Shop in Structural Fire Engineering, Professor Colin Bailey, University of Manchester. All rights reserved.
Manchester. All rights reserved. t k
onSteel/thermalProperties.htm °C W/(m*K) Thermal conductivity of carbon steels
20 53
40 53 In the temperature range
60 52
80 51 k=
100 51
120 50
140 49 For t=
160 49 k=
180 48
200 47
220 47
240 46
260 45
280 45


T k
[K] [W/(cm*K]
100 3
150 2.47
200 2.37

250 2.35
273 2.36
300 2.37
350 2.4
400 2.4

Kelv = 273.15 K
Rev. cjc. 09.07.2014

carbon steels

20 °C < t < 800 °C

54 - 0.0333 * t W/ ( m * K)

141 °C
49.3 W/ ( m * K)

T k
[°C] [W/(m*K]

-0.15 236
26.85 237
76.85 240
126.85 240
[1] Incropera
Heat and mass transfer

[2] Heat and mass transfer

Anthony F. Mills
Irwin, 1995

[3] Transferencia de calor

Anthony F. Mills

[4] Heat transfer

SI Metric edition
J. P. Holman
McGraw-Hill 1989

[5] Conduction Heat Transfer

P. J. Schneider
University of Minesota
Reading MA, 1955

[6] Heat and mass transfer

Yunus A. Cengel and Afshin J. Ghajar

[7] One Stop Shop in Structural Fire Engineering, Professor Colin Bailey, University of Manchester. Al
University of Manchester. All rights reserved.

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