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外幣交易事項 國外營運機構

*國外營運機構: 企業之國外分公司、子公司、投資公司或聯合協議稱為「國 外營運機構」,擁


(7) 外幣交易事項 Foreign currency transactions risk other than forward contracts
 [原始認列] At the date the transaction is recognized, each asset, liability, revenue,
expense, gain, or loss arising from the transaction shall be measured and recorded in
the functional currency of the recording entity by use of the exchange rate in effect
at that date. 外幣交易之原始認列,應以外幣金額依交易日之即期匯率換算記錄
 [後續衡量:貨幣性項目]At each balance sheet date, foreign currency “monetary
items (貨幣性項目)” (i.e., the recorded balance that are denominated in a currency
other than functional currency of the recording entity ) shall be translated using the
closing rate1。貨幣性項目(Monetary Items)係指企業所持有之貨幣單位(如臺幣現鈔、
美元現 鈔)
。[Example 1-4, 5-1]
或應 付帳款、歐元計價銀行借款、人民幣計價同業放款等)

Foreign Currency (FC)
Transaction Type of Exposure Appreciates Depreciates
Export sale Asset Gain Loss
Import purchase Liability Loss Gain

According to IAS 21 & 23(b), non-monetary items (i.e., inventory) that are measured in terms of historical cost
in a foreign currency shall be translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. But non-monetary
items that are measured at fair value (i.e., machine) in a foreign currency shall be translated using the exchange
rates at the date when the fair value was determined.
 [後續衡量:非貨幣性項目]: 非貨幣性資產或負債(Nomonetary Items)係指收付不具有固定
或可決定數量之貨 幣單位之資產或負債,例如存貨、固定資產、權益投資等。
(1) 以 歷 史成本衡 量:該項目之帳面金額可能為歷史成 本,由於該等非貨幣性項目之
未來收 付金額,並未受匯率波動影響,故企業以取得該項目之交易日歷史匯率
(Historical Rate)衡量即可,不需於期末調整兌換差額。[Example 5-2]

(2) 以公允價值衡量:以公允價值衡量之非貨幣性資產負債,例如:透過損益按公允價值
衡量金融資產、透過綜合損益按公允價值衡量金融資產,其未來之收付金額並非 完
全受到匯率變動影響,而主要受到公允價值變動的影響,故應以決定公允價值當 日
之匯率(Current Rate)換算。匯率變動差額之損益分類應視其產生項目而定:如 匯
率變動差額係因損益按公允價值衡量金融資產負債所產生,兌換差額應列為當期 損
益;如匯率變動差額係因透過綜合損益按公允價值衡量金融資產產生,兌換差額 應
(3) 以混合基礎衡量:外幣計價之存貨採「成本與淨變現價值孰低」衡量,或外幣計價 之
資產有減損跡象時,資產帳面金額係考量減損前帳面金額與可回收金額孰低者, 該
項目將以混合基礎衡量基準匯率,其報導期間結束日帳面金額時係比較下列兩者 決
定:①成本或帳面金額按交易日匯率(歷史成本衡量)換算,②淨變現價值或可 回
收金額按報導期間結束日收盤匯率換算。[Example 5-3]

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