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Daily Lesson Plan


Subject : English
Class : 5 seran
Date : 02 February 2023
Day : Thursday
Time : 11:30pm – 12:30pm
Attendance : / 20
Theme : World of Knowledge
Topic : Module 8: Going Away

Focussed Skills: Listening

Content Standard: 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of contexts

21ST CL METHOD: Pupil-centred

Learning Standard: 1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by
other known words

Learning Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to

a) listen and guess at least 5 out 6 answers.
b) listen and answer 5/6 questions

Success Criteria: 1. listen and guess what the character is going to do.
2. listen and answer at least 5 questions correctly.

Previous knowledge: Pupils knows about the variety of things needed for vacation
CCTS : Thinking skills, Constructivism, ICT skills.
Multiple Intelligence: Verbal- linguistic, interpersonal
Value inculcates: Respect others, work cooperatively, rearrange appropriately, write
Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, songs/audio clips, puzzle , worksheet
Stages/ Learning content Teaching and Learning Remarks
Duration Strategies

Set induction Introduction of the MI: Thinking skills,

topic 1. The teacher will ask Constructivism,
(10 minutes) few pupils about
1. Brainstorming previous lesson CCTS: Identifying,
previous lesson. remembering
2. Introduction for the 2. The teacher will divide
the pupils into 4
Rationale: 3. The teacher will give
crossword puzzle to Picture puzzle
- To get the pupils’ pupils.
attention and to
know about the 4. The pupils will solve
extreme weather the puzzle and find out
MV: answer
around the world the picture

- To teach the pupils

grammar items in a
fun way.

Presentation extreme MI: verbal linguitics,

weather around in the 1. Teacher explains Thinking skills,
Presentation that extreme Constructivisme
(10 minutes) weather means
really CCTS: Listening
by playing video
about it..  TA: video
Rationale: 2. Teacher asks
pupils if they know Using a video song
- To get the students that there are to introduce the
familiar with the weather scientists subjects to the
words, before and what they are
proceeding to the students
next activity. 3. Teacher asks
pupils if they know
MV: using good
the extreme
weather in
Malaysia and
when they

1. The teacher will MI:

Practice ask questions. Verbal-linguistics,
(15 minutes) Thinking skills,
Question: What is
your favorite
a. Pre lesson: weather?
: b. While answering: Constructivism
Activity 1:
CCTS: listening,
1. Teacher will give analysing
worksheet to students.
2. Teacher will play audio in worksheet,audio
activity 2.

3. Pupils will do activity in


4. People will answer for the

following question.
Rationale: MV: Listen
Question : What
Stephanie is going to do in attentively,
-To enhance the Antarctica? respect others
students’ reading and
listening skills
Product --Pupils will listen MI: Verbal-linguistic,
(20 minutes) to the audio visual-spatial, bodily
played by the kinaesthetic,interpersonal
Activity 2 :
teacher and
answer. CCTS: listening, speking
1. Teacher will provide ,analysing, applying
Rationale: a worksheet to the
pupils TA: worksheet
- To test the 2. Teacher will ask
pupils’ the pupils to listen to the
understanding audio MV: Work
and using 3. People will listen to cooperatively, respect
proper audio and answer others
pronunciation the quiz.
4. Pupils will answer
- To relate the the worksheet
classroom 5. The teacher will
learning in a discuss the worksheet
real-life context with the student
Summarize the The teacher will explain MI: Verbal-linguistics
Closure whole lesson the lesson,
(5minutes) CCTS: Recalling
- Teacher will - The teacher will CCE: Environment
call some ask about their friendly
students to favourite weather.
talk about
- Teacher and
pupils discuss other
weather in our countries with
countries. extreme weathers
- Emphasise
the values


-To recall what

students have
learnt through
entire lesson.

Trainees reflection of lesson: _

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Lecturer’s comments:


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