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Phần a luyện tập 3 _ Phương Thảo

The best method to increase traffic safety, in the opinion of many, is to raise the
legal driving age. The short-term effects of this strategy are undeniable, but in
the long run, I think stiffer fines for traffic infractions will be a better
option.Raising the minimum age to drive, in my opinion, will aid in lowering
traffic incidents and enhancing road safety. Because teenage drivers'
irresponsible driving contributes to many traffic accidents. Many of them lack
the maturity necessary to accept responsibility for the consequences of their
actions or to fully comprehend the grave repercussions of their actions. Raising
the legal drinking age ensures that the youngest drivers are responsible enough
to drive safely and protect both their own and other people's lives.This strategy,
in my opinion, is only partially successful because so many young people
nowadays continue to drive without a license. Therefore, enforcing harsher
penalties for driving offenses is a more efficient strategy to protect the safety of
the road. For really serious offenses, for instance, a lengthier jail term may be
awarded, and for running a red light or operating a vehicle without a helmet, a
higher fine may be assessed. These penalties may aid in deterring potential
offenders and preventing repeat offenders.In conclusion, I think that tighter laws
for traffic violations are a far better way to improve road safety than raising the
legal driving age.

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