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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

The honorable Mr. and Mrs.

The honorable to all teachers
And the honorable to all of my friends

First of all, let us praise to Allah SWT because of His blessed and mercy we can gather in a
good condition without any trouble This time, I would like to invite all of us to be able to
absorb the meaning of globalization, and how should we deal with the effects of globalization
in our daily live as a student, with Pancasila as our guidance.

As we all know, nowadays our world is in globalization era. Globalization is the process of
transformation of local phenomena into global or international phenomena. This process is a
combination of economic, technological, sociocultural and political forces. In other words,
every country in this world can influence other countries.

It is a fact that there are many challenges in globalization era. It cannot be denied that
globalization is related with competition and the ability to survive. The question is: what
should we do in order to face the globalization era? The answer is implement our ideology,

Pancasila is the Indonesian ideology that is important, especially in the era of globalization.
So that needs to be preserved because, in Pancasila consist of values the nation’s noble
personality. Then, we must have a sense of love towards the nation of Indonesia. Loving
Indonesia Nation is the attitude of pride and trying to keep whatever wealth owned by the
nation of Indonesia. It is contained in the Pancasila.

As students we need not fight or struggle are the heroes do, but we just need to act in
accordance with the state of the nation of Indonesia today, such as learning solemnly, develop
an attitude of tolerance with each other, practicing the discipline, at the time follow flag
ceremony and fill every independence with the achievement of the nation and maintain the
culture in order to remain sustainable.

That’s all for my speech. Thank you for all of your attention.

The last I say Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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