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Q2W5 - Writing the Introduction

Student Reychel Ong Luna Section: Einstein


Topic Chapter I: Rationale and the Background

Objective: Learners will be able to write the Chapter I: Rationale and the Background
References: Research Methods and Thesis Writing by Paler-Calmoren and Calmoren 2007 , pp 288-289

Chapter I consists of the overview discussion of the problem by citing some phrases and sentences from published
materials relevant to the study. This give the reader general idea and impression as well as motivation of the study. Some
researchers integrate related studies, related literatures and legal bases in this Chapter. 

Refer to your previous activities as your guide for this activity. Use your chosen problem (topic) to formulate your Introduction
Your Title: What is the effect of Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) juice mixed with Gotu kola
(Cantella asiatica) extract on skin rashes and skin fungal injections?

Natural herbs were the main remedy for treating human diseases for hundreds of years now. It has been
estimated that 25% of modern medicines are made from plants first used traditionally. With wide application of
chemical drugs, herbal medicine therapies shown sharp contraction. The widely use of herbal products is due to
cultural acceptance, availability, affordability, efficacy and safety claims. Such alternative treatment especially the
herbal medicine has gained more attention and also has become popular

Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa) is originally grown in Southeast Asia. It is called as Kalamansi or “golden
lime” in English. It is widely used for Food, Cosmetics, and medical purposes. This sour fruit is rich in vitamin C and
certain antioxidants, such as limonene, as well as potassium, vitamin A, and calcium. Although the juice of this fruit is
sour, many people still consume it regularly as it is perceived to have multiple health benefits. In Asia, people use
calamansi juice on their skin as a natural bleaching agent. In addition to clearing the skin of blemishes or
discoloration, it can deliver antioxidants to the skin that prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging. The fruit extract
can be applied to the affected area without the feeling of irritation and burning

On the other hand, Gotu kola (Centella asiatica) has been used to treat many conditions for thousands of
years in India, China, and Indonesia. It was used to heal wounds, improve mental clarity, and treat skin conditions
such as leprosy and psoriasis. In China, it has been called as "the fountain of life" because legend has it that an ancient
Chinese herbalist lived for more than 200 years as a result of taking Gotu kola. Historically, Gotu kola has also been
used to treat syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental fatigue, epilepsy, diarrhea, fever, and asthma. Gotu Kola is
applied to the skin or is used topically to prevent minor burns, psoriasis, postoperative scarring, and to prevent or
reduce stretch marks.__________________________________________________________________________

Guto kola and Calamansi juice are both considered an alternative treatment to skin rashes and skin fungal-
infection. Each has its own health treatment measures that can help treat skin problems. Also, medical discoveries
were found in separate items for Gotu Kola plant and calamansi as medicinal plants. The combination of citric acid
found in kalamansi juice and the chemical called triterpenoids found in Gotu Kola plant are the main components that
heals skin rashes and skin fungal infections. It is better using both herbal medicines Gotu Kola plant and calamansi
juice for skin

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