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Tutorial -9 : Minor losses in fittings, valves and elbows, Course EM2102 Fluid Mechanics -1

(tables & Figures are included at the bottom); Minor losses ( h L = K × (v 2 /2 g)

Prob. 1 Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows through a sudden
enlargement from a 1-in copper tube (Type K) to a 3-in tube (Type K). (Appendix H for tube

Prob. 2 Determine the difference between the pressure ahead of a sudden enlarge ment and the pressure
downstream from the enlargement if 100 (L/min) of water flows through a sudden enlargement
from a 1- in copper tube (Type K) to a 3- in tube (Type K).

Prob. 3 Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows from a 1-in copper tube
(Type K) into a large tank.

Prob. 4 Determine the energy loss. that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows from a 1-in copper
tube (Type K) into a 3-in copper tube (Type K) through a gradual enlargement having an included
cone angle of 30 degrees.

Prob. 5 Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows from a 3-in copper
tube (Type K) into a 1-in copper tube (Type K) through a sudden contraction.

Prob. 6 Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows from a reservoir into a
1- in copper tube (Type K), through an inward projecting tube

Prob. 7 Determine the energy loss that will occur as 100 (L/min) of water flows from a reservoir into a
1- in copper tube (Type K), through a well-rounded inlet.

Prob. 8 Determine the resistance coefficient K for a fully open globe valve placed in 6-in Schedule 40 steel pipe.
Also determine equivalent length.

Prob. 9 Calculate the pressure drop across a fully open globe valve placed in a 4-in schedule 40 steel pipe
carrying 400 (gal/min) of oil (sg = 0.87)

Sudden enlargement: energy loss, (

hL = K  v1 / 2 g
) Where, K = loss coefficient or resistance

coefficient, v1 = Average velocity of flow in the smaller pipe ahead of the enlargement

Exit loss, energy loss in exit, (

hL = 1.00  v1 / 2 g
) K = 1.00

Gradual enlargement: energy loss, hL = 1.00  v1 / 2 g ( 2

) Where, K is depending on both the

diameter ratio (D2/D1) and the cone angle theta,

Sudden contraction, energy loss, (

hL = K  v2 / 2 g
) , K is depending on both the diameter ratio

(D1/D2) and the velocity of flow, v2 = velocity of flow in the smaller pipe downstream from the
Gradual contraction, energy loss, ℎ𝐿   =  𝐾  ×  (𝑣2 /2𝑔)  , K is depending on both the diameter
ratio (D1/D2) and the cone angle theta, v2 = average velocity of flow in the smaller pipe downstream
from the contraction.

Entrance loss, energy loss in entrance, (

hL = K  v2 / 2 g
) , K = 1.00 (for in-ward projecting

entrance) and K = 0.04 (well-rounded entrance). v2 = average velocity of flow in the pipe.
Loss due to fittings and valves, hL = K  v 2 / 2 g ) where K = fT  (Le / D)

 v2  L v2
So, hL = K    = fT  e  (Le/D = equivalent length ratio and fT = friction factor in the pipe)
 2 g  D 2 g

Fig. 1 Resistance coefficient – sudden enlargement

Fig. 2 Loss coefficient-Gradual enlargement


Fig. 3 Resistance co-efficient-sudden contraction

Fig. 4 Resistance co-efficient-gradual contraction (θ >= 15o)


Fig. 4 Resistance co-efficient-gradual contraction (θ < = 15o)

Fig. 5 Entrance resistance co-efficients


Table 1 Appendix H - Dimensions of Type K copper tubing

Table 2 Resistance coefficient- sudden enlargement


Table - 3 Loss coefficient – gradual enlargement

Table 4 Resistance coefficient – Sudden contraction


Table- 5 Resistance in valves and fittings expressed as equivalent length in pipe diameter (Le/D = equi. length ratio)

Table - 6 Friction factor in the pipe to which valve or fitting is connected taken to be in
the zone of complete turbulence

Table 7 Dimension of Steel Pipe (Schedule 40 type)

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