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Lecture 5.


At the beginning of the nineteenth century, scientists classified chemical compounds as

inorganic and organic. An inorganic compound was a substance that was composed of
minerals, and an organic compound was a substance that came from an organism, thus the use
of the word “organic”. Early scientists thought that some type of “vital force”, which could
be found only in living cells, was required to synthesize an organic compound. This idea was
shown to be incorrect in 1828 when the German chemist Friedrich Wohler synthesized urea, a
product of protein metabolism, by heating an inorganic compound, ammonium cyanate.

Organic chemistry is the study of carbon compounds. Organic compounds typically

contain carbon (C) and hydrogen (H), and sometimes oxygen (O), sulfur (S), nitrogen (N),
phosphorus (P) or halogen (F, Cl, Br, and I). The formulas of organic compounds are written
with carbon first, followed by hydrogen and then any other elements. Many organic compounds
are non-polar molecules with weak attractions between molecules. As a result, they typically
have low melting and boiling points, are not soluble in water, and are less dense than water.
For example, vegetable oil, which is a mixture of organic compounds, does not dissolve in
water but floats on top. A very typical reaction of organic compounds is that they burn
vigorously in air.

The element carbon has a special role in chemistry because it bonds with other carbon
atoms to give a vast array of molecules. The variety of molecules is so great that we find organic
compounds in many common products we use, such as gasoline, medicines, shampoos, plastic
bottles, and perfumes. The food we eat is composed of different organic compounds that supply
us with fuel for energy and the carbon atoms needed to build and repair the cells of our bodies.

Although many organic compounds occur in nature, chemists have synthesized even
more. The cotton, wool, or silk in your clothes contain naturally occurring organic compounds,
whereas materials such as polyester, nylon, and plastic have been synthesized through organic
reactions. Sometimes it is convenient to synthesize a molecule in the laboratory even though
that molecule is also found in nature. For example, vitamin C synthesized in a laboratory has
the same structure and properties as the vitamin C in oranges and lemons. Learning about the
structures and reactions of organic molecules will provide you with a foundation of reactions
of organic molecules will provide you with a foundation for understanding the more complex
molecules of biochemistry.

In contrast, inorganic compounds contain elements other than carbon and hydrogen and
are ionic with high melting and boiling points. Inorganic compounds that are ionic or polar
covalent are usually soluble in water, and most do not burn in air. The table below contrasts
some of the properties typically associated with organic and inorganic compounds such as
propane, and sodium chloride, NaCl.

Property Organic Example: C3H8 Inorganic Example: NaCl

C and H, sometimes
Most metals and
Elements present O, S, N, or Cl (F, Br, C and H Na and Cl

Particles Molecules C3H8 Mostly ions Na+ and Cl-

Many are ionic, some

Bonding Mostly covalent Covalent Ionic

Nonpolar, unless a
Most are ionic or
Polarity of bonds Nonpolar polar covalent, a few Ionic
electronegative atom
are nonpolar covalent
is present

Melting point Usually low -188°C Usually high 801°C

Boiling point Usually low -42°C Usually high 1413°C

Flammability High Burns in air Low Does not burn

Not soluble, unless a Most are soluble,

Solubility in water No Yes
polar group is present unless nonpolar

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