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by Teacher Seno

Part 1 Instruction: Choose the correct answer.

1. When should we use past tense?
a. When the action is in the past.
b. When the action is a daily routines.
c. When the action is in the future.
2. Which following is NOT belong to the group?
a. the other day, ago, once
b. yesterday, when, long time ago
c. in 1995, a minute ago, nowadays
3. Which pair of verb is INCORRECT?
a. decorate – decorated c. speak – speaked
b. drive – drove d. smile – smiled
4. Which pair of verb is CORRECT?
a. top – toped c. ride – ride
b. read – readed d. forget – forgot
5. Which group of words is the IRREGULAR verb?
a. forgive, become, control c. hear, listen, cry
b. take, walk, swim d. write, read, speak
Part 2 Instruction: Complete the sentence with the past verb.
1. The clown ___________ at children. (smile)
2. My father ___________ me to the school yesterday. (drive)
3. Richard ______________ a shower last morning. (NOT/take)
4. Once Punch _______________ young, she________ to the park every day. (be,go)
5. _______ Latte have breakfast before going to the school? (do)
Part 3 Instruction: Fill the correct past verb to the blank.
1. decorate____________ . 6. be ___________________.
2. control ____________ . 7. write ___________________.
3. modify ----------- . 8. do ___________________.
4. clean ____________ . 9. give ___________________.
5. swim  ___________ . 10. forgive ___________________.
Part 4 Instruction: Circle the 5 verbs that are the INCORRECT tense.

This past summer, I works for my uncle at the

Thai Signature Restaurant It is a Thai restaurant
downtown. My uncle is the chef and owner. He’s a

My job was to fill water glasses and clear

plates. I also washed dishes. Sometimes I chop
vegetable too.

One day, another worker is sick, so I

substituted as a server: I wrote orders on a notepad.
I have to write neatly so that my uncle knows what
to cook. I also have to bring the customers their
food quickly. Even though I was in a rush. I don’t
drop any plates.

Working at the restaurant was fun. I especially

like being a server. I am going to ask my uncle if I
can be server next summer.

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