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Dossier 8M 2023 Nom:

Activitat 1- Dia de la dona

- Què se celebra el dia 8 de març?

-Per què aquest dia concret?

Visualitza el vídeo: “Por qué dia de la mujer”

-Consideres que és important celebrar aquest dia? Per què?

Activitat 2- Canvia el conte

- En parelles, penseu en diferents històries o contes populars en que la
protagonista sigui una nena o dona?

Mira el vídeo:

Canviaries la història d’algun conte que tingui com a protagonista una nena o dona?
Quin conte? Escriu la història amb un altre final.
Activitat 3- Reflexiona

Dibuixa diferents persones segons les seves professions:

Bomber/ cirurgià/ pilot d’avió militar/

Mira el vídeo:

- Què és un estereotip?

- Posa’n varis exemples.

- Quins dibuixos s’han fet a la teva aula, quants han dibuixat homes i quants

- És una xifra proporcional ?

- Creus que en la realitat, segons les feines i treballs estem en xifres proporcionals?
Raona la teva resposta.

Activitat 4: En grup
Poseu-vos en grups de 3 o 4 persones i comenteu les vostres respostes de les activitats
anteriors. Feu un recull de les idees que han sortit del grup (noms/ reflexió).
- Hi ha idees oposades? Hi ha diferents opinions?
Escriviu una reflexió grupal al final.

Reflexió grupal:
Activitat 5: Pòster
Mira el vídeo, Youtube:

- Feu grups de 3 o 4 persones, cada grup triarà un àmbit diferent (pintura,

música, cinema, invencions, esports, literatura, emprenedoria).
Cada membre del grup triarà a una dona destacada en l’àmbit i escriurà en
català: Nom de la dona/ la seva biografia (5 línies)/ Per què va destacar en
l’àmbit (5 línies). Es farà un pòster amb els vostres noms, el títol de l’àmbit i
la informació de cada grup, podeu fer un petit dibuix representatiu de la
dona triada.

Activitat 6: Anglès

- Write a description about a woman that you admire:

- The structure:
Her name
What was her job? What is her job?
What was she famous for? What is she famous for?
Why do you admire her?

- Connectors: and, or, also, too, but, then, again, finally, then, next, after that, firstly, although,
- Opinion: In my opinion, I think, I believe.
- Physical appearance adjectives.
- Personality adjectives.
Use Present Simple (blue) or Past Simple (green) in your writings.

- Example: Frida Kahlo (art)

Someone I admire is Frida Kahlo. She was a famous artist. She was born in 1907 in Mexico.
When she was just a girl she contracted a disease, polio, since that day she had lots of health
problems. She was outspoken and brave, she had got very long, dark hair and brown eyes, her
style and eyebrows became famous. When she was young she was at home for a long time
because she had a tragic accident, so she started painting. Her parents encouraged her to paint
and made a special easel for her so she could paint in bed. They also gave her brushes and
boxes of paints. Some years later, she married the artist Diego Rivera and she painted more
portraits, she was so popular. She died when she was 47 years old.

I admire her because she was a hardworking artist, she had healthy problems but she overcame
them with her art. She had a surrealistic style and my favourite paint is “The two Fridas”.


- Example:Simone Biles (sport)

Someone I admire is Simone Biles. She is a gymnast, she is short with dark hair and dark eyes,
she is so strong. She demonstrated her abilities as a gymnastics prodigy at a young age. Biles
began competing as a level 8 gymnast in 2007, and by 2011, she had her standing at the junior
elite level. She and her sister were living with their grandfather and grandmother. They officially
adopted the two girls. Biles is the gymnast with the most World medals, 25 in total and most
World gold medals 19. She is the female gymnast with the most World all-around titles.

I admire her because since she was so young she knew what she wanted to reach and she
worked so hard to become what she always wanted to be, one of the best athletes ever.


- Example: My cousin Laura

Someone I admire is my cousin Laura. She is five years older than me, so she is 19 now and she
lives in Bristol. She’s very friendly and confident and she’s got long, wavy, brown hair and
greeny-brown eyes. She’s medium height, slim and very fit because she’s a dancer.

She started dancing when she was six years old and she trains every day at her dance school.
She wants to be a professional dancer, but it’s a very difficult profession because it’s so
competitive. She often dances in shows and I went to watch her dancing several times. Her
favourite type of dance is modern, which is sometimes a bit strange, but I love watching her

Laura is very busy because she also studies photography at university. She’s a really good
photographer and last year she took lots of amazing photos of me and my family. Her photo won
a prize and last month one of her photos was in an exhibition at an art gallery in London.

Laura doesn’t have a lot of free time and she’s also trying to learn German because she wants to
go to Germany next year to do a photography course. I think Laura is very hard-working and she
deserves to become a professional dancer one day.

Your description:

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