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Answer the following questions in your answer sheet. (10 points each)

1. Based on what you understand about the meaning of freedom, as a teenager, do you
really enjoy your freedom as a human person?
 Yes, with responsible forethought, love, and respect for my family and friends. I commit
random acts of kindness, and most of the time I am generous with my time and
attention. I enjoy having the freedom to do whatever i want without being guided or
told me what to do.

2. You saw your little brother stealing money from the wallet of your father, what will you
do? Please explain your answer in applying the quote from Aristotle, “All actions have
 I will talk to him to how to be a good person and I will say to him that stealing is not a
attitude of the young man like him.

3. Illegal drugs is one of the major societal issue in our country today, you found out that
one of your family members are involved in illegal drugs, are you going to inform the
authority or are you going stay in silent? Please explain your answer in applying the
concept of Power of Volition.
 I will inform the authorities because the drugs is classified as illegal which means this is
forbidden by our law. Different illegal drugs may effects in the body, size and health in
my family so I will take action to this for the sake of my family not to involve any of
them like to the other one.

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