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Physical fitness 

is a state
of health and well being and,
more specifically, the ability to
perform aspects of sports,
occupations and daily activities.
Physical fitness is generally
achieved through
proper nutrition, moderate-
vigorous physical exercise, and
sufficient rest along with a
formal recovery plan.
ENDURANCE-The ability
ofheart,lungs,blood vessels and
blood to work efficiently and to
supoly the body oxygen.
Flexibility is the ability
of a joint or series of
joints to move through
an unrestricted, pain
free range of motion.
Body Composition
is used to describe the
percentages of fat,
bone and muscle in
human bodies. 
Agility is the ability to
rapidly change body
Speed is the
ability to move all
or part of the
body quickly.
Reaction time is an
ability often overlooked
in sport.It simply
means howfast an athlete
is able to respond to a
Balance is the ability to
control your body's
position, whether
stationary (i.e. a complex
yoga pose) or while moving
(e.g. skiing).
Power is the ability
to exert force in the
shortest period of
Coordination is the
ability to select the right
muscle at the right time
with proper intensity to
achieve proper action.

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