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Question 1

Work for a single employer from the beginning of your career until you retire
is a thing of the past. Even in the middle of a successful career, a lot of individuals
decide to change their careers. There are many experiences that can trigger the desire
to make a difference in an individual’s career change. However there are also factors
that can ensure this problem can be prevented by any organization or individual to
ensure that individuals who want to make changes do not make their decisions further.

The motivation to make a change in a career in the middle of one’s work life
can be anything, depending on individual circumstances, decisions, and preferences,
as well as specific ambitions. One example, this experience is that many individuals
want to have a better life. People change careers because they are driven by a desire to
improve their quality of life. A better work-life balance is a common motivation for
people to change careers in the middle of their careers. This may be because they face
family problems in their lives such as caring for a child or an older parent. To ensure
they have a better life, they may have to decide between career or family. Choices like
these can persuade individuals to quit their jobs and look at other career options that
may be lighter than their previous job, because they want to make sure that they have
a better and balanced life in terms of family and work.

Among the factor that inhibit people from actually making a change is if they
find are better career growth opportunity. When an employee is provided with a
career growth opportunity, they are given the chance to take their career in a new and
interesting direction. Employee will finding ways to improve their skills to make sure
they can develop their skill and ability as a professionals workers. The employee can
accomplish this by actively seeking out new experiences and responsibilities.
Therefore, in order for an organization to guarantee that an employee will not switch
jobs, the organization needs to ensure that the employee will have opportunities for
career advancement within the company.

Then, another factor is recognition from their superior. It's unfortunate that so
many workers nowadays view themselves as useless parts of the company they serve.
Because of this, some of the worker will try to change their careers, to make sure they
are not being useless and being recognize. If this mindset becomes common among
employees, it could negatively impact the efficiency of the team as a whole. That's
why as a good employer its was important to acknowledge and give recognition to
your workers for their hard work and effort. When employees know their efforts are
valued, they are more likely to survive through difficult situations. It is clear that,
recognition from their employers is one of the factors that can inhibit people from
making change in their careers.

Question 2

The goal of breaking in new employees at an organization is to provide them

with the skills necessary to successfully integrate into the established norms and
values of that particular business. New employees can come from various of
backgrounds, like college or university graduates or members of other organization
who have decided to work with you. Therefore, they hold a different view, have a
different set of beliefs, and belong to a different culture than our organization do.
However, in order for the company to succeed in accomplishing the goals and
objectives it has set for itself, it must demand that its employees embrace the culture
of the firm. As a result, those who have just joined the organization are required to
adapt to the shifting values and culture of the company.

Organizational socialization is the process of mutual adjustment. This includes

individuals becoming aware of and adapting to the required information, abilities,
attitudes, expectations, and behaviours for a new or changing function in the
organization. Therefore, techniques and strategies of socialization are applied by the
organization in order to have an impact on the behaviour of new members and to
facilitate their integration into the group. The most popular form of organizational
socialization that being use by organization nowadays is, by providing an orientation
program for their new employees. Orientation programmes can assist the new coming
worker to learn about the culture of their organization and expose them to their new
responsibilities as well as the people they will be working with. It is important to
make worker feel welcome and provide them the tools they need to succeed in their
new positions, both of which may be accomplished through a well-designed
orientation programme. Moreover, when it comes to new hire orientation, some
companies take the a creative way to ensure their employee are understand better
about their company culture such as with presentations, video recordings, and printed
materials. In conclusion, orientation programmes are the most common used
in socialization practise that are used in any organization. This is due to the fact that it
was effective in educating employees about the aims and background of their
company to make sure new employees are adapt to their culture.

Question 6

Career exploration can be defines as gathering information about several

fields of work and determining whether or not they are a good match for you in terms
of your individual preferences, such as the knowledge, abilities, and ideals you hope
to develop in your chosen field. Exploring potential careers is an excellent next step
after doing some introspective soul-searching about what you really want out of life.
In conclusion, career exploration occurs either alongside or after the process of
determining your preferred career path through reflection.

Career exploration can be divided into two types which is self -exploration and
environmental exploration. Environmental career exploration refers to the process of
investigating a variety of different career paths that a person might take into
consideration at any stage in his or her professional life. When an individual engages
in the process of investigating their environment, they proactively collect fresh
information on jobs, organizations, occupations, or industries that enables them to
make more informed career decisions. On the other side, self-exploration is centred on
defining and investigating one's own interests, values, prior experiences, and
aspirations for one's professional life. It is a method for contemplating and revising
one's professional path while also developing a more profound awareness of oneself
in the process. Individuals are able to gain a more accurate picture of their abilities,
objectives, and maybe the kinds of working situations they wish to steer clear of as a
result of engaging in self-exploration activities.

One of the reasons why job exploration is such an important part of managing
careers is because it helps people make better decisions about their occupations.
Individuals can get benefit from the knowledge gained through exploration at any
stage of their careers because it provides them with information about themselves and
potential career paths. For example, involvement in environmental career exploration
during periods of unexpected career loss may result in better employment acquisition
when re-employed by any organization. Exploring different career paths can be a
helpful survival strategy in this situation, and doing so during times of transition can
assist individuals in locating new employment opportunities that are a better match for
their unique set of skills and characteristics.

By trying something different, people not only develop their skills, but also
may begin to feel more responsible for the adaptive choices they make in their career
management. In a time of rapid social and economic change, it may be helpful to
cultivate the ability to investigate one's surroundings and one's own psychological
experiences early in one's career.

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