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CENG 362 Hydraulic Structures I Date March 2023
Assignment one
Note: the assignment is open book Prepared by: Dr. Dan
Be sure to answer all of the questions and be specific in your answers.  Avoid vagueness and explain
your answers fully.

WARNING!! You may note that in case your assignment response(s) happens to be a copy of your
friend response, your assignment may be summarily rejected and/or your marks may be made null
and void. Therefore, you are strongly advised not to allow any other student to copy it.

Due date: one week

Name (and ID):______________________________________________________________________

1. Dams are extremely expensive to build and must be built to a very high standard. The high cost of
dam construction means that they must operate for many decades to become profitable:
(a) What useful purposes is served by the dam to warrant this high standard and high cost (list
advantages of a dam)

(b) What are the ill effects of dam constructions (List Disadvantages)

2. The success of your Dam construction is dependent on many factors including the selection of a
suitable site and type of dam that enable efficient and economic operation. Please briefly discuss the
major factors that must be considered when selecting a site and type of Dam for a particular

3. Dams may be classified into a number of different categories, depending upon the purpose of the
classification. Consider three broad classifications: (1) classified according to their use, (2) their
hydraulic design, and (3) the materials:
a. Give two examples of each type of classification
b. Which classification is the most common classification used for the discussion in design

4. List all dams of Ethiopia

(a) Specify there locations
(b) What is the purpose the dam
(c) Salient features of the dam
i. Height
ii. Type
iii. Width
iv. Reservoir capacity
v. Electric generating capacity
vi. other

Due date: one week


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