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Once a woman marries, she is expected to put aside her personal goals to prioritize family


Single people can happily live their lives pretty much as they please without having to be
concerned with the needs or wishes of others, but marrieds must always consider others' needs.

 Being married will not allow one the freedom to make random decisions because a final
approval will be needed. Every decision will now be a compromise between two people.

Singles are free to do what they want without having to consider a spouse’s desires; they enjoy more
autonomy of their own life.

Freed om to co ntrol own life

more opportunities for career change and development. Singles are not locked into family
responsibilities and obligations; they consequently can be more mobile and flexible in the climb up
the career ladder.

In general, the advantages of being single related to have freedom from taking care of spouses;
freedom to do what they want, when they want and how they want; and freedom from having to
consider the others in terms of decisions and behaviors

Many people choose to stay single in order to go back to school, finish their degree, start an
internship, or devote more time to their career.

Lifelong single people are at much greater risk for financial insecurity in
later life than married people.

Marriage can be risky, financially, especially if you have a spouse who

has substantial debt or is bad with money in other ways.
they may be less inclined to save or plan for the future

some emergency savings Wedding Debt Childcare Costs

Many of those financial stresses originate from having only one income to
rely on,
dual household incomes, which provides couples with a degree of financial flexibility
that singles do not have

as is long-term-care insurance or some other backup plan for when they get

and they're taking a lot of steps to prepare for financial security and prevent
those problems for themselves,"

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