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Laws of Female Nature

1. Women need orbiter

They have very poor self-esteem, contrary to popular belief. They need this free
affirmation and attention in order to feel better about themselves. Every female
has her orbiters, which she just uses for free validation. But they almost never do
anything with those men. Women have little regard for orbiters. If you are an
orbiter right now, you should be aware that this woman does not appreciate you.
A man of value does not let a woman play with him in this way. Stop stalking her
on all of her social media accounts. Stop writing ridiculous nonsense under her
pictures. She'll just laugh and take it as free validation. Stop sliding into random
girls' direct messages. Stop following ladies you've never met in person. When a
woman perceives you as an orbiter, it's like being in the friend zone; it's difficult to
break out. Sure, one or two fall through the cracks now and again. However, the
majority of the orbiters will remain just that. A woman's attention is everything.
Use your attention like a faucet; when she's excellent, you give her a lot of attention,
but when she's terrible, there will be fewer text messages, fewer discussions,
shorter text messages, and so on.
2. Women are designed for survival
Women are built for survival. Men are not as essential for survival as women. To
illustrate the importance of female survival, consider the following scenario: if
there were only 100 humans on the globe, which do you believe would provide our
species a higher chance of surviving: one man and 99 women, or 99 men and one
woman? If the answer isn't clear to you, it's one man and one hundred women. Our
species' survival would be jeopardized if there were only one woman and 99 males.
There is an even better probability of surviving with only one guy and ten women
than with 99 men and one woman. A single man can impregnate many women at
the same time. Women are biologically oriented for survival. Everything women do
makes a lot more sense if you realize that; it's all about survival.
3. Women don’t hang around for an extended period of hardship
I know this is a tough one, but it is what it is. Consider number two once more:
women are designed for survival. If you lose your work and are unable to find
another source of income, her and her children's existence is endangered. When it
comes to this, every woman is different; some will give you more time, while others
will not. Some ladies will give you two months, while others will give you a year.
However, most women will not stay for a lengthy time of suffering. It's not like
you'll lose your job and your girlfriend will abandon you the next day. That is not
how it works. But I tell you something; don’t jump back on the horse hastily and
watch what’s going happen. It's something I've heard a hundred times, particularly
during COVID, when many businesses were struggling. You have no idea how many
women abandoned their men because they couldn't recover.
4. Her interest level is constantly changing
She'll be all over you one day, then ignore you the next. It's what many guys
interpret as mixed signals at this stage, but it's actually simply her losing attraction.
And don't even bother attempting to find out why. Stop trying to figure her out all
the time. All you're doing is placing her on a pedestal. Her hormones are out of
control; one day she's all over you, the next she's not. Accept it and quit worrying
about it. You have nothing to worry about as long as you do things correctly. That's
just the way it is.
5. Investments do not lead to appreciation
Men frequently break up with women, and they often claim that she was
unappreciative. Men will frequently lead the relationship or demonstrate or
maintain attraction by things they can do for the woman. For example, take her on
vacation, and you will frequently hear that they had no sex while on vacation. The
man wonders why his investment in this relationship does not result in
appreciation and desire. What you must remember is that her brain does not
function in the same way that yours does. What makes logical sense to you about
how attraction should work will never make emotional sense to her. Men will use
logic and reason to deduce what this woman is thinking or feeling. Most of the time,
though, it is the exact opposite.
6. Women value the survival value of a man, whereas men value the
reproductive value of a woman
You must understand the difference between what you are attracted to and what
women are attracted to. When a man sees a beautiful lady or a woman with
particular beauty markers, he will want to get to know her. Beauty is a man's
natural appeal. But what exactly is a survival value? Women ask themselves
questions such as, "How well is he equipped socially?" "Is he socially calibrated?"
"Are there other men that admire him and want to get to know him if he goes into
somewhere?" These are survival markers. Look at how people were thousands of
years ago; if you didn't have social standing in the group, your existence was
threatened. And if you were well-known in a community, your chances of survival
were better. Men will always value beauty the most, and women will always value
status the most.
7. All love is conditional
There is no such thing as unconditional love. As soon as this person changes, as
soon as the terms and conditions of this relationship alter, as soon as it is today
what it was not some time ago, the conditions for how that love is will change.
When people get into a relationship, they frequently put on a mask or disguise to
represent who they want that other to perceive them to be. Over time, you see the
true them, and all of a sudden, the circumstances for love or the conditions for
those emotions that had you or her captivated in the beginning will consistently
8. Attractiveness is not a marker of high-quality
Just because a woman is gorgeous in your view does not automatically make her
good or valuable. Many men search for an indicator of attractiveness; they observe
shape, maybe it's the woman's voice, and they immediately associate this with the
term good. However, appearance does not make a woman valuable. You should be
on the lookout for a sense of loyalty. Does the lady know how to act feminine
around you in order to make you feel good? Is she bringing a lot of positive energy
to the table? Is there anything she's doing for you? These are the questions you
must ask yourself. There are far too many guys who put up with her being rude,
bringing toxicity or chaos, but they stay because they don't have any other options.
Just because a lady appears attractive does not imply that she possesses any high-
value characteristics.
9. Women look for different men at different stages of life
When you are younger, you will find that factors like short-term status, short-term
attractiveness, or the sort of person who is the most popular can quickly hook the
lady. However, as you go through life, you will notice that there is now a checklist.
And that checklist will be followed if that man is to potentially provide and protect.
Those are regular and natural behaviors. In his book The Rational Male: Preventive
Medicine, Rollo Tomassi brilliantly described this. The sexual strategy of a woman
evolves with age. While she is searching for an alpha hook-up in her prime years,
she will seek more stability and safety as she gets older. Instead of hating the game,
you must modify it to meet that plan. Your success will be determined by many
levels of progression. The only thing that matters is that you grasp what that
woman is seeking for at that precise time.
10. The majority of women cannot handle a high-value man
I believe a lot of guys have this idea that after you level up and become ultra-ego
and ultra-masculine, ladies will be pounding on your door trying to sleep with you.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that is not the case. I believe that most guys who
adopt that attitude believe it for a time, but then they fall in love with the process
of becoming who they can be. And once they realize what they are capable of
becoming, they seldom pursue that road for the sake of women or even dating; they
sincerely want to be a badass. However, most women are incapable of handling a
high-value male. When I say "high value man," I mean someone who continually
prioritizes himself, puts his priorities first, and consistently builds his kingdom.
That's going to be a difficult man to get along with. That's going to be a difficult
person to see on a regular basis. That will be a person who has other commitments.
Women often want simpler access and less hassle.
11. Attraction is random
Attraction is nothing you can control. Stop trying to control it. Stop trying to
become high-value, or even say the word “high-value” or building your business
thinking that you’re going to have better cheeks to clap. Attraction is completely
randomized. It always was, and it will always be. There are certain trats and certain
tendencies that women look in for a guy. Sometimes she’s going to look at you and
think that you have it all. But other times when a different girl looks at you, she
thinks you’re a 3/10. The saying “Another man’s hoe is another man’s housewife;”
is just as true for women. One woman’s drop dead 10/10 is going to be another
woman’s 3/10. Attraction is random. Stop trying to control it.
12. You cannot control outcomes
You have no influence over the date's outcome. You have no influence on the
outcome of the interaction. You have no control over the outcome if she likes you.
You may create things and patterns to increase your chances of success. However,
the second you start nitpicking your time, the second you have an agenda, you lose.
What I've discovered is that when you quit attempting to control the result, you
genuinely win. When you don't give a fuck. I'm sure you've heard the expression
"the moment you stop caring, she starts chasing." When you're continuously
attempting to control the result, your brain jumps to the next thing and you never
live in the present. I strongly advise against becoming outcome dependent on
anything. You cannot, no matter how hard you try, influence the outcome of a
woman. You may train yourself to be the best you can be, but at the end of the day,
you don't give a fuck. Because the moment you do, you increase stress. The moment
you increase your stress level, you become reactive. The moment you become
reactive, you get emotional. And the moment you get emotional, she sees you as
13. There is no correlation between success in life and success with women
I've seen broke people who are thousands of dollars in debt and smoke every
weekend perform well with women simply because they don't care. And I've seen
multimillionaire business owners be burnt, divorced, and cheated on. Many guys
claim to be on their mission, to be building their kingdom and generating more
money, yet they still fail to attract women. Obviously. You will continue to struggle
with women until you make a concerted effort to improve in that area. That
includes increasing your dating life, social charisma, seduction, and everything else
involved. How you make a woman feel is internal, not external, and it may occur at
any financial level, any socio‐economic hierarchy in which you place yourself, or
any position level. Confidence may appear in any situation. Don't imagine that just
because you have a million bucks or six-pack abs, you'll get the females. There is
no correlation. There are things you will learn in each area that you may apply to
the other, but combining success with women and dating with life success is
14. She will always test you
Every relationship involves a psychological power struggle between the masculine
and the feminine. It never goes away. It will never go gone. That is something you
must accept. I used to believe that if you become valuable enough, you would never
be tested. I assumed that if you demonstrate a plethora of options, you will never
be tested. You will never be tested if she knows you have been with or slept with
incredibly gorgeous women in the past. This is completely untrue. A woman is
always wondering, "Is this man precisely who he pretends to be?" "Is this the man
he's presenting to me?" "Is this man really who he claims to be?" As a result, the
power struggle will never stop. That is understandable. To be honest, if you're good
at game, you can even make that into a pleasant little back and forth. She will want
to gain authority in order to assert that she is more valuable than you, and you will
be put to the test. And you'll need to know how to react in order to demonstrate
that you have the emotional competency with your seduction and love life to
realize that you're at a higher level than she is. Very rarely do you witness this
equality, when individuals simply settle down happily ever after and there is no
continual bickering because that is simply too boring for women. You can't be
boring among women. If you're boring, she'll either attempt to test you out of thin
air, pick fights out of thin air, or find anything to banter about since she's bored.
15. There are both good and bad women
There is a lot of categorizing, which I dislike. Just as there are good and bad guys.
There are men who follow regulations and have a high level of compliance. Suppose
they pay their taxes on time. They also have no criminal record. That is a different
sort of man than someone who is doing a 20-year sentence in prison because of his
decisions. Women have the ability to make excellent or terrible decisions as well.
Men, in my opinion, are the true leaders. Men may lead in any way they want. And,
in most cases, if you're in the presence of a gorgeous lady, you have the option of
leading her to the gates of hell or leading her to the bedroom, and she'll follow.
Because she would prefer to be led somewhere rather than not be led at all. So, the
reality is that we, as males, have the option of improving the world and ourselves,
or of seeking instant gratification — the choice is entirely yours. Whether you
believe it or not, you have that power. But there are such things as good and bad
women. Forget the adage that "good women are bad women who haven't been
caught yet."
16. Dating needs to be fun
Cut it off the second it's not pleasant, the second it adds stress, the second you're
in scarcity, the second you're wondering where she is, what she's doing, who she's
sleeping with. Simply stop. The restless nights aren't worth it. It's not worth the
upheaval. It is not worth to skip meals. I've seen males on the verge of having
counseling and therapy simply to heal because they've been injured or wounded
so much because of someone they actually respected and honestly believed
returned that care and admiration for them. Sometimes life just doesn't turn out
the way you expect it to. And whenever there is that upheaval, when you see things
not moving as they should. Don't give it a second opportunity; instead, cut it off and
go on.
17. The more you try, the less you get the game
What exactly is the game? The attraction is the game. The competency is the game.
The more you strive to prove yourself to everyone, not just women, demonstrates
that you fundamentally do not understand the game. And the game is something I
want every single man to have. It's something I want each and every man to excel
at. Stop trying to impress her. Stop overthinking. Stop overjudging. Stop making it
so fucking complicated.
Misconceptions about Female Nature
Most red pill-aware men are already aware of the negative aspects of female
nature, such as their hypergamy and the “alpha fucks, beta bucks” dynamic.
Although this is mostly true, there are always loopholes. I am a firm believer in
hypergamy, but I have witnessed cases in which a woman was pursued by guys
with more money than the man she was with, but chose to remain with her current
partner. If it was solely about money, why would she choose to stay with the less
wealthy man? Confidence. Most guys who have a really gorgeous lady tend to
become jealous and insecure when they realize their woman is receiving a lot of
attention, which causes the guy to lose his confidence once he forms an attachment.
Some men, on the other hand, do not develop this anxiety, despite the fact that their
woman may attract a more financially successful guy, since, while not having all of
the financial success of other men, he is secure in what he does have, which is his
sex appeal. Let us not forget that sex appeal is very subjective. In other words, if
you feel you have sex appeal, you do. Some men with sex-pack abs, great clothing,
and a deep voice may lack sex appeal owing to a lack of confidence, which is the
foundation of sex appeal. So, it’s not your appearance that gives you sex appeal; it’s
your mindset.
Most men assume that if they lose their employment, their girlfriend will leave
them. If you lose your job and throw a pity party for yourself over the following six
months, then absolutely, your woman would leave you. However, if you’re the sort
of man who doesn’t lose his confidence and gets straight back on the horse, I
believe a woman would remain with you if you made a pretty speedy recovery. I
also want to emphasize that this information is intended for alpha male-minded
men, as a beta lacks the mindset required to retain the masculine frame amid
Men who regard themselves as beta males rely solely on their financial success to
attract women; hence, it is nearly impossible for a man with a beta-male mindset
to maintain any kind of attraction through adversity. His self-assurance is linked to
his financial success. A woman truly doesn’t care about a beta male other than what
he can supply, thus it’s simple to understand why women would abandon these
men during difficult times. But if you’ve read my first book, Becoming Alpha, you
should have a high-value man’s mindset. As a result, that should not be an issue for
you. If you’re a high-value man with an abundance mindset, you should know that
ladies leave because you’ve lost your confidence and masculine frame, not because
you’ve lost your job.
Another common misunderstanding is that all women cheat. While I believe that
any woman may betray, I also feel that as long as a man maintains frame and sexual
desire in the relationship, a woman will not cheat. However, most men do not keep
their physique and sexual enthusiasm throughout a committed relationship.
During partnerships, most guys become complacent and lazy. Many guys bring
their A-game during wooing but their D-game during relationships. Women
become bored fast, and even if they like you, it may be useful for you to try
something new sexually every now and then. Most men can survive a woman’s test
throughout the courting, only to fail it after they develop an attachment to her.
Because of this deteriorating behavior, a woman will seek pleasure from a more
dominating, confident man. To be honest, while I believe that any woman is capable
of betraying, I also believe that some women have integrity and would rather end
things than cheat on you. If she’s with you because she sees you as a beta male and
a good provider, and she’s lacking in ethics, she’ll cheat. If she’s with you because
she sees you as an alpha male, but you’ve lost your confidence and the relationship
has lost its spark, she’ll leave since your confidence was the sole reason why she
was with you in the first place.
If a woman is with you because she considers you to be an alpha male, you lose
value to her if you lose your confidence, thus there is no incentive to cheat. She
would probably end the relationship. If a woman is with you because she sees you
as a beta male, she is constantly prone to infidelity since she is typically not drawn
to you sexually but rather to what you can supply monetarily. Remember that
attractiveness is more than simply your physical appearance; it is your entire
package as a guy. If a woman views you as an alpha guy and you keep your swagger
confidence throughout the relationship, I highly doubt she would cheat on you
because she will be too busy pursuing your validation to cheat.
Female Behavior
Women love opportunistically
I'm confident that the majority of you are familiar with Rollo Tomassis Iron Rules,
in which he states, "Women are utterly incapable of loving a man the way a man
expects to be loved." Men love sacrificially, but women love opportunistically. Now,
before you adopt the attitude of a misogynistic, black-pilled incel, allow me to
clarify: there is nothing negative about a woman's opportunistic love; it is inherent
to her essence. Women love opportunistically since it was necessary for their
survival and that of their offspring. Without the opportunistic love of a woman, you
would not be living. If a woman had loved for the sake of love, her survival would
have been jeopardized. Which brings us to one of my 13 fundamental female nature
laws: "Women are designed for survival.” Anything a woman does in terms of
dating; the whole concept of female nature is based on a woman's survival. They
want the highest-tier male because it ensures their and their offspring's survival.
Women are incapable of loving men in a manner that men consider ideal. That does
not imply that she cannot love you; she can still love you with all her heart, but
under different conditions than you. She has the ability for connection and
emotional engagement. Nevertheless, she lacks the capacity for the relationship
you believe would be perfect.
A woman's need is their love. If the man is sufficiently useful and her need is
adequate, she’ll try to lock him into a commitment. Men love in an idealistic
manner; we men do not need love, but we can still give it. Many men have the
flawed belief that because they work hard, they deserve to be appreciated and
liked. Consider for a moment that what women despise in men is themselves.
Everything stems from a woman's need. Her love is what she needs from men. She
dislikes needy men because she herself is needy. She dislikes weaker men because
she is weaker than men. She rejects shorter guys because she does not feel save
around them. She despises broke men because she has an innate need for
What should be our conclusion? Men must understand that women are incapable
of loving them as they wish. We guys can love fifty women equally and without
cause, but women cannot. Women cannot equally love fifty guys. Women are
hardwired to admire the beneficial qualities of males. When she needs you, she
loves you; when she no longer needs you, she no longer loves you. This is why guys
instinctively hate feeling useless. Because we cannot be loved without our
utilitarian characteristics. Your mother is the only female who can express
unconditional love since she is biologically programmed to nurture you.
Unfortunately, most men grow up believing that all women are nurturing and
loving like their moms, which is untrue. Women will always be opportunistic,
unlike moms who are caring and nurturing. Only your mother will demonstrate
unconditional love and permit her son to display frailty. Her love is a need for your
usefulness. She never truly cherished you for yourself. This is the nature of
existence. Men and women are fundamentally different, and as a result, we view
love quite differently. What makes logical sense to you about the nature of love
does not make emotional sense to her. Why do I claim that males love sacrificially?
Men frequently make personal sacrifices to honor, respect, and love women. Men
frequently go above and beyond to please a woman. Typically, when men enter into
a relationship, they cease putting effort into things outside of the relationship. A
portion of this is due to their laziness and complacency after obtaining the "prize"
(woman) and their belief that they no longer need to exert extra effort. However,
it is typically these guys that experience divorce or separation after a few years.
They were fit, purposeful, and ambitious prior to entering the relationship, only to
emerge from it obese, destitute, aimless, and divorced. The second reason guys
neglect their fitness, purpose, friends, and family when in a relationship is that they
believe their girlfriend wants to spend more time with them. This is a typical
deception. She will tell you that you do not spend enough time together, but as soon
as you forsake your responsibilities to devote more time to her, she will despise
you and lose attraction. Women are a conundrum in the flesh. Therefore, it is a
positive indicator if she complains that you don't spend enough time together. It is
inherent in women to complain; it is part of their character.
And it is preferable that they complain about you not spending enough time with
them as opposed to not doing the dishes. I would also want to emphasize
romanticism here. Most males believe that women are attracted to romanticism,
but men are the genuine romantics. Men are romantics who are compelled to be
realists. If women are the true romantics, why are men the ones who make
romantic efforts? Men are the most creative when it comes to romance, attempting
to supply women with the romantic experiences they claim to desire. And you must
realize that the majority of women do not value premeditated romantic gestures.
Men believe that by demonstrating their individuality, they are able to woo women.
What most men do not realize, however, is that romantic gestures are rarely
planned. It's the things you never thought would be romantic that remain in her
mind. In the same way that true desire cannot be negotiated, genuine romance
cannot be faked.
Today, we live in a feminized society, and you have been brainwashed to have a
distorted concept of love; Disney fairy tales. Your conception of love is absolutely
flawed. Everything you believe you know about how attraction works is likely
incorrect. The majority of dating advice given to you by your friends or family
members is likely incorrect. I want you to reject the notion of the knight rescuing
the princess from the dragon immediately. This concept of love from a Disney fairy
tale is a steep slope to Oneitis and will ruin you. As part of their hypergamous
nature, women love opportunistically. Now, what exactly does hypergamy mean?
Hypergamy is the act of marrying up. Men date across and down, whereas women
date across and up. She is always looking for "the best bang for her buck." You may
now say, "But, Manuel, isn't it true that everyone wants the best bang for their
buck?" Actually, sure. However, women will not settle for someone with a lower
SMV (sexual market value) than themselves. It is intrinsic to their essence.
Therefore, males can only settle with women who have a lower SMV. There is an
excellent blog article by Rollo Tomassi titled "Hypergamy doesn't care."
"Hypergamy doesn’t care how great a father you are to your kids. Hypergamy
doesn’t care about how much her family or friends like you. Hypergamy doesn’t
care whether the children are biologically yours or not. Hypergamy doesn’t care
how sweet, funny or intellectual you are..."
The point Rollo Tomassi is attempting to make here is that a woman's
hypergamous nature is unaffected by the amount of investment or sacrifice made.
I do not quite concur. Women are indeed hypergamous. However, I do not suppose
she will monkey branch as soon as she has the opportunity. There will always be
men of more worth than you, and she will always have the option to break up with
you for whatever reason. But I am convinced that you have the best chance if you
are ambitious, focused on your mission, and always improving yourself. You can
only be the finest version of yourself imaginable. There will always be someone
who is superior to you. Allegiance is a choice. Women may be faithful. In reality,
the situation is significantly more complex. She will not just monkey branch since
certain risks must be assessed. The possibility for greater mate value is not always
worth the risk. And, honestly, I must say that if your woman does monkey branch
immediately, you did not properly screen her. It indicates that she is just in for the
bread. I recommend learning how to attract women without money or status.
Because when you are broke and learn how to attract women, they are attracted to
your energy, vibe, and how you make them feel, not your financial status.
Women treat every man differently
The same woman who is disrespectful to you is kind and loving to another man.
The same woman who won't allow you use the backdoor lets another man smash
it. The same woman who never initiates contact with you is constantly texting
another guy. The same lady who refuses to give you head joyfully gives it to another
man. The same woman who is not submissive to you is submissive to another man.
The same woman you're labeling needy has ten other males vying for her attention
for who knows how long. The same woman who gave it to you the first night has
twenty other males who have yet to receive a callback. I'm sure you get the point:
women treat every man differently. With that being said, there are needy women
and promiscuous women, which means they act this way with every man they
meet. Women make rules for beta guys while breaking them for alpha males. As a
result, I devised a simple rule: if a woman, for example, says she isn't good at
responding, add "to you" to the statement. You ask her for some head, and she
answers, "I don't do that?" To you. I believe it is always her degree of interest in
that man. Women with high interest will let you do things to them that they would
never let other guys they view as beta do to them. Referring back to the previous
example, if a woman does not want to give you head, her interest level is just not
high enough for her to do so. If a woman perceives you as the ultimate alpha male,
the greatest man she could ever attract, her hypergamous nature will make it
impossible for her not to satisfy you. If she thinks you're her best bet, she'll give
you head all day if you let her.
Remember: women do what men want. I've never had a female with a high degree
of interest say she doesn't want to do something (within reason). Women with a
high degree of interest will do the filthiest things to you. Most women have kinky
desires as well, but they will only act on them with a man they genuinely want. Men
frequently ask as to how they can quit being creeps. Everything is dependent on
her level of attraction to you. When I first started pick-up and spinning plates, I
experimented by saying the same thing to every woman I approached. As you can
expect, each reaction was unique. If a girl sees you as a 10/10 and you approach
her saying, "Oh girl, you must be the love of my life, you are the most beautiful
woman I have ever seen," she will tell you that you're so confident and she loves a
man who can just speak his mind, but if she sees you as a 2/10, she may call the
police and accuse you of sexual harassment. Now, before you get angry again, let's
switch places. Imagine you're at the gym and a happy hippo is staring at you,
continually checking you out, and then approaches you and begins talking dirty to
you; wouldn't that make you feel uncomfortable? Now image a hot girl doing it. The
moral of the story is that when a woman's attraction level is low, she is more likely
to view you as a creep. Everything a woman does or does not do to or for you is
always related to her level of interest.
Watch her actions, not her words
Every day, I see men put themselves in awkward situations with women. They
become the man who is always asking a girl out on a date and she is always saying
no. They get into relationships where the female is behaving horribly but guy has
no control over it. Part of the difficulty is that men are naturally direct in their
communication. They take her words at face value. They are unable to distinguish
between implicit and explicit communication. For example, suppose you go on a
date with a girl. You text her the next day. But she's already decided she doesn't
like you. If she texted you back something like, "I don't believe we're a fit," or "I'm
getting a friendship vibe from you," that would be explicit (overt) communication.
She made it clear how she feels.
Implicit (covert) communication would be if she did not respond to your text at all.
She is communicating to you that she is not interested, but she is not overtly saying
so. Explicit communication is often spoken and direct, whereas implicit
communication is focused on behavior rather than the surface meaning of the
words. I struggled with implicit communication when I wasn't as socially
proficient. It concerned me that people did not communicate plainly since I had
difficulty reading such message. In these cases, I would frequently continue to
engage in the female even if she was uninterested. I wasn't a stalker, but I didn't
know when to stop. It bothered me that folks couldn't simply speak the truth and
be honest about whether or not they were interested. When you start dating, the
difference between implicit and explicit communication becomes even more
significant. Much of today's dating advice is consistently flawed in the same way.
When your partner does something wrong, something awful happens, or another
issue comes up, the first piece of advice is always: Talk about it. This is explicit
A conversation can help if there is a sitcom-style misunderstanding in the
relationship. However, in most cases, explicit communication is ineffective. In
reality, it exacerbates the situation. Assume you're dating a girl. You're upset
because she's flirting with other guys when you're away on dates. If you went the
explicit communication approach, you would have a "conversation" with her about
flirting with other males in front of you. The issue here is that although you are
directly talking with her about what you like and dislike, you are also implicitly
sending something very different. You are conveying to her that when she behaves
disrespectfully, you will communicate with her more. You grow more vulnerable
when you express your emotions.
You exacerbate your disempowerment by opening up to her and exposing your
feelings. You may also interact with her through implicit communication. You step
back when she acts inappropriately. You divert your focus away from her for a
while. You could even cut the date short to show her that her behaviors are
improper. Because you are taking action, implicit communication is typically more
powerful than explicit communication. You're teaching her that if her terrible
behavior continues, you'll leave. She realizes she's losing you and realizes she
needs to make a change if she wants to stay with you. While implicit
communication appears to be complicated, when you look at what's going on
below, it's actually rather easy. Almost all nonverbal communication in
relationships is binary; either "yes" or "no." You're either rewarding her for doing
the right thing or pushing her away for doing the wrong thing. Implicit
communication begins with the notion that you are the prize, that you are
important in the relationship, and that if she wants more, she must
behave appropriately.
Once you understand the distinction between implicit and explicit communication,
you will be able to read between the lines and determine what is truly going on in
your interactions with women. You begin to learn that people's words are largely
meaningless, and you begin to pay attention to their actions instead. That is the
only really honest signal you will receive from people. "That's the worst shirt I've
ever seen in my life," a woman at a pub says to you. "Terrible.” The explicit message
is that she dislikes something about you. But the implicit message is that she likes
you since she would not have begun talking to you in the first place if she didn't.
She's flirting, perhaps badly, but she's open to talk. Similarly, you may text a female
and she will respond quickly. She's pleasant and open for a conversation. But she's
always too busy to meet up when you invite her. She is clearly saying "yes." She's
upbeat and kind. But she's saying "no" implicitly since she won't hang out with you.
You must proceed as if it is a "no" until she acts otherwise, or you will waste too
much time and energy on a futile cause.
The game is all about subtext and innuendos. Nothing is plain, and everything is
influenced by emotions. Because feelings are more significant than facts, it is
necessary to elaborate and tell stories. There are a thousand ways to say "I hate
you!" ranging from furious to factual to humorous. You're more prone to misread
if you're not paying attention to the context. Look for incongruity whenever you
receive a verbal message from the female (overtly and covertly). Don't wonder
what she meant by this and that. Keep an eye on how she behaves. Are her
behaviors consistent with her words? Or does she say one thing and does another?
In such scenario, her actions are significantly more important than her words.
When a female claims you're too self-assured or arrogant, yet she's giggling and
holding to your arm, which should you believe: her actions or her words? What do
you think when she feels the relationship is moving too quickly yet agrees to meet
you late at night at your house? Which signal is more crucial if she says she has a
boyfriend but still kisses you? When her words contradict her body language,
always assume the body is communicating the truth. You may test it by placing her
in a position to respond. Do you think she's feeling uneasy? Draw closer to her and
see her reaction. Take her hand in yours and play with her hair. The goal of kino
escalation isn't only to get her used to your touch and spike sexuality. It is also to
confirm her interest. When you play with her hair, does she flinch? Back off and
continue with attraction and rapport. When you have enough experience, you can
trust your instincts. When the woman is behaving incoherently, focus solely on her
behavior. Watch her actions, not her words.
Women can’t handle rejection
Women can't handle rejection because they've never had to deal with it. To
progress in life, men must constantly push forward in the world, competing for
possibilities in their careers and with women. Women, on the other hand, show up
passively and are granted opportunities just by being present. Any modern-day
male who is dating has either been ghosted or flaked on, or he is not trying. Women
are solipsistic. In his seminal work, The Rational Male, Rollo Tomassi introduced
me to this concept. Women are often told that they are "empowered" since society
is so feminine-centric. At best, men are portrayed as buffoonish, ignorant, and
reckless. A woman is repeatedly told that just her needs and opinions matter. Most
women have no idea how frequently the average male is ghosted, let alone how
lonely he is. Being ghosted is neither an indication of wrongdoing nor something
to laugh about. As a single man in the dating scene, it's just a fact of life. A solipsistic
woman would have no way of knowing. Her feminist dogma conditioning would
drive her to mock or disregard it nonetheless.
Women do not understand the courage required to approach an attractive
stranger. Much less approach, introduce yourself, make her laugh and feel at ease,
then risk embarrassment by asking the stranger out. Even many mature men are
terrified of doing this. Approaching a woman for dates and sex requires courage,
knowing that the odds are she will reject you. It takes strength, mental fortitude,
and badassery to be able to accomplish that, to shrug off rejection without allowing
it to affect you, and to keep going. Women who are used to merely pushing their
tits up and smiling to receive everything for free have no precedent for such inner
courage. Women are incapable of understanding that kind of mental fortitude
because they have never had to use it. Women are passive. A woman in a bar is an
inanimate thing, just like the stool she's sitting on.
Nothing would happen in that bar, in society, or in human history until a man
showed up and took action first. Women have a difficult time dealing with
interpersonal rejection. They will go to any length to avoid rejection or lessen the
likelihood of rejection. Consider how they request things from you when you're
dating them. They don't just ask you out or say they want to go to the movies. They
ask about your general schedule so they may say something like, "Oh, I was
thinking we could do "X." Now, give that some thought. They have not specifically
requested that you do anything. Instead, they've effectively placed the concept in
your brain, and you're now thinking about which movie to see rather than if you
want to see a movie at all. How frequently do women ask guys out on dates? And
by that, I mean initiate a conversation, directly ask the person out, and then
organize the date. Not putting themselves in your orbit and hoping you would
engage with them. And if you don't respond to them, they interpret it as rejection.
Why does that imply rejection? A woman is chasing you by sending you
choosing signals. If you don't respond to them, they see it as rejection since they
instinctively know that men are largely physical, and not reacting to her
choosing signals implies you don't find her beautiful, therefore there's no use in
approaching you. It's not like she can approach you and charm you to pique your
interest, like we can with women. If you do not respond to a woman's choosing
signal, she will drop you off quickly. The only women who will pursue you are low-
value women who have few options and are unattractive.
Some women play the game
Going from one extreme to the other is something that all guys do all too frequently.
Men progress from blowing up a woman's phone to asking her out again after two
weeks. Neither scenario is ideal, but when done correctly, you will obtain the
desired result. I encourage men to develop an abundance mindset, which prevents
them from chasing women who are only mediocre in their interest. When a woman
views you as a one or two on a scale of one to five, she has lukewarm interest. If
you're just starting out, it could be in your best interest to try to pique a woman's
lukewarm interest. But after you've identified yourself as a high-value man, you
won't have time to pique a woman's lukewarm interest. No man, beginner or
expert, should deal with women who are completely uninterested. I've realized
that men have taken what I've taught them and gone too far with what's acceptable
Men should not expect women to be extremely thrilled at first, even if they are
really interested. Some women will even cancel dates because they are still
following their grandmothers' playbook and have been trained to play hard to get.
Those sorts of women are doing the same thing as guys who wait two weeks to ask
a woman out again, which is taking things too far. When a woman cancels a date on
me, it's not a hint to try harder, and waiting two weeks to ask a woman out again
is too long. If one of those ladies meets one of the guys who follows my principles,
she will immediately realize that this man will not pursue her. Men must
understand that some women participate in the game as well. Women can see the
difference between how a man treats them when he is unsure of their level of
interest and when he makes it obvious. Men sometimes take a woman's interest
for granted, preventing her from being courted effectively as she wishes. I can
confirm that I handled women when I was unsure of their level of interest better
than women who made their interest clear. If a woman isn't chasing you, you
shouldn't quit pursuing her right away, unless you have a woman who is more
interested in you or you are no longer interested in her. The woman may have a
valid interest, but she is merely concealing it in the hope of creating value. When
women aren't interested or have lost interest, they cease making themselves
I encourage guys to adopt an abundance mindset, but if you're moving on from
women who aren't doing pirouettes on dates, you could be missing out on some
good dates. You should also be confident in your capacity to pique any woman's
interest, as long as it isn't too low to begin with. The reason for this is that the lesser
her initial appeal, the more you must initially invest. This indicates that it will take
more dates and more of your nonsexual attention to pique her interest. When
dealing with women who flake on dates, refuse to make dates, repeatedly
reschedule, or use you as a backup plan, the abundance mindset comes into play.
This is seen in the classic low-interest expressions used by women, such as "We'll
see" or "I'll let you know." My motto is to pursue her as long as she is setting dates
as well and the dates are progressing. Just make sure she initiates contact on
occasion as well. As I have mentioned, if a woman wants you, she will initiate
contact, regardless of how structured she is. The progression of the dates should
be highlighted since there are women out there who will let you take them out on
several dates even if they have no romantic interest in you. I can't tell you how
many opportunities I've passed up because I had such high expectations of women
during the early meetings, when the women were most likely simply playing.
She has to respect you
One of the most serious problems in a failing relationship is the woman's total lack
of respect for a man. Many guys don't know how to make women submit or respect
them, so they turn to shouting and arguing with them. Because guys are acting like
women at that moment, women lose even more respect for them. I understand that
many guys do not want to hear this since they live in a state of scarcity. However,
in order to gain a woman's respect, you must be prepared to break up with her.
The irony is that many women want you to end your relationship with them.
Women will not be attracted to you until you project a sense of strength. Why do
you believe so many women are still pursuing their ex-boyfriends? It is for that
reason. Never take a woman staying with you as a sign of interest. When a woman
is actually ready to leave a relationship, she will generally try to push the man away
by acting like a spoiled brat. She'll complain about anything in the hopes that the
boyfriend would become sick and tired of her. Unfortunately, most women are still
forced to break up because some guys have such a scarcity mindset that there is
nothing the woman can do to push them away. When it reaches this point, it implies
that her attraction level is so low that restoring her respect and affection is out of
the question. There will be no love if there is no respect. Respect is always
preferable to love. That leads me to my second point: women will never respect
guys who they believe to be beta males. I've never seen a woman be submissive to
someone she considers as a beta male in my whole life because it's essentially
impossible; if he suggests something that doesn't align with what the woman
wants, she'll generally complain and he'll comply.
Women do not behave in this manner with guys they believe to be alpha males.
They may test now and again, but they will stick to his plan since she knows he
never gives in. This is not to say that a woman cannot have an opinion;
nevertheless, having an opinion should not be confused with not following your
leadership. When it comes to deciding which restaurant the two of you should go
to, she can provide her opinion, but ultimately, it is up to you. When a woman is
with a man, she considers to be a beta, he generally gets the silent treatment and
the cold shoulder for the remainder of the night. This is because women are aware
of how easily guys, they view as beta males can be manipulated, which is why they
despise them. If a lady has gotten unbearable, the best thing you can do is save your
dignity and break it off. It's not even about getting her respect at this point; it's
about keeping your sanity. You may avoid this by just ending things before she
becomes the world's greatest brat; if you find your woman not reacting to your
criticism about her bad behavior, immediately end things. Contrary to what some
counselors may claim, talks and lectures do not work with women. Women always
respond better to deeds than to words. You should be aware of this by now.
Biggest mistake men make
You will see that as your worth increases, more and more women will be feminine
and allow you to lead. Women who were formerly masculine when you were broke
have become submissive and feminine. When women seek to secure the
commitment of a high-value guy, they become skilled actors. You're not going to
fall for this. The simplest approach to avoid this is to pay attention to the sorts of
guys she used to date. You will very certainly talk about former relationships and
ex-girlfriends/boyfriends at some time, especially if you are going towards a long-
term relationship, and this is not an insecurity issue; it nearly always occurs. What
does it say if she was dating a doctor before you and a drug dealer before that?
Whatever she attempts to sell you, she's probably simply in for the money. She'll
attempt to convince you that she's not with a man for his money. However, her
track record suggests hypergamy. You will eventually meet beautiful women who
are also terrific actors. Some of them are lousy actors who are solely interested in
money. Some women are more subtle, refusing to ask certain questions because
they know that they are hypergamous. They will just observe what you are doing.
And you'll believe she never asked those questions and doesn't seem interested in
your work, and you'll think you've found a girl who wants you for you. When you
become a high-value guy, some women will be all in for your success, and if you
have a setback, she will go. You may believe she is an exception to the norm, but
she is most likely not.
You should always screen your women. Check to see whether she is truly
interested. That's why I usually advise not to flex with anything superficial on the
first few dates; instead, play the broke dude to see whether she's drawn to you
before gradually revealing your achievements. Another approach to ensure she's
not just in it for the money is to see if she's prepared to pay for the date. Keep in
mind that the longer she stays on your side without you revealing your successes,
the more likely she isn't simply in it for the money. Women are drawn to success.
It does not necessarily keep them, but it does draw them in. Success does not make
you more amusing. Success does not make you more attractive.
Confidence and charisma keep a woman, but they are not the only factors. Money
and success will not fix all of your problems, but they will assist. As you gain
success, you will gain confidence, which will help you attract women. When you
get successful, you start paying less attention to women. Most guys who are
desperate for women are desperate because they have nothing else going on in
their lives. However, if you become successful and pay less attention to women,
they will notice and believe that you are either covered in bitches or incredibly
successful, both of which will make you more appealing to them. Women have a
sixth sense for that. But never, ever lead with your wallet. Most guys make the
mistake of allowing their achievement to attract more women than their
appearance and personality. Allow your accomplishments to speak for themselves.
Rules for Successful Dating
Be Honest
Honesty is the foundation of all accomplishment. This includes both personal development
and relationship success. One thing is certain: if you are not honest about what you
genuinely want and the activities you must take, you will never achieve your goal. There are
females all around the world who want what you desire. Some people are looking for the
same sexual experiences or connections you are. However, you will not be able to meet these
ladies if you are not honest with yourself about what you desire. Most women feel guys
always lie. If you are known for your honesty, women will start talking about the man who
always speaks his mind and tells the truth. You are just harming yourself if you lie to get
ladies into bed with you or to establish a relationship with you. You will eventually be
unmasked, and everything will come crashing down around you. Lying is never a long-term
strategy for success. You may get away with it for a week, months, or even years. It does,
however, eventually catch up with you. Finally, lying makes you feel bad about yourself and
lowers your self-esteem. This results in a lack of accomplishment in all parts of life. Long-
term honesty ultimately leads to long-term prosperity.
Have A Scientific Approach
If you're not having luck with dating right now, it's because you're either guessing
or following terrible advice. In reality, depending on science and evidence is more
trustworthy than relying on "conventional wisdom." A scientific method requires
you to test ideas, think critically, and get feedback from others. This is critical if
you're having trouble meeting ladies. If you utilize this scientific approach of
testing and trying based on knowledge, you will soon improve. More importantly,
you will be forced to assume responsibility for your success. It will also help you
realize the truth and reject ideas and "common wisdom" that have previously failed
you. We live in an era where tremendous amounts of information are at our
fingertips. Psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, genetics, and animal
behavior all have something to teach us. All of these theories may be used to figure
out what works and what doesn't. Don't worry, you don't need to read hundreds of
textbooks; all you need is in this book.
Don’t Be A Nice Guy
Men commonly commit the error of being extremely courteous, attentive, and
pleasant to women in the mistaken notion that they will "like" him enough to give
him a chance. Women want to be drawn to you, not just like you. There's nothing
wrong with being a gentleman and having manners, but when a man tries to seduce
a modern woman into a relationship by being nice to her, he commonly gets
rejected. Being nice to a lady does not guarantee that she would feel sexually
aroused and turned on. Being nice to her doesn't make her feel special or unique
since almost every person who doesn't know how to attract women would try to
entice her into a relationship by being nice to her. Many men are not aware that
the nice guy strategy does not work. Almost every man a woman meets will strive
to impress her by putting on a nice guy persona. That stuff irritates her to no end.
Concentrate on attracting a woman's sexual interest. When women are attracted
to you, they will admire your niceness. She will think of you as a charming man if
you fascinate her and treat her tenderly. If you're just nice to her, she'll think of you
as a normal nice guy and won't have any sexual cravings for you.
Understand the Women’s Perspective
One of the most prevalent errors that men make is forgetting to consider the
viewpoint of women. This perspective will shift your entire outlook on women and
dating. It will also expose the majority of your errors. It will expose your faults as
a man. You will fail repeatedly if you do not understand women's perspectives.
Women are significantly more complicated than men, as anyone who knows
anything about them will tell you. They evolved in an unusual way with advanced
biology in order to have children and survive pregnancies. They've evolved the
capacity to screen men. They have extensive self-protection systems to shield
themselves from seduction, manipulation, and exploitation. If you try to be
successful with women and do not understand this, you will continue to fail.
This is like to flying an airplane without a compass. That plane is going to go down.
This is one of the most serious issues that most men have with women. They do
not understand their perspective. Remember that the hazards associated with sex
are significantly greater for women than for men. She is frightened not just about
the possibility of STDs and violence, but also about pregnancy and raising a child
alone. For a man, the dangers are little. Men have the power to impregnate several
women and then vanish. That is not an option for women. As a result, they devised
a complex system for detecting males seeking to exploit them. Even if your
intentions are good, if you send off alarming signals, you're done. Sure, you can
keep doing what you're doing without this comprehension. You might be able to
find someone who will put up with your crap. Recent divorce statistics, however,
show that these types of relationships nearly usually end in divorce or years of
unhappiness. The key to understanding a woman's perspective is to learn as soon
as possible so that you may give it to her.
Don’t Be Easily Impressed
One of the most common mistakes men make when it comes to women is mistaking
their feelings of sexual attraction with their overall impression of the lady. A man
will notice a physically attractive woman and, based on that physical
attractiveness, will begin to see her overall attitude and behavior favorably. Almost
all men will be impressed by a woman's attractiveness and will want to have sex
with her and maybe even date her. Some men may merely look at her and think
about having sex with her once or twice, but the vast majority of guys are also
interested in a relationship. For women, it's painfully boring. It is not men's fault
that they are drawn to women; it is men's issue that they do not take the time to
understand the reality in which women live. Because of how easily men feel
attracted to women, a woman develops a desire to meet a guy who is more difficult
to win over. Being a challenge around a woman does not indicate being
disinterested or lying to the woman in any way. Making a woman feel attracted to
you involves displaying some of the personality traits, actions, and inner qualities
that naturally attract women, such as confidence, charisma, humor, masculine
frame, and charm. Once you've attracted a woman's interest in you, use your body
language, conversation style, vibe, temperament, and attitude to let her know
you're not entirely sold on her yet.
Own Your Attractiveness
Taking ownership of everything in my life is a fundamental concept in my life
philosophy. And the same is true for your physical appearance. This suggests that
you must acquire the qualities that women find attractive. You can read this book
as many times as you want, but nothing will change until you put out the effort. In
reality, you had no say over your DNA, family, or history. However, you must
assume responsibility for everything in your life beginning now. This includes your
preferences, characteristics, habits, sexual attractiveness, and aesthetic appeal.
Nobody can do it for you; you must do it yourself. It is totally your responsibility to
boost your personal development and attractiveness. This is not a new idea.
Similar concepts were held by the ancient Stoic philosophy.
Both the famous philosopher Nietzsche and modern psychology agree that
achieving this right is your responsibility. They're all of the opinion that you owe it
to yourself and your future self to take control of this element of your life. You
cannot pick your level of attraction. Women are not drawn to someone consciously.
Certain qualities in men attract females. You can choose whether or not to develop
these qualities. Consider this a chance to enhance your physical attractiveness. You
have two options: live a subpar life and pretend you don't have the time or means
to do so, or do both. You can also choose another alternative. You can choose to
step up, take the ball, and accept responsibility. The only "con" of this approach is
that it requires some effort and self-discipline. The possibilities are endless. You
may design every part of your life and meet a lot of beautiful ladies. Then you may
decide what kind of relationship or experience you want with women. The nicest
part is that your entire life will be improved. When you enhance your appearance,
you improve your entire life.
Create Win-Win Situations
There is a widespread perception that men and women play a mating game in
which one of them wins and that's the end of it. This type of win, however, ends in
one side losing and creates unhappiness and fury in either you or the lady. Making
a win-win situation is a superior strategy. This means that both men and women
get what they want. As a consequence, everyone is happy. How can we create a
win-win situation? You both win if you both get something from your interaction.
If she wants a one-night sexual experience and you desire the same, you both win.
You both win if you both want to be in a long-term relationship. You both gain if
you both want to date other people. The important thing is that both sides win.
When only one of you wins, the opposite happens. For example, if you want a one-
night sexual affair and she desires a prospective marriage, you win and she loses.
Win-win situations create settings in which everyone gets what they want, which
is what you should want. Don't only look for win-win situations with women. Make
an effort to develop them with everyone you deal with. Making win-win scenarios
for everyone will make you more desirable and open up more opportunities for
Sex Happens Before Relationship
Despite the fact that most women act as if they would never have sex with a guy on
the first night or first date, statistics reveal that the majority of women do. Some
women may prefer to wait until the second or third date, but this is uncommon and
usually implies that you are disregarding her signals that she wants to have sex
with you because you are afraid of being rejected if you make a move. As a modern
male, you must understand that sex happens regularly these days, but women must
still act as if they are not interested in sex or never have sex on the first night or
first date. Recognizing that sex effectively develops a connection is one of the most
important dating fundamentals for guys these days. Unlike in the past, when a
woman had to marry in order to lose her virginity and establish a meaningful
relationship, women can today begin a relationship straight away if they have a
strong enough attraction to a guy. Having sex with each other allows them to skip
all of the courting rituals and get directly to the goal. You can continue to see each
other after you've had sex, and if you both fall in love, a relationship will form. Most
modern women, on the other hand, will not even contemplate a relationship until
they've had sex with you at least once. Some women will not even go there until
they've dated you for a while, because she will have had past relationships and
wants to make sure that you and her will be able to survive before making it official.
Of course, if you're good at making women feel attracted to you, a woman will
immediately start talking about wanting to be in a relationship with you after sex
since she'll be feeling more for you than she has for other guys.
Don’t Give Up Instantly
Women see confidence as one of the most significant attributes in a man, which is
why timid, insecure men struggle to attract women. A woman may readily detect
how confident a man is around her by playing hard to get, appearing bored, or even
taunting him throughout a conversation. If he cracks under her pressure, she
knows he isn't confident enough for a lady like her. Her respect and interest for
him will develop if he remains confident and comfortable, either laughing at or
ignoring her tests. Even if a woman likes you, she will frequently show signals of
resistance during the dating process. For example, you and a lady may be getting
along fine until she rejects you when you try to get her phone number. Instead of
feeling rejected, realize that she is very probably (at least 99 percent of the time in
my experience) seeking to test your degree of confidence. When I was learning how
to be a good salesperson, the first thing I learned was that a "No" doesn't always
mean "No," especially if it's the first one. It is merely the first of many obstacles you
must conquer. This also applies to women.

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