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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Fill your Cup

Originating Idea: Children work on filling their own water cup without overflowing.

Curriculum Area
A. Approaches to Learning

Student’s water cups

Appropriate Age group: 2

Beginning of Activity
"Who wants to fill your own water cup! We are all going to take turns at the sink filling our cups. Try to
fill your cup as much as you can without spilling it.” I will have a couple of children at a time wait by the
sink with their water cups and have one at a time try to fill their cup.

Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability can receive from an adult if they are having trouble turning the
water on and off at the right times

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability will fill their own water cup in the sink to a full
level. They may spill or overflow.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability will fill their water cups close to the top with minimal spilling or
overflowing. If they have a lid, they can also practice putting it on.

End of Activity
“Everyone filled their water cups on their own! This is something you can practice when you have an adults
help. Now that our water cups are full let’s place them on the table for snack time.”

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by having the children fill water from the sink and practicing pouring it
back into another container. This would fit with the cognitive development kdi.

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