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Held 2:00pm, 11 September 2022, in the Library, Bristol Square.

PRESENT: Fiona Malcolm, Darien Mahony (via phone),Tessa Hope-Williams,

Uta Stoll-Kuwilsky, Herbert Wolpert, Ingrid Palmer

Verse: Read by Fiona

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING Accepted as true and correct record. It was agreed that
until we have a Secretary, all those who attended the meeting will sign the minutes.


Darien gave a brief summary of the finances:

Hutt City Rates $778.00 22 August
Gaia Gardeners $221.38 22 August
New View $163.00
Lawnmowers $ 78.00
Genesis account $ 77.13 23 August
D I Charities $ 51.11

Monies received
Rent, Aurora $880.00 9 September
Koha received from Herbert Wolpert and Paul Denford ($100 each)

MATTERS ARISING (from decisions and actions from August meeting):

National Conference on 1st October, 2022.

Invitations to members were sent out from both the National and Wellington
Branches. This year’s Conference is a ‘hybrid’ of both online and ‘in-person’
Lut Hermans also offered a workshop for the Conference, working with clay.
There was however, little response or interest, so a decision was made not to
proceed with a Wellington Branch organised activity. Members will be notified
that the workshop will not proceed. However, they can participate individually if
they wish.The National Branch will send a link to the Conference to attend a
zoom talk with guest speaker, Joan Sleigh (South Africa), or other parts of the
online Conference.

Co-opted Committee Members:

The Committee unanimously agreed to co-opt Uta Stoll-Kuwilsky and

Herbert Wolpert.
Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members (and co-opted

Role 1 Secretary Wellington Branch

Noone has yet come forward for this role. A draft will be written
to clarify the tasks of the Secretary.

Role 2 Treasurer: Darien

Role 3 Chair of Branch Committee Meetings: Fiona

Role 4 Strategic Planning Group: Herbert and Tessa

Role 5 Relationship with General Secretary: Fiona

Role 6 Responsibility as the Regional Representative: Fiona

Role 7 Responsibility for Branch Meetings: Ingrid

Role 8 Property Group: Whole Committee plus co-opted members

Library: Bernard and Tessa

Role 9 Relationship Representative with Aurora: Uta

Role 10 Minute Taker: Ingrid

ACTIONS (for next meeting’s Matters Arising):

o Darien will draft a letter to members informing them that there will be no
workshop or branch gathering for the National Conference (1st October).

o Uta to contact Lut thanking her for her offer to conduct a clay workshop.
Inform her also that there will be no branch involvement in the
Conference. The Branch would be very open to her holding a clay workshop
at some future date, perhaps on a Saturday morning.

o Tessa will speak with Bernard to confirm details about the library opening
hours etc.

Meeting ended at 4:00pm.

Next meeting: Saturday, 1st October at 2:00pm in the Library at Bristol Square.

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