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Hello everyone, I apologize for being quite loud and active in the classroom.

I understand that
although IT is PE time, it does not mean that I should be doing it inside the classroom. This
includes the fact that the PE teacher has never instructed us to do such action. This threatens
my position as a Sergeant at Arms. I am fully aware of my wrongdoing. However, when the
scolding included my position as a Sgt., particularly in doing my role, I took offense. This is
where I stand in my opinion, I believe that I have been doing my job, I am at the same time in a
thin line. Others say that they aren't that loud when I believe they are resulting in me being too
lenient resulting in others saying that I should do my role. I am now using this apology to voice
out what I find problematic.

Almost nobody gives a damn nor takes me seriously whenever I use my role as an Sgt. Luckily,
I am not that hurt, but this problem has been going on since the Second Grading (my irritation is
piling up). Particularly, when I started to take my role seriously. Whenever I reprimand the
classroom to quiet down, nobody pays attention. Sure a few do, but do they comply? No.

I respond to the occurrence by simply laughing it off, I do DO it genuinely but over time it gets
very tiring. My lack of compliance is a reaction to everyone's lack of compliance. Before others
take offense at my wording as "everyone" or the like, I am wording it like this for the sake of
convenience in writing. Obviously, a decent amount of people are generous enough to respect
the peace.

I may be known and viewed as a carefree and loud person, but that doesn't mean I will not take
the errors of criticism I receive. I will not be naming everyone, but I know that they are biased in
their right as I am in my own right. I believe that I garner more attention when I'm loud due to the
irony put into it as a Sgt. However, there are other classmates of mine when 'disturbing the
peace' are literally on the same pace as I am, or much worse. Yet they do not get a faster
response/verbal warning as I do.

The only time I have gotten everyone's attention is when I make my verbal warnings non-
seriously, controversial, or in a simpler way, shouting. It is, of course, met with response of
laughter, compliance or the act of correcting my non-formal way of trying to 'restore peace' in
the classroom. Yet some still don't mind it, and continue doing what IDS discourages during
class hours.

Hypocrisy is very present. I do not wish to hold grudges, I wish for people to take me seriously
and to vent out my annoyance. I very much would like for others to not spread this topic and
create rumors, I have already heard of at least 3 DIFFERENT STUDENTS OUTSIDE OF THIS
SECTION section that are aware of this. Do not be like that, please.

I will not be naming EVERYONE (this time I mean it by everyone).

This is not some sort of swear to never do such a thing, I am flawed and I am content with being
on the active side. It is to be expected that I will continue to be what I am, of course with control
to respect my role in the classroom. But as I’ve said, what I am doing is just a reflection of what
others are doing, I am being reactive, not proactive.

There are SO MANY THINGS I can talk about that I find particularly disturbing and unhealthy,
including the opposing side that I agree with but I am running on a deadline to let everyone
know about the fact that I am writing an apology. Do not change your outlook or what you
perceive, but rather understand that this is how I feel. I am aware of my bias, but that does not
mean I will remain in silence.

If the emotion given by apology is unpleasant, then so be it. If it is romanticized and dramatized,
so be it as well. But this is how I shall make my apology that is also being used as a substitute
for my complaint. I am sorry. If you find my emotion too exaggerated, this is because this
problem has been repeating for a long time.

Do not create rumors as well, this is a requirement. I do not wish my life in school to change for
such a simple rant. Again, I will comply and do not twist the words nor loophole it.

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