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2/22/2018 Power System Analysis

Lab # 2
Submitted to Dr. Arif Gilgiti

Muhammad Mudassir Majeed (BS-32095)

Experiment # 2
Complex power flow between two sources connected by a
line with impedance Z.
2.1 Objectives
The objectives of this lab are as follows:

1. We students will understand the dependency of the amount and the direction of power flow
on power angle.
2. We will be able to calculate line losses from complex power flow.
3. We will learn about the dependency of the direction of reactive power flow on voltage
magnitudes of transmitting and receiving ends.

2.2 Theory
Consider two ideal voltage sources. These are connected by an impedance Z between them (see figure
2.1). If 𝑉1 = |𝑉1 |∠𝛿1 and 𝑉2 = |𝑉2 |∠𝛿2 and 𝑍 = |𝑍|∠𝛾 𝑜 then currents can be given as,
𝑉1 − 𝑉2 𝑉2 − 𝑉1
𝐼12 = ; 𝐼21 =
The apparent power flow in both directions can then be calculated as,

𝑆12 = 𝑉1 𝐼12 ∗ ; 𝑆21 = 𝑉2 𝐼21 ∗

The line losses can be calculates as,

𝑆𝐿 = 𝑆12 + 𝑆21
This can be verified by using the following equations,

𝑃𝐿 = |𝐼 2 |𝑅 ; 𝑄𝐿 = |𝐼 2 |𝑋
The circuit diagram is shown below

Figure 2.1: Model of our experimental circuit

2.3 Procedure
We are required to perform calculations for different tasks. Any method can be used to obtain results.
Later these results are verified using MATLAB. MATLAB code for our lab is provided as sample by Dr.
Arif Gilgiti. For calculations, help can be taken from Haadi Saadat Power system analysis, example 2.5.

2.4 Observations and calculations

We are just required to perform five different task and comment on our results.

2.4.1 Task 1
With 𝑉1 = 120∠−5𝑜 and 𝑉2 = 100∠0𝑜 , 𝑍 = 1 + 𝑗7 Ω, determine the real and reactive power
supplied and received by each source. Do this exercise by hand and verify it through MATLAB.

The current flowing from source 1 to 2 can be found by,
𝑉1 − 𝑉2 120∠−5𝑜 − 100∠0𝑜
𝐼12 = = = −1.073 − 2.945𝑗 𝐴
𝑍 1 + 𝑗7
The current flowing from source 2 to 1 can be found by,
𝑉2 − 𝑉1 100∠0𝑜 − 120∠−5𝑜
𝐼21 = = = 1.073 + 2.945𝑗 𝐴
𝑍 1 + 𝑗7
The apparent power flow can be given as

𝑆12 = 𝑉1 𝐼12 ∗ = 120∠−5𝑜 ∗ 3.135∠110.02 = −97.5 + 363.35𝑗 𝑉𝐴

𝑆21 = 𝑉2 𝐼21 ∗ = 100∠0𝑜 ∗ 3.135∠ − 69.98 = 107.33 − 294.52𝑗 𝑉𝐴
From this we can easily observe that

𝑃1 = −97.5 𝑊 ; 𝑄1 = 363.35 𝑉𝐴𝑅

𝑃2 = 107.33 𝑊 ; 𝑄2 = −294.52 𝑉𝐴𝑅
These values are verified through MATLAB.

2.4.2 Task 2
Determine the line losses from task 1 and verify by 𝑃𝐿 = |𝐼 2 |𝑅 and |𝐼 2 |𝑋.

Line Losses can be found using

𝑆𝐿 = 𝑆12 + 𝑆21 = −97.5 + 363.35𝑗 + 107.33 − 294.52𝑗 = 9.83 − 68.83𝑗 𝑉𝐴

It can be verified by

𝑃𝐿 = |𝐼 2 |𝑅 = 3.1352 ∗ 1 = 9.83 𝑊
𝑄𝐿 = |𝐼 2 |𝑋 = 3.1352 ∗ 7 = 68.8 𝑉𝐴𝑅

2.4.3 Task 3
Vary phase angle of voltage source 1 between +30o and -30o in 5o steps and compute complex power
of each source and line losses.

The values are as follows

Phase Angle 𝑆12 𝑆21 𝑆𝐿

(𝛿 𝑜 ) (volts-amperes) (volts-amperes) (volts-amperes)

−30𝑜 −760 + 681𝑗 832 − 175𝑗 72 + 506𝑗

−25𝑜 −640 + 595𝑗 692 − 224𝑗 53 + 371𝑗

−20𝑜 −512 + 519𝑗 549 − 261𝑗 37 + 259𝑗

−15𝑜 −379 + 455𝑗 403 − 285𝑗 24 + 171𝑗

−10𝑜 −240 + 403𝑗 255 − 296𝑗 15 + 107𝑗

−5𝑜 −98 + 363𝑗 107 − 296𝑗 9.83 + 69𝑗

0𝑜 48 + 336𝑗 −40 − 280𝑗 8 + 56𝑗

5𝑜 195 + 321𝑗 −185 − 253𝑗 9.83 + 69𝑗

10𝑜 343 + 320𝑗 −323 − 213𝑗 15 + 107𝑗

15𝑜 491 + 331𝑗 −465 − 161𝑗 24 + 171𝑗

20𝑜 637 + 355𝑗 −600 − 97𝑗 37 + 259𝑗

25𝑜 780 + 392𝑗 −728 − 21𝑗 53 + 371𝑗

30𝑜 920 + 441𝑗 −848 + 65𝑗 72 + 506𝑗

Table 2.1: Values for complex power

These are the values for complex power with changing phase angle. We can see a general trend
here. As phase angle increases real power of source 1 increases. On the other hand real power of
source 2 decreases. As for line losses, they first decrease with the increase in phase angle and after
zero they again start to increase. These line losses are minimum when phase angle of voltage source
1 is 0𝑜 .

2.4.4 Task 4
Plot real power supplied by the two sources and resistive line losses against δ. From the plots,
comment on the direction of power flow and its amount with δ.


This is basically a graphical representation of table 2.1. When can see that the trend discussed in
section 2.4.4 follows here.
Figure 2.2: Plot Of real power and line losses vs phase angle

2.4.5 Task 5
Keep the voltage magnitude and phase angle of source 2 constant. Vary the voltage magnitude of
source 1 between 75% and 100% in steps of 1% and plot Q1, Q2, and QL against |V1|. From the plot,
comment the effect of voltage magnitude on the direction of reactive power flow.


Figure 2.3: Plot of real power and Voltage magnitude

We can see from our graph (figure 2.3) that changing the magnitude of 𝑉1 will have no effect on line
losses. This is due to the fact that both the currents 𝐼12 and 𝐼21 are affected as 𝑉1 changes. As real
power from 𝑉1 increases, real power from 𝑉2 decreases. So net effect on line losses is negligible.

From our calculations and observations we can observe a general trend. Real power always flows
from voltage source with higher phase angle to voltage source with lower phase angle.

In the case of reactive power, it always flows from voltage source with high magnitude to voltage
source with low magnitude.

Appendix (MATLAB Code)

% This is the MATLAB code for Power System analysis Lab 2

% The sample code is already provided by Dr. Arif gilgiti
% The date is 15th February 2018
%% Task 1
% We have to find complex power flow between the sources.

clear all % Clears the command window

close all % Closes any existing figures
clc % Clears all variables

v1_rms = 120; % Magnitude of Voltage V1

v1_angle = -5*pi/180; % Phase angle of V1 converted to radians

v2_rms = 100; % Magnitude of Voltage V2

v2_angle = 0 ; % Phase angle of V2

v1 = 120*(cos(v1_angle) + 1i*sin(v1_angle)); % Voltage V1

v2 = 100*(cos(v2_angle) + 1i*sin(v2_angle)); % Voltage V2

z = 1 + 7i; % Impedance
resistance = 1; % Resistive part of impedance
x = 7; % Reactive part of impedance

i_12 = (v1-v2)/z; % Current flow from V1 to V2

i_21 = (v2-v1)/z; % Current flow from V2 to V1

i_12c = conj(i_12); % Conjugate value of current

i_21c = conj(i_21); % conjugate value of current

s_12 = v1*i_12c; % Apparent power from V1 to V2

s_21 = v2*i_21c; % Apparent power from V2 to V1

p_12 = real(s_12); % Real power from V1 to V2

p_21 = real(s_21); % Real power from V2 to V1

q_12 = imag(s_12); % Apparent Power from V1 to V2

q_21 = imag(s_21); % Apparent power from V2 to V1

%% Task 2
% We need to find the line losses both real and reactive

s_l = s_12 + s_21; % Total apparent Losses

p_l = power(abs(i_12),2)*resistance; % Real Power loss

q_l = power(abs(i_12),2)*x; % Apparent Power loss

%% Task 3
% We need to vary our first voltage

v1_angle_vary = -30:05:30; % Angle of V1 will vary from

% -30 to 30 in steps of 5

v1_vary = 120*(cosd(v1_angle_vary) + 1i*sind(v1_angle_vary));

i_12_vary = (v1_vary-v2)./z; % Dot is placed for element wise operation

i_21_vary = (v2-v1_vary)./z;

i_12c_vary = conj(i_12_vary);
i_21c_vary = conj(i_21_vary);

s_12_vary = v1_vary.*i_12c_vary;
s_21_vary = v2.*i_21c_vary;

p_12_vary = real(s_12_vary); % Real Power from V1 to V2

p_21_vary = real(s_21_vary); % Real Power from V2 to V1

s_l_vary = s_12_vary + s_21_vary; % Line Losses

disp(s_12_vary); % Displays the values of complex power from V1 to V2

disp(s_21_vary); % Displays the values of complex power from V2 to V1
disp(s_l_vary); % Displays the values of complex power line losses

%% Task 4
% In this part we will plot our required graphs

plot(v1_angle_vary,p_12_vary); % Plots p_12 against phase angle

hold on % Overlaps graph
plot(v1_angle_vary,p_21_vary,'r'); % Plots P_21 against phase angle
plot(v1_angle_vary, s_l_vary); % Plots s_l against phase angle
grid % Draws grid on our plot
ylabel({'Power','(Watts)'}); % Y label
xlabel({'V_1 angle','(degrees)'}); % X label
title ('Real Power and Line Losses vs Phase Angle of V1 ');

legend('real power source 1','real power source 2','losses');

%% Task 5
% We will find our required graphs

v1_magnitude_vary = 90:01:120;
v1_vary_2 = v1_magnitude_vary.*(cosd(-5) + 1i*sind(-5));

i_12_vary_2 = (v1_vary_2-v2)./z;
i_21_vary_2 = (v2-v1_vary_2)./z;

i_12c_vary_2 = conj(i_12_vary_2);
i_21c_vary_2 = conj(i_21_vary_2);

s_12_vary_2 = v1_vary_2.*i_12c_vary_2;
s_21_vary_2 = v2.*i_21c_vary_2;

Q_12_vary_2 = imag(s_12_vary_2);
Q_21_vary_2 = imag(s_21_vary_2);

s_l_vary_2 = s_12_vary_2 + s_21_vary_2;

% This part will plot our values (like task 4)

figure % Opens new figure
plot(v1_magnitude_vary,Q_12_vary_2); % Plots reactive power against V2
hold on % Overlaps graph
plot(v1_magnitude_vary,Q_21_vary_2,'r'); % Plots reactive power against V1
plot(v1_magnitude_vary,s_l_vary_2); % Plots s_l against V1
title ('Reactive Power and Reactive Losses vs V1');
xlabel({'V_1 magnitude','(volts)'});

legend('real power source 1','real power source 2','losses');

%% The End %%


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