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The parliament has the right to cause withdrawal of the UK from EU but it may be subject to

infringement of individual rights. Article 50 TEU may be activated and will approved by the
parliament. Defterios asserts that there is inexistence of authority fair balance between the
parliament and the executive. The powers are subject to limited oversight of legislation and vast.
Affirmation of membership of UK as a EU member was done in the year 1973 under a
referendum in 1975. The Brexit which was voted in 2016 to terminate UK from its membership,
will cite EU Convention on European Union for its withdrawal. Since the second world war,
world trade organisations and international institutions promoted the global convergence for easy
movements. EU is among the organisations which stands out to be the major contributor of many
nations to work together due to its scale and reach. The corporations that transact internationally
are facing varied constraints in the institutions in attempt to balance the global convergence with
the adaptation of local businesses. The EU project is a major contributor to the mergers and may
more businesses which have risen in harmonization of regulations. EU integration has caused
many integrations which have adapted to their philosophy and market design due to new
environments. Also there are some industries which have manipulated the trade gaps within
Europe market because they are able to create supply chains in the UK. Some businesses in UK
have established strong support networks to the rest of Europe. Others have initiated the process
of cross-border consolidation where others have had difficulties. This minimized a lot of
acquisition’s and therefore harmonization allowed registered companies and those authorized to
operate to produce their commodities within the cross-boarder.

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