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Brexit will therefore disrupt the economies of Europe economic market.

EU has an established
and strong pronounced corporate design and business policy which has effect from the
integration. It is therefore certain that the Brexit will have a great impact to the UK trade. Brexit
will cause no tariff-free trade between K and other EU countries or member states. There will be
a rise in the cost of export because there will be addition of duties to the shipped commodities.
This will, make the products to be costlier and thus reducing the living standards of people.
Employment in the United Kingdom citizens will be impacted by the deal because people will
not have invited or move freely from one state to the other. The effect in the market will be seen
due to an increase in the cost of production as cheap labour will not be realizable.
British workers are not an exemption to the success of businesses, that is why businesses are
either favored or unflavored by the policies of government regarding workers. The negotiation
does not wish to cause a disruption by punishing people residing in different countries. However,
United Kingdom is settling to a remedy on a mutual agreement to allow all lives to work like
they have been working normally. The deal is also presumed to work with guarantee of housing,
social security, jobs and schooling. All workers working under the EU but are in the United
Kingdom, will be require to apply for new EU system of settlement. The first threat to Brexit
implementation will cause member states to EU to be threatened on their livelihood and
settlement causing a major economic disruption.

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