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1. General principles.

Usually, treaties and customs are the major sources of international law. Other sources are
mentioned under Article 38 of ICJ Statute of the ICJ are also applicable and should not be
ignored. General principles are one of the existing sources of law mentioned in Article 38 of
international law. General principles are normally recognized by many civilized nations. Most of
the general principles are applied by the ICJ jurisdictions and other international tribunals. They
adopt the concept of legal personality like it is used in the corporations which a widely
recognized concept especially by the national legal systems. However, international law adopts
wat is entirely accepted by the national legal concept from a particular nation.
For general principles to be applied, there are numerous challenges involved with the practice
because the search of the appropriate principles according to a specific country is what that must
be adhered to. The application of general principles is difficult to put into practice because many
states have dynamic legal sovereign powers and regulations which make it hard to customize
them for general principles to have a way of application.

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