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How do the courts in the UK resolve disputes arising from the relationship between

international law and UK domestic law?

Dispute settlement or dispute resolution involves resolving disputes or disagreements associated

with the international treaties. There is an established domestic rule that upholds disputes related
with UK domestic law and International Law. Usually, at domestic environment, the parliament
makes laws for the courts to apply and interpret them and other bodies such as police forces
enforce them. When there is a dispute between UK law and International law over ambiguity, the
matter is solver through a courtroom proceeding so that very key provisions can be interpreted
legally to create legibility and removing ambiguity. Sometimes when the confusion of a rule
relates with the international law, the resolution becomes more complex. It is because states are
sovereign and hence there is not any high power as with domestic governments that can enforce
laws against itself. UK has created certainty by often choosing to create institutional mechanisms
with treaties by signing to allow the polices to be used, interpreted and enforced whenever the
rules are worth to be adhered. However, UK finds it hard to adhere to all international law
obligations due to complexities that come with treaties such as European Union Treaty (EU).

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