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Withdrawal Agreement provides a specific mechanism which acts as a dispute resolution.

UK and EU have been negotiating on the objectives that would be used by the courts when
setting out proposals when there is a disagreement concerning a future relationship. The role
European Court of Justice Plays in the context of dispute resolution between UK and EU
international law id mostly controversial. For example, EU does not allow non EU-institution to
interpret EU law for the member states. Before UK courts makes any decision on disagreement
resolution, the mechanism is referred from the rulings of ECJ which interprets the law.

UK domestic courts are in greater extent used as international law enforcers when there are
disagreements. Through declaratory judgements, courts resolve the disputes by using
enforcement bodies from the state concerned to ensure disagreement is stopped. Declaratory
judgements are mostly practiced by the ICJ especially after comparing by the Permanent Court
of International Justice (PCIJ) to sought out an award or compensation. Similarly, the domestic
decision taken by the courts bears an application or interpretation of an international norm even
when the declaratory decision is seen as an enforcement of international law.

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