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When Brexit is successfully completed as it is structured, there will be trade barriers which

create hard time for the businesses in Europe, Raw materials, Local skills and cheap employment
won’t be accessed. This legislation caused a lot of employees in the manufacturing sector to lose
their jobs. There will be an increase in tariffs, which will have a triple effect on the prices of
imports made in the UK. Generally, there will be a steady decline of the standard of living for the
people in UK as in case of R (Miller) V. Secretary of the state for Exiting the European Union.
In this case, the Supreme Court of UK made a ruling that the government need to approve an Act
though the parliament subject to Article 50 TEU. On the side of government, the process of
drafting a legislation requiring activation of Article 50 TEU has already started. All these powers
are not under the parliament mandate when the decision to exit the EU is to be implemented. All
this will depend on the EU agreement and the acknowledgement from the UK government under
the applicable EU laws.

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